Mrs. PIE
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Shelley Jeffcoat, CEO & Founder of LCM Group and Grace and Grit Media, is a dynamic Business and International Christian Woman Speaker, Founder of Come Out of the Wilderness Prayer Ministry, Author of the 'What’s My P.I.E' book series, and the engaging host of the 'Mrs PIE' podcast series.
Discover more at Grace and Grit Media, LCM Group, and Parade Deck Live TV.
Mrs. PIE
Who Told You That You Were Naked? | God’s Pruning Season | Faith Fuel
Imagine walking alongside God in a serene garden, feeling a profound sense of peace and purpose. In this episode, we're exploring how the divine themes of identity, provision, and guidance can transform our lives, even during our toughest trials. Drawing from the vivid imagery of Genesis, we'll consider how spiritual discipline and obedience play crucial roles in our journey. Together, we'll unpack the idea that, despite life's challenges, we are never in lack. Instead, we're continually nurtured and provided for by a source of infinite wisdom and understanding. Join us as we reflect on these spiritual insights and discover how they can enrich every aspect of our lives—from health to career and beyond.
As we embrace the power of community, we're calling on each other to be beacons of love, encouragement, and positivity. We'll discuss the ripple effect of sharing uplifting messages and stories, and how this collective support strengthens our bonds. With heartfelt gratitude, we acknowledge the unwavering support and love from our listeners, celebrating the unity that fuels our shared mission. Let's commit to uplifting one another, spreading positivity, and making a tangible difference in our communities. Equipped with faith as our anchor, there is no challenge we cannot overcome together.
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So the question I have for us this morning is who told us we were naked and who told us we had lack, and who told us that God isn't providing even in this season? So welcome back to Faith Field. This is my Saturday quick check-in and I pray that you're doing well. This has been a very challenging week. You know again I try to be real with everybody Challenging week, but not just um my family with my hubby um not being well, but also on the job, like people are peopling right now and it was so incredible. Uh. Thank you, lord, for just again waking us up this morning and for those who are here listening um, that you will give them a seed of encouragement, lord, god, something that they can build on, building on your truth about what you say about their lives, and that you are still with us. You're still with us. Thank you, lord, for hearing our cry to you and listening to us and responding Holy Spirit in such a powerful way, so we know it is your voice and not our own amen. So I want to share really quickly.
Speaker 1:Earlier this week I was in a text conversation I'm not going to give people's names and information out but I was chatting with someone about something else and as I was talking to her, I had the Lord allowed me to have this vision. Now, you know, I don't if I tell you the vision is for vision for real, because I don't come on and say, oh, the Lord told me to say, but the Lord didn't tell me all that. I just want to share something that he showed me, and so essentially it was just very quickly, but I was going through the fields, if you will. You know a lot of the things that are happening, things that are way outside of my control, things that really just, they're not even testing my faith, because my faith is not going to be shook. God is God and he's my father. He's got us right. But it was just, it's an emotionally, physically, mentally draining time right now.
Speaker 1:And so there was this vision, as I was responding in kind to someone else about something else, that literally I saw our father, my father God. Right, I'm not going to say this for you. I saw my father God and he was just walking through the most beautiful garden but he was plucking and pruning these beautiful flowers and just as quickly as I saw it it went away. But instinctively, spiritually, I knew what it was. I knew that for many of us that he is picking and pruning, he's removing the dead things in our lives. Remember, this is the year about discipline y'all, so our theme being discipline. This should not be a surprise, but I saw that vision and I shared it with the woman and it really left an impact on me because it was just a reminder that, even though we're going through the things, that he is still almighty God Like.
Speaker 1:I think a lot of us treat God like he's our bestie and our counselor and we lose the majesty. It's so easy because the world is using the word universe, where they're, you know, they kind of we've dumbed Jesus down to, like our level y'all. But it was so powerful this vision of him just again walking through his garden and going to the most beautiful flowers, but he was carefully now plucking and pruning and removing the things. Um, it brought me to this and again, whenever I get any, you know, and for you too, whenever you get a vision or word, it is always backed up in scripture. So I had to go back and say, holy spirit, align it back to god's word and show me what this means, or talk to me through scripture, because you know, um, genesis 3, verse 8, verses 8 through, excuse me, 12. And this is what he showed me concerning this. And so it says and they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the cool of the day, walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. And so, for me, the vision I had was, yeah, it was God walking through his garden, but he wasn't. I wasn't naked at that point. But the Lord God called to the man and said to him where are you? And I thought that was really profound. And he said said, I heard the sound of you in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself. So, when I was talking back now to the Holy Spirit, what does this mean? Who told us that we were naked? Because that is verse 11. Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten of the tree of which I commanded you not to eat? And it takes us back to discipline.
Speaker 1:This is going to be a year, y'all, because, again, when we're talking about discipline in our health and our finance and our career, um, our you know career and professional growth and our personal lives, and also in our spiritual growth. Like all, all five areas and everything that we're going to do, all the seeds that we're going to plant this year, is going to require some level of discipline and obedience to God. I mean, like, even in times when you're going to feel like everything is falling apart, things are going to fall apart. For a moment it's going to feel like, you know, things are being removed, things are going to be unstable for a little bit. Remember, this is pruning. He's going to prune you. He's going to remove dead things from us y'all so we don't take those dead things. We got to have discipline so that we don't take these dead things into where we're going.
Speaker 1:But I thought it was so important that we remember that as we are learning this year, as we're getting his wisdom, as he's teaching us and giving us understanding that what he was showing me and reminding me is that I'm not naked, I'm not standing in lack of anything. I'm not naked, meaning that I've not been abandoned by God. I hope you're hearing me For those of y'all who've been praying for the job or praying for the health report, praying for your children. You know folks that are even now, like impacted by weather related things or whatever the lack is in your life. You're not naked meaning you're not without God, he's not going to abandon you and that all your needs will still be met and we still have to have faith.
Speaker 1:But who told you that you were naked? Who told you that you weren't his favorite? Who told you you didn't have his grace and mercy? But who told you that you were naked? Who told you that you weren't his favorite? Who told you he didn't have his grace and mercy? Who told you that he wasn't operating in a powerful way, even in the unseen right? I had to learn that just this morning, y'all, I was, you know, working on something. I really shouldn't have a work.
Speaker 1:It's Saturday morning and I was trying to resolve something and he literally was like well, who told you I will fight this battle for you? Who told you that you're standing alone? Who told you you are naked to let the enemy tell us that we have no victory? We are not going to let the enemy tell us that we are alone. We are not going to let the enemy tell us any of that. Y'all, victory is ours. Blessings and health is ours. Blessing and prosperity in our financial lives and our physical lives, that's our portion. We're declaring all these things. Favor surrounds us as a shield. His divine protection surrounds us as a shield. All of these things right, and so I want you guys to hold on to that.
Speaker 1:You know, as he is walking through the garden and pruning and removing the things off of us that we don't need, and people, it's going to manifest. People are going to show up in the craziest ways, because right now there are so many people that are responding and operating out of fear. But again, you know, I, just in the same way, the Lord is saying who told you that you were naked? Right? Don't let the serpent deceive. You, don't let the enemy deceive. You Don't let the devil deceive. You Don't let that happen. Y'all, stay grounded, stay hopeful. I got to know inside and out that God is my God, and in the same way that he walked in the cool of the garden with Adam and Eve, he's walking into the cool of the garden with me. Thank you, lord.
Speaker 1:Lord, I pray for anyone who needed just an encouragement this morning that we are not to believe the snake, don't believe the enemy, that we're alone, we're not naked and we're not without lack. We are waiting for you to operate and move things around in our lives, lord. We're believing in you for a great movement in our lives, in our health, in our finance, in our careers, lord, god, moving us to where you have for us, giving us your blessings and abundance and victory. This year, lord, we're stepping into 2025 believing you are God, you are the almighty God and we worship you. We're believing you, lord, jesus, for everything that you have already declared victory in our lives and we're holding fast to that. We're believing what you say, lord, and I thank you for lifting up our souls and our hearts this morning. I thank you, jesus. You're so good to us. Thank you for blessing us, thank you for being with us, thank you for watching over us. We love you, lord, amen. I hope that blessed you.
Speaker 1:Happy Saturday. I hope y'all are doing good. Please, if you could like and share these, share these faith fuels and help somebody, encourage somebody else. Y'all All right. I love you. Jesus loves you more, and I will be back next week, take care.