Mrs. PIE

Supporting Our Heroes: Faith, Prayer, and Strength

Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 59

What if you could rise from the depths of exhaustion and find spiritual renewal? Join me in this heartfelt conversation as we focus on September's theme, "Rise Again," and delve into the importance of restoration and renewal, particularly for our resilient first responders and healthcare workers. Reflecting on Deuteronomy 2:7, we explore how God's provision remains steadfast even in our most challenging times, urging us to shift our focus from what we don't have to recognizing His blessings, fostering resilience and spiritual strength.

Discover how trusting God during tough seasons can significantly renew our strength. We discuss the power of faith in reinforcing our mental and emotional resilience, and how scripture helps us anticipate God's guidance and support. The theme of restoration underpins our discussion, emphasizing that God's blessings extend to the work of our hands, no matter how overwhelming life may seem. This conversation is a reminder that spiritual strength is rooted in expecting divine intervention and maintaining trust in God's plan, especially when we feel overburdened.

We also touch on the crucial practice of self-reflection to maintain spiritual vigor and avoid burnout. Emphasizing the importance of relying on God's strength through prayer, we discuss the necessity of taking breaks and discerning His true assignments for us. This episode highlights the importance of guarding our physical and mental well-being by trusting in God's provision and seeking His will. We conclude with a special announcement of prayer sessions dedicated to first responders and healthcare workers, inviting everyone to support these vital community members through collective prayer and solidarity. Join us for an inspiring episode that promises to uplift and renew your spirit.

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I'm just trying to share this into our prayer group. If somebody can do that and help me out on the Facebook streets, just drop this in the Facebook group. I might've done it, but I don't know.

Speaker 1:

Good morning y'all.

Speaker 2:

Good morning y'all. Happy Thursday. Welcome back to another. This has come out of the wilderness.

Speaker 2:

For those of y'all who don't know, I'm Shelly and I'm here every Thursday, thursday, monday, tuesday, saturday and Sunday trying to encourage and uplift as best I can, as much as I can, and I do it with I'm grateful. I'm grateful, lord, that you have chosen this very broken and very chipped vessel to just do the work that you've called me to do, and I'm happy to do it. So I'm glad that y'all are here. We're in the September series. The theme for this month is Rise Again, y'all, and it's really all about restoration and being renewed. We also decided good morning, faithful Tracy. She'll got sick of that, sick of that name but that we've also decided on some various themes for the month and specific groups that we'll target prayer for, and so for the month of September we've been leaning in on first responders, healthcare workers. That doesn't mean that if you call our phone line today at Thursday at 1 pm or 7, that we're not going to pray for other needs that you have or other griefs, but we just wanted to make sure that we were a little bit more targeted. That just came from the Lord. So I'm just being obedient and he's blessing us. Right, we come together and we pray. We do pray for our families, but we also pray for others. So I think today is really timely, because this week we're praying for strength and, if you can hear my voice, I am physically tired. I might be emotionally tired, but I'm spiritually wide awake and I think this is going to really bless us. Again, whether you are working in that field as a first responder, I think for the rest of us who don't, this is really going to bless you.

Speaker 2:

And before I was getting ready, before I was getting ready to come on, you know I try to open the word Listen sometimes when the series just to be honest, when I get the inspiration from the Holy Spirit for what the series should be and it's all built out very, very quickly. And sometimes it's like one day he'll sit me down in the month and he'll build out literally what the whole month looks like and everything. It's all kind of done and a lot of times I don't go back and tap into it because it's not for me to study, it's for him to lead, and part of something that I had to learn in building up my own I call it my spiritual strength or building up my walk is I'm so highly dependent on him leading and his strength and following what he says that I won't come back into. Sometimes I'll come in the morning of and just sit and say, okay, lord, you know, whatever you're going to say today, I'm here for that, use me in whatever way. So I don't do. And you know, I know there's probably going to be religious people that's going to freak out.

Speaker 2:

But I don't do a whole ton of study the scripture. I do a whole lot of listening, listening to what he tells me. Right, I listen to what he's telling me. So my, my two ears are working more than you know, more than my mouth is moving most of the time. Ok, so I listen for what he tells me to say and then he'll reveal. So I always ask, as you should you know, lord, give me revelation of your word. So before I get on here, that's my preparation mode. Before I go to meetings, that's my preparation mode. Before I talk to people on the phone, that's my favorite. I have this preparation mode where I'm really so dependent on what the Holy Spirit says concerning every situation. I am dependent on him, you understand. So I go to him for everything. So I start that. I throw that out there Again for those who might need to hear that. Maybe that encourages you this morning, you this morning, because, quite frankly, a lot of us are tired tired emotionally, tired. Maybe you're tired physically or tired spiritually. So it takes me back to as I was preparing this morning.

Speaker 2:

There is a verse in Deuteronomy. It's Deuteronomy 2, verse 7. I'm just going to read this to you real quick. This is a little bit separate from where we're going, but I think this is going to bless you. Deuteronomy 2, verse 7. In the A Shelley version it says for the Lord, your God, has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He knows you're going through this great wilderness. These 40 years the Lord, your God, has been with you and you have lacked nothing.

Speaker 2:

And I know that sometimes, when we're going through the things y'all this is kind of what kind of beats down our strength, if you will when you're going through the things, it could feel like I lack everything, I don't have what I need, I don't have the resources, I don't have the finances, I don't have the mental space. Again, as we're leaning into our first responders, I don't have the assur, you know, again, as we're leaning into our first responders, you know I don't, I don't have the assurances that I need, I'm going to be safe today. I don't have that Right. And so this is. This is when we start thinking about the things that we don't have, we start we really sit in that space y'all and you start to it's like we also.

Speaker 2:

The more we think about what we don't have, the more we miss what we do have, and this is why I really appreciate the Lord dropping Deuteronomy 2, verse 7 in my heart this morning and literally opening my Bible. It's a reminder that God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. So that's even a great prayer for us. To start, I thank you, lord, that you have blessed all the work of my hands today and that you know I'm going through this great wilderness. You know that I need your strength. You know that I'm coming looking for you. I'm coming expecting to hear from you. I know that you have been with me and that I lack nothing because you are my Jehovah Jireh, that you are giving me everything that I stand in need of this morning. Thank you, and I received that for myself. So that, what does that do? That? When you start to receive what he says about you and your situation, when you start to be reminded that he's blessing the work of your hands, when you start to align back to what he says. You start to rely on, on his strength, then it builds you up, y'all. It builds us up so that we can make it through one more day. So, just again, I just wanted to share that really quickly with you part of my personal testimony of how I get ready, get ready, and I think that's going to bless you.

Speaker 2:

Now I want to share, as we're talking about strength. Yes, exactly, audrey. We get stuck on self and not trusting God. And this is a season, you know, where we, all of us, y'all, all of us have to have to trust God. And you know, I know we say that and it, you know it sounds, it sounds easy. I know it's hard. I mean, it's very difficult to trust God when you're trying to figure out how you navigate relationships with places and things, if you know what I'm saying right. It's very hard to trust him when you see how other people are kind of skating by in life and you're wondering why them Lord, why are you blessing that one and not me? When we start to take on that worldly perspective, forgetting that again, the things that he's giving you in your hands, he will increase it. But this is where we just got to come back to the word and be built up in our own mind right and in our heart.

Speaker 2:

When I talk about being strengthened in the Lord, I'm talking about being strengthened in our mind, the way we think, the way we perceive things that are happening, and in our hearts, the way we feel about the things right Not even the spiritual and in our hearts the way we feel about the things right, not even the spiritual. The spiritual will come alongside those and support. So the word says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might. He increases strength. So power to the faint, but for those again, if you're going through a season and every one of us have gone through this, there is none of us that hasn't gone through a season where you just feel like y'all, I'm tapped out, I can't take one more thing, I can't take one more nasty email, I can't take one more slight, I can't take one more child talking back to me. You know what I mean. Y'all, we've been there. I can't take one more doubt, I can't take one more thing, and you start to just get tired with that stuff.

Speaker 2:

So the word says he gives power to the faint and to him who has no might, he increases strength. Even youth shall faint and be wary, and young men shall fall exalted. So it's really not anything to do with your age. No, it has nothing to do with how long you've been a Christian and a believer, how long you've been sitting in the pews at church, whether you've been the pastor's wife. It has nothing to do with that. We all go through being tired and weary right Now. What it says in verse 31 is our encouragement. But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up.

Speaker 2:

Now, remember, I started out. Thank you, holy Spirit. Sometimes, again, I'm up here and just whatever he tells me to say, that's what I say, okay. But remember, I started out by sharing personally with y'all how I get prepared, and I tell you that a part of my preparation for coming on on Thursdays especially is I come on in expectancy of what he's going to say. How, lord, thank you for glorifying yourself through me and use me today and let your words come out on whatever you say.

Speaker 2:

So I come in waiting for him and it's him renewing my strength and my mind and my spirit. Again, even if I'm physically tired, I can still mount up with wings like eagles, because it's really not me doing the work, just for real y'all. The strength is coming from him. So he's renewing my perspective on the word, he's renewing my perspective on the situation. He's renewing me emotionally y'all, so that I don't come on, I'm going to stop sharing, so I don't come on and make this a drag fest about how my life is this, that and the other.

Speaker 2:

He's renewing all of those things he brings back to my mind, all of the things that he said about me. I'm talking about the Lord. He brings me back to scripture that tells me that he is my father, that he's providing for me. Remember, I brought up Deuteronomy 2. He brings words to me like that, where it says for the Lord, your God, has blessed you in all the works of your hands. So he brings back again what he says concerning everything that I'm doing. And so what happens now is that that strength is my faith.

Speaker 2:

I start absorbing what he says about me, what he says about my situation, when the word tells you that he'll never leave you nor forsake you. And so it builds up my confidence in my spiritual walk. Right, because if I truly believe in my heart, if I truly believe in my heart that he is with me, right? No matter what the enemy has for me, no matter what craziness that happens in your household or on your job or in your communities, y'all, no matter what happens, that God is still with you. When you know that, no matter how dire the situation is, he's still strengthening you, right? He's still strengthening your heart, even if you're going through breakthrough, you're not going through it by yourself that the Lord is with you, right? The Lord is my shepherd.

Speaker 2:

I shall not want, when you start, to pull on those words that he gives you. It builds up your strength. It builds up your strength emotionally. It builds up your strength mentally, in your mind, in your mindset, what you think, and then that impacts what you say, what you speak, right? So your heart and your mind and what comes out of your mouth. And so now, as we are leaning into this month, we're believing Lord, this is a month of restoration for me.

Speaker 2:

I don't care what it looks like at September 12th at 7.15 am Eastern Standard Time. I know that the word says that everything that in Deuteronomy, right. That the Lord said in Deuteronomy that he has blessed all the work of my hands. So I don't care what it looks like, you know, past this time, I know I'm receiving that everything, everything my hand touch is blessed. That's a building up your strength, right Cause now you're aligning to what God says about you and your day. I don't care, I don't care what you know, um, what the, what the enemy said, I don't care what people go and say, I don't care what's coming, I don't care what plans were laid out for me to knock me off track. The Lord says my hand, says everything in my hand is blessed, right. So I start pulling on that. And then what happens? That starts to build up your strength and the more you are reminded, the more you rely on what he says right, the more you still yourself so that you can hear from him.

Speaker 2:

The less crazy and chaotic you are, the less crazy and chaotic our responses are very different, because we're waiting on him. We're waiting on him, right. So I go in, I open up my work email Maybe you guys are. You know you're in the field, you're going and you're reporting in and you're walking in and I'm telling you. You're walking with this strength, this shield. You know that favor again surrounds you as a shield. You know that everything you put your hand to is blessed and I know that everything I put my hand to is blessed. Then I walk in with a different level of confidence and it builds up my strength. Now, when I walk into the environment, it doesn't matter what kind of crazy is waiting there for me. I'm going to change the environment based on showing up, based on the grace that God has given me over my life, walking in right, walking in with the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 2:

He's a partner in what I do on the job. He's a partner with what I do as a mother. He's a partner with what you do as a police officer. A partner with what you do as a doctor, a nurse, whatever you do in that field. As a first responder, he's a partner. What you do as a doctor, a nurse, you know, whatever you do in that field as a first responder. He's a partner in what you do as a sales agent, whatever it is. He's a partner in what you do so that what he says about you can happen right, all these things in your hands being blessed.

Speaker 2:

And so when you walk in with that level of mindset, change, you know. That's why the Bible says we need to renew our minds, right, renew our minds. Think about what the Lord says concerning you and your situation, not what other people say, and you'll be strengthened up. And now listen. It doesn't mean that physically we need to take care of ourselves. It doesn't mean that we're not going to be physically worn out because there's a lot of folks y'all I try to live in like a whole bubble y'all, but it never works out for me.

Speaker 2:

The Lord will send people to me. I go, I show up a place, and he will always send people to me for me to minister in some way. It doesn't always mean, like you know, the Lord sent listen very clearly Christian women especially. It doesn't mean he sends you somebody and your job is to judge and start throwing out scriptures, because, by nature of him sending someone, sometimes it's just your witness of your attitude, right, sometimes it's just your witness of your mindset and your attitude, and that's all he needs from you. He don't need you to give people a lesson and tell them just be strong in the Lord. You have to be able, if you are a believer, to explain what that means being strong. What does that mean to have strength? What does that mean to be strong in the Lord. So please, y'all, do not go on the Facebook streets and you grab a word and the word for the season is is revived. The word for the season is restoration, and then you start taking that and charging for it. The Lord is going to change you.

Speaker 2:

First, restoration starts with us and then through our lives. Then we become witnesses of what he is doing in our lives. Then people see the restoration in our lives and then they start to wonder what's different about Nicole? What's different about Tracy? What's different about Audrey? What's different about Makisha? Why is it that Makisha don't run to the corner and fall out and cry every time something goes wrong? Why is it that she seems to have a pep in her step and why is she always smiling? Sometimes people even get mad at you. Why are you always smiling? Your life must just be easy.

Speaker 2:

What they don't know is the strength that comes from God, that you don't understand the grace and the mercy on your life. They don't understand the seasons that you've come through, so that what I'm saying to you, when I tell you rise again, it's because you fell before, but he picked you up, and so now you are a living witness to restoration, and the more you keep building up your walk with him, the closer you walk with him. The more you wait and listen to the Lord, the stronger you become. And they get confused. They get confused, but thank God that he just keeps building us up, thank God that he just keeps helping us out y'all.

Speaker 2:

But don't use this season and this period of restoration as a way to point out the flaws and the faults in everybody else, because he's going to start with you. If you want to get to the next level in your life and I don't care if that's a business next level, if that's a job next level, if it's a personal relationship next level, I don't care what it is a job next level, if it's a personal relationship next level, I don't care what it is a financial next level he's going to show you things that you need to work on first, right, but you have to have a strong mind and a strong heart in order to even hear from him. Otherwise, when the Lord is correcting you of course correcting you you'll ignore it. You'll miss it, right? Thank you, lord. Show us what we need to do so we can level up in the place that you have for us. I don't want to miss a thing. But you've got to have his strength, you've got to rely on his word.

Speaker 2:

The word again says he gives power to the faint. He gives power to the faint, but they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength Y'all, it's not even. It's not a. They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength Y'all, it's not even. It's not a will he do it, it's a won't he do it? If you know what I'm saying, it's not a will he do it, it's a won't he do it. And now and then you'll understand what that means. Then you understand what that means. So, father, I thank you for every family represented, every person under the sound of my voice, whether they're here, live or they're watching on the replay.

Speaker 2:

Lord, those who are in a period where they just feel faint and they're tired, maybe they feel disconnected or they're filled with worry, lord, god, some of us are just tired, tired of all the chaos that's happening around us, whether it's on our jobs or in our families or in our communities. We're just tired, lord, and so we're calling out to you this morning, the great evaluator. You, lord, god, who changes and shifts mountains. You are God who breaks rocks. It's you that we're calling on for strength this morning to bless our hearts. Heal our hearts and our minds today, lord God, father, cause us to be the ones who are on fire for you, filled with love and joy and mercy, so that when other people see us, they will see your peace, they will see your glory on us, and that we become witnesses and bless our hands, so that every single thing that we touch today, lord God, will be a blessing for generations to come. Lord God, strengthen us as we go into our various spaces today. Lord, god, lord, if you need to shut our mouths, lord God, shut our mouths. We don't want to say anything that comes against your will in anyone's life. So, lord, I ask that you will strengthen every person who is faint, everyone who just needs a spiritual injection, if you will, this morning, a booster shot, lord, those who just need to hear from you in a different way. May this word be the word of encouragement that draws them closer to you. Restore everything that was stolen from us, even our peace in our minds and in our hearts. Would you bring that back? And, lord, as we wait to hear from you, strengthen us, lord, god, as we're waiting, waiting to hear from you, waiting to see how you work some things out in our lives. Thank you, lord, for what you have done. Thank you for waking us up this morning and reminding us that we are still your children, we are still your favorite. We honor you, lord Jesus, we bless your name. Amen, amen, amen.

Speaker 2:

Y'all told y'all I'm spiritually strong, but there are days when you are physically tired. And if you are in a period where you feel physically tired, take a break. Take a break. Take a break. Don't burn out. Right, don't burn out.

Speaker 2:

He's not listen. If you have 10 and 20 assignments, 10 and 20 assignments and you know, oh Lord, the Lord blessed me to go do blah, blah, blah, he's not going to give you more than you can handle. And if you've got 10 and 20 assignments and you're burning out, something's not right. It means some of them didn't come from him. It came from your heart's desire, and he loves us. He will give us our heart's desire, right, he will give us our heart's desire, but some things are not from him. All right.

Speaker 2:

So I don't want you to lose. I don't want you to lose your strength or a faint because you've taken on more than he actually gave you. So even you know the Lord is this what you gave me? Is this from you? Because if it's not from you, I don't want it. Go ahead and remove it.

Speaker 2:

If you are confident enough that God will provide for you, if you're confident enough that he is your provider, if you're confident enough, you will say that prayer, father, if this isn't from you, I don't want it. I only want what you have for me. I can preach and teach seven days a week, lord. I'm not saying I want it, but I can. Why? Because that is my portion that he gave to me. But if anything comes on top of that, I'll say Lord, if this ain't from you, you go ahead and take it back.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to be faint, I don't want to burn out, but if you again, if you are in that season where you need a physical break, please y'all, take care of your bodies, take care of your minds. You are worthless to your families, you are worthless to yourself and he can't use you if you're burned out. So I pray that blesses somebody who needs to hear that word, because you know we're all super men and super women. But no, we need to take a. Take a break when you need to. Everything else will be here when you come back. All right, so that does it for me. Don't forget today, thursday, 1 o'clock 7 o'clock pm tonight, whether you're calling from the US or UK, you don't need a seed, it's free, and we're praying for first responders and healthcare workers. If you know someone who works in that community a cop, a nurse, a doctor, whatever please share this phone number and we'll be here next week. Y'all have a great rest of your Thursday. God loves you. Bye.