Mrs. PIE
Welcome to ' Mrs. PIE' We are savoring life with inspiring conversations and teachings. I'm Shelley Jeffcoat, your guide in this journey of faith, innovation and inspiration.
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Shelley Jeffcoat, CEO & Founder of LCM Group and Grace and Grit Media, is a dynamic Business and International Christian Woman Speaker, Founder of Come Out of the Wilderness Prayer Ministry, Author of the 'What’s My P.I.E' book series, and the engaging host of the 'Mrs PIE' podcast series.
Discover more at Grace and Grit Media, LCM Group, and Parade Deck Live TV.
Mrs. PIE
Interactive Prayer for Quiet Hearts & Minds
Imagine facing life's storms with unshakable peace and resilience. Inspired by Elizabeth Elliott’s teachings, we explore how cultivating a quiet heart can transform our connection with God and guide us through challenges. You’ll hear about personal journeys of maintaining faith amidst chaos, and how discipline can be your guiding theme for 2025, touching on health, personal growth, mindset, relationships, and self-care, all reinforced by scripture.
We dive into the profound lesson of trusting God's sovereignty and love, as illustrated in the biblical story of Jesus calming the storm. It’s a reminder to shift from questioning to trusting, even when the path seems unclear. Drawing from the strength of figures like Job, this discussion aims to empower you to embrace faith over fear, finding solace in the belief that every challenge has a divine purpose.
Finally, join us in heartfelt prayers for blessings, restoration, and spiritual discernment. We explore the power of intercession and community support, advocating for the responsible use of resources. With a focus on gratitude and divine protection, this episode concludes with a benediction, leaving you with peace, grace, and a renewed sense of the authority you hold as a beloved child of God.
Come join us at our virtual events monthly. Visit our website to learn more.
no-transcript. We'll go ahead and get started. I have some Christian lo-fi music playing tonight and I hope you enjoy it. I'm just changing it up a little bit and I'm so grateful that we are here for another Tuesday night prayer. I hope y'all can hear me, okay, and I'm just going to jump right into it. I'm a little bit on the mellow side, I think, because I'm in a quiet period with God and I want to talk about that and what that looks like. So we're going to continue what we started on Monday, which is resilience through faith, and I am going to share my screen. I just need somebody to let me know. Y'all can hear me and, yeah, I am recording. You can hear me, thank you, all right, so let me just pull up my screen, but, as I was saying, I'm in a little bit of a quiet period because I need to be. I need to be and I'm going to do something just a little bit different.
Speaker 1:I also want to share something, a teaching that I came across that was absolutely perfectly timed. I'm going to encourage if anyone is in that kind of space where you just there is a lot of stuff happening all at the same time all around you, but I want to share this teaching that I came across and I know it wasn't by accident. It's called how to Keep a quiet heart, something like that, and the the teacher is Elizabeth Elliott. I found this on YouTube. It's about 44 minutes, but I thought it was really really good and I'm going to try to incorporate some of the things that I I learned from that.
Speaker 1:And then, obviously, we're going to pray and it just ties into, kind of where we are. There's a lot of prayers going up, but we have to learn how to be still and have a quiet heart and be able to listen, and I really do believe that a lot of us are. You know, we pray like we're in panic mode. You know it's a lot of asking, but we don't do a good job listening. And for me, when I hear, you know I, you know if I share something where I literally hear from from the Lord, I'm usually in a very quiet state so that I can actually hear him. Right, you can't be in panic mode and hear at the same time, right? So so we, lord, we just thank you for what you're going to do for us again tonight, meeting us where we are, and we're dedicating this time that we have. This is a moment, this is a moment in time, and so we thank you, lord, that you've allowed us to see this moment, that you've marked it as something so special, that you're going to meet us here for however long we're together tonight, lord God, and that that it is really you that we're after. We want to hear from you, we want to speak to you, but we want to be in a position where we're having quiet hearts, and though we're talking about being resilient and having faith that's resilient, it really is there is a requirement for us to be, to have peace and be still and hear from you. So meet us. Meet us, lord, in every situation. Um, you know what's on our hearts. You know every need that we have. You know every household represented. You know every, uh, every um, financial need, every spiritual need. You know whose cousin's sick, whose mama's sick, who needs that. You know all of the things, but tonight, lord, I ask you that you will just speak to our heart and help us to be quiet so that we can hear from you. All these things are more, lord, asking for Amen. So I'm going to keep putting these up every time we meet over the rest of the year. It's a reminder of the five areas.
Speaker 1:Our theme for the year 2025 is discipline and the five areas. We are looking for discipline and you know, whenever you put something before the Lord, he's going to do some things, but it requires us to to really focus. If you just throw out a whole you know list of all the 10 resolutions you're going to have, we're not going to be successful in it. So we're trying to be focused in the areas, different areas of our lives, and so you'll start to experience some things happening in each of these five areas. And remember, five means grace. So it's not again, nothing's by chance. I didn't find five because five meant grace, it's just these were the five areas that the Lord gave me.
Speaker 1:So, all of us, because we're looking to be successful and find victory this year, we're going to find victory, but you have to do the work and, as we are in the month of January, this is where it kind of sets the tone, our attitudes, our mindset, kind of sets the foundation for what we're going to do this year. So we talk about some of the things that we, you know, dealing with our health. We look at the scripture, isaiah 40, 29. And and so we declare what God says, that he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might, he increases strength. So we're believing in the Lord for giving power to us and, you know, strengthening us If we're.
Speaker 1:If your area is personal growth, whether it's your personal relationships, you know your relationships with your family, your coworker, your friend. You know. Whatever it is mindset, you know again, if you, if you're someone who was a warrior all your life, and you know, you feel like you know what I'm tired of, that. I'm tired of being the warrior. Okay, maybe self-care is your thing. You know, I personally, I do a great job of taking care of a lot of folks, but I do a terrible job of taking care of myself. So self-care is important to me. And you can see the scripture.
Speaker 1:Each of these disciplines have a scripture aligned, cause I want to make sure that we're putting him first and we're not just you know, we're not just creating things to be busy or creating things to, you know say we have something right. It's tied back to the word. So Romans 12, 2,. We're thinking about our discipline in our career and professional. So what does that look like when we talk about committing our work to the Lord and our plans will be established. I want my plans, I want you know, whatever the Lord has for me in my career and professional growth to be established by him, that he's a part of the whole plan. Right, spiritual growth is what we're doing, you know more prayer, more worship. But be more disciplined in what you're actually doing on your own right, not just meeting. Maybe you're going to church every week, so that's a corporate meetup. Or if you're coming to pray with us, that's another version's a corporate meetup. Or if you're coming to um pray with us, that's another version of a corporate meetup, or group meetup, or community, uh, community worship, if you will.
Speaker 1:But you know it really encouraging all of us, y'all this year for us to build up our, you know, going into the to the word and reading the bible again and even finding joy, spending time with the holy spirit. So here we have John 4, 24, that reminds you that God is spirit and those who worship must worship in spirit and truth. That's where the word of God comes in. And then, finally, if you're, if this is a year where you want to turn things around in your finance maybe you are, you know maybe you want to start a business, or you know you work for someone else or you're trying to find employment. You know you work for someone else or you're trying to find employment. You know we start leaning on the Lord to help us. He is faithful in again, in very little, also faithful in much, and so we're thanking him for helping us manage the little that we have, but we're preparing for seasons of much. So that's kind of all the things you know.
Speaker 1:We go to the Lord again as he puts people on your hearts, as he, as he. You know if he drops a name on your heart and he tells you, or or you know, sometimes you start sharing situations. People start coming to you and start telling you, you know what's going on in their lives. Your responsibility is to pray for them, to take their worries to God. It's not for you to try to solve everything. It's not for us to put us in the center of that thing. It's really for us to get y'all on our hands and hands and knees. Get on our knees before the Lord and start lifting up our brothers and sisters before him. They are still his children, so so that's just kind of again recapping and reminding us of our focus.
Speaker 1:It's always important to have a vision. So you guys understand where we're trying to go together this year and as we're meeting over these weeks y'all there's 52 weeks of the year we should be seeing some things. There's things that the Lord is going to give you instructions to do. You can't just pray and you know kind of pray and wait. There are things that he's going to ask you, he's going to give you to do, and so we put ourselves in position to see that and support each other for the rest of the year.
Speaker 1:So, as always, we have confession, because this is how we are going to again. It's really surrendering our hearts, you know, handing everything back to him. Quite frankly, when I do confession, I'm literally, you know, I'm confessing for my sins, for everything that I've done and said and all the things, but I'm also handing over everything, everything that I've touched or done. I'm handing it back to the Lord. So we'll say confession.
Speaker 1:This comes out of your mouth, almighty God. We acknowledge and confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word and deed, and we have not loved you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We have not loved our neighbor as ourselves. Deep within us, are sorrow for the wrong that we have done and the good that we've left undone. Lord, you're full of compassion and gracious and you're slow to anger and plenteous in mercy. There's always forgiveness with you. Restore to us the joy of your salvation and bind up that which is broken and give light to our minds and strength to our wills and rest to our souls. Speak to each and every one of us and let your word abide with us until it's wrought in us your holy will.
Speaker 1:Lord, amen and Lord, for those who have said this prayer, this confession out to you, we surrender our hearts to you. We surrender all to you. We thank you for forgiving us. We thank you, lord, god, that you have. There is no, as your word says. I keep saying there is no condemnation in Christ. But, lord, would you, lord, if there's anything that we have missed, anything that we've thought about each other, or even a stranger, if there's anything, lord God, that we've done that is disobedient or outside of your will, I ask now that you will forgive us for that. Forgive us, lord.
Speaker 1:We want to have a much better relationship with you this year. We want to build up our prayer lives, lord God, we want to hear from you more, lord. We want all of the things that heaven has set aside for us. We want to tap into your victory, lord, your grace and your glory. All of it we want, lord God. We need your mercy, we need your goodness, we need your kindness, your love. We trust you, god, and we're handing everything over, everything that we tried to plan on our own, Lord God, maybe it was a phone call or email that we tried to send that it was outside of your will for us.
Speaker 1:If we've been disobedient with our time and our talent and our treasure in any way, if we've mocked you, lord Jesus, in any way, lord, I ask that you will forgive us. If any of us has spoken things that did not come from you. Lord God, I ask that you will forgive us Anything that we've created with our mouth or even with our thoughts, with our heart posture to you, lord God, if we've done anything, lord God, that aligns us with the enemy and not with you. Lord, I ask for your full forgiveness now For God. Father, forgive us. Lord, we surrender to you. It is your will and we bless your holy name.
Speaker 1:I thank you for your holy presence, father, it's been so amazing just to see you work and I just thank you. I thank you for how you show up, that you know we have become dependent on the Holy Spirit, but I love to see the Trinity. I love to see how you work, that Father God. You show up as yahweh in such a mighty powerful way and you, you show up as our father. When we need you, you show up as our lord, jesus, and when we need you, you show up as our holy spirit. When we need you, you know exactly what we need and that's how you appear and I thank you for your grace, I thank you for your goodness, I thank you for your mercy and your love for us. That's what allows that, lord you, lord, for every person under the sound of my voice and their families, and any person they touch or anyone they come in contact with, that, as you have assigned them, lord God, that you bless them now, lord God, and help them to experience you in such a mighty powerful way. All of these things we ask because of your holy son, jesus. Amen, amen. And here comes these marks again y'all, and I'm not touching anything on my computer, so y'all. So amen. So thank you, lord. Thank you, thank you, lord, I'll just take it all. Right, I'll just take it. No distractions, I'll just take it.
Speaker 1:So I I was in. I mentioned that I was watching this. This teaching on YouTube earlier and it was her name is Elizabeth Elliott. This lady has been in ministry for many, many years. She's passed on now, so it's called Keep a Quiet Heart really interesting, and I have my notes. I'm going to try to pull from it just a little bit just to give y'all some reference point. But it was straight up like what I needed and I believe this is something that y'all need too. And um, and she'd started with Mark four, uh versus um, 30 through uh, 35 through 40, which a lot of us are familiar with, and I believe I mentioned this in prayer yesterday. So I knew that it was also a confirmation and it wasn't a, it wasn't just an accident. This uh.
Speaker 1:This verse starts out by saying on that day, when evening had come, he said to them let us go across to the other side and, leaving the crowd, they took him. This is Jesus with them in the boat, just as he was. I love that. Just as he was like, cause it was a. It's a reminder that you know, jesus is in my life just as he is, like he's. He's just showing up as he is. And also that remember that at this point, jesus was human form, right, so he was just as he was with him.
Speaker 1:And a great windstorm arose and the waves were breaking into the boat, so that the boat was already filled, but he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And again, something that I love is again, you know seeing how we're seeing jesus and you know the one that talks about. They woke him and said to him teacher, do you not, uh, care that we perishing, so they're in panic prayer? And he awoke as I would right, I'd be in panic prayer too. And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea peace be still. And the wind ceased and there was a great calm and he said to them why are you so afraid and have you still no faith?
Speaker 1:Now there are three things that were that was called out in this teaching and three things that is important for us, and I can't, I think I. I think I said before we started that I am in a quiet period with the Lord right now, and the first thing is the reason that Jesus, you know. The question was well, how could Jesus be so calm? You know why. Why would he ask them? Why are you so afraid? Why wasn't he shooketh by all the storm? And this is something as we're thinking about having resilience during whatever the storm is in your life. Maybe you don't have a storm today, but I promise you the storm going to come. But there was three things that were so important for us to keep in mind, and the first thing is that the trust in God's present. Like Jesus trusted God's present. He knew his father.
Speaker 1:I think about, like you know, as a mom, if you remember when you're, when, if you're, if you're a mom, if you remember mom or grandma, whatever, but you know, maybe there's been a time where you went to the store and I don't know if this has ever ever happened to you, but I remember one time I was at my favorite store, target, with my daughter and she was younger and she happened to go around. She went into another aisle it was just one aisle over, but y'all I went into like a quick panic because for a second I couldn't, I didn't have my hands on her, I didn't see her, so I started to yell her name, you know. And she came back around. You know, when she came back I was like what you yelling for? Like you know, and I'm like where did you go? Where did you go? And she was so calm and she was like, but I know you, I knew where you were and it's okay, and it was so powerful for me, just as I was thinking about that relationship of trust that my daughter had in me.
Speaker 1:It's the same level of trust that we have to have in our Heavenly Father. We trust in His presence, we trust that he is God, he is Almighty God, he is sovereign, he's above all, all and and again. This is where, like for us as believers, where we get confused or we forget again that god is spirit, god is above all and everything. If you think about the book of job, if you, if you go back to job and you, you remember that you know even the temptations, even the pain and the trials, everything that job went through, that he had to be the enemy, had to be given permission, right. So you know that shows how sovereign God is.
Speaker 1:And so we tend to ask the questions, because we are earthly right, we tend to ask the question well, why would God allow, why would God allow the storms, and why would God allow someone to be sick? Or why would God allow my father to die? Or why would God allow you know them to for me to lose my job? Why would God allow you know abuse, or why would God allow and the truth is that it is up to him, like we will not get those answers, but we have to trust in his sovereignty, that he is above all. We do not understand why things are happening and, quite frankly, I love part of the teaching that this woman shared, or it's, quite frankly, none of our business it's not our business to question him. It's our business to trust in him and remember that he is sovereign over all.
Speaker 1:And the third thing that I loved about this teaching was trusting in his love. You really have to trust we, all of us have to really truly trust in his love. So I want to share again, like I said, I wanted to share a couple of notes that came from this teaching. There were three key points, some other key points that talked about, you know, four things that describe the difference when you truly trust, when you're quieted, when your heart is quiet in the middle of whatever the storm is. Or again, even if you're not in a storm right now, you're preparing yourself so that, if and when the storms presence, fully trust in his sovereignty. He's in control of everything.
Speaker 1:And fully trusting in his love is the first thing is that you begin to qualify as an instrument of peace. What does that mean? As an instrument of peace? It means that, as instruments of peace, y'all, we're the people as he starts to. You know, prepare us for our next or where we've got to go. As we're instruments of peace, we're the people. We don't carry any chaos. We can complete the assignment. The Lord starts to open different levels of doors for us, but we show up as instruments of peace. We carry that peace.
Speaker 1:You know, if you think about this, you know it's very hard for you to do business with someone who's chaotic right, who's all over the place. It's very hard for you to to carry the seeds, or even plant the seeds that he gave you, the promises that he. You know he is. You know again, whatever the lord told you, that it is yours to have that, that level of peace and believing and trusting in him right. The second thing that she talked about was that when your energy is directed toward God, you tend not to worry when you're, when you start to focus.
Speaker 1:So I did something yesterday. You know that I, I, I, literally I had to do this for myself. And again, I'm trying to share my personal stuff so that if anybody, if you're uber Christian and you pass this and you know this isn't your thing, that's all right. But for those of us who are still growing and learning, this is for, this is for the rest of us who are still on the ground. Okay, but I, I had to, um, I had to start turning off some of the noise that was happening around me, because there's a lot of things that's happening in my home life, there's stuff happening on the job, there's great stuff happening in ministry. But there was so much noise and I and I started to get overtaken by the noise. I literally had to just stop in my, I stopped in my tracks, I was like I can't hear you, god, because there's so much, there's so much noise coming at me right now. So I had to start directing what my, my, my ears, towards him and less around the noise. And there are still people with great intentions, but sometimes, you know, sometimes. You got to be able to just let me just hear what you have to say about this situation. So I started to do this.
Speaker 1:It brings me to the third point, where it talks about you know again, if you trust in God's presence, presence, trust in his sovereignty and trust in his love, you know something that describes the difference when you do this. The third thing was instead of frustration, it comes to acceptance. Uh, it says that something she said was temptation comes from the enemy to frustrate us, and so we lift our hands and saying, yes, lord, I'll take it now. I did this yesterday. I did this yesterday and I did this yesterday, and I know I probably scared, like a few people, because they thought when I said I'm throwing up my hands, it doesn't mean you're giving up. It's throwing up your hands to just say that's it. Abba, I accept what you have for me. And not a lot of people will do that because we're afraid that what he has for you isn't what you think you want, or you know what or what you think you know. I want the best for me and God's not going to give me.
Speaker 1:That says that you don't trust in his love, right? So you have to be able to, instead of being frustrated about where you are, is to put yourself in the position of acceptance where, literally, you can say cause again. The enemy will use frustration. You'll start to twist your thoughts because you're frustrated. You'll start to twist your thoughts Because you're frustrated, you'll start to make the wrong decisions. You start talking to the wrong people, you start believing things that are not really true about you, and so that seed of frustration will cause more chaos.
Speaker 1:But I literally threw my hands up and said that's it, abba, you're my father and I accept whatever you have. And don't you know, the moment I did that, I had to pull all the way back. I, my heart was lighter, I was filled with more joy, and I know it makes no sense as I'm saying this, but it but that's just. I trust him because I trust in his presence, because I know that he's in control, I know that he's over everything. And listen that you know. Just remember that the disciples went through pain and if you go back through the this is why I want you to go back into the Bible I want you to see that, that all of these great stories are not just stories when you see the pain that they went through and the travesty and the you know the pruning and the stripping and all these things happen. It doesn't mean that it's not going to happen to us either.
Speaker 1:We've been so caught up in you know the kind of prophecies that men are giving out nowadays that just tell you your pocketbook's going to be full and everything's going to be okay, you're going to get the Bugatti and you know all the things right. That is just so focused on the material things but it doesn't prepare you for the seasons when you've got to trust God, when you can't see it, when you don't know how the bills going to get paid. You don't know the doctor report. You don't know if the company's going to lay off. You don't know. You know what I'm saying. You don't know if your kids go. You know, come back to church. You don't know any of that. You're just like the disciples in the boat where it's being filled right. We're saying the boat was already filling.
Speaker 1:Like y'all, we're in this situation and this thing's filling up right and having to truly trust in God that you know to say Abba, help me. Right, but truly trusting him and being able to lift your hand and accept what he has for you, amen. So I'm hoping that this is blessing, blessing you. The last thing that it says is that it this makes a difference in the way that people see, because you have more room for prayer, quietly, lifting up our hearts, right, you know, when you, when you're eight, when you're, when you're allowing yourself to be quieted, even even in the storm, it gives you such a different perspective.
Speaker 1:Again, we pray a lot, we throw out the words a lot, we ask for a lot, but you have to put yourself in a position where you'd spend time listening. You've got to be at peace, you got to quiet your heart, even in the middle of the storm. It's why, on Monday and now I understand it when the Lord was showing me that we were on this boat and the storm was raging and just as calmly as ever, he was reaching out his hand for us right. In that same way, when we looked at how Paul and Silas were able to praise God in the middle of a prison Come on, y'all right, it's the same, it's that same God. It's because they were trusting in his presence. They trusted who God is, they received what he had, they accepted his will for us, his will for their lives right. They believed in his love, they trusted in his love. So tonight y'all, we pray, thank you, lord.
Speaker 1:Tonight we're going to pray about having quiet hearts and minds and we're going to go into these three scriptures. And my only ask is, after we do this is tonight or tomorrow or just sometime just spend some time just at. Look, lord, I'm accepting it. If you got to say, lord, I'm throwing out my hands, whatever you say, lord, whatever it is you have in your hands that you've been asking for that. You know that panic prayer, you know, lord. You see what's happening, lord, you know. No, let's stop with the panic prayer. Let's just quiet our hearts and minds so we can actually hear and give God a chance to work things out on our behalf.
Speaker 1:I refuse to fight one more battle by myself. I have all of heaven working alongside me. I have the God of all grace. The word says after you suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who's called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish me. So why in the world am I going to worry and fret? Why am I afraid to just accept it and just say, god, you take control of it all. I'm going to rest quietly in your arms tonight, lord God. I'm going to trust in your greatness. I'm going to trust in your love for me. I'm going to trust in your sovereignty. I'm going to believe in your love for me. I'm going to trust in your sovereignty. I'm going to believe you, lord God.
Speaker 1:Everything that you have said, father, I know that this pain is just for a moment. I'm not even declaring it is for a season. Y'all Come on now, father. Your word says, after we have suffered for a little while, that you, lord God, you will restore us, you will confirm us that you, lord God, you will restore us, you will confirm us, you will strengthen us and you will establish us. Let it be, lord God, for every person under the sound of my voice who is standing in a moment of time. This is a moment of time where you will do that for us, lord God. Father, bless them in such a mighty way that they will be still and quiet in their hearts, so they will hear you.
Speaker 1:Father, I thank you for speaking to us tonight and reminding us of your great sovereignty. Lord God, it's not our business why you do anything. You are God. You get to make the decisions. We are here to worship you and we walk in the will that you have for us.
Speaker 1:Father, I thank you for every person under the sound of my voice. You have assigned them and aligned them to their purpose, according to what you have for them. Oh, but, god, I ask that you will bless them, that you will restore them, you will confirm them and you will strengthen them and establish them according to your word and according to your will. Thank you, father. Thank you, lord. Thank you for reminding us of who you are and whose we are. We bless your will. Thank you, father. Thank you, lord. Thank you for reminding us of who you are and whose we are. We bless your name.
Speaker 1:Father, your word says in all these things, we are more than conquerors. Through him, who loved us, father, I thank you for reminding us to trust your love for us. In the same way that we love our children, you love us even more so. So, father, we thank you that we are conquerors in every area of our life, in every, anything, any trial that comes upon us. Lord, god, father, help us give us the discipline, lord, god, to know how to respond with to every trial, and even good things. Lord god, as you continue to bless us in mighty ways. Father, I know that. Know that you are opening doors the right doors for every person under the sound of my voice, that this is a year of victory. That's why the enemy is so mad. But, lord, we are not going to turn away from you. We're going to hold on to your promises for our lives and for every person under the sound of my voice. We declare victory in every area of our life, in everyone, in our family, in our children, for generations to come, our spouses and even our friends.
Speaker 1:Father, we pray, lord God, that we are men and women of impact, no matter where we go, lord God, when people see us, they see us as vessels of peace. They will see your glory upon us, lord God, because you have already restored and confirmed us. You have set us apart and established us to do mighty things in this land. Oh, father, I thank you that you are building us up, lord God, for these great works. We accept what you have for us, lord God. We want what heaven has for us. We align with what you have for us. Father, we know that there are going to be moments of trials and moments of pain. Oh, but, god, we pray that you will not let us be put to shame and that any situation that comes up against us, anything that the enemy have stored up against us, anything that man has stored up against us, lord God, that you, you great Father, you will restore us. It is you that will save us.
Speaker 1:We thank you, god, that we are conquerors in everything, that we are blessed, no matter where we go. Lord God, we can't even help, but being blessed it's because of you, lord God, it's because of the grace that you, lord God, have given to us. It's your grace, oh, god of all grace. Father, we thank you for the portion that you have given us. You are our portion. We want more of you. Lord, jesus Christ, oh, holy Spirit, we want more of you. Everything that we think or where we go, in any decision we make, holy Spirit, we want more of you, father, you are our chosen portion. You hold our lot. You make the decision about what we get to do. The enemy has no say so, father, we thank you, god, that you're going to reveal to us what it is you want us to do.
Speaker 1:We are quieting our hearts, lord God, so we can see you move in this season in such a mighty way, father. We thank you, lord God, that you're touching every single area of our lives, that you're helping our health, lord God, that you're blessing us in our health, you're extending our lives, that you're blessing our family's health, lord God, that you're providing resources for everyone who stands in need. Lord God, right now, in the name of Jesus, I thank you for those who are looking for help in their career and professional, whether they own a business, they're writing a book, they're starting a podcast, lord God, whatever it is, father, I thank you that you are putting them on the right path, that you are restoring those who have shifted away from where you planted them. Oh God, I thank you that you are blessing them right now and putting them back on the right track, lord, that you are giving them the inside track, that you're letting their names be called in rooms they may never even be, that you give them the kind of favor, Lord, god, father, I thank you for your supernatural favor that falls on every one of us. It falls even on our tongues, so we even know to say we say the right things we can't even help it Things that align with what is good and acceptable and pure in your sight, so that every time we open our mouth, it is a blessing and never a curse.
Speaker 1:Oh Lord God, we thank you for those who are seeking you out for discipline in their personal lives, lord God, those who are looking to restore relationships in their families, lord God, those who are looking to restore their mindsets, to come back from depression, lord God, to come back from evil thoughts or anything that is not true about them, those who are questioning their value, those who don't see themselves as worthy. Oh God, I pray that you will restore them this season. Lord God, father, I thank you that you are putting us on the track, showing us how to take care of our bodies, our minds, these temples that you have given us, lord God. Bless us, lord God, so that we can do that. Bless us financially, lord God, as we look at our finance this year, so that the enemy doesn't steal everything, every seed that we plant. Oh God, we're looking to reap great harvest this year. It can only happen because of you.
Speaker 1:You, lord God, have the last say, you have the final say, but because we trust that you love us, we know, lord God, that you will bless us in such a mighty way, lord God. Now I ask that you will touch our finance, lord God, father, as you start to show us, as you start to open doors for us, as you give us the right connections, the places to go, as you give us bonus checks, lord God, as you give people pay raises, even if it's 2%, we take that blessing, lord God, and we thank you for it. We're not going to complain about anything that you give us, lord God. We're going to bless you and thank you for every dollar that you give us. Lord God, it might not be what we wanted, but we thank you for what you're giving us, because we know that you're giving us a portion that's going to multiply in the future. So we thank you, lord God. We thank you for closing every loophole in our finance, Anything that was put there to confuse us or steal money from us in any way. Show us how to make the right investments this year, lord god.
Speaker 1:I thank you, god, for blessing us financially so we can bless the people around us who are in lack. Thank you, jesus, for our times, for our talents and our time. Lord god, those are also 10, lord god, so we ask that you will take our talents and our time. It's not just about money. It's not about making our pastors rich, lord God. It's not about building the biggest church, not when our communities are suffering, not when their children, who don't have food, oh God. Not when they're the elderly that don't have help, not while they're still homeless people, oh God. Would you speak to your children's heart this year and pull them away from the religious things, lord God, where they're so busy trying to, you know, pimp out the pastor, god. Would you help us, lord God, to put our finances in the places where you see fit, lord God, where you get the glory, and not us.
Speaker 1:Father, I thank you that you are blessing every person who has a tax issue, lord God, that it will be resolved. If there's any person with broken appliances, that it will be resolved. If there's any person with broken appliances, that it will be resolved. If there's any person with broken down cars or anything that's busted in their house, lord God, that it will be resolved. Will you restore their homes, lord God, and restore their finances, lord God, bless them sevenfold, lord God, that everything that the enemy stole it will be restored back. Lord God, thank you, jesus, for what you're doing for us this season. I thank you, Lord, for spiritual growth this year. That can only come from you. Father, I thank you for speaking to our hearts, widening our hearts. Lord, god, thank you, jesus, thank you Lord, thank you, lord. And if there's anything that we have missed, lord God, we lift it to you in prayer.
Speaker 1:If there's any man or woman assigned to us in any way, if there's anyone who is being prepared for ministry to be reminded that ministry means to serve, would you prepare them and send them the right mentors, so that we don't just go out teaching and talking. We want to be aligned church. Show us how to do that and send us the right people. Lord god, father, if there is, there are people out there who are just, uh, just predators or god, just stealing your word and using it for their own. They're building up their own pockets, or god, lord god, I ask that you will shield and protect every person under the sound of my voice, so that they will not fall prey to any, any scheme of the enemy, no scheme, nor god. That they won't fall to anything. They won't fall into believing anything that is false. Lord, god, about you.
Speaker 1:Lord God, let this be a season where you give them the discernment, lord God, that you give them spiritual discernment, so they know your voice, father. Your word says your sheep know your voice. We want to hear from you, jesus. We want to hear your you, jesus. We want to hear your voice, lord God. So help us, holy Spirit, to discern what it is you speaking to us. We don't want to miss a thing. We want to have victory at the end of 2025. We thank you that you have brought us already this far. We thank you that you are shaking things up in our lives. We thank you that you are refocusing us back on you. We thank you for the peace and the quiet now in our hearts.
Speaker 1:And, lord God, I pray for every family. If there was anyone you put in our hearts, whether it was for health reasons or for anything that they stand in need of. You know what's exactly in our hearts. You know every family that you told us to pray for. We will do it in obedience, father. We know that obedience yields reward, not just in the spirit, but here in the natural. So, lord God, as in our hearts now as we cry out those names, names of our family, names of our friends. You know exactly what they stand in need of. So we lift up every name, every name that is on our heart right now, and I thank you, Jesus, that you are blessing every household. Father, I thank you, lord God, for those, lord God, who are working, lord God, working to put out the fires in California, and those people who've been impacted. I pray for every family who's been impacted by disaster, for financial disasters or weather-related disaster.
Speaker 1:Father, I pray for anyone who stands in lack. Lord, would you use us, lord God, as your vessels of peace? Would you send us, lord God? We are willing, lord God, for those who are willing to serve, for those who are willing to reach out. Lord God, would you build us up, prepare us to do the mighty work so that you get the glory, so people see you through us, so that you are glorified through our work, so that we are the true light.
Speaker 1:Lord God, father, would you do that this season, lord God, and as we do that, lord God, as we keep our eyes on you, you will continue to bless our homes. That none of us will stand in need of anything, that every single thing, anything that the enemy had, that loves laid trap. Because you are the sovereign God, because nothing happens without your permission, we ask for your mercy. We ask for your mercy in our lives. We ask that, god, for your mercy and your forgiveness. We, lord, we got to be reminded of your sovereignty. We got to be reminded that you are Yahweh, you are above all of it. Nothing happens without you, otherwise you cannot be God. So, god, I ask that you will remind us of your sovereignty.
Speaker 1:That when people are crying out because the enemy has dispatched his terrors, lord God. When the enemy has dispatched his own angels, lord God. When the enemy has dispatched sorcery, lord God. When the enemy has dispatched his own angels, lord God. When the enemy has dispatched sorcery, lord God. When the enemy has dispatched lies, lord God. When the enemy dispatched evil spirits, lord God, that even when he does that, he must kneel to the name of Jesus Christ. We are painted by the blood and, lord God, because we are painted, we are covered, because we are in Christ and he in us. There is nothing that the enemy can do to us. Father, we may suffer for a small time, for a moment. I pray, god, that the suffering won't last for a season. So I pray, lord God, that you will.
Speaker 1:In the same way, moses interceded on behalf of the children, lord God. In the same way that he interceded, lord God, I intercede now on behalf, lord God, of the spirit in me, of the Holy Spirit, lord God, and I cried on behalf of every family Spirit, lord God, and I cry out on behalf of every family represented, lord God. In the same way that you heard Moses cry, lord God, and you had mercy on your children, then, I cry out now, lord God, for every family, under the sound of my voice, whether they're here now or they're watching the replay. I cry out for mercy on every family represented. You know how disobedient we have been, lord God. I cry out for mercy on our heads, every one of us. I cry out for forgiveness.
Speaker 1:We have forgotten our place. We have been treating you like a vending machine of prayer, lord God. We don't want that. We worship you. We trust you, jesus. We are asking for your goodness and your grace. We are asking for your blessings for every family represented, father. I cry out for every person, lord God, every family. Lord God, you know exactly what they need. Reconcile them back to you, lord God, and all of these things we ask in your son's name, sealed Lord, god, sealed by Jesus, sealed by the Holy Spirit. Thank you, lord, for hearing our cry. Amen, amen, amen, amen.
Speaker 1:And now we declare this day that no weapon formed against me can prosper, because I am the righteousness of God. Favor surrounds me as a shield, divine protection surrounds me as a shield. I am therefore in the right place at the right time. I cannot be defeated or destroyed. In fact, every tongue that accuses me and every tongue that attacks me, I condemn with my words. This is my heritage, this is my right as a child of God. I'm made in his image. I'm made with his dominion and authority living in me, coming forth out of my spirit. Through my words, I declare today that Satan has no power over my life and that every weapon he has has been defeated, that fear is cast out, that love makes my faith work. I cannot fail. God's word, cannot fail Y'all. That's what we're made of His word, made with his image, after his likeness, with the power of the Holy Spirit and authority of his words.
Speaker 1:Therefore, by the blood of Jesus, I dwell in the secret place of the most high. I thank you, abba, that we abide under the truth of the Almighty. I say you, lord, you are my fortress, my God. It's in you that I trust. Father, we thank you. We seal these words According to your will. These are your words recorded now, lord God, and as it is written, so shall it be. Make it be true in our lives.
Speaker 1:We thank you, father, for who you are and your grace and your goodness and your confirmations and your blessings, lord God, in your encounters and your presence. We thank you, lord God, for your glory. We thank you for the kinameshi. We thank you for caring about us. We thank you for loving us. We thank you for blessing us and showing us mercy. We thank you for everything. You are a good father. You are a good and true father. Father, we love you, we honor you. We give all of it to you. We give you all honor. Hallelujah, we give you praise, we give you praise. We give you praise, amen, amen, amen.
Speaker 1:If you want to be born again, if you want to reconfirm your relationship. This is a very simple prayer. I'm releasing it. This is a prayer you want to join in and and pray for yourself. Please join me. Lord jesus, I believe you're the son of god that you died on the cross to rescue me from sin and death and to restore me to the father. I choose now to turn from my sins, my self-centeredness and every part of my life that does not please you. I choose you, I give myself to you, I receive your forgiveness and ask you to take your rightful place in my life as my Savior and Lord. Come, reign in my heart, fill me with your love and your life, restore me, jesus. Thank you God, thank you Abba, thank you, lord. In Jesus' name I pray Amen, amen.
Speaker 1:I wanted to share this with you guys. This is something else that from the again the teaching, I read. I'm not Catholic and so you know, just to put that out there, but this was something that is called the Prayer of Peace, is a prayer of St Francis of Assisi, and something that that teacher shared was that every now and then, she you know she likes to read other people's prayer and I think it's. I think this is a good one to just I'm going to, you know, release it again. I'm going to release it again, but this I thought was really good. But if you think about it, there are people who watch our replay and they're in alignment, they're saying our prayers as well. So it's really not that foreign, if you will, but this is the prayer of St Francis of Assisi and this is the prayer for peace.
Speaker 1:Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love where there is injury, pardon where there is doubt, faith where there is despair, hope where there is darkness, light where there is sadness, joy. Will divine master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love, for it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Father, I ask right now that you will lift every single person under the sound of my voice and give us peace. Father, we are looking for peace in every area of our lives and we're standing in agreement with heaven's peace. Father, we want the kind of peace, lord God, that comes from your grace.
Speaker 1:Father, we want to be able to sow love, lord God. We want to be able to pardon people. We want to be in a position, lord God, where we are building up each other's faith. We don't want to lose hope. We want to be the light. We want to bring joy, lord, god, father. We want to focus on consoling others, not trying to be understood all the time, not being overly sensitive.
Speaker 1:We want to be Christians, lord God, the kind that you feel good about putting out in the field, amen. We want to be the ones, lord God, that you will tap and say go daughter, go son. We want to be a benefit to your kingdom. We don't want to take from you, lord God, we want to give to others. We want to build up your kingdom. We want that when people see us, they see us as instruments of peace. They don't see gossip, they don't see chaos. When they look at us, they see us as instrument and vessels of peace, and then they'll know that the Holy Spirit is real, is true.
Speaker 1:We want our lives to be the kind of lives when people see us, whether we are blessed beyond measure financially, or blessed in our health, or blessed in our relationship, blessed in our spiritual, whatever area. As you will see fit, you will multiply. You will multiply and bless us. But, lord God, we want to be peace. We want to be those folks, lord God, that wherever we go, we bring peace. When people see us. They see the goodness of God. We don't even have to open our mouth.
Speaker 1:We want to be, lord, God, those people, lord God, thank you, lord, for what you did. You have pardoned our sin. It's because of your sacrifice, lord Jesus, that we get to have eternal life. Lord, we want to be able to learn and then teach your gospel, lord, show us, teach us, send us the right teachers and mentors so that we can learn. Lord, god, and then, father, I ask that all of these things, everything that you're doing in our lives, everything that you're allowing to happen. Maybe it's uncomfortable for a moment, but we know that all of these things are working together for our good. We know that all of these things coming together are for our good. We know that all of these things coming together are for our good. We know that everything that you're doing is going to bless us because you love us the kind of love that makes no sense. So, lord, I thank you for this prayer of peace and we stand in agreement with this for our lives. Amen, amen, amen. All right, we're just going to take a quick moment to just thank you, lord.
Speaker 1:It says the word says give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. When you have a grateful heart, it's very hard to be bitter. When you have a grateful heart and you're focusing on how thankful you are, it's really hard. You don't really have time to look at what you don't have, you don't really focus on, you don't really focus on the lack when you're so focused on being thankful for even the small, even the little bit that you have.
Speaker 1:So we give thanks in every circumstance. We give thanks for everything that's going on right now in our lives, because we know that you, as our father, you're at the helm of it. You have full sovereignty, full control. We thank you, lord God, that, as your word says that you'll never let us be put to shame, that your word even says that you won't let harm come against us. We thank you that you have already sent heaven's help, that you've assigned your angels to protect us.
Speaker 1:Lord God, where we go, where our children go, when we're going to and from work, or we're going to or from the store, wherever we're going, lord God, events wherever we're going, that you events, wherever we're going, that you're wrapping your arms around us. So we're accepting, lord God, your sovereign rule in our lives. We wanna be in alignment with you and we thank you for everything. Thank you for all that you have already done, thank you for the victory and the road that you've already paved, that we're just catching up to the blessings that you've already given us. We thank you for every person that you are providing for, lord, god. We thank you for blessing them in their finance and in their health, and in their relationship and in their spiritual walk. I thank you for even you know, even the way we pray, lord, god, for you know meeting us in prayer and changing up the way we pray, so it's not just us throwing out a you know a wishlist of things, but it really truly is communing with you in spirit and in truth. So I thank you for even blessing our prayers or God, so then they're just more aligned with heaven and and we get to encounter you through confirmation. We thank you, lord, for all of these things. We thank you for our friends and our families. We thank you, lord, for everything.
Speaker 1:And now we come to benediction number 624 to 26. This is the ESV version. It says the Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. Thank you, lord. I just saw that it ended in peace. I didn't realize that. Amen, all right, so now I'm going to stop sharing, I'm going to come to the room and then we are going to close out. Paul and me stop recording, hold on.