Mrs. PIE
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Shelley Jeffcoat, CEO & Founder of LCM Group and Grace and Grit Media, is a dynamic Business and International Christian Woman Speaker, Founder of Come Out of the Wilderness Prayer Ministry, Author of the 'What’s My P.I.E' book series, and the engaging host of the 'Mrs PIE' podcast series.
Discover more at Grace and Grit Media, LCM Group, and Parade Deck Live TV.
Mrs. PIE
The Power of Dreams: Unlocking Spiritual Wisdom and Inner Peace
This episode explores the spiritual significance of early morning wake-ups, emphasizing the transformative power of prayer, visualization, and discernment regarding dreams. It discusses strategies for managing nightmares, the importance of confidentiality in divine revelations, and the need to trust God's timing in our journeys.
• The value of waking up spiritually to understand divine messages
• How visualization can lead to joy and success
• Differentiating between nightmares as warnings and ordinary dreams
• The importance of discretion in sharing personal revelations
• Encouragement for those feeling isolated during tough times
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Why you might be asking, am I wearing a dinner jacket on a Saturday morning post? I just spilled coffee down my shirt and I didn't want to go change it. Because I love it so much, I intend to wear it. So. Good morning, happy Saturday, y'all Alright. So I wanted to share this thought or tip.
Speaker 1:What do you do when you're being woken up? And we know, you know, sometimes the Lord will wake you up at a certain time 2 am, 3 am, 4 am, whatever the am really early before you naturally wake up and I don't know if you're like me, sometimes I am not getting out of my bed. So I'll lay in my bed and I'll pray and ask God. You know, what is it that you'd like me to know? And then, if it's something that requires me to write down, I'll get up and write it down. But a lot of times I don't. Sometimes those things come back to the front of my mind in the morning when I wake up. But something that I do that I think I want to share with you, as you are getting all the downloads. Y'all know I'm in kind of a resting with Jesus kind of mode, and this is kind of when the downloads come. If you give yourself a chance to just pause, sit on the bleachers, as I say, sit with him. But something that I do when I'm woken up in the morning and I pray, and I typically go straight to you know, depending on the time of day, but I typically pray for protection, but I also ask him to give me wisdom or whatever it is that I need to see, and I also ask the Holy Spirit to bring it back to my mind if this is really something that I need to take an action on. And then sometimes I'll just write down. If there's something innovative, an idea, something I thought, or something that I know that is supposed to produce something else, I will make a note, I note it on my phone or whatever. But after that sometimes I have a really tough time going back to sleep because my mind starts racing. So something that I do that I want to share with you is when that happens after you woke up, after you wrote down the thing or you said the prayer, and you're still laying there like what's next?
Speaker 1:Something that I start to do is I start to visualize what accomplishing that thing looks like. So, for example, if he gave me the idea for an event, I start visualizing what it looks like. I start placing myself in the event and thanking God that. Thank you, god, for the breakthroughs that's going to happen. Thank you for the blessings that's going to come. You know, I start living that thing out in my mind and this is not new stuff. This is again stuff that the world uses all the time, where we visualize what success looks like Part of the reason I do that. So, even if I wake up, I say the prayer for something that you showed me with my daughter, I start to visualize after I pray and all that. Visualize her living a happy life. I visualize her smiling. Or, if I'm praying for someone's health, visualize them being happy, and what happens then is I start to receive the word, I start to receive the blessing that this is going to happen and my mind shifts. So my mind goes from just praying and hoping to start seeing and believing God playing that thing out. So that is kind of one thing that I do visualization. And again, I usually do this when I can't come, I can't fall back to sleep, and I think that's going to help all of us and I'm going to say a quick prayer for us.
Speaker 1:Also, something else I want to remind you or share with you, that not all nightmares are bad. Like devil isn't in your dream chasing you. There are times when it will. The dream would appear shocking because God's got to get your attention. It it's a warning. It's just a warning dream. But when you have those dreams, write them down and then ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it to you over time what it means.
Speaker 1:I've had so many dreams, but I've also had a lot of dreams that y'all it'll make no sense, I don't understand, but I knew that they were spiritual-related dreams. I knew there was something spiritual about them. Because of one I could sense the environment that I was in. I remember things very specific and even if I started to speak and you shouldn't if I started to speak about some of these dreams, I automatically go right back into that feeling when I was in the dream. So sometimes I've had warning dreams of attacks. I've had warning dreams of people showing up in my room doing crazy stuff, y'all.
Speaker 1:But the Lord will send you something that's a warning. He'll show you someone intruding into your life. He'll, you know. He'll show you activity, you know kind of demonic activity that you need to pray against, but things like that happen and so the Lord finds different ways to speak to his people. So don't be shooketh or shocked when you get a nightmare and then just start saying, oh, the devil is coming after me. No, god's trying to get your attention. He speak to us in so many different ways that if he's trying to get to you during the day and you're not listening and you're asking him, show me, lord. I want to know that he's going to start revealing things to you in your dreams and you can read in the Bible, you can Google it y'all. I'm not saying anything that you can't Google about the Lord and dreams and visitations and visions. It happens to all the major prophets, it happens to all of us.
Speaker 1:So, again, the first thing I wanted to say is when you're in that space where you're woken up, whatever that time of morning is, and you've said the prayer, and then you start to visualize what success looks like, aligned to whatever it is that you maybe things that you've asked him for, you know start visualizing what that looks like and and again, that just gives you a different heart of joy and I feel like I get so excited when I see, when he gives me these glimpses and I see it, and then I start my mind then starts to connect to my actions because now I'm gonna put work behind it, right, faith that works right. So I start to put put work behind the dream and then, uh, and then God will kind of, you know, work those things out. You got to do something with it. And then the second thing is again just a reminder that not every dream, even your nightmares, are god's warnings to you. So you've got to be able to be spiritually mature enough to discern when it's a warning. And sometimes it's just a dream, just a dream. It doesn't really mean anything, but you ask the holy spirit to, to, to, uh, help you understand.
Speaker 1:The third thing I want to share with you is be careful y'all. We again we're asking god to you know, we want a better relationship and we want to draw closer to you and we want to understand your mysteries. Stop telling people everything God shows you on social media. Stop it Please. I'm begging you. You can't, you can't. Like.
Speaker 1:Imagine you work for a company. Imagine you work for an executive and you're saying to that exec I want to understand the mysteries of how you get stuff done. Maybe not the word mysteries, but I want to understand your strategy and the way that you get some things done right and then that exec it takes time, they build trust. You both build trust and that exec starts to show you here are the strategies and here are the roadmaps that we use to accomplish what we're trying to do and then you get a glimpse of it. And then you run on Facebook and I heard the Lord say right, or you jump on a prayer call and you just start, you know, just start sharing everything that that exec just told. Well, the trust is broken because you need to be quiet. You need to understand that. And also, god's not going to show you the big picture, so you're getting a millimeter of what he's doing. So just be mindful that everything doesn't need to be on social media. He shows me so many things about so many people across time. He's shown me people's true heart posture. He shows me a lot y'all.
Speaker 1:But it's not for me to come out and blurt it out and say, sister, so-and-so, god said you're going to be blah, blah, blah, unless he specifically gives me a word and it will be in a specific moment and you'll know and most likely it's just a confirmation that I ain't saying nothing, right? So you have to get that discipline. There is such a need now for clickbait. And listen, my professional life, as you know I'm also a corporate girly is I know how marketing works. That's my life. Right, but don't get into the clickbaitness of what's happening right now on Facebook, where people drop a line and you just get really excited. Right, ask God what it means for you.
Speaker 1:Celebrate somebody else's win. When somebody puts out "'God bless me today' and turn things around and "'This is gonna be my day' and "'Bless you, blah, blah', I'm all for celebrating it and encouraging folks, right, but don't fall into clickbait. When the Lord gives you something that is a mystery, something that he's showing you just for you, because, remember, you're building trust with Abba, the more he can trust me, the more he gives me. If he can't trust me the same way on your job, or same way as a business owner, the same thing you do with your employees, if he can't trust you, he's not going to show you much. He's going to show you this little bit that you can handle, because he knows you're going to be out on the streets telling everybody. Right, and the enemy doesn't need to know our plan. We work for the government kingdom heaven, right. So you got to understand that part. I hope this blessed y'all.
Speaker 1:Anyway, I am wearing my dinner jacket on a Saturday morning, but I'm not ashamed. I'm having an amazing time spending time with Jesus. As we're going into the Christmas and New Year's holiday, I'm praying for God to bless you and your family and keep you safe. If you're going through this season and you're alone and you feel like there's no one there, I'm here. You got me. I'm gonna pop in and check on folks, but I'm here. Just know that, even if you feel like you're absolutely alone and things aren't going the way you planned this year, I got you. We're in this together, right? I'm your friend, right?
Speaker 1:So, lord, we just thank you for another amazing Saturday. I thank you for waking us up this morning. I thank you for your wisdom and your guidance. Thank you for your understanding too, lord, and your mercy, father. I pray that every person under the sound of my voice is going to have a spectacular day, and may they come to see you in a different way today. I thank you for those who are giving visions and dreams to Lord, god and help them to interpret it over time and according to your will and your grace.
Speaker 1:Fathers, you're sharing the mysteries with us and we're asking many of us leading different ministries that you're asking to asking. We're asking you to reveal things to us. I ask that you will teach us discipline, lord, so that everything doesn't go out on the streets and that we don't become clickbait. We want to say the right things to your people so that we can inspire and encourage them and drive them back to you. But even give us the kind of discipline, lord, that we don't become clickbait. I know it's so easy to get to watch the numbers and see how many people are like and loving and sharing, but that's not the business that we're in. Father, I thank you for forgiving us and having mercy on us.
Speaker 1:Bless every family who stands in need of our god. We've been praying for the month of december for those who are homeless or those who have some kind of housing insecurity, people with empty cupboards this month or god who are trying to figure out how they're going to make ends meet. People who have lost their jobs are still asking you for mercy, father. Would you show them your favor so that before the end of the month, they will get good news. You are still in the business of miracles and I'm calling on that now, asking for your grace and favor for every family, under the sound of my voice. Bless every family, lord, god, in any way that they stand in need, be it financial or spiritual or health or whatever it is that they need, and let them come to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. All these things we ask in your name, jesus. Amen, all right, I love y'all. Jesus loves you more. Have a great Saturday. Bye.