Mrs. PIE

Transforming Your Identity with Biblical Declarations

Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 55

What if you could unlock the transformative power of victory through faith? Today, we bring you a powerful conclusion to our "Victor in Christ" series, focusing on the themes of new beginnings, spiritual renewal, and declarations of restoration. We'll explore how being Spirit-led, obedient, anointed, and renewed (SOAR) is essential for achieving victory in Christ. Listen as we discuss the importance of listening to the Holy Spirit, the impact of obeying God's commands, and recognizing your unique anointing. We'll guide you through the process of renewing your mind, discarding old habits, and using scriptural declarations to reinforce your identity and God's truth about who you are.

In this episode, you'll also hear about the profound impact of aligning yourself with God's word and identity. Discover how confidence and fearlessness can blossom when you embrace what God says about you, rather than the opinions of others. We'll delve into the significance of declarations, the power of words, and the necessity of being cautious with our speech while firmly believing in God's blessings. Special focus will be given to the role of biblical teachings in shaping identity and purpose, particularly for women entrepreneurs. As we conclude, join us in a heartfelt prayer of gratitude and blessings for the month of August, reflecting on the amazing accomplishments and fostering hope and faith for the challenges ahead.

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Speaker 2:

no-transcript. Another Thursday, come out of the wilderness. I was sitting back here I was chuckling y'all when the promos were running and I was laughing to myself, saying this part of somebody who was like why this woman got all these promos. Well, we do a lot of things. We do a lot of things outside of just praying. We are doers of the word, not just hearers of the word. And so today we're wrapping up our Victor in Christ series for the month of August. I'll release the series for September here shortly, and so I'm excited about that, but I just wanted to come on.

Speaker 2:

Today we're going to talk more about declarations for restoration, but I want to go back and just cover some of the things that we talked about in this month of August. So, august, you know again the number eight. We try to tie things back biblically and scripturally and the number eight one of the things that it stands for is new beginnings, and so we really. And victory in Christ. So we really have been leaning on this theme of being victory victor meaning we're really focused on victory in Christ, and we tied it to this year's theme of SOAR. So remember, soar means spirit-led, obedient, anointed and renewed. Now the week that I was supposed to do obedient. I believe I was ill that week so I didn't get to cover it, but we did cover it in our live prayer. So go back and watch that. We covered that earlier this week.

Speaker 2:

So, before we go further, I just thank you, lord, that you have given me this space this time and this platform to release your word and to encourage any person under the sound of my voice who needs to hear something. I ask now, lord, that you will quiet my own words and thoughts and that it's you, holy Spirit, that's speaking, that you will connect with every person who's watching, whether they're here live or they're catching the replay. That, what it is that you need them to hear, they will hear and that they will be inspired to learn more about you. Lord Jesus, and I thank you for giving us this opportunity of a new day of blessings, lord God, even the lessons and the pain that we have endured. The word says weeping comes in during the night, but joy comes in the morning, and I thank you, even though we understand that there is a period and a time for weeping, that joy we can still look forward to that comes in the morning. So I pray now that, as we are making the declarations over our lives and asking for restoration on the things that, maybe things that have been broken down, maybe it's friendships, relationships, finances, your jobs, health, whatever. It is that, lord, that you're going to bless us in such a mighty way today. So just amen.

Speaker 2:

So just repeating back some of the things again, if y'all haven't caught the other weeks, we started out with being spirit-led, meaning spirit-led victory, and how the Holy Spirit empowers us to live victorious lives. We talked about how we overcome challenges and how we claim victory in everything that we do. Obedience is really about being obedient when God tells you to do something. Sometimes we don't want to, and sometimes it's the small voice that tells you to reach out to a friend or pray for a brother, or sometimes he's praying for a coworker, or being kind or being a good listener, but it's not always glaringly obvious to us when he is telling us to do something. It's just the voice that tells us to be kind, to be true, to be pure, to be warm, to be loved. It doesn't say go judge. That's not the voice. So even tuning our ears so that we can hear when God is speaking to us and sometimes we've got to quiet ourselves y'all. We've got to put on our own mute buttons.

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We also talked about being anointed for breakthrough, that God chose you for a special purpose or assignment, and so we focus on how that brings clarity and direction into the things that you're doing, even if it's difficult that God chose you, you are unique. Each one of us have been given gifts and talents to kind of work through these things and so, asking God to help us understand, give us wisdom and decisions that we make y'all so that we can be the breakthrough on our jobs or in our families or wherever it is, whatever space you occupy. So now we're coming to just again, just being prepared, I would say we also we talked about being renewed in the mind and, you know, putting off our old self and all of that. But today I'm going to talk a little bit more. I think this is going to be more of inspiring you, and I'm going to bring up a declaration that we say all the time. We say it every single week, twice a week, on our prayer calls, and part of the reason for that it never gets old is part of the reason for that is we are.

Speaker 2:

Some of us have been told things about who we are and who we. You know what we should do and you know we've had people speaking into our lives and a lot of it is not true. We still have people who do that right. You still have people who are telling you what you should do, who you should be do that right. You still have people who are telling you what you should do, who you should be, and they're trying to convince you. I would say people speaking into your life, telling you who you are and that's not what God's done for you. So we still have that broken mold, if you will, where we're listening to the wrong voices. And so these declarations, when we release them, it is based on scripture number one, so it's not affirmation number two, but it's really just speaking out number three, what God says about us. And every time we say these declarations, y'all, there is a change. Now I'll speak for myself.

Speaker 2:

I got this declaration many years ago, so 20 plus years ago and I know what I was going through. It was a very dark, lonely, depressing time for me, and so when I got these declarations, I didn't understand why I kept it. I had it written on because back then I used I believe I used a word processor so y'all can tell how and I type these things out, type the word out on a little strip of paper, and I had that strip of paper folded neatly in the back of my Bible. And any time I've only replaced, I got a new Bible I would say twice, and I'd have lots of notes. But any time I got a new Bible I would know that I needed to keep these declarations and so I had that thing transferred and any time I was really in the dust y'all, but even when things were going very well, I would know to open that thing.

Speaker 2:

And so when I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to bring it to all of us and it just became something that we do now I'm bringing it to all of us, all of y'all, so that you can also take part in it. So I am going to share my screen and I'm going to bring out the declarations and we're going to speak it out loud, y'all. Just give me a couple of seconds, because I got to share my screen so that I want again, I just want you to be able to see it for yourself so that you can also, you can also declare it. I'm just gonna pop it up on my screen. And again, a lot of y'all know this.

Speaker 2:

If you are in our prayer group, this is something that we say. But before we say this declaration, I just wanna tell you right now I think you're in, whether you're in grief, whether you're in doubt, whether you're in fear, it doesn't matter what you are feeling right now. Right now, we're just tapping into what God says about us and our situation. Anytime we say this declaration, y'all, I'm already a confident person, I'm already a positive person. But because I'm reinforcing what he says, I'm declaring victory in my life by his word. It just builds me up. So I pray that, as we speak this out, that this does the same for you as it does for the rest of us. So now I'm just going to release this. If you're watching this, speak this out of your mouth. This is not a whisper moment, okay, and it goes like this I declared this day that no weapon formed against me can prosper, because I am the righteousness of God.

Speaker 2:

Favor surrounds me as a shield, divine protection surrounds me as a shield. I am therefore in the right place at the right time. I cannot be defeated or destroyed. In fact, every tongue that accuses me, every tongue that attacks me, I condemn with my words. This is my heritage, this is my right as a child of God, made in his image, made with his dominion and authority living in me, coming forth out of my spirit. Through my words, I declare today that Satan has no power over my life, that every weapon he has has been defeated, that fear is cast out, that love makes my faith work and therefore I cannot fail. God's word cannot fail and that's what I'm made of His word, made in his image, after his likeness, with the power of the Holy Spirit and authority of his word. Therefore, by the blood of Jesus, I dwell in the secret place of the Most High. I abide under the shadow of the almighty. I say of the Lord you are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in you I will trust. Amen. Isn't this powerful?

Speaker 2:

Now let me pull out some things, because every time I say this and we've been saying this as a group, twice a week, I believe, since January, and it doesn't get old but every time I say this, there are different things that show up for me. Thank you, holy Spirit. So there's a couple of things I want to point out. First of all, remember I said this is scripturally based. So you know we've included those scriptural references for those of y'all Bible readers and religious people, okay, so that you can see, you can go back and see what God says about you, not what Shelly says, but what God says about you in his word.

Speaker 2:

The second thing is part of the reason that I am so confident in my life, in my walk, part of the reason why I show up fully, a hundred percent in any room that I walk in, part of the reason I have no self-doubt. I don't have any fear of what. Can I do this thing or any of that. I have a good sense of who I am. Part of why I have his blessing is because I have aligned and I have received and I have agreed with what heaven says about me, not what people say, because people will start to pick you apart really quickly, right, envy is real, jealousy is real, haters are real. Right, but when you understand what the word of God says about you, you don't listen to that anymore. You got to let people be people but you don't have to receive what they say about you. So when people see me whether they see me in person. Sometimes they see me on the camera, they may see me on panels or whatever it is.

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I always get someone that says I just don't understand why you're so happy all the time. Or the assumption is that things are just understand why you're so happy all the time, or the assumption is that things are just peachy keen in my life all the time. I have problems, just like everybody else, right. But what is seeded in me, what was planted in me, are these words about what God says about me. So when I know, when I declare, when I speak.

Speaker 2:

This is why opening your mouth and speaking is so important. Let me stop sharing and come talk to y'all when I am speaking God's word over my life. It is really, first of all, it's really important that you be careful what you say, because what you say, a lot of times people drop little things and I know that's what's truly in your heart and they'll try to giggle it off. Your heart will betray you every single time because of what you say, what comes out of your mouth. So if really in your heart, you truly don't believe in your heart that you deserve good things, that you'll never see God's blessing, if you truly believe in your heart that all your family is just cursed and nothing's gonna change. That eventually comes out of your mouth. That might come out like sarcasm, but sometimes it comes out as jealousy. You start gossiping about other people. Sometimes it's just you straight up doubting what God says. You start believing things that are temporary. You start depending on other people to tell you about how good God is and you wait for other people to declare things in your life, rather than going in scripture and pulling on the word of God and let him show you what he says about you.

Speaker 2:

I have confidence because in Psalm it tells me that I'm the apple of his eye. I believe it. I am the apple of his eye. So because I am the apple of his eye, I enter into rooms very differently. I don't wait for people to give me permission for me to be the apple of his eye, and that fills my heart. And so then what happens is when you have cloaked yourself in who God says you are. Again, this is what the declarations have done for me. And so then what happens is when you have cloaked yourself in who God says you are. Again, this is what the declarations have done for me, and I pray. This does this for you.

Speaker 2:

But when you cloak yourself in what God says about you, truly receiving what, how he sees you, flaws and all Now, it doesn't mean that we go on sinning and acting crazy. It's not, you know. It's not. You know, father forgive me. Then you jump back into the city, do it again, father forgive me. It's not that he loves us, but God is spirit. He's God is spirit, right.

Speaker 2:

So when I cloak myself in what the word says about me, when I truly, you know, for those of y'all who, especially women, you hang on to Proverbs 31, right, by the way, proverbs 31 is about women building business, entrepreneurs. So if that is something that you are, you know, maybe if you're new to the word, that's a great script. Another place where you can go and see what God says and there are, there are things within that will encourage you. You know about what God says about being a woman entrepreneur, but it's more than that. It's even more than that. So, again, when you put on the robe of what God says about you, you stand against anything and anyone. And I'll tell you something. You don't even have to say nothing. I have his favor. And because I have his favor, which comes out of my obedience, because there is still a price that you pay, right, it's not just and favor isn't fair, we say this all the time but because I'm obedient to what he tells me to do, even when it's uncomfortable, y'all you know.

Speaker 2:

Showing up every Thursday morning, whether or not anyone else shows up, to make sure that his word goes out, to make sure that maybe one person will hear his word and be encouraged. You know being obedient, whether you know, whether I am feeling it or not, whether I am dealing with my own situations or not, but showing up because of what he says about me, right? Because, again, just going back to the declaration, just pulling this out, because, as a child of God, I'm made in his image and where it says I have his dominion and authority, the Holy Spirit living in me, and it says in Isaiah 54, 17, coming forth out of my spirit through my words. So because I have, I'm being obedient, knowing that what I'm saying coming out of my spirit. Thank you, holy Spirit. Through my words, right, I'm communicating with y'all.

Speaker 2:

So I'm obedient to using my words to building up and restoring the people around me. And because that is something that, remember, we talked about anointing, because that's part of the gifts and talents that he gave me. I'm using it to make sure that I drive people back to him. So I'm restoring people, I'm renewing people, I'm encouraging people, and that might seem like a small thing for those of y'all. Maybe that's a gift that you have, where you're just naturally an encourager. That's a gift that you have, but what are you doing with it? Use it to restore other people. And the more that you start doing that, you start you know, you start living, that you start becoming doers of the word and not just hearers of the word. And the more that you start doing that, building people up around you, the more favor he starts pouring on, because now God can trust you with a larger territory. He starts expanding your reach, he starts growing your territory, right, you start reaching more people, but just start with just the one, right.

Speaker 2:

But you have to have had an agreement, a declaration if you will, that is in agreement with what the word of God says about you. There are things that I hear Christians say all the time and I'm really quick to correct and people get mad at me. I think they know at this point, don't come to me with this craziness. So you got to be careful, especially for those of us who are in the business world and we're on LinkedIn and every month it feels like there's a new ism or a new thing and people run to that because they want to be included in the special club. And y'all know where I'm going, where you start taking on what the world starts defining you as, and so for years now it's been four years since we've had this term of self-doubt and imposter syndrome come up and I would tell people don't receive everything that the world says about you.

Speaker 2:

So I don't have that, because I'm not an imposter, I am a child of God and everywhere he puts me I'm supposed to be, I belong wherever I am, because that's what God ordained for me. So therefore, any assignment, any opportunity. So therefore, any assignment, any opportunity, anything that is put in my hand, the word says I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me. So because I have received this, as I am in the right place at the right time, I don't have any self-doubt even about how things are going to go down, because I know that God is with me. I know that the Holy Spirit is going to you know he's going to make a way for me Right and God is going is with me. I know that the Holy Spirit is gonna, he's gonna make a way for me right and God is gonna bless me. Heaven's gonna show up and show out. So I have no fear, because I know whose I am.

Speaker 2:

That's why it's so important for you to make these declarations in your life when you speak these things out. But this won't be true for you if it's not what's really in your heart and Tracy's saying yeah, the joy of the Lord is my strength. When your heart posture is submitted, you can stand and walk tall and have joy and peace and confidence. And that brings you to my friends what the fruits of the spirit are. And so you don't have to tell me you're a Christian woman. I go by your fruit, I know. I know by your fruit.

Speaker 2:

So just being careful again, y'all, as we're declaring these things over our lives, that we are speaking things over our lives and our children, moms and dads, what we're saying to our children, what we are speaking to our children. You know they're heading out to school. You know what is the last words that you're saying to your kids. What's the last thing that you're saying to your kids. What's the last thing that you're saying to your kids this morning when they leave? Is it disappointment, is it stressful? Is it joy? Is it love? Is it encouragement? What's the last thing that you say to your colleague on the job when you walk out the door? Is it gossip? Is it hateful? Is it a snark? What's your last impression? Because that, my friend, that's a part of restoration building other people up. So I pray this helps you all Again.

Speaker 2:

I just wanted to share the declarations that we use. You see that we have it's Thursday, and this is again that we use. You see that we have it's Thursday, and this is again next week. We're kicking off themed months for our phone prayer line, so we invite you to join. We're going to kick off again. It's free on Thursdays every one o'clock and seven o'clock Eastern Standard, whether you're in the US or the UK, but next week we're going to start by inviting the people who are working in the healthcare and first responder, if that's your area.

Speaker 2:

We want to pray with you, we want to pray for you, so call that line, starting in the month of September. That's what we're going to lean into and, as you're going through the rest of the day, think about, for those of you maybe go back and take a screenshot of the declaration and keep it on your phone so you have it. If you're going through a rough patch today, you can go back to it. Sometimes I just go back and look at it before I go into a meeting when I just need to be built up a little bit. Sometimes I come home from work and I just got to read that because I need to be built up, but I pray that this blesses you and encourage you to just be mindful of what you're speaking over your life.

Speaker 2:

So, lord, I thank you for this amazing month of August that is coming to an end this being our final broadcast for August that you have done so many things for this ministry. You've done so many things for the people who are under the sound of my voice. I thank you for the new folks who have been joining us on the YouTube streets, who have been watching, and I thank you for those who watch us in any other spaces and Facebook or Parade Deck, wherever you know. Maybe they're listening to us at the end of the week. Wherever you're, they're hearing your voice.

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I ask that you will bless them and anything that they stand in need of. More than anything, I ask that they will have a relationship with you, that through these broadcasts, they will come to know you, oh God, that they'll come to see you as their helper and comforter, holy Spirit, and they'll want to have a relationship with you, lord Jesus. So I just pray that you will speak to each of them according to your grace and according to your will, and that they will come to see you. May they be blessed in every area of their lives their family, their children. Lord, if there is health issues or even death, lord, god, anything that is causing pain or hurt or disappointment this morning, that you will just encourage their heart so they don't lose hope and they don't lose faith, and that their heart posture is always to seek you first. And I thank you, lord, for giving me the voice this morning to speak to your children and ask that you'll continue to bless.

Speaker 2:

I pray that you are blessed and highly favored wherever you go, anywhere you go, that you're going to be a blessing. Be a blessing to somebody else and God will multiply for you. That's how it works. Heaven's math don't make sense, but it's amazing. So y'all have a wonderful, wonderful rest of your day. I will see you on the phone line. Call the phone line and we're looking forward to taking your prayers there and also support care kits. We're trying to help kids, fifth graders at a school here in Georgia, giving them some basic hygiene products that they need. So you can find out all the information about how you can support them on graceandgreetmediacom. All right, if I missed anything, charge it to my head and not my heart. I love y'all. Have a good rest of your day and take care. God bless you.