Mrs. PIE

Overcoming Fear and Finding Fulfillment Through Faith, a feature presentation hosted by Joe Dalton, interviewing Shelley Jeffcoat

Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 64

What if embracing spirituality could transform every aspect of your life? 

Welcome back to another episode of "Getting It Wrong To Get It Right," hosted by Joe Dalton. In today's episode, we have a special guest, Shelley Jeffcoat, who will take us on a journey of self-discovery, faith, and the importance of surrendering to a higher power. Shelley shares her personal experiences of hitting a wall and realizing that she couldn't fix things on her own. Frustrated with herself and envious of others' success, she turned to the Lord for help.

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Speaker 1:

Life will always bring you on a rollercoaster ride. I'm navigating through each and every day and loving what is and what the future may hold. My past has given me amazing memories and untold stories and, at times, feeling of worry and hardship, which I now see as part of my life journey. Remember, show up and if you fail, that's okay. Tomorrow will bring a new day and new ideas. I've had the privilege to spend time and interview some amazing leaders over the years. As they share their stories of life and business, I find out what makes them the people they are. I'm honored to share their stories with you.

Speaker 2:

Are you struggling to grow your business? Book a free business growth consultation with Joe today. In this consultation, you'll receive professional advice, step-by-step guidance that will help you achieve success, best practices and tips for improving profits. Clicking on the link in the description or contacting us directly.

Speaker 3:

Welcome to another episode of Getting it Wrong to Get it Right. This week we're going to touch on spiritual growth. Mine has grown and it gets stronger and stronger each day, and in saying that, I flicked onto LinkedIn a couple of weeks ago and there was an extraordinary lady who shared a message. I thought she was very brave. It resonated with me. More and more people are openly having conversations with me about their spirituality and I know that some people believe and some people don't, and that's okay, but I think it's necessary that we all have these conversations. Shelley Jeffcoat, how are you?

Speaker 4:

I am honored to be here. I am excited and I know there's a word on my heart for somebody who needs it. So I'm all prayed up and ready to go. Why? Because there is such a need for hope. I've been. For those of y'all who understand, who have read the Bible maybe you've heard some of these passages before being in the wilderness, and I have been.

Speaker 4:

The way that Joe met me is I have a number of lives that I do, so different Bible teachings, and it's actually grown so much, joe, over time. I started about a year or so ago on my personal Facebook page and I was praying for teens. I was praying for kids every Thursday morning at seven. It was laid on my heart that as a mom, I needed to do something and it had to be a little bit more than just sending my best hopes and wishes. But I was just coming on and praying for kids and then it expanded outside of that um, that, that area, and grew to praying for adults. And then the Lord was leaning on me to talk about the word. Taking it back to the word and why. It's because there's such a tremendous need for people to hear the truth from the word and not based on what Shelly thinks, but based on what the word is saying and and really trying to connect with people through hope. So that was laid on my heart and let me just be honest.

Speaker 4:

I went through 20 years where I understood the gifts that I carry within the body of Christ and I wasn't trying to do any of that. I did not want to be on anyone's social media talking about my spiritual walk at all, but as someone who's gone through a significant amount of growth in this area, it was just impossible for me to keep quiet some of the good news, because I knew that the Lord wanted me to share some of what I had gone through and to inspire and encourage people to want to learn more and have a relationship. It's less about religion and throwing out some affirmation and it's really more about having a relationship with the Lord. So that's what it is. So this incredible journey that you're seeing here play out has been something that has been pressed on my heart, and this is just a broken and chipped vessel being obedient to that on my heart and this is just a broken and ship vessel being obedient to that.

Speaker 3:

You know, it's a lot of people, as I say there's there's no atheist on the sinking ship and a lot of people are feeling pain at the moment and we see that because there's so much uh, there's a lack of joy in people's hearts and people are looking in search and for fulfillment.

Speaker 3:

And you know, I think it's about having truthful, honest conversations and it's not about religion, it's about our own spiritual growth and, like, if you know someone who's an atheist, who might go, I don't believe any of that mumbo jumbo. But I say, even if you don't believe any of that, and we know for a fact, there was a man you know, called jesus, who lived 2 000 years ago. So even if you're natus and you were to follow that man's teachings, you would be a better person and I also asked a question.

Speaker 3:

You know, if you believe in in something, would it affect your life in any way? No, they say. And then, if you didn't believe in something, would it affect your life in any way? No, so it's all about the perception and and for me, it's about energy and it's about, you know, it's about truth and I'm going to say this, you know when I that there's so many things going on and people believe. It's all about love, hugs and kisses, you know, and meditating, but it's about being truthful. Yes, I've said this to you and as um offer, the last time we spoke, jesus spoke out against the status quo, against the governments and the religion orders, and they crucified them right. So by speaking the truth, you step into dangerous waters. Would you talk about that?

Speaker 4:

so I think now from a spiritual perspective. So you know, I think my this is the way my brain and my entire everything works. Everything for me is spiritual first and then it's physical. Right, it happens in the spiritual perspective first and then it plays itself out in a spiritual way. So, if I'm to believe, first of all, if I'm to believe the word the word talks about in Romans first of all, if I'm to believe the word the word talks about in Romans Romans 12, I believe Romans 12, where it talks about fulfilling the law through love. It's fulfilling the law through love.

Speaker 4:

I think what has, what is happening, is that a lot of us are using in the same way. It's almost like it's playing itself out. I was having a conversation with someone earlier this morning that I'm almost watching this play out the same way it did during the time when Jesus walked this earth, where we as individuals are trying to get the Lord to fix things in a political perspective or, you know, to fix things in a more mundane perspective, and truly what he came to do was to save us right, our souls, our spirit right, and so when you operate from a place where you're trying to fulfill the law through. They are wrong and I am right. You will never capture the hearts of men. It doesn't work that way. So if you're coming to a place where you're fulfilling the law through love, what does that look like? It means that, before you know, I'm a woman. I tell people I'm a woman of faith, I'm a woman of God. Call me what you want, right, I believe Jesus, that I'm a Christian, all those things. But if I operate in a way that I am now condemning you right through judgment versus teaching you through faith, teaching you through love, teaching you through patience, if I'm not operating with the Holy Spirit, then all you're getting from me is noise. All you're getting from me is more chaos and judgment, and people don't want to hear that. So it starts for me.

Speaker 4:

Whenever I talk to someone who has not had a relationship with the Lord and that there are a lot of Christians who don't even know who the Holy Spirit is right, I always start with a very basic question is do you believe God, which is separate from do you believe in God? Because there are many religions that believe in a God. My question is do you believe God? And what that means is if you believe in God, because there are many religions that believe in a God. My question is do you believe God? And what that means is if you believe God, then you believe who he says you are, then you believe his plan for your life, then you start to trust him more.

Speaker 4:

When it makes no sense, when it looks like things are falling apart right, when you can't see, when you can't tangibly see where you're going or your path isn't straight, you know when things are playing out in a different way. Do you believe God? Because if you believe God, then you start to, then you start to lean into what he says about you. And he says things in the word like all things are working together for your good, for those who are called according to his purpose. And a lot of times we hear that all things are called, all things are working together for your good, but we forget the comma. If you're called according to his purpose, are you aligned with what he says that you should be doing and do you believe God?

Speaker 3:

A lot of people live in a world of not being truthful, and we all suffer from truthfulness on a day-to-day basis, and over the last couple of years, I'm starting to realize that people need to stand in their own two shoes and take responsibility for their own life. And take responsibility for their own life. When is the line crossed when you're taking responsibility for your own life or getting caught up in?

Speaker 3:

the chaos that you're trying to. Some people are trying to keep away from their door as well, and there's a lot of envy in the world and there's a lot of greed in the world, and envy creates an awful lot of anger and frustration and jealousy in people. I'm at this stage when I'm gonna go there's no one coming here. There's no coming here to save us. We are here to save ourselves, but at what point do we kind of just sit back and go hang on? I've done enough. I can't do anymore.

Speaker 4:

Well that, so that hits to the that wall and and one of the biggest problems that believers have, you're not here to save anybody.

Speaker 4:

You don't have the power to do any of that. It is. That is the, that is the missing link, where people are operating without the power of the Holy Spirit. Without the power of the Holy Spirit, I can't come on a broadcast and talk about the love of Christ, because what I'm saying will never penetrate your heart if he's not involved in this equation. That is the basic. So the spirits of envy and jealousy and chaos and confusion and lies and all those things we know are what we call traits of the enemy. That is not meant for you as a believer. That's not. That is not meant for you as a believer. That's not the life that you should have, and so I I always challenge especially Christians that you know who are carrying those, those literal spirits like I told you, I think spirit first, right, right.

Speaker 4:

You know they're carrying. Some of these folks are, you know, carrying this, and I'll say all of us, because there are periods where we all go through this man, look at my neighbor, she's doing so great, why am I not there, right? Or look at so-and-so it literally these are seeds that we start to plant. If you, if you operate with I know what my purpose is. How do I know what my purpose is? Because, again, I have a relationship with the Lord and he tells me I asked him to close the doors that I have no business opening. He shows up and manifest in opportunities in different ways. So, even in the ways that opportunity shows up, there's always a confirmation spiritually. For me, there's been a prayer that went forward and then he's answering that prayer and then he's confirming that prayer. And I don't have to look at 12 books. I only look at one book and that's the Bible, and that's it. Because if I start to operate where the word says lest you be wise in your own sight, our own sight, meaning that there are things that we will never understand because we're using our human eyes, so we can't expect to understand what the Lord is doing through our eyes, and yet we make ourselves go crazy because we're trying to figure this thing out. And all he's saying is trust me, just trust me, just let go of the control for a minute and a minute, you know, a year, 30 days, whatever that is, and just trust me.

Speaker 4:

And I think, joe, I think, where a lot of us really, you know, we start making decisions that were never aligned with what God told you to do, okay, and so you make the decision, you put the things in place, fulfill whatever that dream was, regardless, right? You're just kind of doing these things. And then your frustrated business isn't churning out and sales are down and you know where are my clients. And now you're on social media putting up these fake profiles with fake success theories and all of these things, right, and you're miserable. And you're miserable because you've stepped, literally stepped out of the path that was meant for you. You're living someone else's life, and then envy and jealousy and all these things come up, and now you start saying, well, there's no God, because God wouldn't have let me do this right. Now it's no longer your fault. The blame has to go somewhere. Might as well go to the God that I can't see. It's he made me do it or he doesn't exist.

Speaker 4:

Why are people starving? You know what I mean? We literally make these things up so lest you be wise in your own sight. That's why it's so important, before you make a decision on a business, listen. Before my daughter goes to school, I'm asking Lord, you know, give her the wisdom and the understanding she'll need just to navigate through the day, even in the conversations that she's having, so that she's not saying things about herself that are not true, about who she is in you. How do you see me, lord, on this job? How do you see me running this business? These are the things that you literally have to peddle back. But it doesn't matter. If you don't believe God, if you really generally don't believe that what he has for you is great, and you're going to try to figure out how to you know make the money your way, then it really doesn't matter, right?

Speaker 3:

you're going to go off and do whatever you want I'm fascinated you took this path just over about a year ago. People will say, god, you're very brave. Because sometimes I think myself, if I start going on talking about the teachings and what I understand, you know you'd have a lot of people going they're nuts, they're bible bashers, they're don't mind them, keep away from them, because there's this sort of there's been this stigma for anyone who speaks outside of the norm is crazy. But then those same people go to mass on sunday to pray to someone who was saying this two thousand years ago. But if anyone else says that they're barmy, they're mad. Do you know that?

Speaker 4:

oh, it's the how, so you know. So, though, I've been out front for a year and a half. I've been behind scenes for 20. Okay, I have been planting seeds in people in community. I've been living out this life for a very, very long time. It's just the time came where I accepted the call on my life. I accepted the job, y'all Okay.

Speaker 3:

I literally said I'll do it.

Speaker 4:

I literally because I, there is a, there was a heart posture that needed to happen. And so I, I grew up new, knowing about um, about Jesus. I've had encounters, I've had many spiritual encounters. I've had all these things happening for a very, very long time, but I had to go through a period where he was preparing me for this. Because you can't, you're right, you can't just show up and just start talking about the Lord.

Speaker 4:

I have, you know, my mom. She's long past, but she was a teacher and a minister in the Methodist church. You know, we, we, my husband and I we were at a. We go to a Presbyterian church. He was Baptist. I went to Catholic school, but I had to be prepared for this.

Speaker 4:

So in the same way that he had to put me through this period of this wilderness and showing me who I am and teaching me his word, and again, you know, you know I tell folks, listen, I am not appointed by man, I'm anointed by God. That level of confidence in Christ is not not because I'm saying it is because what he says about me and then he confirms it. So how you present and how you speak to people about the Lord, you cannot have a conversation confidently about Jesus if you're not experiencing him for yourself. In the same way, I can't tell people about the amazing Joe Dalton if I've never had a conversation with Joe. Right, it won't translate. And what you're meant to do is to show the heart of Jesus. It's not about the law, it's about the heart. And if you want to get people, you know whether they're atheists or believers, and I'm with you, joe.

Speaker 4:

There were the hardest people for me to deal with are actually Christians, like we are so stuck in our religion, whether it's Baptist, whether it's Catholic, whatever it is. We're all stuck in our religion, our version of what religion is right that we forget that it's all about a relationship. It's all about a relationship with Jesus, right? And so if we could just remove those walls and focus on the relationship with God, then you'll get what you need. You'll get all the instructions he will send. Divine help when you go on YouTube and you look at those videos. There's so many videos, joe, on YouTube with you know, pastors asking for cash to happen, you know there's so much.

Speaker 3:

Show me the dollar.

Speaker 4:

Show me the dollar, you know like many, many moons ago.

Speaker 3:

You know there was purgatory, you know, and if you wrote a big enough check you'd get into heaven.

Speaker 3:

I think what it is from a spiritual point of view and you said that there that triggered it with me, me is the heart, and it's about focusing into the heart and not the head that's right, because our thoughts are not ours, and the reason why I believe the thoughts aren't there is because there's so much distraction that's going on externally, deliberately to keep us from going on going within, and it's very hard to live in that inward state of mind on a day-to-day basis because outside of that there is so much noise. But if you can find that moment in time to go into the heart and kind of go, okay, head, shut up, I'm not talking to you anymore, I'm not talking to you anymore, I'm not listening to you and not and feeling, because there's such a difference between feeling and thought and I think that's what we need to.

Speaker 3:

we need to practice what? How has your life changed in the last year and a half, now that you have come, let's's say, more vocal in your spiritual teaching, especially like on LinkedIn?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's a lot, joe. It has been so incredible. So about a year or so ago, I launched this brand called Pi Proud, inspired, empowered. And the intent this was December 2020, I went through a surgery. That was. It took me all of 2021 to kind of bounce back and get healed. And 2022, I've launched this brand, and the intent at that time was I'm going to create some messaging for teens.

Speaker 4:

My daughter at the time was going through just a lot and y'all you know remember everything that was happening in the last couple of years I don't even want to say those words, but all the health issues of everything that was going on and and I wanted to create a language that would help her and other teams to you know, just start speaking differently about themselves. So here comes me with a hey, you know, Lord, lord, what if I just do this? You know I'm a brand and culture expert. I can talk to people about brand all day long. And what started to happen? Really quickly, because I then said you know what? This company, this, everything, everything I do is yours. You do whatever you want with it. Well, that last part you do whatever you want with it started to come in a different form and I had to be willing. I'm willing, right, but I had to let it go. I had to let go of my ideas and my strategic plans and all of those things that I thought I was going to be doing and listen.

Speaker 4:

Now we have a Facebook prayer group, come Out of the Wilderness prayer retreat for women coming up October 21st. We have you know I'm speaking at another church, eastgate Community Church, end of October. It literally is multiple. We're already planning for other events next year to really bring hope and encouragement to women and teens, and so I'm just amazed there's so much good that's coming. Our prayer lives are now not just on Thursday, but it's on parade deckcom. Their face channel is. They're running our Thursday lives. Now we have prayers at six 30s on Monday and we've got Tuesday night prayers.

Speaker 4:

It's really expanded and he's built. He's, you know, provided that divine help. So he's, he's sent help so that the word can go forward and and you know I'm watching these incredible women around me being trained up can go forward. And and you know I'm watching these incredible women around me being trained up to go out and again fulfilling the law through love and really drawing people back to back to Jesus. It's not about me, right? It's literally like I love Jesus so much, I want to tell the world about him and I, my heart, that is literally my heart posture, and because I'm willing to do that, joe, I'm just excited so well I have this platform you know, I'm so grateful for this I have a question.

Speaker 3:

There's a belief in jesus yes and then there's a knowing in your heart yes so you'll have people going. Okay, I believe in Jesus and he helped me out. But then there's a knowing.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

What does it take for people to jump from belief into full knowing?

Speaker 4:

switching the mind yeah, one word, it's one word, and the word is surrender I I can tell you a story.

Speaker 3:

I remember going to a prayer meeting in a house and there was a guy there was a preacher, and don't listen to him, and he said, joe sandal. Okay, he stood up and he put his hand on pushing on my head. And I was a guy. There was a preacher and don't listen to him, and he said, joe sandal. Okay, he stood up and he put his hand on pushing on my head and I was going okay, what's meant to happen here? Am I meant to be overtaken by the holy spirit and fall to the ground or what's happening? And he was like forcing me, forcing me, and he was praying and praying, and praying and praying. And he was saying this and I could see he was getting weary. So I went, oh, and he went, oh, there you go.

Speaker 3:

And I said my friend who organized it was laughing, going what was that? I says I didn't know why. Just you know he was pushing me and I was getting bored, so I just went, oh, okay, so what is that surrender? I have difficulty with the whole people pretending yes and people really surrendering.

Speaker 4:

Yes, yeah, so it's so. And surrendering, by the way, you have to, surrendering your heart to the Lord. So, remember I said, the first question I always ask people is do you believe God, not in God, do you believe God? And then the next thing is is to surrender. So many of us want to hold onto the control because for many of us, god is an unseen. Right, I don't see him.

Speaker 4:

And yet, if you, if you listen close enough, if you watch with your, if you have those spiritual eyes, if you watch around you, you can literally see the Lord working things in your life. You can literally hear his voice. Right, it's just that we're so, we're so busy with all of the unnecessary noise television. We're so busy with all of the unnecessary noise television, social media. You know what I mean. Everything, life is lifing, all those things.

Speaker 4:

And so you have to get yourself into your quiet space where you're just surrendering and you're just saying, lord, just speak to me, I want to hear from you. And over time, this isn't listen, this isn't what I'm saying, it's not, it's not going to happen. It's not magic. There's a discipline involved. There's a reason that you go into fasting, and I don't mean like fasting because I need the Lord to give me my next business plan. I mean fasting because I need to understand how to serve better, or fasting because I think you know I mean it's that, that level of surrender yeah, because even in a quiet place it's the pauses between the breaths that's where you get.

Speaker 3:

Inspired and about fasting, I know, is when I I do a 24 hour fast, the clarity that comes into my mind. If I do 48, I'm bungling around and falling over and I'm a mess. So I have that sweet spot of around 24 and it gets really clear. I'm also kind of going. You know, we have all these tools and I'm concerned that the future as well for all nations is is falling apart. And is it a case that it's meant to fall apart?

Speaker 4:

I think that what we have is that an opportunity, whether those of us who believe will step up and live out the life. And I don't mean like when I say live out the life. And I don't mean like when I say live out the life, I mean you don't have to tell me you're a Christian. And in fact, if you say to me, you know I'm Christian, I will tend not to believe you, because I should have seen, through your actions and the seeds that you've sown, what your harvest says about you. So you say you know I'm a Christian, trust me. Shelly's going to. In my head I'm thinking no, you're not. And are you just carrying a title because it's cool, I'm a Christian, right, you know? Or or those who, who, who, literally, have you know I, I, I don't say Jesus, I say Yeshua, it doesn't matter, he's Jesus, right.

Speaker 3:

Literally, we literally put ourselves on these crazy hierarchical things, that, but it's also words of great power, like I yes you know, I would say one thing, and for me it's Yeshua, yeah, for someone else it's Jesus.

Speaker 4:

And yeah but also, you know, I kind of go okay, I'm saying something here, maybe I'm saying it the wrong way that's right, but it's not about saying, it's about feeling it it's the heart, it goes back to the heart posture, because when you say the name of jesus or yeshua, is he hearing you?

Speaker 4:

does he know your voice, right. My sheep know my voice right. So does he know? And how does he know your voice? It's because you've been in commune. It's like Joe's not gonna. Joe knows my voice now because I know Joe. He knows me right. Joe knows the voice of Shelly, right, for all of you who are listening at this point now, you know Shelly's voice. That's Shelly speaking, right, right? So if you call shelly's name, your shelly responds that. You know what I mean. That's how it works. But if you say the name of jesus or yeshua and he's not responding to you, he doesn't know who. You are right, because there's no relationship. You can't just you know. It's not like santa, where you say the name and he's not picking up the phone.

Speaker 3:

He's not picking up the phone also there's a lot of woo woo stuff out there on spirituality yes and sometimes I think it's the beast creates that woo woo as well to stop people from really homing into their own heart that's right.

Speaker 4:

That's right, and so we've also also created, we've made even worship complicated. So I got this message from the Lord and I was compelled to share it with our prayer group. So I did. There's about 84 me about people going into prayer closets. So again, I don't want to upset anyone who has a beautiful prayer closet.

Speaker 4:

But the word that he gave me was, literally, I was preparing for a teaching and I was literally like I'm going to go in my closet and prepare for the teaching. I was in my bathroom getting dressed and I had in my mind I was going to go write some things down in my prayer journal right, because you know that's what you do now. Right, prayer journal, prayer closet, whatever you call it. Right. And literally the Holy Spirit said close the book and listen. Close, just close the book. And so what he wanted to say, you know just close the book.

Speaker 4:

So we were spending so're spending so many, so much time like people, listen, you don't need a prayer closet to commune with the Lord, you just need to be quiet, you just need a moment to listen. You need to go into the word and speak to him. He'll speak to you. But we've complicated and again, there are times when you're going to, you're going to want that one-on-one quiet space, and if a closet does that for you, so be it. But you know, you can connect to Jesus in your car, you can connect to Jesus staying in a grocery line. You can connect to Jesus, you know, hanging in the backyard with your kids, like I. Literally, there are times when I'm in, I can be in a group with people and I'll just say to them I'm not here. And if you, if you're close enough to me, you'll know what that means. It means that I'm not here. I'm communing differently than you.

Speaker 3:

They're going. Why is Shelly mumbling there?

Speaker 4:

You know what I mean, like why you know she's not paying attention. I'm not here because I'm in a conversation with the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 3:

But I think we can all get lost up in the crowd as well. Yes, and you know, there's another part as well which is like cults.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

You know, there's people who have got different writings from the past and don't really understand them and join secret societies, societies, and then quote out these scriptures, hoping to bring in the genie or bring in the the egregore, and not really understanding the energies that they're playing with, even though they may think they're doing it because they're. You know, part of this is this secret society. They're actually doing more damage to themselves in the end, which is frightening as well.

Speaker 4:

Absolutely, absolutely. And so you know I'm Jamaican, that's where I was born, and so you know I was having this conversation with someone recently, a group of women. I was talking about them. It was a warning about being careful and be mindful of some of these things that they're tapping into the portals we call them portals that you open, and people do this all the time, and what the Lord was showing me was that that people need a sense of control, so a control over your finance. So you go, now you're going to some wink, wink, nod, nod to see if you can get the, get the information on how you're going to. You know how you're going to win that next deal.

Speaker 4:

People want control in their relationships, and now they're gonna. You know how you're gonna win that next deal. People want control in their relationships, and now they're. You know, using tarot cards or you know all those things. You know what I mean. Like people start, you know people want that immediate connection and and so now they're tying it and they want to feel power, so now they're tying into cults following men, and this is also this is also happening in the church. There there are people who are showing up the church, who are worshiping the pastor, they they get in the parking lot.

Speaker 3:

They forget who god is so it is not each other. There's right, yeah, because they're tapping into the construct that's right, you know, and construct is, there is heaven, there is angels there, you know, there's demiurge. All is in this construct and it's above that construct, that source, the energy, which is our creator, and I think that people do whatever they need to do when fear comes in.

Speaker 3:

That's that's it and fear let's talk about, you know, fear of failure, fear of not getting the deal, fear of not being able to pay the mortgage, fear of the bully in the classroom, fear of the, the bad boss, like all these things that open up so many different degrees of fear, which actually make people close their hearts that's right and lock them away. What do you say to those people that are, that are lost, are trapped in their own thoughts and fear and need to need to escape those chains? What would you say to them, shelly?

Speaker 4:

I would say I'll share, I'll use myself as an example as someone who overcame fear. As someone remember I said I was in a wilderness for 20 years and my wilderness didn't look, you know I I mean I was still very successful corporate. You know I I've had, I have a really good background, all of those things. I have, all the bells and whistles, great home, luxury items, all those things. Ok, so even when you're in a wilderness, you don't necessarily look like you're daunting, right, but I was in a period of time where my fear was really becoming who I am. I was so busy, worried about what people would say about me or what people would think about me, and I needed to just shut up me, quiet. You know they're like. You know I don't want, I don't want them to know I have dreams and that I'm the weird girl. And so for many, many years I traveled in fear and then I went into depression. Many years I traveled in fear and then I went into depression and it just got worse. And I think I mentioned my mom was a teacher and a minister and she went through the same thing. So I now understood that there's something generational. It was this cloak of fear and this spirit of fear was now generational. But I also understood that I needed to let it go. And how I got to let it go was I had to surrender my heart. I wanted to fix things my way. And then when I got to the point where I literally was hitting myself against the wall trying to come out of that and I realized I couldn't do it under my own strength and my own might, then I went back to the Lord and I was like, fine, you do it, that's just to be honest. I got so sick of myself. I got so sick of feeling like why aren't things working out for me? Why is it working so well for other people? I went through those periods of just being jealous, not envious, meaning I'm coming to take it from you because I've got a plot, but just looking at other people and going, but but so-and-so is doing so well, why isn't this working for me? And it was all fear and it was all fear-based.

Speaker 4:

And I started to understand and the Lord started to show me the things about me that were not true about me. So now, when I mentor someone, I always say listen, I only believe what's true about me. So now, when I mentor someone, I always say listen, I only believe what's true about me. And that is important, because I know what's true about me. I know that I'm a hard worker. I know that I'm faithful. I know that I'm loyal to friends, I know that I love Jesus. I know that it doesn't matter what the situation that comes before me, it's all going to work out for my good. I know that, you know, I have zero imposter syndrome. I don't know what that is. I've never had to fake anything till I made it. I never had to, you know, deal with any of that, because I understand and I believe what's true about me.

Speaker 4:

And so my mindset had to be changed, my thoughts had to be changed, the way that I thought about myself, because that impacted what I said about myself. So I would think one way and then I would speak something different. So, for example, I would be thinking, you know, through fear, like I'm afraid if I try this, blah, blah, blah. And then I would say but I think I can do this. And they didn't connect, it didn't make sense, because what you think, you speak, that's actually what comes to mind, comes to life.

Speaker 4:

So I literally had to reframe my mindset, but it started with actually believing that I'm meant to be here, I'm valuable, god loves me Like. You know what I mean. I had to. I had to forgive myself of things that I was literally doing to myself in my mind, and it took me a long time.

Speaker 4:

But I didn't do it on my own. I did it through prayer, I did it through fasting, I did it with the Lord. I had to learn those lessons so that I can be a witness right, which is what I am. I'm just a walking witness that if the Lord can take this broken and chipped vessel and still use me to bless one person, I didn't ask him. You know, hey, lord, I want to do. You know, I want to go out and be famous. That's not what it is. I just said use me.

Speaker 4:

Even if one person hears and picks up a little seed of hope and encouragement, then, man, I'm happy. But you do have to get past and you do have to make a decision. I had to decide. I got sick of being, I got sick of myself, I was sick of being sick of myself, and then I started to realize that those thoughts were just not true. Those things that I was thinking of myself were just not true. The word doesn't say anything about condemnation. You know nothing like that about me. Once I yielded my life to Christ, things changed.

Speaker 3:

I usually ask people a question about what they got wrong to get right, and I think you've answered that, shelley. Shelly, where can they find you?

Speaker 4:

so it's now it's easier to find me on parade deckcom, as, mrs pie, I am everywhere, and so we've figured out that yeah, we've got to consolidate. Parade deckcom is a group of military influencers and I'm one of those folks, but you can find all of our events, all of our live shows, on the YouTube channels. You literally, at this point, can Google Mrs Pye but parade deckcom and just search up Mrs Pye and you'll find me there, and I'm so excited. If anyone has any need for just connecting into a community on Facebook, we share uplifting prayers and songs all day long. You know that information is also on the profile and you know or you can just look for Come Out of the Wilderness. That's the name of the prayer group on Facebook and you're more than welcome. Men, women, you know we invite everybody to join. I'm so honored, joe, thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

Speaker 3:

This makes me an international speaker, joe, hope you know that well, shelly, I think it's needed and thank you for coming on the show. Thank you thank you.