Mrs. PIE

Faith in Action: Embracing Nehemiah's Journey to Rebuild and Renew Through Prayer and Diligence

Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 54

How do you move forward after a heartfelt prayer? In this episode, we explore the incredible story of Nehemiah, who didn't just pray and fast in response to calamity but also took immediate and decisive action. We discuss how Nehemiah's unwavering commitment to rebuilding Jerusalem’s wall serves as a powerful example of coupling faith with diligent effort. By examining Nehemiah's journey, we emphasize that prayer is just the beginning; it's what you do afterward—how you act on God's guidance—that truly matters. Whether you're facing challenges in family, health, or personal projects, we remind you that faith, combined with hard work, can lead to extraordinary outcomes.

Are you seeking clarity and guidance for life's pivotal decisions? Join us as we delve into the importance of aligning your choices with God's will through heartfelt prayer. We'll cover how to seek divine direction for business deals, job opportunities, family matters, and future projects. This episode is a call to action, encouraging you to persist in your efforts with the assurance that God provides the necessary support and favor. Tune in to be inspired and refocused on your purpose, trusting that His guidance will illuminate your path. Don’t miss out on this empowering conversation about the interplay between faith, prayer, and purposeful action.

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Speaker 1:

So have you ever been in a situation where you've prayed and prayed for something? Maybe you've really been seeking the Lord for something and after that prayer has ceased, you've come to that one question. So what's next? What happens now? I love this book.

Speaker 1:

Whenever I read Nehemiah, I usually relate it back to how I operate at work or even in business in terms of building and rebuilding things, and I was in Nehemiah 1, where it talks about in verse 4, this is Nehemiah's prayer, and again, I want you to go back and read this, but I'm just going to pull some words out. It says as soon as I heard these words, I sat down and wept and mourned for days and I continued fasting and praying before the God of heaven. And this was Nehemiah's response. If you go a little bit further, about the exile and the trouble and the work that had stopped, the wall of Jerusalem had broken down, gates had been destroyed by fire and down gates had been destroyed by fire Nehemiah's response to calamity in his life was to do what I think a lot of us do, which is we sit down, we cry, we mourn, we fast and then we pray, we ask God for help, the prayer that Nehemiah used in verse 5,. It says O Lord, god of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments. It goes further. It actually shows where Nehemiah is confessing his own sins In verse seven we acted corruptly against you, have not kept your commandments. He even asked the Lord to remember the word that you commanded concerning us. You know that if we were unfaithful we'd be scattered. So all of these things are happening with Nehemiah.

Speaker 1:

After he heard about the wall of Jerusalem being broken down, he goes to God in prayer and then he is sent. He's selected, he's sent to Judah, he inspects Jerusalem's wall and he starts the work. So my question that I opened up with so what's next? In chapter four, in Nehemiah four, if you're like me and you've gone through some things and you've gone to the throne, you pray the Lord. You prayed. He was sent on the assignment. He started doing the work, building the wall, doing what God had called him to do.

Speaker 1:

In verse 15 in chapter 4, I love this it says he goes on to talk about, from that day on, how all returned to the wall, each to his work. He goes on to talk about, from that day on how they worked on the construction and the you know the walk, the wall being, uh, completed, they, they labored, and, and they even held spares from the break of dawn. So they were even still, um, aware of attacks, still aware of the traps, still aware of the potential for danger while they were working on the wall. Now let me bring this home and and um, and see if I can make it make sense of what I'm trying to say about. So, what's next?

Speaker 1:

I want to encourage you, and even myself, y'all, when we are going through the things and I mean the things, I mean the things, the pain, the sorrow, the debt, the death, all of these things, all these situations that you're going through, when you approach God and you give it over to him, when you give him your you know Lord, you know, you know this is this is where I need help. When you're calling on the Lord that, when it talks about returning back to the wall, to each to his work, is that what's next for you is, you know it's not praying, and then you stop doing what God has called you to do. It's not, you know, praying. Lord, help my, you know, help my family, heal, heal, heal the sick in my family and still not doing the work that you need to do. You know, still supporting, still being a comforter, being a help. It's not just calling out to God and just kind of like taking your hands off the wheel. If you will, right, he takes the wheel, but you still got to be in the car with him.

Speaker 1:

So what's next, in terms of this particular story that I wanted to show, is that when you pray to God, you bring him your troubles. When you bring your troubles to the Lord, there is still a work that we need to do. Part of what we do is we apply faith and we believe God for what he said to us about our situation. We know that God is our deliverer, right. And so in Nehemiah, when Nehemiah was building the wall, that was the what's next for him. He didn't stop doing what it is that he needed to do. He didn't stop his assignment. He didn't stop the work because he prayed.

Speaker 1:

And so a lot of us now I'm talking to those of us who are praying and believing for God, and when the word talks about, pray without ceasing, but you still have to do the work. That's aligned to it If you're praying for. You know, lord, help my marriage. It doesn't mean that you just you stop having you know conversations or you stop doing the work to heal that marriage. If you're praying for the Lord to deliver your son and daughter, it doesn't mean that now you just step back and God's going to. You know it's going to happen and that's it.

Speaker 1:

So what's next for you is being mindful of the work that you still have to do, even after your prayer. Even after Nehemiah delivered that prayer to the Lord, he still had to go and build the wall. He still had to go and do the work. So I want to encourage you to part of your. So what's next isn't just sitting back and hoping that things work out, but you actually do the work that is going to help you to get there. Yeah, the Lord is going to send you help, the Lord will give you favor, the Lord will bless you, He'll guide you, he'll steer you, but you still have to do the work.

Speaker 1:

So what's next for you? What's next after you've said that last prayer? You know when you feel like this, is it, lord? You know, I don't know what I'm going to do next. I don't know what I'm going to do with my life, my family. What's next for you? What's your plan? What are you going to do? And if you don't know what to do, are you asking the Lord to give you guidance? Are you listening for that? Are you listening to his urging when he's saying you know, go this direction. If he sends you help, you know? Are you going back to the Lord to give you the spirit of discernment so you know that help is coming from him? What is your next? Because what we're not going to do is just pray and wait and just wait. Even in the waiting, there is work to be done. So what is your next? What's next for you?

Speaker 1:

I want us to be blessed. I want us to soar. I want every person who is under the sound of my voice to be just blessed beyond. I have such a heart and a hope for every person that I meet, for y'all to be, you know, the best ever, to be happy and to be filled with joy and to experience God and the fruit of the spirit. I want the goodness of the Lord for you. I want your family to be prosperous and well. I want you, know, everyone, to just experience God in such a mighty way. I want you to feel love. I want you to be healed. I want, everywhere you go, that you're the blessing and the breakthrough. I want you to have such a mighty way. I want you to feel love. I want you to be healed. I want, everywhere you go, that you're the blessing and the breakthrough. I want you to have such a heart posture for Jesus that his love wraps you. Everywhere you go, you feel his love and you become the light for somebody else.

Speaker 1:

What's next for you to get you to that next level where God is trying to take you? Is it getting out of the situation you're in, or is it getting focused? Is it getting refocused? Is it getting recommitted? What is your next? So, what happens now? What happens now after you prayed? What happens next? What happens next?

Speaker 1:

Father, I pray that you will bless us and you'll open our eyes so we can see clearly what you have us doing, what you want us to do next. So many of us are asking because we don't know what is next for us, our next step Should we take the business deal? Should we take the new job? Is there a job coming? Is there a project coming? What do you want us to do next in our family and in our lives, what is next for us?

Speaker 1:

Father, would you open up our eyes so we can see clearly when it's a blessing that comes from you? We don't want to make the wrong choices or wrong decisions. Lord, god, would you steer us? The word says that you are our shepherd and we shall not want so, lord, would you guide us in such a way so that we know that it is you and we're staying on track, we are refocused, we are delivering in the things that you have determined for us, the things that are meant for us, the blessings that are meant for us. For those of us who are questioning what's next, what's next for us, would you show us clearly, lord, god, would you bless us that is my prayer for us y'all so that when you ask that question so what's next? That there's a clear response from heaven that tells you what to do, that you don't have any confusion about what you're going to do next. Amen, so what's next? Powerful right, all right, y'all. That's what I wanted to share with you. Y'all have a wonderful no-transcript.