Mrs. PIE

Navigating Stress with Divine Grace: Personal Stories and Practical Faith

Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 53

Ever wondered how soaking music can transform your spiritual life or how you can put your faith into action? Join us on this inspiring episode as we explore these profound topics and much more. We start with a personal reflection on the power of soaking music to center us spiritually, followed by a heartfelt discussion on our community outreach efforts. You'll hear about the upcoming "Rebirth" event at Eastgate Church, a gathering that promises an unforgettable experience of live prayer and worship. We're also excited to share our "Care Kits" campaign, aimed at supporting local schools with essential supplies. As we express our gratitude for the opportunity to serve, we invite you to join our monthly themed prayers, beginning with healthcare workers and first responders in September.

The journey doesn't stop there. Reflecting on Ephesians 4:22-24, we dive deep into the concept of renewing the mind daily and shedding the old self to embrace a life aligned with God's righteousness and holiness. We'll discuss how stress and external factors can impact our mindset and the importance of seeking divine grace to navigate these challenges. Through personal stories and practical advice, learn how to maintain a positive outlook by remembering God's past blessings, thus transforming your days with unexpected moments of joy and favor. Finally, discover the importance of resting in God's word to renew your strength and wake up refreshed, ready to face new challenges with hope and grace. Tune in for an uplifting and encouraging conversation that promises to enrich your faith journey.

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Speaker 1:

Thank you, thank you, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the.

Speaker 2:

No-transcript it's called soaking music. For those of y'all who wonder what this is, soaking music is just so helpful to get you kind of centered, and so, god, we just thank you so much for giving us another Thursday. I'm excited to be here. Good morning everybody. On the Facebook, linkedin, youtube, you know parade deck, wherever you know audible whatever, wherever you're watching or listening, and I'm excited about what I'm going to share today. I think this is going to help all of us. I always say that, but I mean it's true, it's true, I really do.

Speaker 2:

Now I want to call out a few things. You know I used to apologize for having these promos. You know quite a few promos that you've seen, but I'm not apologizing anymore because we are truly blessed and you know we do more than pray. We're more than a prayer ministry. We do things for the community and we have community partnerships that will continue to expand and grow on. But we have this event coming up called Rebirth, september 7th. It's free, by the way, and you can go to graceandgritmediacom and sign up. It's hosted by Eastgate Church, so if you're a member of that church, we'd love to see you there. Like I said, it's free and even if you don't remember to go and sign up at graceandgritmediacom. That gives us a head count so we know what to expect. But you know I'm going to be there, whether it's three to 30, that was my commitment to the church and that is my commitment I'm going to show up and I'm going to be there and it's going to be a powerful two hours of prayer and worship, live prayer and worship. So if you have watched maybe you've watched our replays of our live prayers on Mondays and Tuesdays, we're doing that in person. It's going to be amazing. So, looking forward to that, so that's Rebirth and also it's for men and women y'all, men and women, all right.

Speaker 2:

The second thing you saw is what we're doing now for the fall. So this year we are kind of sponsoring a school called International Academy of Smyrna and we were really blessed. We had a campaign in July that we delivered, called Empower Kits, and so we filled backpacks for kindergartners. And in fall this program is called Care Kits and it's basically where we're trying to donate hygiene products to fifth grade students. When kids go home it doesn't necessarily mean they have access to these products, right Toothpaste, toothbrush, the basics and necessities. So we've launched that campaign Again. You can find out the details on graceandgroupmediacom. It's an Amazon wishlist and everything that you buy. Some of these things are like a dollar and change.

Speaker 2:

So it is so important again for us to just do more than, again, christians do more than just say you're a prayer warrior. You have to do something for somebody in the community. We were built for that, right, if you will. And then the last thing is a reminder today's Thursday and we have a prayer phone line. It's free, one o'clock, seven o'clock, and you just call in if you're standing in need of prayer, we are going to start launching themed monthly prayers. So, if you're in specific communities, I think September is going to be praying for you know, praying for health, our healthcare workers and first responders. So we're going to start launching that as something the Lord put on my heart. We're going to do it. We're going to stand in agreement with that.

Speaker 2:

So, again, just having more themed prayers so that we can really tap into the community and do more than just pray for our own needs, right, not saying that our own needs are important. So I thank you, lord, for all and everything that you are doing through this Come Out of the Wilderness group. I thank you, god, as you are using us to bless other people, you're blessing us as well. You know the word talks about seek ye first, the kingdom of God, and all these these things will be added onto you right. So when we come together and we're doing these prayers, you know we're seeking him first, and then all of these other things are added onto us so that we can go out and serve and take care. Heal, you know. Heal the sick, you know. Take care of the orphans and the widows. Those aren't just words in the Bible, those are action items that we need to take.

Speaker 2:

So today, today we're going to be in Ephesians 4, 422. I'm going to drop it because it's just a couple of verses, and I'm going to drop it in the chat, if you will, so that we can pull it up on the screen. So I'm going to share just a little bit of context around this one because I'm just going to give you like an example of something that happened to me yesterday. So hopefully this thing pops up. If it doesn't come all the way, I'll read it out to y'all, don't worry about it, okay. So Ephesians okay, I'll share my screen y'all because it's too long. But while this is coming up.

Speaker 2:

I want to share something about Ephesians 4.22 and kind of where I am in my head space, based on some things that happened to me just yesterday, because we're growing together right. So let me release the word Ephesians 4.22 through 24. It says to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires. Verse 23 says and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds yes, there is a spirit to your mind and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God, in true righteousness and holiness. So there's actually three different things that we're looking at. So, holy Spirit, I ask that you'll give us revelation now and show us how it relates to us in our walk of life, so that we can, you know, do better, be better and glorify you, amen. So the first part to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires. And so this is kind of, I think, a pretty easy one, you know, for those who the Lord has, you know, saved us. He's, you know, changed our lives. He's, you know, we don't think the way we used to. We don't speak the way we used to. We don't act the way we used to, but that old self, you know, it's still there and what I want you to think about is this is a. It's almost like a for me. It's a daily, it's something daily. That it's something I have to do every day.

Speaker 2:

I'm putting out my OSEP. Yesterday I was. It was one of those days. I had, um, I had a packed day of meetings. I was stressed about some other things, some things that are happening in the job. I'm talking to people who are professionals and y'all get it right.

Speaker 2:

Maybe you're a business owner, you're a manager, leader, whatever, but I was stressed about some things that were happening, not directly meaning, not something that I was doing, but things that were happening around me that was starting to impact me, the behaviors of other people that were starting to impact me, and I was watching. You know, before I started my meetings, before I even went into the day, something that I asked God for I was like Lord, remove this situation or, you know, give me, give me your grace in this meeting and, father, I need your favor. Right, and then I started to have him remind me of how far I've come and I thanked him for what he's already done and for success of the day. And so what I was doing was I was snuffing out the old self. The old self where you walk into something stressful and you just kind of you know oh.

Speaker 2:

Lord, what's going on in these people? So I was putting off that old mindset that belonged to the former life, the former manner of life, where I didn't really truly believe that I could trust God, where I didn't really truly believe that things were going to happen in my favor, where things were literally even again attacks, where I literally was like there's something good and then here's three things bad. I would watch these things happen and I would fall apart, I would lose faith, I would lose hope really quickly. That's the old self. And so even in this walk, don't, no matter how much light I have and how much grace I carry and how I walk with angels and believe me, I do, I know my Abba right I still daily have to put off the old mindset and the old self, because all it takes sometimes is a conversation with someone to pull you into that old mindset, that old self. Right, people pop up on the radar and it's like, oh man, here comes the test and all of a sudden you fall right back into that old self right Now. Verse 23, when it talks about to be renewed in the spirit of your minds. The spirit of your mind and so the mindset we're being renewed every day. So what are the things that you're feeding your mind? What are the things you're telling yourself? What are the things you're allowing other people to tell you? Now something again. I'm just going to roll back to yesterday.

Speaker 2:

I watched God move in four major ways with four different people, and it wasn't expected. I went in into that office space and I had so many testimonies by the time I left. I was giddy, I was laughing, I was so full of joy and hope because I watched him work. I watched him work. Now, renewing the spirit of my mind meant that before I stepped out of my car, before I opened up my laptop, before I sent the first email, I had to go through a process in my mind where I renewed it, meaning I was thinking about the goodness of God and how great he is and how faithful he is and how he is my. You know, god is God and Abba is Abba and he will, he vengeance is his and how he's he's blessed me with the day, and how he's given me victory in the day, and how amazing he is. So I had to renew my mind even before these things started happening, and I then was watching him work. But if I didn't renew my mind, I would have missed the boat y'all. A lot of times we are being blessed. God puts people in your situation and you think it's an interruption, and yet it is a blessing. And so you will miss the blessings, you'll miss the moments, you'll miss those incredible suddenlies when he just pops up and things shift in your favor and all of a sudden, the help that you're asking for, the favor, comes from places you would never have imagined. So by the time my day ended on the job, I had four encounters with God, four, four through him. I watched him work people out to favor me. Favor ain't fair. But if I didn't renew my mind, if I held on to my old self of law, I'm coming in here dealing with these things. If I held on to that old self of Lord, I don't know what you're going to do, right? I would have missed him working right Now.

Speaker 2:

Verse 24, it talks about the new self, putting on the new self and being created after the likeness of God. It says in true righteousness and holiness, and in true righteousness, respect the type of honor that I give to God. In true righteousness, it's not like you know. I don't go to God, like he's my grandpa and you know he's my genie bottle right, but in true respect and honor and having an air of holiness, I'm going to stop sharing. It doesn't mean, again, we are striving for this, we are striving to be better. Every single day, I tell people listen, the only competition I have is myself. I compete against myself because day over day, I want to be a better version of what God says about me, not what people say about me. So, amen, so you've got to be able to hold on to what he says about you. So now I gave you the top of the day.

Speaker 2:

Now let me tell you what happened in the evening, because, again, there is a fight that we're in and y'all, I want to encourage you because everybody isn't having the kind of days where you go through and it feels like all things are working together for your good. Now, by the evening, you know, after all of that thing, all that was done in the evening, I was shooketh, if you will, about challenges that happen in the evening time. Now, listen, I want you to hear me. I want you to hear me. I want you to hear me because now I'm on a high and I was on a, I would say a medium level, but at the beginning of the day, full of hope, full of grace, full of joy. And then, in the morning time, I was on a high because I watched Abba work. I watched a favor, I watched him bless me. I saw him bless me. I saw him bless others. I saw the encounters. I felt his power. I was on the high.

Speaker 2:

In the evening time, a situation came up that put me in my bed, that knocked me out. It literally. I was so flabbergasted, I was so emotionally exhausted, y'all. I went to bed. That thing took me out. I literally went to bed. But I want you to catch this I didn't go to bed doubting God.

Speaker 2:

I didn't go to bed saying oh Lord, you did it for me in the morning, why can't you do it for me at night? I didn't go to bed wondering if he still loves me. I didn't go to bed doubting any promises. I didn't go to bed saying that the victory isn't mine. I did not go to bed. My mind was renewed Amen. So, because my mind was renewed and I was staying on him and what he says concerning my situation, that thing, it gave me rest and peace.

Speaker 2:

I woke up this morning with the joy and the hope of God. I woke up this morning renewed in mind and spirit and body, because, guess what? I got some rest. I woke up this morning truly understanding what it is to walk this walk. It doesn't mean that you're going to have days where everything is going to work out the way you want it to. But can I tell you something that, even though that thing knocked me out last night, this morning I woke up filled with hope and joy and the grace, and I know that the Holy Spirit had already gone ahead. He has already, just like he did for me, has already released for you good news for the day I am looking at, this day. I looked at my calendar and I turned it over, the same way I did yesterday. I turned it over to him and I said, father, I know and I believe all things are working together for my good, because I am your daughter, you are my king. Amen, use me today to bless somebody, even my situation, and I'm thanking him for the good and the bad, because there is a testimony in it that's going to help me and somebody else. So my mindset is different. My mindset is different.

Speaker 2:

That, my friend, that spiritual renewal. You have to go through it every day. You go through it by staying connected with the word. There were points in my day he had already showed up in visions. He had already renewed my strength. I didn't have to fall apart. I just had to go to sleep, I just had to rest. So I want to encourage you for those who maybe you're going through.

Speaker 2:

This is a rough time. There are a lot of people who are for real struggling right now, and so I just want to encourage you. This is going to sound crazy as all get out. You might need to take a rest. You might need to take a rest. And that's what he showed me yesterday. While everything was, it felt like, oh Lord, what is going on? And he told me to go get rested, go get rested, go get rested. It needed to happen so he could renew my strength. It needed to happen so he could speak to my heart. It needed to happen so he could renew my strength. It needed to happen so he could speak to my heart. It needed to happen so he could tap into my spirit, so the fire, the flame, would be turned up. It needed to happen. I needed to rest in him.

Speaker 2:

Resting in him last night meant that I was replaying scripture after scripture, after scripture that he gave me concerning my life. That's why you have to have y'all listen, I don't leave my Bible. I don't care how you have it, whether you have a paper book, like I do, or you have it on your phone as an app but there are scriptures that he has given you concerning your life. And if you don't know and you feel like I don't have one, y'all I'm new to this, I don't have one Just start in Psalm 23,. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. Just start there and hold on to that thing and he will renew you while you're resting. So, while I was resting, when that situation knocked me out, he was renewing my spirit and it was pleasant dreams. I didn't have nightmares, I wasn't freaking out and I was renewed, so that I can wake up. And wake up this morning and give you this message and plant all of us in this day with a different mindset.

Speaker 2:

Right, putting our mind on him, put off the old self means that we don't go back to the way that we think about our situations. Putting off the old self and again, I don't plan experiences in my life. But I guarantee you every time that I come on to teach and I teach or pray five times a week, okay, but every time I do that there has been an experience. I am talking to you not because I know scripture so much, it's because I know the word. That's different. I know the word.

Speaker 2:

You can know scripture. You can quote scripture all your life and not know the word. You can know scripture and not know my Jesus. You can know scripture and have never had an encounter with the Holy Spirit. You can know scripture and don't know Abba or Jehovah Jireh. You can know scripture and don't have hope. You can be the most negative person there is and know the Bible back and forth and sit in the front pew of the church but have no connection with the word. And so that's what I want y'all to tap in.

Speaker 2:

What does the word Jesus? What does he say about you and your situation? There is always victory at the end of it. There is always why. Because we are and I say this, I am his favorite. That's how I approach him. Oh, abba, I thank you that I am the favorite, I am the apple of your eye.

Speaker 2:

He says that about us in Psalm. But you know Psalm, y'all, go look it up. But I say that, and as I approach him with my problems, I take my joy, I take the wins and the losses and I thank him for all of them and I say, lord, give me strength so I can, you know, wake up tomorrow, give me rest when I need it, and sometimes, y'all, we just need to bend to the rest and let him work and let him renew your mind. And I thank you, holy Spirit, that even now, as we have come before your Holy Throne, I thank you for renewing our mind and renewing our spirit and reminding us that our strength comes from you and no matter what the situation is, whether it's people, places or things that show up today, anything that is threatening to take us back to the old self, where we doubted who you were and we lost trust and faith in you. Lord, god, lord, I pray that every single attack that was designed for us is dismantled and scattered right now by the power of the Holy Spirit, that we are blessed, we are a blessed people, we are victorious, and nothing on the face of this earth not man, woman, boy or girl can take you from that. When you know that when you believe what he says concerning your life, nothing will take you back. And if you need to take a pause and have Lord I need a spiritual renewal to put me back on track so I don't lose faith then that is between you and the Holy Spirit, and guess what he will do it? He will give you rest and then you'll step back and you'll watch him work. He's a mighty God that loves us. So I want to encourage you.

Speaker 2:

If you're in a season y'all maybe your season is just one hour on the job and things go haywire. Maybe it's, you know. Maybe your season has been this year so far, eight months. I know people who have been struggling for two years, waiting for a word from God, and so I want to just give you hope this morning that you might first of all need to take a rest so he can operate some things in your life. You might need to go to sleep in peace and do so knowing that God is still in control and really trust him. Lord, when I wake up in the morning, I know you're going to give me supernatural favor and you're going to turn things around in my life. When he plants you someplace, you walk in the full confidence in Christ, knowing that I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.

Speaker 2:

Don't worry about the haters. Don't worry about people are going to watch me implode around you. That's not your business. You worry about what God says about you, not your business. Don't gossip about them. Don't pray for harm. Ask God to remove the obstacles. Father, give me favor, even with my enemies.

Speaker 2:

That's the kind of prayers I pray, even with the enemies. But renew my spirit, lord, god. Renew my mind. I am not going back to where I was before I met you, lord. I put all my trust in you, jesus, and I believe that there is victory in this situation. That's the kind of prayer I pray, and I pray that blesses y'all. Isn't that so good? He's so good. Lord, I just thank you. I thank you. I thank you for reminding us that it is all you. So we trust you, we believe you, we rely on you.

Speaker 2:

Holy Spirit, I pray that there is a full connection today with every person under the sound of my voice. As you pull from the grace that I have, I pray that everything that you stand in need of you will receive double your portion, double your anointing, double your blessing, double your victory. Everywhere you go today, you will succeed. Why? Because we are blessed. We are blessed. We are blessed. There is no curse on you, your household, your children. There is no curse on your job. There is nothing that the enemy can do to disrupt or destroy you. That is a for real word. That is what I stand. I stand in because I know that favor surrounds me as a shield and divine protection surrounds me as a shield. So let people implode around you, don't worry about it.

Speaker 2:

You focus on what the Lord has called you to do, and he's calling you to be righteous and holy and kind. He's calling you to be helpful. He's calling you to serve other people. He's calling you to pray. He's calling you to lead. He's calling you to manage your household with love and patience. He's calling you to show up as the light on the job, even with people who are blinded by their own desires. He's not telling you to go back from where he pulled you from. He's telling you to focus, to focus on the things. The spirit of the Lord is among us, is with us, is through us, is by us. So he wants us to focus and let him lead, so that the fruits of the spirit, of love, joy, peace. All of those things can be witnessed through our lives.

Speaker 2:

People see us and I don't care what they're going through. I don't care how evil they are or jealous they are or how much envy they have or how confused they are. But when you look on my life, I want you to see the fruits of the spirit, because the Holy Spirit is in me, with me, by me, through me. That's what we're talking about with spiritual renewal. We don't want to go back to where we were. We want to be the full embodiment. When people see you Christians, those who call yourselves Christians, those who call yourselves believers they need to see the fruit in your life, and not just how much of a prayer warrior. But who are you helping? Who are you helping? Spiritual renewal? I think it's time for us to do that right. Ephesians 4, 22, verse 24. That is your study. So God bless you.

Speaker 2:

You know, please again like the video If you're on the YouTube stream. It helps us y'all. It just helps us to get more views to the channel and I want to get this word out to as many people as possible. You know, share it with a friend. Tell your mama, your auntie, your uncle, come to Rebirth. If you're here in Georgia, we're going to be doing so much. We try to do something, some kind of event, once a month. So just keep following our channel for more. And if you stand in need of prayer, y'all come to the Three Praying Sisters phone line. It is you know we're not, there's no seed. I just have to keep saying this. We're not asking for no seed, we don't charge for prayers, we don't do any of that. Just show up and come for prayer, and if you're not coming today, tell a friend about it who might need it and show up anyway. All right, okay, I love y'all. God bless you. Be kind to yourselves and have a good Thursday. Bye.