Mrs. PIE
Welcome to ' Mrs. PIE' We are savoring life with inspiring conversations and teachings. I'm Shelley Jeffcoat, your guide in this journey of faith, innovation and inspiration.
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Shelley Jeffcoat, CEO & Founder of LCM Group and Grace and Grit Media, is a dynamic Business and International Christian Woman Speaker, Founder of Come Out of the Wilderness Prayer Ministry, Author of the 'What’s My P.I.E' book series, and the engaging host of the 'Mrs PIE' podcast series.
Discover more at Grace and Grit Media, LCM Group, and Parade Deck Live TV.
Mrs. PIE
The Hidden Power of Genesis 1
In this enlightening episode, we explore the profound lessons found in Genesis 1, focusing on how your words wield power that can create or destroy. Starting with the foundational truth that God spoke the universe into existence, we dive into why understanding the words we use is crucial for shaping our reality. Join us as we discuss the blessings God has bestowed upon us, reminding ourselves to reject negative generational patterns and instead lean into the identities of blessing and abundance.
We also engage in an important conversation about the implications of sin on our environments, using the story of Adam and Eve as a reminder of how easily distractions can disrupt our peace and purpose. Throughout the episode, we stress the importance of protecting our spaces, thoughts, and words, empowering listeners to actively choose positivity.
Drawing on personal reflections and community experiences, this session invites you to consider how you can utilize the insights from Genesis to enhance your life. Join us for this heartfelt discussion that not only nurtures spiritual growth but encourages active engagement in prayer and support. Share your thoughts and experiences with us, and subscribe for more enriching content!
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no-transcript. Good morning y'all. It's Thursday. Come out of the wilderness. If you're looking for a healthy distraction, you need to come into this room. Okay, good morning. Good morning, hi everybody who's on Facebook. Good morning, sandra.
Speaker 1:Listen, we're going to nerd out a little bit today. This is March and we're starting a new series, and this week is the first week in March and I can't believe it feels like time is flying and yet, at the same time, it feels like things have slowed down a little bit. So I'm thankful for those of y'all who are here. Shout out to those who are watching, whether the live or the replay. Thank you for waking up with me, Thank you for those who listen to us on the audio streets as well, and don't forget to like and, if you could share the video, it's a free way to support this channel, and I always forget to ask.
Speaker 1:So we're going into Genesis today. We're going to talk about what Genesis teaches us about life and sin. I'll specifically be in Genesis 1. And I'm going to share my screen, but, as I said, we're going to nerd out a little bit. There are three points that I want to share from Genesis and again, honestly, there's so much stuff going on right now that can capture our attention. There's a lot of stress I literally can feel it within people, but there's also a lot of joy. There literally can feel it, uh, within people, but there's also a lot of joy. There are folks who are doing really well in this season. So this is a rewarding season for some. Um, but seriously, y'all, we're going to use um, this platform, to continue to inspire and encourage and learn and do life together and pray together and all the things.
Speaker 1:But if you are looking for a healthy distraction, y'all, y'all need to come here. Okay, that's what we're going to do, all right, so I am going to start by. I'm going to share my screen. I want to. I want to come out of Genesis, so let me pull up. This is going to be the ESV version and before we go further, lord, I just thank you for the opportunity to just be here today, waking us up on this awesome Thursday and teaching us, showing us your word and whatever it is that you want to plant in our hearts or remind us of your word. I ask that you'll do that now for those who are watching or listening. So we thank you, lord, for everything. Amen, all right, so there's a few things in Genesis 1 that I want to call to our attention and I've kind of highlighted some of these. I'm sharing from. This is Bible Gateway and this is the ESV, a Shelley version, as I jokingly call it. But there's just a few things and obviously I'm not going to read all of this to you, but I want to encourage you again.
Speaker 1:If you're looking for, you know, different things to study or some. Maybe you've heard some, you know pastors or teachers say some things and you're like where did they get that from? So we're going to make some reference points in here that maybe you've heard of or maybe it's a reminder for you. And the first one, the first point that I want to make, is this is the importance of words and the fact that we actually we can create or we can destroy with our tongue, and so when you hear pastors or teachers again maybe your Bible school teacher, maybe you know, you already know this we talk about this. We actually refer this back to, and God said right, so, in order for creation to happen. And God said let there be light. And God said let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and God said let the waters under the heavens be gathered. And God said let the earth sprout vegetation. And God said and again it is as you go down into verses 20, the swarms of living creatures and bringing forth creatures of their kind.
Speaker 1:And even when it comes to verse 26, when it says then God said let us make man in our image, after our likeness. So it is so important, y'all that you understand that what we say Now when we come to verse 26, when it talks about let us make man in our image, it is so important, y'all that you understand that what we say now when we come to verse 26, when it talks about let us make man in our image, remember, god is spirit. So we're not talking about God created, you know, I know we have a lot of visual representations of Jesus we, you know. Apparently he looks like somebody from Georgia Half the times. I see some of these representations. It's what we believe, how he shows up to us in our minds, right? But remember again, god is spirit. So we're talking about spirit to spirit. The word also teaches us to worship in spirit and in truth, right. So God is spirit. That's also something that's further in the word. And so when it talks about let us make man in our image, after our likeness. It then says and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So we start out by this powerful reminder that what we say matters in the same way. Again, we're made in his image, after his likeness, right? So the same way that God opened his mouth and created life, right is the same way we open our mouth and we can create or we can destroy life. And this is really important, right? So a lot of times when we talk about the power of the tongue, you know this is what we're pointing to y'all. And obviously this is not just here in Genesis. I'm just using the book or this chapter and these verses in Genesis to kind of hone in the point. Again, you know, genesis is a great place to start.
Speaker 1:One of the things that I'm always curious that people miss is Genesis 1, verse 1, where it literally says, in the beginning comma God created the heavens and the earth. Heavens, not heaven. So even when I was growing up, you know, as a little kid in Bible class, our teacher would say God created heaven and earth. I thought no, no, no, it's heavens. That means there's multiple, and so that's also important to know. But those who are trying to understand we call the mysteries of God it's multiple, it's heavens and the earth. And then it talks about the earth being without form and void. But that's even something that you got to go back and understand, that you know God created multiple heavens, right? So hopefully I didn't blow anybody's mind Like it literally is in your word. You just got to read it, right.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, so the first thing I want to say is the importance of our words and that we create and we destroy with our tongue and something that like in real term, in real life, we know that we do this. Y'all, I'm very careful about what I say. I'm also careful about what I say to certain people, and I'm also you know this is something that I had to work on for a long time is not responding in anger. Now I might be. You know Psalm 35, you know, if you do something to me, I'm going to be Psalm 35 praying. You know, lord, remove my enemies, all the things right. But I'm very careful about my word and my tongue, because I understand how powerful our mouth is, how powerful our words are, and so we end up in the same way that, you know, the Lord blessed us.
Speaker 1:As you go down further, it closes in verse 28,. And God blessed them and said to them so not only did he just bless, but he said he used words to put that blessing in place. You know it's a reminder that we're not living under a curse. So a lot of believers you know we talk about, we want breakthrough from generational curses, we want to work in generational blessings. But something that the Lord showed me and reminded me a long, long time ago is verse 28. He blessed me. I'm not living under any curse.
Speaker 1:Okay, so even when we speak that over our lives is we're speaking what God says? Your word says you blessed me, I am fruitful, I multiply and fill the earth, I subdue it, I have dominion over all things right. And God says I've given you every plant and yielding seed, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. So, lord, I ask that you even show me how to use the materials that you've given me, the gifts and the talents, so that I will continue to be blessed for generations to come. So my prayers start taking the shape of what the word says about me. Right, same thing with you. So, again, that's the first thing I wanted to say is, again, the power of our tongue. Now, the second thing I want to show you guys, or talk about, is when we talk about maybe I'll leave this for the third. I'm going to leave this for the third one because I'm going to stop sharing and we're just going to have a quick heart to heart.
Speaker 1:Okay, let me bounce to the blessing again and how we look at how we're blessed and what God provide for us. So, when you go through Genesis one and you see all of the things that you know, the natural things, the things that were provided for us, this world, this earth that we live in, the fruits and the birds, and all the things, the things that were provided for us, this world, this earth that we live in, the fruits and the birds, and all the things livestock, and all the things that I don't want you to miss, when the word talks about us being created, man being created in his own image, in the image of God. He created him I'm going to stop sharing and come to the room, because this is one of those. I think that when we talk about the image of God and how we as representations of him, that this is where we have to be real careful about assuming that we all we're not like copies. We're not um, um, we're not supposed to be a monolith, we're not supposed we're not. We're not the same. We don't have the same fingerprint, we don't have the same thoughts. We're not the same and yet we have value before God.
Speaker 1:And that can be very frustrating when you look at a quote, unquote believer who's like hateful, you know what I'm saying. And you're like well, how can God love that person too? That is not our business. Okay, if you start thinking about, if you start looking at other folks and again, christians or folks who call themselves Christians are mastering this right now with how much hate and envy and judgment is coming out of our mouth about other people who maybe they don't look like us or they don't live where we live or all the things. Right, that we have to be very careful that you don't end up cursing somebody else because you don't know the seed or the grace that that person carry. And even if you think about, like, how we show up on the job, you know even some of those little conversations where somebody did you wrong and you can't wait to tell your friends about what so-and-so did.
Speaker 1:As a believer, I'm going to ask you to hold your tongue now, right? We're in a season where what we say, it not only doesn't matter, but we are literally, we create the realities that we're in. I showed you in Genesis one how God said and he created. God created the reality that we're in. So I just want to urge you bite your tongue at this point. Don't say anything that's going to curse anyone else, because what we don't want is we don't want to curse somebody else and have that be a curse on us. Okay, if you don, you don't. You know the saying, like people. I think there's an old southern saying if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. Do that this season. Don't say anything that will curse someone else. In fact, everything that you say this season, especially this month of march, is something, is positive. It's good about your own life, what you, where you're going.
Speaker 1:I was on the TikTok streets and there's a lady. I don't know who she is, but she has a. I think she does affirmations of some kind, but she, she has a song now that's kind of pretty catchy, that people are saying everything is working out for my good, everything is going to be, everything is working out for my good, or something like that, and it's just a catchy tune, but it's something that is helping to retrain some of our minds about thinking about our own situation, that everything's working out for my good, everything's working out for my good, everything's working out for my good and that again, when you're so busy focusing on that, you don't have time to worry about what anybody else is saying or doing or speaking about you and you're not going to have time to curse anybody else. Okay, so I love that.
Speaker 1:Now the second point that I wanted to share. When I stopped sharing my screen, I said that I was moving this to the third, but this is important. This is something I was thinking about in Genesis about how sin impacts the environment that you're in. So we think about Adam and Eve and they were put in this perfect environment. Right? They're put in the garden of evil. They're put in the garden of Eden and they're surrounded by everything they would ever want All the fruits, all the things, all the animals, everything that they desired. It's there, they are put in the perfect environment, and yet sin came in and destroyed that environment.
Speaker 1:And so one thing I want to caution you about is, as the Lord is shaping the environment that you're in, that you don't allow sin to destroy the environment where you're at. Don't let sin destroy the environment, don't let sin destroy your mindset, don't let sin destroy your physical space. Don't allow sin to come in and take you off of the promise that God has for you, the blessings he has for you. Don't allow external things and again I keep saying this whether it's people, people around you, okay Places that you used to go, don't start going back there. Okay Places you were delivered from. You know what I'm saying. Don't go back there or things. Maybe it's addictive thoughts, or you know things. You know maybe if you had some kind of addiction and you were pulled out of that, the Lord brought you out of that, or you know, just don't go back, don't allow those things to come into this environment back. Don't allow those things to come into this environment.
Speaker 1:That again, y'all I'm very particular about, even in my home, who I allow in that space. I don't let just anybody come over. I'll meet you at a restaurant, okay, because that is an environment that is almost like a protective space. It's peaceful, it's holy. We do a lot of worship here, but don't let sin destroy the environment and if your environment even think about, like you, I'm my own. I change the environment when I walk in. I shift the environment when I walk in. People look at me different, people speak to me different, but I don't become where I go. I don't become the environment that I go into. I carry that. I shift it, and how I do that is that I'm very disciplined about what I say, how I show up. I know my value. I know what Jesus says about me. I understand the power of my word and my tongue. I don't curse people, right, you know what I'm saying and so I'm just urging you to do that. So I hope you enjoyed that.
Speaker 1:Again, I want to encourage you to go back, read all of Genesis 1, verse 1, if you're looking for just additional study. We just want to nerd out just this morning and I wanted to share just a few points with you. The first one is understanding the importance of your word, and I showed you that in Genesis 1, where God said creating the earth, the heavens and the earth, right. So, being careful, what you say, that you're not you're. You're not destroying the very, the very blessings that you're asking for, because you're cursing what God's giving you, and that means your, your children, your boss, your friends, all of the things. Okay, don't curse, don't curse people. Let God take care of people, all right.
Speaker 1:And then the second one is that you are blessed. You are blessed people. That's verse 28, that you were blessed and in the same way that you were blessed then you're not cursed. So you've got to stop stop receiving and declaring generational curses. You don't have that. Let's cancel that out, okay, and start declaring the blessings from God that he has for you.
Speaker 1:And then the last thing is remember that sin affects your environment. So you've got to be careful about how you're maintaining your peace in your home, your environment yourself, your thoughts, all of those things. Don't let sin impact your environment in the same way that we saw the example with Adam and Eve. Just be mindful of your own environment. When Lord is teaching you something, when he gives me visions or thoughts or anything like that, when he gives me instructions, you know, most times he's showing me first, right, what I need to do in my house, and then he'll show me what I need to say to other people. You can't fix other people if you're broken, okay. You can't minister to other people if you're broken, right. So, all right. So that's what I had.
Speaker 1:So, genesis one, like I said, month of March we're going to nerd out. Come here if you just want to get a healthy distraction. And, lord, I just thank you for those who showed up today, those who are listening, those who are going to use this as a way to get back into your word and maybe find some joy in just learning more about you, and that you'll meet them and you'll explain to them and you'll teach them. Show us how to apply your word into our lives, lord God. And for those who are just seeking help this season, those who are looking for jobs or have health issues or anything, lord God, that are standing in need that, show them how they're blessed. Show them where to get the resources and everything that they stand in need so that we can have an amazing month of March. I thank you for everything, lord. I thank you for everyone who is listening I pray that there's a seed of encouragement and for those who are just looking for a healthy distraction, that they'll come here and we'll learn together. We'll pray together. We'll study together, amen.
Speaker 1:So again, this is Thursday, which means our phone line is open twice, one o'clock and seven o'clock. It is free, and so I hope to see y'all there this month of March. We're praying for widows. I'm also praying for not just widows who've been widowed for a while, but for new widows, and there's so much happening right now that people are dealing with emotionally because of losses, and so that's what we're here for. We're here to pray with you. If you're one of those folks who want to join us again, just call in. It's 30 minutes of prayer and we'd love to see you there. So I hope this bless y'all. I'll be back next month, next March, next Thursday, can you tell I'm excited. I'm in nerd zone for Bible teaching, so I hope to see y'all next week. Take care.