Mrs. PIE
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Shelley Jeffcoat, CEO & Founder of LCM Group and Grace and Grit Media, is a dynamic Business and International Christian Woman Speaker, Founder of Come Out of the Wilderness Prayer Ministry, Author of the 'What’s My P.I.E' book series, and the engaging host of the 'Mrs PIE' podcast series.
Discover more at Grace and Grit Media, LCM Group, and Parade Deck Live TV.
Mrs. PIE
Embracing God's Grace: Overcoming Shame and Finding Peace Through Faith
Can shame hold you back from finding peace and acceptance? This episode of Faith Fuel uncovers how faith can be a liberating force against the shackles of shame and guilt. Drawing inspiration from the powerful story in Luke 7:36, we explore how the humble act of a woman transformed her relationship with God, despite the judgmental gaze of the Pharisees. By understanding Jesus' parable of the moneylender and the debtors, we unravel the profound truth that God's grace embraces us all, no matter our past mistakes. Forget the misconception that perfection is necessary to approach the divine; instead, feel empowered to boldly seek the love and forgiveness that awaits you.
As we journey further, the conversation shifts to letting go of shame and guilt to nurture a stronger relationship with Jesus. Imagine releasing the burdens of your past and standing in the unwavering love of God. I express gratitude for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, encouraging listeners to shed any feelings of unworthiness. Let nothing stand between you and the assurance of Jesus's enduring love. May this episode inspire a renewed sense of peace and acceptance in your life, and leave you with the strength to embrace each day free from the chains of shame.
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Good morning, welcome back Y'all. It's Saturday, so this is Faith Fuel. This is really really short teachings meant to inspire and encourage us, and today I'm going to talk a little bit about shame, because there's still a lot of folks that live with shame and not feeling like waiting for, like you know, waiting to be like perfect enough or good enough to even ask God for anything, not believing or believing the lies that you've got to live a certain lifestyle before you can even approach Jesus, and we're going to quell and talk about that this morning. So, lord, I thank you for this opportunity to come before all of your people this morning. I thank you for encouraging me, lord. I ask that if there's anyone under the sound of my voice who is living a life of shame, or they're hiding or they're feeling guilty and overwhelmed, that this Lord, god that you're teaching, will encourage them to come boldly to the throne. I thank you, lord, that you're the Lord of all God, you are sovereign over all, and I bless your name. I thank you, lord, amen, all right, so I'm actually in Luke today.
Speaker 1:This is Luke 7. I've used the ESV version and I'm in verses 36. I'm not going to do the whole thing because it is pretty lengthy, but can I just encourage you to go in and read the whole thing. Luke 7, verse 36 is where I'm starting. The caption in my ESV Bible says a sinful woman forgiven, and I have a little note that says grace, okay. And it starts like this One of the Pharisees asked him to eat with him, and that's so.
Speaker 1:That's. One of the Pharisees asked Jesus. So Pharisees back then were very learned religious people. You know the people who are like they've been deacons forever. They've been, you know, they know the word. They've been, you know, sitting in the same place. They know God. They're very religious people, right? So imagine a very religious person. And at this time, just to put it in context, shame was used. Y'all. It was a to to kind of put people or keep people in their place, okay. So one of the pharisees asked him to eat with him and he went to the pharisee's house and reclined at the table. Means that, uh, jesus was comfortable where he. He was, okay.
Speaker 1:Um, and behold, a woman of the city who was a sinner, when she learned that he was reclining at the table in the Pharisee's house, brought an alabaster flask of ointment. Now I always question, like, how does she know this was going down? My context, the way I read this thank you, holy Spirit is that this Pharisee was very proud to have Jesus come to his house. So he told some people, and some people told some people. And she's the city, and she heard it. Okay. So, and standing behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears and wipe them with her hair, the hair of her head, and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment.
Speaker 1:Now, when the Pharisee who had invited him as Jesus saw this, he said to himself, if this man were a prophet, he would have known who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, for she is a sinner. And Jesus answered, saying to Simon, simon, I have something to say to you. And he answered say, teach it now. So another thing, another point in here that the Lord, he knows your thoughts. Ok, he knows what you're thinking about. You know the person might be coming to church who don't dress the way you think that church, church quote church people should dress, who don't work the job you think she should be working. Jesus knows what you're thinking. He knows how you're judging other people. So he goes into, the Lord, goes into a parable.
Speaker 1:And again, remember the way that Jesus spoke. He used the context of the time, the time that we're in, to share these parables. That would help people understand what he was. You know what he was, understanding his teaching Because, if you imagine this, if you, he was understanding his teaching. Because, if you imagine this, if you were an Israelite or Jewish, you were learning the customs. A lot of it was. You know things that were orated or shared spoken stories. You know the law and you know that's not that simple to understand. Right, we're challenged with trying to understand some of that today, right? So the Lord Jesus used parables to simplify his teaching, which I love, because it not only simplified it for them at that time, it simplified it for us because we understand what he's trying to say. So that's another point that I want to pull out that the way the Lord responded to Simon Okay, remember Simon said to himself right, if this man were a prophet, he would have known what type of woman she was, you know and all the things.
Speaker 1:So, verses 41, all the way down to 46, you see Jesus responding to the Pharisee, responding to Simon, and he talks about the moneylender I'm just going to put it into context, because we have five more minutes A moneylender who had two debtors, and he talks about the one that owed 500 and the other that owed 50. And when they could not pay, he canceled the debt of both. And now which of them will love him more? And Simon talked about the one, I suppose, to whom he canceled the larger debt and said and Jesus said you judge rightly. Then, turning toward the woman, he said to Simon do you see this woman? I entered your house. You gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You gave me no kiss, but from the time I came in, she has not ceased to kiss my feet. You did not anoint my head with oil, but she has anointed my feet with ointment. Therefore, I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little loves little. And he said to her your sins are forgiven. Then those who were at the table with him began to say something, talking about themselves. Who is this? Who even forgives sins? This is when they're religious people. Who do you think you are? And Jesus says to this woman your faith has saved you. Go in peace.
Speaker 1:There is so many ways to break this passage down. There are so many things to learn from this particular package. If you're the woman or anyone quite frankly who, you've done some things and you're feeling guilt about some of the things that you've done and you're feeling a sense of shame, maybe you feel a sense of shame because of your lifestyle or your finance or your health or where you live, or you know, maybe you know you've done some things and you still feel shame from some of your past sin, the things that you've done. The other hand is looking at this as the Pharisees, those super uber religious folks who, just, you know here is Jesus and they never, they didn't even receive him. Simon, like Jesus said, you didn't anoint my feet, you know you didn't even give me a kiss, they didn't even receive him. So I mean, like Jesus said, you didn't anoint my feet, you know. You didn't even give me a kiss. You didn't even welcome me in a customary way. You didn't look at you, didn't look at me as a prophet, you didn't. You invited me to your house but you didn't welcome me in, right.
Speaker 1:So that's the second point and the third point is this last statement, where we're in verse 50, when Jesus says to the woman your faith saved, you go in peace. Your faith, that your faith, you know really truly believe it. It's because she believed, she knew she believed and she showed up. You know it wasn't. I'm gonna stay, stay outside. I'm going to look out, look into the windows and see what happened. She showed up, she anointed, she presented herself, she wept. The reason she was weeping is because she was unloading, she knew who Jesus was, she was unloading herself. She fell to his feet.
Speaker 1:And I think a lot of us don't do that now, if you're waiting for you, waiting for when things go wrong, and then you run to Jesus and then you follow his feet, save me, save me. There are times in our lives when, even when things are going right, I'm still at his feet saying thank you, thank you. You know what I'm saying. So I want to encourage us this morning, first, for those who feel any sort of shame, that the Jesus that we serve, the one that's in here, in here, the one in the word, okay, the one that we serve, is approachable. Jesus is relatable, jesus is true, he's loving, he's graceful, he's kind, he's patient, he's just, he's a teacher, he is our Savior, he's our Lord, he's all the things.
Speaker 1:But I don't care what it is, what shame, what you did, what your mama did, what your father did, what you did in your 20s, what you did in your 30s. I don't care what it is what your mama did, what your father did. You know what you did in your 20s, what you did in your 30s, I don't care what it is, what mistake, what sin you have, what sinful life you have. You still have that opportunity to go before the Lord Jesus and present yourself just as you are. I show up to Jesus just as I am and I go with a heart asking for really, truly forgiveness, and I pour out Lord, hear the things that I've done. Now I don't have to tell Jesus what I did, because he knows, in the same way he knew what Simon was thinking, purging that, though, from my own lips to him. It puts me in a position of confession. That's why we do confession when we do our prayers. It puts us in a heart posture to remind us that he is sovereign. Right.
Speaker 1:If you're going through any sort of shame, I'm going to pray for you this morning. Maybe you don't think it's shame, maybe it's the things that something you said or done this week to someone on your job you don't particularly like. Maybe it's something you said to someone a coworker, a colleague, a family member got on your nerves Like listen, we pop off off the map real quick. So I'm going to say a quick prayer of just forgiveness for all of us. So, lord, I thank you.
Speaker 1:I thank you that you, lord, it is all about you. We thank you for your mercy. We have faith and we believe in who you are. We believe you, lord Jesus, that you are the Lord and Savior of our life. We thank you for forgiving us for our sins. I thank you for forgiving us, lord, for things that we have said and done, and even those who might have said things many years ago, and those thoughts are coming back to them. Some of those thoughts have held them captive for so long. I ask that you will, lord, as they surrender those things to you they let these things go and ask you for true confession, through true confession, ask for forgiveness, lord, that as they're releasing all of those things. Lord, I thank you for the grace, thank you for your forgiveness and your peace, lord God, and for setting us free.
Speaker 1:I thank you this morning that you'll speak to the heart of anyone who feels any sort of shame in the mistakes that they've done or the sin, lord God, that as they are brought back to you, they are reminded of your great love. You're so good to us, lord Jesus. I thank you, holy Spirit, that you'll speak to the heart and mind of every person on the sound of my voice, those who needed to hear this word and to clear the path and just have a a better relationship with you. Thank you, lord, for everything. Amen, all right. I hope that. Bless you. We are not going to be separated from Jesus because of shame. We are not going to be separated from Jesus because of shame. He's so good. Thank you, heavenly Father. Amen, all right. I love y'all. Jesus loves you more, I promise. All right, have a good rest of your day. Bye.