Mrs. PIE
Welcome to ' Mrs. PIE' We are savoring life with inspiring conversations and teachings. I'm Shelley Jeffcoat, your guide in this journey of faith, innovation and inspiration.
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In our PIE (Proud. Inspired. Empowered) Podcasts, we explore a vibrant mix of lifestyle, business insights, spiritual growth, and engaging product discussions.
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Shelley Jeffcoat, CEO & Founder of LCM Group and Grace and Grit Media, is a dynamic Business and International Christian Woman Speaker, Founder of Come Out of the Wilderness Prayer Ministry, Author of the 'What’s My P.I.E' book series, and the engaging host of the 'Mrs PIE' podcast series.
Discover more at Grace and Grit Media, LCM Group, and Parade Deck Live TV.
Mrs. PIE
Embracing Renewal: Cultivating New Beginnings Through Faith and Everyday Inspiration
Ever wondered how spiritual practices can pave the way for fresh starts in life? Join us on a journey of renewal and discipline as we explore transformative themes grounded in scripture like 2 Corinthians 5:17. We'll share personal reflections and draw from biblical stories such as the woman at the well to discuss how being in Christ can rejuvenate our mindset, behavior, and interactions. As we transition from one month to the next, we emphasize the importance of embracing the Holy Spirit's guidance and encourage listeners to tackle life's challenges with joy and encouragement.
As we scroll through the digital world, we find inspiration not only in everyday moments like fashion and decorating but also in the poignant stories of job loss shared on TikTok. Such stories urge us to maintain a positive mindset and see setbacks as opportunities for new beginnings. By fostering faith and self-worth, we prepare for a brighter future, emboldened by uplifting songs like Ty Tribbett's "New." Wrap up with us in a spirit of anticipation as we encourage kindness, self-care, and community support through live prayer calls, reinforcing that each day offers new opportunities for growth and favor.
Come join us at our virtual events monthly. Visit our website to learn more.
Speaker 2:Good morning y'all. It's Thursday and I was listening to Ty Tribbett's.
Speaker 1:New.
Speaker 2:If you know that song, you know it gets you pumped up. So just that's just my jam y'all. So I was listening to that while the promos are running, so I'm gonna have to come back down a little bit. So good morning and welcome back to another Thursday. I can't believe I'm still tripping over which week we're in. It just feels like I don't know. For you, this feels like January flew by and February I'm in a little bit of like what's happening.
Speaker 2:So I dropped a scripture in the chat that is actually going to be used in next week. We're talking about building consistent practices, spiritual practices, but today I just want to drop it in because I want to build a little bit on it going into next week. And there's another scripture that I want to share that comes out of Second Corinthians 517. And I'm going to drop it, obviously the ESV version, and it's really just talking about how do you overcome some of the past setbacks that you might've had, maybe this week or maybe last week or whatever, right, maybe you had some setbacks last year that you feel like you're not where you should be and kind of moving forward outside of that. Remember, this month we're calling it dust off your feet right. So let me grab that scripture because I well, I think this is going to really bless us as well. Like I said, it's second Corinthians, 517. And we're just going to do a quick prayer before I go and get started. So let's see what's up.
Speaker 2:And also, there is crazy wireless issues going on in my area. It doesn't usually happen, so it is what it is. Y'all, if I go and come back on screen, that's what's happening. For those of y'all who listen, you don't know what's happening, so it's all good. So, laura, we just thank you for this morning and thank you that, as you're showing us how to move into new and kind of letting go of maybe some of the things that we tried to do, things that didn't work out, the doors that were closed and all the things helping us on this Thursday to reset our minds so that we can keep moving forward. I thank you for every person who's here today. I thank you for those who listen you know, listen to the replay. I thank you for all the folks who are new. We're following along and we're all in this journey together. So I ask that you bless each and every one of us with just a pep in our step, just encouragement and joy in our hearts, despite all and everything that's going on, the things that are outside of our control. We know that, lord, that you are still steady, you are still a God of favor and mercy and grace. We thank you, amen.
Speaker 2:Got to start with prayer, right? So, as I said, we're in week two and we're talking about fresh starts, and how do you keep really moving forward? The scripture I'm going to read. It is from 2 Corinthians, exactly Y'all dust off your feet, okay 2 Corinthians 5, 17. And it says, therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he's a new creation. The old has passed away and behold, the new has come. And again, this is, you know what I just felt. Okay, I thank you, lord.
Speaker 2:I just realized that this song, the song I was singing, was kind of tied into the scripture and if you know, you know. But the first part is, you know, it's almost a question it's when it says if anyone is in Christ. So a lot of times we talk about Christ is in us. But it's a two way and I'll I try to remind y'all, remind myself even, that in the same way that we are, that Christ is in us, we are in him, the way that you can experience God, experience Jesus in your life. It's not something that only happens spiritually, it's something that also happens in your physical life, right, it is all connected. And so how you become a new creation, part of that starts with your mindset, right? You know we think differently, we speak differently, we eat differently, we act differently, we respond differently. You know all the things, right, because we are in Christ, we start to adopt some of his behaviors, if you will. The examples that Jesus showed us, you know back in the Bible and everything. You know that book and everything.
Speaker 2:So some of the ways, the way that he treated people, the way he treated those who were, you know, I would say, a lower class right based on society, especially at that time, if you study the Bible and you understand the context of the culture, you understand that at the time when Jesus was on this earth, there were two things that were very clear in that culture honor and shame. And so the honor went to people who not necessarily earned it. Maybe they earned it by you know their family name or who they were connected to. You know what I'm saying. And there were people who were shamed, the lower, the least of these, right, if you think about the woman at the well and we talk about the woman at the well all the time and so she carried a certain amount of shame If you understand that scripture in context, then you'll know she was going to the well at a certain time of day so she could avoid the other women. Jesus approached her in her shame, right In her moment of shame, if you will, right, and so having us being in him, that's the power of the Holy Spirit working in us, with us, through us, by us, right.
Speaker 2:That's when you know that the Holy Spirit is truly activated in your life, when your mindset changes, right, when you just start to look, your perspective is a little bit different. It's where you can see incredible things happen, where, for example, one of the stories you know real life, y'all real life examples that always sticks with me was the church in South Carolina when those members of the church y'all can go read this I don't want to say too much because we're on the YouTube street and we don't want to get struck off at that church that the people were shocked, that the folks that were the members of the church were praying for the young man who caused this harm to happen, that they were forgiving. That's a whole different level of folks who were in him, right. The mindset is just very different, where they were leaning towards mercy, right. And I guess, and I guess you know, like I said, that's a whole different thing, that's a different level of and we should ascribe to that right, aspire to that new creation, new mindset.
Speaker 2:So how do you embrace discipline for renewal, right? So the old stuff has passed away. Yesterday happened. We can't go back. Okay, yesterday happened. Maybe the person said what they said, the woman did what she did. You know, the thing didn't come through. Yesterday happened, right. And some of us are holding on, not just to yesterday, 24 hours ago, but we're holding on to something, a promise that was broken 10 years ago. You were supposed to get the promotion, it didn't happen, it was a fake promotion. You know what I'm saying? All the things, right, the business deal didn't come through. All the things yesterday happened. The old stuff has passed away, and so what we do is we shift into it says the new has come, you know. And so I want to encourage us this morning when we're talking about discipline. This is why I'm urging us to be focused this year, really focused this year.
Speaker 2:Now, it doesn't mean that you're oblivious to your surroundings. It doesn't mean that you're oblivious to what's happening, because you have to be aware, right, you got to understand your environment, you got to know what's happening, right. But I also don't want us to be consumed by it so that we miss when comma, the new has come. Because when the new has come, it's when the Lord shows up with incredible open doors or opportunities or confirmations. Sometimes he sends the very people that you really truly believe like they're coming for you. You know what I mean. When you really are like you know in the words of my teenager like this person is an op, okay, opposition, they're a total op, right. When you're in that season, when you really feel like, okay, lord, this person really has it out for me, you know the Lord starts revealing to you the true sense of who people are. He starts to show you no, this is how they really think. Listen, I'm in that right now. Okay, right now, I'm in that season right now. But that even that is the old and I know that that even will pass away.
Speaker 2:So, to put ourselves in position so we can receive the new things, the new opportunities, the new mercies, the new grace. Like, don't you want that. I want a fresh start. Like every day, I wake up and I'm like all right, god, what are we going to do today? I can't wait to see what you unfold for me today. I can't wait to see your favor over my life today. I can't wait to see how you're going to bless me. Because I approach God like I'm his child, because I am right, and so if you think of it as a child of God, when you go to him, aren't you expecting him to do great things for you every day? Like, don't you have that level of expectation? Don't you know that anyone who is setting anything up, who's talking about you, who's coming for you, who's competing with you, who's trying to steal from you, don't you know like those things will also pass away, and the new is, the goodness of God is always going to come your way. I don't have to. You know I'm not. I don't believe in manifestation, where we kind of get the things that we desire. I want to be aligned with what God has for me, because if you you might manifest you know I want you might manifest something that doesn't belong to you and then you choke when you get it. Okay, I want only what's for me. I only compete with myself. You know what I'm saying. But you have to be in the right mindset so that you can receive the new stuff that's coming. If you're stuck in the old stuff, if you're stuck in what happened and what didn't work out last week, you're going to miss the new stuff when it shows up.
Speaker 2:I'm on the TikTok streets because I actually like to. I call it dead scrolling. I just scroll through because I like to watch videos of women of a certain age and how they dress, because fashion is my. I love fashion and I also love decorating. So I'm always on there looking for, like you know and you know, recipes. I just do, I just scroll through and I keep doing that.
Speaker 2:But on my feed now there's a ton of people who have sadly lost their jobs just over I would say over the past couple of weeks is really picked up right, and so there's a lot of folks who are on there and they're also folks who are posting the moments, and I don't know if it's staged or not, but they're posting the moments when they're getting the conversation they're having. The, you know, here's that I'm preparing for that call, and then you hear the audio version of someone being let go, which is a terrible thing. I would in my heart. I'm like why would you post that? What does that serve? Because that messes up your mindset. It gives you the likes and clicks because a lot of people will drop in the comments and say, oh, woe is me, right. But what does that serve?
Speaker 2:You need to be able to win that. You know how people say one door closes, another one opens. You need to be able to shut that door, but shut that door in a way that you know in your heart that there's better, greater things coming. I have full expectations, right, that there's greater coming for me, that there's fantastic, amazing blessings coming my way. Right, my mind is in Christ. I believe what he says about me and where I'm going and all of the things, but that my friend is me. And then you have to have some kind of discipline about where you're going to go next.
Speaker 2:Right, that is me getting a fresh start, and I just want to encourage any of y'all who are going through this right now, where you are the ones that you're getting what I believe is devastating news. Nobody wants to lose their job, right? Nobody wants to lose their job. No one wants to go through that, okay. So for any of y'all who are going through that, right that you've got to be reminded, I want you to be encouraged that there is greater coming for you. And I'm not saying it because I'm trying to make you feel good. This is not feel good ministry. You know. I will tell you the truth, if you like it or not. Okay. So it's just me encouraging you that there's better things coming. And how I know this is because I know the God I serve. I understand what that favor looks like. It doesn't mean that it's always going to be easy, and you know what I'm saying. We're going to go through things. This is life. Life is lifing, people are peopling, okay, but I'd still want you to be encouraged, right, and you build that faith up, knowing first of all that not only is Christ in you, but we're in him.
Speaker 2:Anyone, who, anyone, is in Christ, he's a new. You cannot have a true relationship with Jesus and be the same person. In fact, I feel for me every single day that there is something of a test that moves me forward. Right, there's something that happens right, where he reveals something in me and then I respond to that and I move forward in my faith, I grow stronger in my faith, and then he rewards me with his favor and grace beyond what I could ever ask. I am a new creation. Old Shelly's gone right.
Speaker 2:If you're a believer and you're like, all it takes for you is someone to step on your toe right Maybe not physically someone to step on your toe or hurt your feelings and all of a sudden you revert back to what you say well, the old person is back Then you're not a new creation, my friend, because you won't want to go back to that, right? I told you, I'm going to tell you the truth. The new has to come, but you have to be in position to receive the new, fresh start. If you wake up every day, I wake up every day and I'm putting myself in position to receive the newness of the day. The old has passed, that's gone, but I'm in position to receive what? The newness? What does that look like for me today? And I hope this encourage you for a fresh start.
Speaker 2:So I start off by saying I was jamming to the song New by Ty Tribbett. I am not affiliated in any way with him. Okay, I am not affiliated with him at all, but I love the song and if I remember, just drop the link somewhere. But I love that song because, first of all, it is something. Some of the words in that song, it's just really encouraging. So go listen to New by Ty Tribbett. You can find it on YouTube, you can just Google it anywhere. You can find it on Amazon, you can find it anywhere, y'all. But just do that, that's our homework. Go listen to that song and I promise you that I think that's going to uplift you just a little bit. Maybe that's the song you play I'm not, again, I'm not sponsoring nobody but maybe that's the song you play for the next couple of days to just get your mind in that newness right, expecting the new to come right.
Speaker 2:So, lord, I thank you for what you've shared today. I thank you for reminding us that, that you know we get. We get a chance to start over every day. The best thing about this is we get to start over with you. We're not doing this alone, and I thank you that the old has passed Like. We don't want the things that have already happened. We want newness, we want new mercies. We want new favor. We want new, new, everything new. We want a change and a shift in our life, even in our attitudes and the way we speak and the places we go. We want newness for God. We need a fresh start for those who have, you know, have lost things, who are just waiting for a fresh start. Lord, god, lord, that's what we're looking for this season. We're not gonna hang on to anything that you have already removed. If you removed it from us, that meant it wasn't for us, and we want what you have for us.
Speaker 2:So we're asking, lord God, today that you will encourage us to step into the new with courage and with faith, knowing that all things are working together for our good and we don't have to lose hope. And for all the people who are getting bad news about their job situation even them, lord, I ask that you know, as they're hearing that negative news, lord God, that for those who truly are in you, those who are truly new creations that their minds will be, you know, as they go through this process, that they will be reminded that there's greater things coming their way, that they go through this process, that they will be reminded that there's greater things coming their way, that there is newness in the morning. So I thank you, lord, for blessing us with this another amazing Thursday. I thank you for every person who's watching, everyone under the sound of my voice. I ask that they'll be blessed with new mercies and new favorites today and all the things that they stand in need of they will get today. Thank you Lord for everything Amen in need of they will get today. Thank you, lord for everything, amen.
Speaker 2:All right, y'all. Isn't that amazing? Isn't that awesome? Thank y'all for the comments. I'm just catching up. Yeah, jessica's saying I have full expectations. Something greater is coming for me. Yes, absolutely. I'm seeing Tracy saying dust off your feet. Yes, dust off your feet. New is coming, listen for God's voice. New is coming and it's an expectation and dumping ground pocket. I say I am as I am Absolutely, absolutely, absolutely. So y'all, have an amazing rest of your week. I will be back next Thursday. Take care of yourself, be kind to somebody and we'll see you on the live prayer call twice today, one o'clock, seven o'clock later today. All right, y'all, take care, bye.