Mrs. PIE
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Shelley Jeffcoat, CEO & Founder of LCM Group and Grace and Grit Media, is a dynamic Business and International Christian Woman Speaker, Founder of Come Out of the Wilderness Prayer Ministry, Author of the 'What’s My P.I.E' book series, and the engaging host of the 'Mrs PIE' podcast series.
Discover more at Grace and Grit Media, LCM Group, and Parade Deck Live TV.
Mrs. PIE
Embracing Quietude: Aligning Your Life with Divine Intentions for a Blessed 2025
This episode focuses on preparing for 2025 with a strong emphasis on discipline and intentionality through five key areas of life. The discussion also highlights the importance of prayerful reflection and seeking divine guidance as listeners embark on their personal growth journeys in the New Year.
• Emphasizing discipline as crucial for 2025
• Reflective practices taken during the Christmas break
• Five areas of focus: health, career, spiritual life, finances, personal well-being
• The significance of asking, seeking, and knocking in prayer
• Engaging with community for enhanced spiritual growth
• Encouraging personal responsibility for one's spiritual progress
• Insight on aligning personal goals with God's purpose
Come join us at our virtual events monthly. Visit our website to learn more.
Good morning, happy Saturday. I feel like I've been gone for ages, but it's only been a week and I'm so grateful to God I am back, y'all. I took the week off, the week of Christmas, just to do the whole rest, and I feel really restored, I feel great. But I had to take a break from everything Social media, all the things, y'all just so I could just be 100% present with my friends and my family and also being present with God, y'all. So there's been so many things that, um, so many great things that have happened for me personally and I hope for you. You've had an incredible, uh, christmas and you've been celebrating, and maybe for those of y'all who you didn't have friends or family to celebrate with, you know for many years I was celebrating Christmas by myself, solo, that you still had a good day and that you were able to have fellowship and community and all the things. So here we are now, the Saturday after Christmas. This is, for me, one of the most spiritually active times, meaning that this is when I take full advantage of being in front of the Lord and asking. So there's a scripture I'm going to give y'all and and then, if you show up to our live prayer next week. You'll understand what I'm where I'm going with this.
Speaker 1:Our theme for 2025 is discipline, but I do want to kick us off with five pillars. But even before we get to that, next week in our live Monday and Tuesday prayer Monday, 630 and Tuesday 830, yes, I will be on and yes, I know it's early, but even before we get there, I wanted to share kind of why I do that. Something that I've seen, practiced, practiced and I've experienced for myself is this premise that we don't waste the time that we're allotted. So, while a lot of people kind of take this time to do all the things, the parties and the things y'all listen, there's no hate or shade okay, this is where I spend time to start reflecting on where I want to go. So why do I do that is I start to bring things before the Lord in this particular time this is part of what I did this week is, to you know, start to play back some of his promises to me and I start asking and seeking and knocking. I start asking and seeking, I'm asking for direction and clarity, I'm seeking his wisdom and I'm knocking those open doors. I'm banging on those open doors for 2025. And so I want to share this scripture with you guys just to give you a little bit of encouragement.
Speaker 1:Part of the reason I'm doing this now y'all is because this is also the time of year when a lot of Christian influencers pastors, apostles, preachers, teachers everybody started throwing out declaration, and I think it's good. If you're someone who don't, if you don't know where to start a corporate declaration, you know I declare the year of the whatever right. You know that might work for you. But there are some of us who are listen, I'm seeking and asking for great and incredible things. I'm asking God to truly bless me in such incredible ways in five areas of my life in 2025 and I can't rely on what some pastor said, that I don't know, declaring something that actually God didn't have for me.
Speaker 1:This is why it's so important that that, even as you're getting these declarations, even even when you listen to me, you need to take it back to the holy spirit and say is this for me? Because some of us will be successful next year, but some of us are going to go through some testing and pruning and I just don't ever want you guys to see me as someone who says stuff to just sound, make you feel good, or just say stuff just because it's the popular thing. I want to be truthfully, I want to be honest, I want to be transparent. This is a journey. This walk that we're doing together, it's a journey, so I'm not going to come up here and like just say whatever to make you feel good. I only say what the Lord gives me and I ask that he reveals it for you, what you need to see. So I hope that says a whole lot of words. There's going to be a lot of folks mad, but listen, I don't need a pastor to declare. I know what God is saying concerning my life, because I'm spending time now to ask him about these five particular areas of my life and where he wants me to go, and then he'll allow it. Then you can declare and say the things and hold god to those promises. Otherwise you'll just be grabbing and catching.
Speaker 1:Okay, so I want us to be disciplined in 2025 because, like when I say I want us to be yo, when we end 2025, I want us to have incredible testimonies of of god, of his encounter. I mean, he showed up for me just over this little Christmas break. He blessed me in high favor and all I was doing was resting in him. So I thank you, god, for today. I ask for God that even those of us who are preparing, we're already mentally preparing ourselves. As we're closing out this year, we're already preparing for next year. We're excited about what's to come. We're thanking you, god, for all of the time spent with friends and family. We thank you for a period of rest and renewal and now, lord God, I ask that you will open heaven and help them, lord God, through dreams and visions and different confirmations and spiritual confirmation from heaven, lord, from those you've sent to speak to them, to teach them, to guide them, to lead them back to you, lord God. But I ask, lord God, for a full-on, open engagement with you, encounters with you, so that we know what you say about where we're going in 2025. Give us the discipline, then, lord God, to help us achieve all these things for our family. Lord God, we want to be blessings and breakthrough. We want to see bigger victories in 2025 than we even did in 2024. We thank you, lord.
Speaker 1:All right, so here's a scripture I want to share with you, and it's one that I think all of us know. It is Matthew 7, verses 7 through 8, and again, this is what I'm saying. This is kind of where I am right now, until Monday, y'all. This is where I'm resting and it's Matthew 7, verses 7 and 8. And this is the A Shelley version, the ESV version. Don't be mad Ask and it will be given to you. So, ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find. Knock and it will be opened to you, for everyone who asks receive, and the one who seeks finds. And to the one who knocks, it will be open. So, this scripture, people take it in all kinds of different ways. There's all kinds of ways to interpret it. So, holy Spirit, I ask that you give us wisdom according to each of our situations.
Speaker 1:Right now, for me, right now, as I'm asking, what are you asking God for? I'm asking him for these very doors, these very doors of mega opportunities doors, these very doors of mega opportunities. Not, you know, not so I can be puffed up y'all, but so that I can do more for the community that I serve, I can do more for this ministry, so that I can still be uber successful on my job and my career will blossom, that my health is going to be great. I'm asking for open doors when it comes to financial opportunities and blessings and breakthrough, asking for, you know, any illness or sickness. And so these are the things, y'all, as I'm asking God, I'm asking him to reveal, you know where we should go and the events we should have. And what does he think? I literally ask God like, what do you think about my plans? Like you know, before you make a vision, write a vision, make it plain, you start asking him what are your thoughts concerning these things? Am I on the right track? So that's why, again, y'all, it's so important. You got to go inside and you got to have these conversations with the Lord. The Holy Spirit will show you and I want to be on track with where he wants me to go, because where he goes, there will always going to be victory, right? My Jesus loves me, right? So, um, so that's you know. Ask and it will be given seek. So that means you got to spend time seeking, you got to do something. So seeking. So, for example, over the next few days, y'all you know, just seeking you. Maybe you're going into the word sometimes, seeking is I'm running through my mind. Here are the things. So here are the three things that I want to do next year, lord God. Here are the three areas where I really need your breakthrough. I need to see a breakthrough, a change, lord God, whatever that is for you right. And so I started seeking him out about what he says, about how to get there. A lot of women, you know. We turn to Proverbs. You know Proverbs 31. That's great, it's a great template. But if you're seeking in your professional or your business growth or you know all those things and you're going into this Proverbs 31, okay and you're getting the word, then now you got to apply discipline behind it to get the things done. Seek it and you will find, and then knock and it will be open and are again opportunities, the doors. I'm asking for mega doors to be open, not just in my uh, professional, my career, but in my own personal development, in ministry, in spiritual, as a mom, as a friend, as a spouse, right, all those things I'm asking god for. So, matthew 7 ask and it will be given to you. Seek and you will find, knock and it will be open for everyone who asks, receive and the one who seeks finds. And to the one who knocks it will be open, but you gotta knock on the door if you use this time right now to just, you know, um, just focusing on you know what new year's party.
Speaker 1:And I'm talking to the people who are gonna, who are gonna change environments next year. I'm talking to the people who are gonna excel in business next year. I'm talking to the people who are going to change environments next year. I'm talking to the people who are going to excel in business next year. I'm talking to the people who are writing checks to help people in communities next year. That's what I'm talking. I'm talking to leaders in ministries who are drawing souls, thousands of souls. I'm talking to people who are motivated to do more and to be better and to grow more and to have a deeper personal relationship with Jesus. I'm talking to the people who are hungry. That's who I'm talking to. If you're just, you know you're on the maintenance mode and that's all good, that's you. But I'm talking to those who are hungry for more for their families and for themselves.
Speaker 1:I love verse 17, where it says so every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit, and we always say that. We know people buy the fruits, and so he even asked God, like Lord, I want to bear healthy and good fruit. I want to be a healthy tree. I'm a part of your branch, I'm a part of your kingdom, I'm part of you, jesus, but I only want to bear good fruit. I want to be a healthy tree. I want you know, I'm a part of your branch, I'm a part of your kingdom, I'm part of you, jesus, but I only want to bear good fruit next year. So you know, lord, as I'm asking and I'm seeking, thank you for opening. I even start thanking you, lord, for opening the doors of opportunity for me. Lord, bless me so that I can bear good fruit this year, in 2025. I thank you, as we're closing out 24, for all that you have already done, even prayers that weren't answered, lord, god, because that was your timing. But, lord, as we're going into this new year, I'm asking, lord, I'm asking for your help, I'm seeking your guidance and, lord, I thank you. I'm knocking on the doors of heaven and you're going to open up those opportunities for me in 2025. And I thank you that I'm going to bear good fruit of a healthy tree, lord. Thank you, lord, for all that. So that's what I'm doing today and I encourage you y'all again over the net over the rest of this weekend. Maybe that's something that you'd be joining me in.
Speaker 1:And notice, I'm not declaring nothing. You have to, you have to make this your own on monday and tuesday. The five pillars, the five, five pillars that we're going to pray, uh, five areas of our lives, and now we're going to start asking, seeking and knocking our, our health, our career and professional development, our spiritual, uh meaning our relationship with Jesus, okay, uh, our finance. And the last thing is our personal, how we're taking care of our personal health, our relationship, our self-care, all the things. So those are the five. Those are the five things, y'all that we're going to be leaning into, because those are going to be the pillars. If your health is a mess, if your career or your business and when I talk about career and professional, I mean your business also if you're a business owner, right, because that's your career If your spiritual life is, you know you don't have a life with Jesus, you don't. If it's off, your finance is in trouble, and your personal, your personal, uh, wellness, if that's in trouble, we're not gonna make it y'all. So we have to learn now how to apply discipline in those five key areas so that we can move into 2025.
Speaker 1:Like I said, I'm I'm uh, I'm with the folks who are trying to do so much more. I want to look back on 2020. I'm gonna look back on 2024 as a year of amazing blessings. We were very productive, we were very blessed, but I'm looking at 2025, regardless of what's happening in our environment. You know what I'm saying and I think you do. Okay, I don't care what is happening around me, I don't care who's going to go crazy. I don't care. None of that. I am seeking. I'm asking God for blessings. I'm seeking him out and I'm knocking on the doors of opportunity, and I know that he's declared victory over my life, because that's what his word says concerning me. All of these blessings are mine, but we've got to be hungry and we've got to go after it, and we're doing that this year.
Speaker 1:So, father, I thank you for this Saturday morning. I thank you, lord, for bringing, just waking me up in the right mind. I thank you for your holy words, lord. We want to bear good fruit in 2025. So I pray for every person under the sound of my voice, who's Lord they may be. You know seeking. Some of us aren't even seeking. We're just kind of resting and relaxing, and that's okay.
Speaker 1:As we're in our resting mode and spending time with family and closing out this year, I ask that you will bring to our mind and our memory and recollection, even in dreams and vision, lord God, that you show us the things that you placed on our hearts, the assignments that were incomplete this year and even, lord God, the things that we asked for but we didn't put the work in. Lord, would you energize us, would you fill us up with, get us excited about what's coming? Thank you for your divine help that you're sending and the open doors that you're going to open for us. And before we make declarations about what you say or what somebody else says over these promises, lord, god, I ask that you reveal those promises that you made to us so we can be in alignment with what your word says concerning us individually. Thank you, jesus, for this day. I bless you, lord, I honor you, amen.
Speaker 1:All right, I love y'all. Have an amazing rest of your Saturday. I'm sorry I went over just a teensy bit, but so much to share. I hope you have an amazing Saturday. God bless you. God bless you and I will see you soon. Bye.