Mrs. PIE

Intimate Moments and Faithful Living Today

Shelley Jeffcoat Season 4 Episode 106

How can we truly embody our faith in a world overflowing with false prophets and misguided priorities? Reflecting on the Shunammite woman's recognition of Elisha, this episode invites you to examine how your faith is perceived through your actions, words, and integrity. We begin with a heartfelt prayer, seeking divine guidance for those grappling with challenges to their faith. This conversation is a call to action to be more than just vocal about your beliefs—it's about living as genuine witnesses of your faith in every aspect of your life.

In the age of social media oversharing, some moments are too precious to be broadcasted to the world. Let’s discuss the importance of cherishing personal experiences that contribute to your heart, family, and personal growth. We emphasize the value of maintaining privacy in your journey, acknowledging that some of the healthiest relationships flourish away from the public eye. It's a gentle reminder to live in the moment, savor the memories intimately, and uphold authenticity in our fast-paced, digitally-driven culture.

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Speaker 1:

Good morning y'all. It's Faith Fuel Saturday. It's Saturday, we made it to another Saturday, so I'm actually in the middle of getting dressed, getting ready to go do some things, run some errands, and I just wanted to pop in and say hello and share something that I just, you know, one of those open, the Bible, and it's there. So, father, first off, lord, I thank you that you've allowed us to see another day. Thank you for your mercy and Jesus, I just thank you that you love us so much that you are fighting battles seen and unseen in our lives. So, for every person under the sound of my voice who is holding on to hope, holding on to their faith, feel like their faith is being really stretched and challenged this season, lord, send help quickly. Lord, I ask that you will bless them in the way that they need, lord, god, whether it's financial or physical, emotional, mental, whether it's a job or a friend or reconciliation or restoration, whatever it is they're needing, lord, god, that you'll send help for them quickly, amen. So we got to start there, y'all, but I was like I said, I'm getting dressed to go do some things and I'm in 2 Kings, chapter 4, verse 9. I look down because I can't see Verse 9.

Speaker 1:

And it's very simple, the scripture. And it's very simple, the scripture. This is about Elisha and the Shunammite woman. And she said to her husband behold, now I know that this is a holy man of God who is continually passing our way. So, holy Spirit, I ask that you'll reveal to us how we can apply this in our today life. So my question for us because we always have like a challenge question do people know that you're a holy man or woman of God? Do they know? Do they know it because you like dress a certain way? Or do they know it because you tell them that? Do they know it because of your character? Or do they know it because of your church schedule, your religious schedule? Do they know it because of your church schedule, your religious schedule? Do they know that you're a holy man or woman of God? And um, and the other part where it says who's continually passing our way?

Speaker 1:

Um, passing our way to me means that sometimes Lord, the Lord, sends me to minister unto people, and um, I'm not wanting to do it, just to be honest. Okay, he might, you know, put a word in my heart for me to share with someone. And Lord, he works in so crazy, such crazy ways in my life that he always, always, guides, sends people to me, whether it's for a reason, a season, and then I know I'm supposed to deliver something, I'm just his vessel, and then they get blessed, they go off and they do their things. But continually passing our way means that I'm also then put in a position where I have to be in position to serve that person. Sometimes we get assignments and it doesn't look like what you think it would Like. A lot of people really think that when they think about you, know, the assignments and what God you know tells us to do or aligns us to do, they really think that it's about being a pastor at a mega church or a minister or whatever you call it, kingdom builder or like. They really think like that is it. And I keep saying like no, these jobs that we get, if you're a minister or a pastor, it's a. You know, when you're doing that, your role is to encourage, reconcile people back to God, teach, lead God right, but it's still the Holy Spirit doing that work. Whether you're on a praise team, worship team, usher, usher board, whatever, your actual job is to serve God's people and he uses you to do that Continually, passing by means that you still have to be in that position, physically right.

Speaker 1:

You still got to show up at the church meeting. All the things, the practices, all the things right. Y'all know this. But even as you're doing these things, do people really know or see you as this Shunammite woman? Know that you're a holy woman or man of God? Do they know that about your character, your integrity? By your words, how you treat people, what you say behind closed doors? Do they know that? Do they know that? And so I'm putting that question before us today about how we go into the world.

Speaker 1:

How we show up really matters this season more than anything, because there are so many false prophets and teachers and just people who are just trying to figure out how they can make coin and teachers and just people who are just trying to figure out how they can make coin. There are so many people who are so blinded and disconnected to Jesus. They know what the church is doing, they know what the pastor is saying, but they have no connection back to the Lord Jesus, like they've kind of removed him. They don't need him this season. They just want to be prophets and they just want to be rich and the just want to be rich, and the pastors won't be rich and the.

Speaker 1:

You know all the things right, but when people look at you right, this is just between you and me what do they know? That we're holy people? Do they? Do they see that they see Jesus in our lives? Are we witnesses? You don't have to say it, like I keep saying, I don't have to introduce myself as a Christian, and in fact I don't. People know by the words that come out of my mouth and how I treat people and they see me praying and you know, they see me by my actions. So that's it. Behold, now I know that this is a holy man of God who is continually passing our way.

Speaker 1:

Now the second part verse 10 then says let us make a small room on the roof with walls and put there for him a bed, a table, a chair, a lamp, so that whenever he comes to us he can go in there. So the second part of that is that knowing because she knew who he was, she didn't. You know. Elisha didn't have to say you know who he was, she didn't. You know. Elisha didn't have to say you know I'm a prophet. Now you need to set me up. I'm a prophet. Here's my cash app. Okay? He didn't have to do all of that because she knew who he was. She wanted to serve him in the same way he wanted to serve her. Right? You don't have to beg or manipulate people to give you anything, right? That's what I'm talking about with the false stuff.

Speaker 1:

So I pray that today, when we're out and about, we're thinking about do people know me as a holy person? Do they know me as that? Or they know me as someone who is filled with panic gossip? That's the girl I turn to when I want to just have a good time. Like do they? What do they know you as?

Speaker 1:

And then, if we ask the holy Spirit to show us, like, reveal to us the areas that we need to, you know, change. Like don't you do that? Like don't, don't you? Don't you want to do that? Don't you want to ask him? You know how do I be more pure in thought and words and deeds so that I'm aligned with your kingdom, lord, because, more than anything, my heart's desire is to serve Jesus. That is my actual prayer. That is my prayer for you, lord. Would you open up our hearts and our minds and show us, lord. God for those who truly want it, those who truly want to follow you. Jesus, show us, show us where we can make the most impact, make the most changes. We want to be known as your children, and you know we want to be the light in this world, and so we also want to be known as yours. Bless us. This morning I ask, in Jesus' name Amen. All right, I think that's what's called salty teaching. I hope y'all still like me. It's okay. It's okay if you're mad, but I'm just sharing. I'm sharing truth, y'all. All right, I love you. Have an amazing Saturday. Take a little time.

Speaker 1:

Today I'm just trying to, you know, appreciate just the small things. I don't push out my personal business on social media. Don't really do that. My privacy is gold, you know. I know that there, that's something that, um, that has high value to me. So I didn't put out any valentine's day posts or pictures of all that. It's because I treasure my, my privacy, um, and so I. I realize I'm in a season also where I'm speaking less, watching and listening more, and I'm going to encourage some of y'all to do that.

Speaker 1:

Some of y'all are saying too much. If you're. If the Lord is working on something in your heart right now you know working on a project or or something like that, right, if he's showing you something, there's some things that you need to do in private. You need to do it quietly. If he's restoring your family and your marriage, you know the healthiest marriages aren't on social media every day, every time you go to a restaurant, every time you go somewhere, there's a picture of the healthiest marriages. We ain't got time for that. You know. We're spending our time soaking up and we're still in the experience. Half the time you don't remember to pull out a camera. So I'm not trying to step on anybody's feet, but just remember that you don't have to publicize everything about your life on social media. Some of those moments are just for y'all. It's okay if it stays in your heart and your mind. It doesn't have to be shared with anybody else. Okay, all right. All right. I love you. See you next week.