Mrs. PIE

From Dreams to Action Achieving Growth and Fulfillment

Shelley Jeffcoat Season 4 Episode 102

Unlock the secrets to transforming your career and business development approach with actionable strategies inspired by timeless wisdom. Imagine moving from a mindset of complaint to one of powerful action, just like Moses and the elders in Numbers 11. This episode promises to guide you through practical steps to enhance your career prospects, such as refining your LinkedIn profile and embracing new opportunities. Discover how job searching can be as immersive as having a job itself, and learn how to cultivate the discipline needed for professional growth. February is the perfect time to set the right tone for the rest of the year, leaving behind any January woes.

Embrace 2023 as a pivotal time for personal and spiritual growth. From market research to protecting your identity, learn how to leverage your name's value and cut through the noise to focus on what truly matters. Here, you'll find strategies for personal development, skill-building, and taking on larger projects, all while nurturing your spiritual self. Experience the transformative power of prayer and discipline as tools for securing blessings and breakthroughs. We urge you to harness your platforms to uplift others and maintain boundaries to align your actions with divine purpose, ensuring your journey is one of clarity and focused pursuit.

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Speaker 1:

Good morning. All right, it's Faith Fuel Saturday and I think I'm going to call this. Don't complain, have a plan. So good morning, y'all, and thank you so much for watching. I hope this is going to encourage you. It is February.

Speaker 1:

I cannot believe that we are already in a new month, because January felt like a whole year. I know we got so many running jokes on social media about how long January was. It was long because it was emotional. It was physically draining for a lot of folks. A lot of times when you're starting out the new year I don't know if you're like me I just kind of go through this period where I need a moment to get myself into the year and then to get things right. I needed to put some plans in place, I needed to change my attitude about some things, but January really took a toll on a lot of folks. So now we're in February and there are three things that I want to share with you.

Speaker 1:

When I talk about do not complain, I was in Numbers 11 and my caption in the ESV Bible, numbers 11, just the first few verses, just encourages says the people complained and it says and the people complained in the hearing of the Lord about their misfortunes, and when the Lord heard it, his anger was kindled and the fire of the Lord burned among them and consumed some outlying parts of the camp. Then the people cried out to Moses, and Moses prayed to the Lord and the fire died down, and so they named that place Taberah, because the fire of the Lord burned among them. And as I'm saying this, thank you, holy Spirit, for this day, and we thank you that you've allowed us to move to see a new month. Some of us are happy about it being a new month. We're looking forward to new beginnings and new opportunities and just a refreshing oil on all of us, lord, as we are shifting from some decisions we had to make, some decisions that were made on our behalf, some decisions we don't want to make, but we're really looking for you to show us, guide us and teach us in this month of February where we should go. We're still planting those seeds that we can reap a harvest for our families in December. So I'm your best friend, I'm your accountability partner.

Speaker 1:

Remember, this year is about discipline, and so there's a few things that we're going to talk about. One of the areas of discipline is our career and professional growth. And you know, the point I want to add to this scripture is after the people complain. What you learn further down is that the elders appointed. The elders were appointed to help Moses. So Moses felt like he was carrying the burden of the people so I'm also talking to church leaders Felt like they were carrying the burden of the people, people crying out for everything right about now. But the Lord sent help and the elders were appointed to help, to aid Moses. It said gather for me 70 men of elders in Israel, whom you know to be the elders of the people, and officers over them. Bring them to the tent and let them take their stand with you so you can go out and read. I'm dropping little tidbits, because I do want to encourage you to go back and read the whole scripture. I want us to get more firmly grounded in what the Bible actually says versus what you know folks throw up in like clickbait Christianity on social media. Okay, so, so we want to move from a position where we see things happening and we complain about it and move to the point where we see things happening and we do something about it. I'm a doer, okay. So, in order for us to stay disciplined. Here are some of the things that I want to encourage you when we're thinking about our career and or our professional lives this year.

Speaker 1:

So the first thing is, if you're in the job search market right now, you need to make sure that your LinkedIn profile is up to date. Updated up to date means I mean you should have a picture. You know you can take a picture on your phone. If you don't have a picture, most recruiters think you're a bot. Okay, so you should have a professional photo. You can take the photo on your phone. You don't have to pay anybody to do that. You know you should update LinkedIn like like a resume, because it is an online resume. You should, within your like, the things that you share and talk about should be things aligned to the business and the industry that you're in. If you should be following companies that you're interested in joining, don't just send out random you know connection things. You know I'm looking for a job. Do you know of a job type things, because people aren't going to respond to that.

Speaker 1:

Job searching is, in itself, my opinion, an actual job. It's very hard to find what you really want Right, what you truly want, so make sure that your profile is professional, is up to date. Ask for recommendations from people you work with, people who knew you. Don't just ask from your friends, right, when it comes to trying to find a job, because, again, recruiters look at that, they do read that information. So look at the recommendations, select the skills, do the things.

Speaker 1:

And again, we're starting the month of February, so just take, you know, block out one hour this coming week. We're starting the month of February, so just block out one hour this coming week. This is your career, this is your life. Right, go on there and update it. If you haven't updated in a while because you're like I've been in this job for 20 years and I don't need to look for nothing, now is when you need to update your profile, because that means you're stale. Right, companies are looking at this year where they need to upskill people or people who, again, if you've been in that same role and you're like, you know I've been waiting for this promotion, you know this. Again, you have to be able to market yourself and if you can't market yourselves to strangers, you're going to have challenges marketing yourselves internally to the people you work with. So this is an easy way for y'all who are trying to figure out, how do you you know, I don't know, I can't explain what I do Just take one hour this week, update your LinkedIn profile and I promise you that, even within that process, not only does it challenge you to see, like, all the cool things that you've accomplished, but it helps you create the narrative of that pitch of like who you are and what you have to offer. So that's the first thing career and professional career.

Speaker 1:

Whether you're looking for a job or not, make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date. Try not to put anything that's what I call sensitive or highly charged, because everybody is already sensitive and highly charged right now. So don't put, don't treat LinkedIn like your personal Facebook or Instagram. Okay, all right. Celebrate your success. Talk about the great projects you worked on, connect with people you know. Make a point to you know. Put an hour again into it. Go on and share and like and follow other people. Invest your time. So more time on LinkedIn and less on the Facebook streets if you're in the job search market.

Speaker 1:

The second thing, then, is around those of you who are, again still professional development, but you're looking at business and you're looking to expand and grow your business, and there's just a few things that we do in business that is very successful. So, first off, if you're trying to expand and grow and I'm going to say this to the folks who maybe you don't have a team that supports you, maybe you did, you know, some different type of work before you had your new business, your nonprofit, whatever it is right, and for a lot of you you're moving into a different space this year. Well, as always, you start with market research. If God gives you an idea, you know I think I should do. X'm just gonna make it up. I think I should sell blah to whatever right. You still have to go back and do the market research. It's not just you know. The lord gave you an idea. You have to build on that right. So you do your market research to find out where the actual need is. Some of y'all might need to go volunteer. If you're thinking about start starting a non-profit, go volunteer with a non-profit to see how it works from the inside out, and then you can figure out where the needs are for that community and you fill that need.

Speaker 1:

The other thing is your approach and your language. This year is going to be different. So last year we shifted it was, you know, business to client facing and it was more about the products and the offerings. And literally, again you go on Facebook. There's a cycle, people who do speaking gigs, you know. They start to create a demand by telling you what the problem is and then how they're going to solve it. And then oh, by the way, you know, I have a class coming up right, or people start to build out their profiles. You could see it, nominate me for an award or all the things. These are common practices in business.

Speaker 1:

But if you're a business owner, your approach has to be a little bit different this year, because people don't wanna be sold nothing. This year People are, because a lot of folks are getting their news from social media and they're reacting also on social media. Just remember that the approach that you take this year is human to human. It's the service and offerings that you provide. It solves a specific need, but it has to be something that is solving a greater need. Right If it's just like You're just another business coach, you're just another author and just another speaker. There are so many people who are going to step into that line of work this year, some of them because they have been forced out of work, right, so they're looking for how to make that additional stream and some of them is just, you know, expanding. So you're competing with that noise. So your message this year and your marketing plan has to be solid. If you started a business, you don't have a marketing plan. You need to build one, right? But that comes from market research.

Speaker 1:

So, for the businesses, please don't go into the mode of overhyping or overselling or using the local news or using the news as a way to scare people into buying your book coming to your TED Talk. Don't do that. It will backfire. It will backfire when things calm down. People will see that as inauthentic to your brand.

Speaker 1:

So that's the second thing. So the first thing was job search, and I know I'm giving you very practical. I'm your discipline buddy, right, this is not for everybody. Everybody ain't going to listen to me, but for those of us who listen, we're going to reap different rewards this year. Okay, all right. So the first thing was if you're in the job search, spend some time going on LinkedIn. Whether you're searching now or maybe you're thinking about retiring next year, update your LinkedIn. If you're retiring next year you're going to want to. Maybe your dream is to take on some more volunteer type program. Update your LinkedIn so that when you get to that point, you're just sharing your hey, I'm. You know, here's the information about me and here's what all the things.

Speaker 1:

Second thing, as a business, is market research. Your approach to your clients is going to be different this year. Focus on a solution, a broader solution, not just about you know the clickbait trying to create the demand to get people to buy something. The last thing around your career and professional thing is something that I'm leaning in on heavily this year, and it's my identity, my name, my identity and my value. I don't give out my name to just anybody. In fact, I don't give out my name to nobody. I don't say use my name in anything, because I worked hard for my name and my name carries weight. Thank you, lord. We have favor right. Our names carry weight. Our names can either open or close doors, but you don't want to take that or overuse that this year. This year we have to protect our identity, what we have to offer and our value, and that's what we're working to build on.

Speaker 1:

This is my seeding year building out my own skills. I'm building out my skills in my corporate girly job right, pushing myself into larger, more visible projects. Thank you, god for those opportunities. Learning I'm learning more, picking up some coursework so I can truly understand the Bible, understand the words, so that when I'm coming to teach you guys, I'm not teaching you just from like, I feel, or an experience, but I have also the knowledge right Doxes to practice, praxis right, I have the knowledge so that it's more well-rounded. It's not just to get you excited about a scripture right, it's how we also apply, but understand that the context of God's word. Right, so I'm taking up those courses.

Speaker 1:

I also have to dedicate time for myself, self-care. I put out a post saying what are you going to do this weekend? Some of us need to turn off the news. I spent the last few days just redecorating and reorganizing my house. We're preparing for some things, and so you know the space, my environment that I live in. I want it to be a peaceful place, so that means that I'm not going to have time for a lot of things, and that's okay. A girlfriend I work with tells me all the time no is a complete sentence. Right, it's a complete sentence. So there are things that people are going to ask me for and they're already upset because I'm like I can't get to you until next month because I have to focus this month on the things that are on my list, the things that are priority. If I don't focus on my thing and I take on your thing, my thing falls behind. You have to have discipline this month. So, again, I hope that this is helping y'all.

Speaker 1:

When we think about the situations that we're in, I don't want to be the believer that is just going back to God to complain about my circumstance. He knows what's going on. He understands what's going on. There are apostles on the Facebook streets talking about see, I told you so planes were going to crash and the world was going to turn it. I could have told you that y'all, everybody knows this. Ok, so, and then? And then there's then they're asking you to. Then there's the cash app. You know, listen, I'm I am more disciplined this year about cutting out the noise than I was last year, but now I understand why.

Speaker 1:

So for those of y'all, those of us who want to see, we still want blessings and breakthrough in our family. I want to live in a home that's peaceful. I want my family to be healthy and happy. I want everything that I touch to be fruitful. I want to multiply and expand and be promoted. In this season, I want God's supernatural favor on my life, even when all hell is breaking loose, that I am protected. I have his divine protection and his supernatural favor. It's not going to make sense. It's going to be God and my life will be a witness a full, healthy life of a witness to who God truly is and that we will use our platforms to help the least of these right, that we're not demonizing people, that God is going to bless us and we're going to reach and teach and expand and grow together. That is the focus, and if you have this kind of discipline about who you are and where you want to go, listen, folks will be all right. If you have to say no, right. If you have to say no or no, not right now, folks will be all right.

Speaker 1:

Okay, self-care this weekend I am taking off. I have today is the one day that I get to take off for myself and I don't have to do nothing for nobody. I'm going to do whatever I want today, read what I want today, watch what I want today, and then I get back into the hopper of. I might do my nails, I might do my skin, whatever, right? So even that is a priority for me, that is a part of our discipline, for our personal self-care.

Speaker 1:

So that, lord, I thank you. I thank you for your word. I thank you, lord, that we're not going to complain. We know that you know what's happening, but give us the instructions and give us the discipline. Help us to put one foot before the other in this new month of February. Help us to stay focused on what you have us to do, because we don't want to look back on this month and have it be one that is wasted.

Speaker 1:

We know that you are in control of all. You are a sovereign God and that every single thing that's happening you are already aware. So we just ask you for mercy, more than anything, because you're the God of all. Man is going to do what man wants to do. But, lord, we ask you for your mercy. I ask you for your favor over every person listening that you will bless them and protect them.

Speaker 1:

For those who are getting terrible, terrible news, heartbreaking news, confusing news, lord God, that you will render peace in their households and in their minds, so they'll know what to do. Give us peace so that we can see the steps clearly outlined for what we need to do. For those, lord God, who are taking on new initiatives and new projects, lord God, I ask that you will give them the discipline so they can also finish out what was put before them, those of us who struggle with saying no. Lord God, that you'll teach us to discipline, to say no, not right now, and be focused on what you have for us. I thank you, god, for everything. I bless every family under the sound of my voice, all these things. We praise your name, jesus, amen, all right, I love you. Jesus loves you more. I know we're in a little bit longer today, but I'm your discipline buddy. We end this together. God loves you.