Mrs. PIE

Embracing Rejection: Finding Strength and Community Through Faith and Spirituality

Shelley Jeffcoat Season 4 Episode 103

What if rejection is not the end, but the beginning of something greater? Join us as we explore the profound journey of facing rejection with grace and strength, drawing inspiration from Luke 9:5. Together, we dive into the unique struggles veterans encounter when transitioning from military service to civilian life, providing heartfelt encouragement and practical strategies to embrace discipline and faith. This episode is a compassionate guide to turning away from negative paths and instead, choosing to support one another through the lens of spirituality and community.

We further discuss the spiritual dimensions of rejection, emphasizing the peace found in trusting God amidst life's disappointments. By practicing gratitude for closed doors, we're reminded that better opportunities await. Encouraging acts of self-care and kindness, we introduce a free support line for prayer and community connection, reinforcing the message that no one should walk this journey alone. As we conclude, we send our love and blessings to each listener, urging you to pass on kindness to others and look forward to reconnecting for more uplifting conversations.

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

All right, good morning everybody. Welcome to Thursday. Come out of the wilderness. I'm just adjusting my music and hey y'all, it's Thursday. How you doing? All right, I'm going to try to do better this time. I'm coming in the comments to say good morning Dr Tracy, good morning Sharon Moore, good morning Jessica Foster, good morning y'all. So, wherever you are watching, whether you're here waking up early with me, thank you for waking up y'all. If you're on Facebook, please don't forget to share the video out. If you're on LinkedIn streets, good morning colleagues. And if you're on YouTube or Parade Deck TV, all of the things, or you're listening to me later this week, hey y'all.

Speaker 2:

So we started out this year with the theme of discipline. We're going to stay on track, we're going to continue it, and so here we are in the month of February, and this teaching series is called Dust Off your Feet. Okay, dust off your feet. And that's what we're going to have to do Today. We're going to lean in. I dropped the scripture and this is going to be. How do I put this? Less teaching and more encouragement.

Speaker 2:

I'm trying to encourage more people because, as we know, we can kind of read the news and see what's going on. More concerned about the folks who are feeling a sense of rejection right now, those who are maybe losing their jobs, folks who have broken relationships. Maybe the right rejection that you have is just, you know, maybe you feel rejected because of a project that you thought you were going to get and you didn't get it. A lot of companies are releasing their performance reviews, so there's a sense of rejection if you're not getting the rating you thought you deserved or the promotion you thought you earned. Reject rejection in the household, y'all kids feeling rejected, all that thing. So, especially I wanted to lean in on encouraging veterans, because we're praying with and for veterans this month who are transitioning out of service into private sector, and I think we kind of know that there's also going to be some, both impacted, who are veterans in government roles who are going to transition into, maybe, the private sector because of what's happening. So there is also that sense of rejection that comes from that Y'all. We are people. Right, feelings are real, so we have to acknowledge that.

Speaker 2:

But I wanted to share this scripture that comes out of Luke 9.5. And so there's different variations of way you can look at this and obviously, whenever you're going through something, the scripture speaks to you differently, right, depending on the situation you're in, but we're going to look at this in terms of how we respond to rejection Now. Maybe you're not feeling a sense of rejection right this moment, which, amen, thank you, lord, that's good, but maybe this will help you prepare if that, if and when it does happen, because it is a part of life. So, lord, before we go further, we thank you for blessing us this morning, thank you for speaking to our hearts when it comes to this sense or feeling of rejection, and that you'll help us to gain the discipline. Show us how to respond to it so that we don't end up, you know, running into more sin, doing things that are not your will for us, turning to vices, turning to division or hate, or, you know, demonizing people or even devaluing ourselves. Help us to respond to rejection this season, lord, god, bear us up and make us strong this season. Lord, god, bear us up and make us strong and, for those of us, maybe, who are not going through that sense of rejection right now, help us so that we can encourage somebody else. Show us what to do so that we can help somebody else who's facing rejection. Amen, all right.

Speaker 2:

So the scripture is very simple. This is coming out of Luke 9, verse 5. This is the ESV, a Shelley version. And it says and wherever they do not receive you when you leave that town, shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony against them. Now, if you go again, I always try to, you know, encourage y'all. Please go back into the entire chapter, read the word. I love for people to do that One. I want you to make it a habit this year to you know, just read your Bible. Ok, read your Bible. Understand the Jesus that you actually serve, right, and the context of, of what was happening and what he was speaking to, and then how we use that to encourage ourselves and each other.

Speaker 2:

But the second thing is, so that we don't misunderstand or misrepresent what he's saying when he was sending out the 12 disciples to do the work, the words that he called them together and gave them power and authority over the things, over the demons and disease, he sent them out to proclaim. So they were being sent out kind of like we are, you know, he gives us the power and the authority to go into the world to do the things, the power and the authority to be encouragers. Some of us can cast out all the things. You know what I mean, but it's really coming from him. It's what he has designed us to do, he's empowering us to do, and it's him sending us out. And so sometimes you know what sending us out looks like. You know he sends you out into that job, he sends you out into that ministry, he sends you out into that family. You know that's what sending out look like right, just being practical right.

Speaker 2:

And so if you are in that place or with that person, and when it says they don't receive you, there's a sense of rejection. The word says when you leave that place. So that means that it means a couple of things. First of all, when you're in a place and they've already rejected you, it says when you leave that town, shake off that. So let's say sit there, settle and wait. Right, you're not meant to sit in misery, you're not meant to. You know, you're not meant to sit in that type of thing. When the Lord pulls you from someplace, you have to be disciplined enough to hear his voice when he's telling you it's time for you to move on, move up and out, right. So that's the first thing it says, when you leave, and then from your feet, it says so from your feet, meaning there's some movement involved. Right, we use our feet to walk, move forward.

Speaker 2:

That there's a testimony, and it's not necessarily a testimony against them. Sometimes it's a testimony against the situation that you were in, you understand. So that's why I started out with the prayer of let's not demonize people, because a lot of times people when my boss did this, that woman did such that, that that we demonize people. But sometimes it's the situations we don't understand everything that's happening. Even in a conversation between two people. It's really a three-way conversation. Right, we talk about it being, you know, your version, that person's version and the truth. It's a three-way conversation.

Speaker 2:

So when they don't receive you, when you let me stop sharing the scripture when they don't receive you, when they, you know, turn away from, they, ask you for your feedback, they turn away from your ideas, what you know, again, you do the diligence, diligent work, right, you present your ideas, you present the project. You go to the interview, you present your best self. You go to the ministry, you serve whatever it is that you know. If you're the wife and you're making the whatever, it is right, you present those things. You're still carrying out what he sent you to do. But if they don't receive it, it's okay.

Speaker 2:

Don't let that sense of disappointment turn into a deep sense of rejection. What rejection does? It gives us the okay. It gives us the opportunity, if you will, to find ways to blame other people about the situation we were in, or it finds me. So I'm rejected, so it must be so-and-so's fault. They didn't give me the project because so-and-so right, there's always a because and there's always somebody else.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes these doors are closing because God has bigger and greater for you, sometimes, again, our own heart's desire. We ask the Lord you know, lord, give me X. And then he gives you X and you get there and you know it's not working out. Lord, look what they're doing to me, right? Sometimes those hard situations and circumstances are meant to shape you and shift you and mold you into better, bigger people.

Speaker 2:

Let me pull that back up again so you see that, because it says when you leave that town, shake off the dust from your feet as a testimony. It's a testimony that you're bringing when you're leaving and you can't give a testimony if you're feeling that sense of deep regret and you know rejection. Oh wow, look what happened to me. How about when it doesn't work out, when they don't receive you, when they turn their back on you, when they gossip about you, when they try to steal from you, right, when they try to take your ideas? You know all the things right. You know when all those things happen that we find peace in knowing that there is a testimony, first of all, coming from this, because wherever God put you, god put you right, right.

Speaker 2:

But when you leave, that you're not leaving with any sense of bitterness, no sense of regret or any reservation or disbelief that God blessed you and put you there right, you're leaving and there's a testimony. And the testimony, even when it says against them y'all, it's more about how they responded it's not a curse on them. Even when it says testimony against them don't misread this to be it's a testimony against where you're cursing them. I'm out of here and you know what I mean. Don't do that, because truly that means that spirit is in you. That spirit, you know what I mean, that bitterness, that nastiness, and we don't want that y'all. We want to be able to find peace in whatever God's plan is for us. We want to be able to find peace in whatever God's plan is for us. We want to be at peace. We talk about being the peacemakers. Right, we want to be the peacemakers, no matter where we go, no matter what situations we're in, and again, especially for those who are being impacted.

Speaker 2:

I know I sound crazy as all get out, but would you just trust me for a moment that how you respond in this moment and this season is going to shift and shape your life for the rest of this year. How you respond to people, where you spend your time and your treasure, where you place your name I don't give up my name to anybody for anything. Come on right. You've got to be able to respond in a different way in this season. If you always respond in fear, right, then when God pulls that thing from you, you're going to overcorrect and start blaming other people. How about? Thank you, god, for taking this thing from me, because it wasn't meant for me and I've got greater things coming and I can't wait, lord Jesus, for all the things that are coming down my way.

Speaker 2:

Right, and I know I sound crazy saying that when I'm telling you to praise God in the hard times, trust me, I know, I promise you, but there's a different heart posture that you get to when you absolutely trust God, when you absolutely believe in him for everything. Right. When you can't see your way out this season, when people are turning their back on you right, I'm just being real. Right. When you literally are watching folks line up and you're like how is that person getting blessed? What about me? Right, what is happening to me? What's going on in my life? When it feels like you are just being rejected or you watch your children being rejected, come on, moms and dads.

Speaker 2:

When you understand that, even in that, when you can still find peace, knowing that God is the God of everything, he has the final say over your life, then, my friends, you can leave that town, you can dust off your feet and there's a testimony, and the testimony usually turns out to be how amazing God is, how great he is. Look at how he's provided for me Some of the situations that we're leaving. He needs to pull us out of it y'all, for us to get greater things for our family. You know how we talk about. We want to be the blessings and we want breakthrough and we want to break generational curses and yet we still sit in those curses because it's comfortable, right.

Speaker 2:

So when you start getting pulled out of those things, thank God for that, thank God that he's turning things around in our favor, even when it don't look like it. So wherever they don't receive you, y'all shake off the dust, dust off your feet. Don't look back in bitterness. You know, don't do that, don't do that, don't do the. You know well. You know, you know in the South, but you know we, we will pray somebody down, but real quickly, we'll turn on people too. Right, let's not do that. It's how we respond so that we can find peace.

Speaker 2:

So, lord, I thank you this morning for those of us who are coming up against that sense of rejection. That is actually a spirit he said. That's a spirit that I pray, that that spirit of rejection, if it's hovering over us in any way, anyone who feels rejected or left out or left behind in any way today, anyone who's coming upon news where they feel like maybe their companies have rejected them, or their companies have rejected them, or their managers have rejected them, or their teams or colleagues, their spouses, their children have rejected them in a way that any seeds of rejection that's in our heart, lord, god, I ask that you will, father, first reveal that to us now, so we can just confess it back to you and give it back to you. We don't want to carry any sense of rejection. We don't want bitterness in our hearts. We don't want any of that in our lives.

Speaker 2:

So I pray that you will give us peace, lord God, as you reveal those things to us, so that we'll come back, confess it to you and let you have it, give it over to you, lord Jesus, so you can handle it. I thank you that you are giving us peace in every area of our lives on our job, in our marriage, in our family, in our friends, in our community. And let us be the peacemakers. Father, I thank you that we won't be the ones that cause anyone to feel rejected, not through our mouth, especially for those who profess to be Christians, for those who profess to follow you, jesus, that maybe they'll come and get to know who you really are, and that we don't leave trails of rejection. We don't reject young people coming to our church because they don't dress the way we used to dress. We don't reject the poor, we don't reject the least of these, because we think we're better than them.

Speaker 2:

Father, I just ask that that is what you show us this season and continue to bless us and work things out in your favor for our lives. I thank you for every door you've closed, because I know in my heart that means you have greater and better things coming for us. So I'm receiving that blessing for every person, under the sound of my voice, that greater things are coming and we can let go of that sense of rejection. This morning we can dust off our feet and thank you for the blessings that's coming. Amen, amen, y'all Right. I'm just checking on comments. Amen, right, we're going to dust off our feet If we were rejected, if they talking about you.

Speaker 2:

Listen, no one can steal your talent. People will copy it. People have tried to copy me time and time and time again. You can't carry this load, okay, so don't worry about it. Dust off your feet. Dust off your feet and keep moving. We have to stay disciplined. Don't get caught up in everything that's happening, what people say, what people do, and feeling rejection. Greater things are coming for us. We have so much to do, y'all.

Speaker 2:

Remember today is Thursday, our phone line is free and it's open. Okay, and again, this is the month that we are praying with and for veterans who are transitioning out of service or coming into the private sector or leaving their job Again. As we know, the millions of folks are going to be impacted. So you don't have to be a veteran to call the phone line, and that doesn't have to be your issue. To call the phone line, call us anyway and we'll pray with you for 30 minutes.

Speaker 2:

We don't know your business, you just come on. We don't see each other, it's a phone line, all right, and it's free. There's no seed needed. You know, just come and we'll pray with you. So with that said, I'm going to close out. Happy Thursday. Y'all Be kind to each other, be kind to yourself. Do something nice for yourself today, right? If you're feeling any sense of rejection, go do something nice for yourself and come out of that. Okay, cause that's not what God wants for you, absolutely not. All right, I love y'all and Jesus loves you more, and I'll see you next week.

Speaker 1:

Take care.