Mrs. PIE

Letting Go: Trusting God's Timing and Wisdom Through Faith

Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 64

When was the last time you truly let go and trusted God? Picture this: my daughter was being bullied, and I found myself white-knuckling my prayers, desperately trying to control the outcome. This episode dives into that struggle many of us face, where we hold on too tightly to our worries and try to micromanage how God should intervene. Reflecting on Proverbs 3:5-6, we explore the importance of trusting the Lord with all our hearts and not leaning on our own understanding, encouraging each other to loosen our grip and let God take the wheel.

Furthermore, we unpack the wisdom found in Proverbs 3:7-8, which advises us to avoid being wise in our own eyes and to fear the Lord while turning away from evil. By seeking God's perspective rather than relying on our limited understanding, we can navigate life's challenges with greater faith and confidence. Through personal anecdotes and biblical insights, we highlight how obedience and surrender to God can lead to immense blessings and growth. Tune in for an honest, inspiring conversation about letting go and letting God guide your path.

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Speaker 1:

Hi y'all, I want to encourage you. For those of us who are still white-knuckling our way through prayers, that means like you really don't trust God. You're kind of holding on to that situation so tight and I want to encourage you to. You know the saying Jesus, take the wheel to let him take control. In Proverbs 3, verse 5, it says Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding In all your ways. Acknowledge him and he will make straight your path. So white knuckling your way is literally y'all when we pray, and we pray the same thing consistently.

Speaker 1:

Look and I say this because I don't do this as much anymore. I used to do this but I had a period of time where my daughter was being bullied and I was really worried for her safety and I'd be white knuckling the prayer like God, you've got to help her. You've got to help her now. And you know I was holding on so tight. I was white knuckling so tight of the wheel, trying to control the way that God was going to respond, trying to control the way that God was going to respond. I was even trying to control the way that you know, if he wasn't going to answer fast enough. He must have given me a word for me to go do something. And the truth is, what I needed to do was to let go of the wheel so that God could be God. You know that saying Jesus, take the wheel, it's not just taking the wheel of our lives and giving us directional guidance, y'all, it's not just take the wheel to take us safely to and from our destination, but it's really taking the wheel of everything that we have going on. So when we say our prayers and we're white knuckling it and we refuse to trust God with our hearts, you know I want to encourage you to yes, with our hearts. You know I want to encourage you to yes, say the prayers, say the prayers but then release, let go of the wheel so that he can take over. We both can't drive right.

Speaker 1:

Trust God, trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding. Why does he say that when you start leaning to your own understanding, y'all now we're shifting out of focus, like if I'm looking at you dead in the face right now and I'm speaking this word over your life and I'm speaking life into you and I'm blessing you. And when you start leaning out, you know, leaning to your own understanding. Now you're leaning out of focus. Now you're going to miss what I'm telling you because your mind is trying to understand and interpret the way you think, based on your experience, right. So you miss when God is telling you something because you're leaning to your own understanding. How is I need, lord, help me, to pay this bill. Lord, save my child, save my son, save my daughter. And when we start leaning to our own understanding now we start trying to figure out the ways that God should help you. So, lord, not only help my son and daughter, but you need to do this and give them this and give them that right Leaning to your own understanding, when maybe the Lord is putting your child through this season, refining them for his purpose, for his glory, for greater works to be done in their life. So if you're gripping that wheel, you don't allow him to take control. Still free will.

Speaker 1:

Now, in verse 7 and 8, it says be not wise in your own eyes. One, fear the Lord and turn away from evil. Be not wise in your own eyes. There's things that we're going to see happening, especially as we activate our prayer lives and wisdom for me. I ask God give me wisdom in these situations, give me wisdom on the job, give me wisdom in business. Lord, I want to see things through your perspective. I don't want to see through my eyes, because wisdom through my eyes looks like, you know, I'm never going to be able to complete the assignment because I don't have all the resources. And yet wisdom through God's eyes is I just need you to be obedient and I will send the help when it's time. So be wise in your own eyes. Again, we'll take you out of Jesus taking the wheel. So I hope this blesses all of us this morning to remind us y'all listen, we got to stop white knuckling. We've got to let go and let God and I love y'all have a great Saturday. I'll