Mrs. PIE

Embracing Your Divine Anointing: Transforming Challenges into Testimonies Through Faith

Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 52

What if understanding your divine anointing could transform your life's challenges into powerful testimonies? Join us for an inspiring continuation of our "Victory in Christ" series, as we delve into the profound themes of obedience and the power of God's anointing. This episode kicks off with heartfelt gratitude for the prayers that led to recovery and transitions into an exploration of what it means to be anointed. Drawing insights from Ephesians 4:11-12, we break down the fivefold ministry roles and their significance in building up the body of Christ. We emphasize the importance of seeking God's specific calling over chasing titles, urging you to discover your unique role in God’s grand design.

Ever wondered how enduring joy and resilience through faith can lead to spiritual breakthroughs? We discuss the transformative power of recognizing and embracing your anointing to carry out God's work. Through personal stories of pain and hardship, we illustrate how God uses challenges for divine purposes, turning struggles into testimonies that glorify Him. Whether you’re navigating difficult seasons like job searching or facing personal trials, this episode offers practical advice on maintaining a mindset rooted in faith and expectancy for God's provision.

Unlocking God's supernatural favor might seem like a mystery, but it's within your reach. This episode delves into the practical aspects of anointing, sharing personal declarations and experiences to show how divine favor can defy logic and position you for success. We also stress the importance of using this favor not just for personal gain, but to bless others and build God's kingdom. Reflecting on 1 John 2:20-27, we encourage you to seek wisdom and clarity in your divine appointments and embrace your roles within your communities with humility. We conclude with a heartfelt prayer for your healing, purpose, and confidence in your divine journey.

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Speaker 1:

no-transcript wasn't feeling well, but I thank you so much for all the prayers that went up for me. I'm feeling much, much better and I'm so glad. Thank you, lord, that you've allowed me to see another Thursday, another opportunity to come before y'all and share what he's placed on my heart for us. So we're continuing in August with the series of Victory Victory in Christ and so this week, although it's week three, I am going to go back, I think, to the end of the month, and share the teaching that I missed last week, which was talking about obedience. So maybe that's a good point for us, right? But I'm going to make sure that we cover that. So good morning Tracy, good morning everybody who's watching us on all the channels, whether it's Facebook, linkedin, parade Deck, youtube Don't forget to like the video, because that helps us, it's a free way to support the channel and it helps us get the teaching out and also shout out to the people who listen to us on the audio version, on the audio streets.

Speaker 1:

So today we're talking about being anointed for breakthrough and the power of God's anointing, and I think that probably a good place for me to start is. I just wanted to maybe explain a little bit about what anointing means, because it can be very confusing and sometimes it's. It's used in a way, especially by us religious folks, that confuses people. So I just want to break it down to the very bare minimum as best I can, and then we're going to talk about what that means, the power of God's anointing and being anointed for breakthrough. So, lord, as we even go into this, I pray that you'll give us a spirit of revelation, give me wisdom to speak only as you say and open up our minds and our hearts to receive your words concerning us, so that we can live a victorious life. Amen, all right, so one thing I want to do before we get into scripture is talk a little bit about anointing. So, first of all, I'm going to share my screen really quickly because I want to share or show the verse. There's a verse in the Bible, there's scripture in the Bible, and I want to again. I just, I like to just go back to the word y'all so people see it for real, for themselves. But this is typically from a religious, if you will, perspective when we talk about anointing where and again, a lot of people, baptists, even I have friends of mine and family members who are Baptists, who have not seen this part of the Bible. For some reason they only know about pastors.

Speaker 1:

But Ephesians 4, verse 11 through 12, this is the fivefold ministry. So if you ever hear that term, this is where it's coming from. And it says and he gave the apostles, that's one. The prophets, that's two. The evangelists, that's three. The shepherds or pastors, that's four, and teachers, that's five. To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up of the body of Christ. If you have been called into this, this is something where this is God calling you into this. There's a lot of folks that kind of assign themselves these titles and they really haven't been called into it. It just sounds good, but you will know which one of these you fall into.

Speaker 1:

But I want you to pay close attention that verse 12 tells us the reason why he gave these fivefold ministries is the building up of the body of Christ. So the church they're supposed to be working with and alongside the church, to equip the saints for the work of ministry. It's not so that we can go out and prophesy you a house or prophesy you a job. It's to equip the saints for the work of ministry. So it's very specific in what it is that we are meant to do with these giftings, with these anointings. So this is the fivefold ministry. Okay, now I'm going to talk to you about anointing in regular people terms. Okay, because I don't want you to get caught up.

Speaker 1:

A lot of times me included y'all for a long time I was asking God to give me my job description, tell me what it is that you anointed me to do, and I was so caught up in trying to figure out what that was, because in the natural world, like you know, you want to know what are my gifts and my talents so I can go out and knock this thing. I want to do this thing. And I was so caught up in trying to define and assign myself into the fivefold ministry, not even realizing and I had to learn this as well. So this is a cautionary tale that, first of all, the Lord will reveal to you what it is that he's called you to do specifically. And the second thing is you could be you know it can be working in multiple areas, it's not one. So he might assign you to be an evangelist in this season and and a teacher, or a pastor and a prophet. It doesn't work in the way that our minds tell us. So please don't focus and I know there are whole prophet schools and people are making a ton of money training people up Please don't focus on the five fold. Focus on what God has called you to do in your assignment.

Speaker 1:

So now I'm going to talk about in regular people terms, if you will, what anointing actually means, and then I'm going to show you back in scripture, because we back it up with the word All right, so you can literally Google this, and I did. And so the first thing is just defining. I'm just going to show you five different ways and literally it's a Google search. I'm just going to show you five different ways that you can. Thank you, tracy. Tracy said thank you for your humility, dedication, willingness to share your testimony. Amen, listen, we're in this walk together. Right, I'm not doing this by myself. So that is part of my assignment is as a teacher, and that's just one of mine. Right, I'm in the season of teaching, all right, so anointing. So what does it mean to be anointed?

Speaker 1:

The first definition of being anointed is that you're chosen by God for a special purpose or an assignment. And again, being anointed in the assignment. Sometimes the assignment is it could be temporary. Your assignment could be as a mama. Your assignment could be as a colleague on the job who is bringing encouragement. Your assignment could even be you know, you're in the store.

Speaker 1:

I have one of my sister friends. You know, you're in the store. I have one of my sister friends and she is truly anointed to be an evangelist. Like we see that on her and God puts her in the most precarious position. She's, like I call her, like the marketplace evangelist. God will just put her in like Walmart, and there's always someone that he wants her to connect to or speak to or pray with. It just happens. And because she's obedient to when God prompts her to connect to or speak to or pray with, it just happens. And because she's obedient to when God prompts her to do that, when the Holy Spirit tells her, I want you to approach this person, then the work is carried out. That assignment for her to just connect.

Speaker 1:

So I also want you to think about your assignment. Sometimes it's not these, it's not what people. You know it's not. You know, it's not the way that we think about it. You know, my assignment is to be the best speaker in the world, blah, blah, blah. Sometimes your assignment is just, you know, go and smile for your neighbor, even the ones you don't like. You know, because there's a special reason that he chose you to carry this thing out.

Speaker 1:

So how do you know when you have been anointed to do something for a special purpose or assignment is that you have to keep. You have to stay in the word. He will literally lead you, and sometimes it is so uncomfortable, it's listen, I can talk about Jesus and my relationship with the Lord all day long, but you have to think about the level of exposure in me doing this. Right, I could be. You know there's a lot of. You know a lot of folks who are very quiet in their walk and you won't even know some people you don't even know. You know what I mean. Or some folks will just throw out scripture all day long and that's part of their assignment is to teach, and so there's always a Bible verse, something encouraging on their heart. But again, you have to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit and he'll prompt you and let you know. You know when it is time for you to activate or do something in your assignment.

Speaker 1:

So the first again, anointing means that you're chosen for a special purpose or assignment. So the first, again, anointing means that you're chosen for a special purpose or assignment. It always ties you back to the kingdom of God. That's the other thing, y'all. It's not something that is self-grandizing, it's not something where it becomes all about you and your glory and how much money you're going to make off of it. It's always pointing you back to helping his people and carrying out his word All right. So the second thing I want you to know about being anointed is that you're designated to carry out God's word in a unique way. It doesn't look like what other people are doing, so, even though I'm on here teaching and I teach or pray or do something five times a week. It's in a unique way because God is using me, this busted up and chipped vessel, to do his work. So I'm unique in that.

Speaker 1:

My experiences, y'all, you know I used to get clowned, y'all for you know being that person who would, you know, smile through pain, you know. You know why is she always she. No one can be this happy. The reason I can still have joy is because every single battle that I fight, I truly believe that God is fighting alongside of me that there's always victory at the end of it, because I know that he loves me and that, even when it looks like, you know, oh, hell is happening around me, I still believe in God redeeming me and protecting me, and because I have so many experiences where he has done this for me time and time again y'all you know, I have that where I can look back. Some of us just need to look back on how God has blessed us and how he's carried you out of some situation, taking you to where you are today, and so when I can fall back in the Holy Spirit, we'll bring that back to your memory.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes we need to be reminded of how good God is, but he used us in a very unique way to reach people, and so this is just another way. Being anointed is that he sets you apart to carry out his work in a very special way. So don't overlook when you know when God is telling you might be the only person in the room and he's telling you and he's you know, he's saying you know I want you to reach out to you. Know that, cousin, maybe you're the person in the family, that you're the one that, like always brings people together, and that anointing on you is is that's how he's using you to bring people together. You're a healer, okay, that's what that is. So don't overlook, when he's using you in a very special, it's very special and unique way, and he's not. He's going to use the gifts and talent that he already gave you.

Speaker 1:

It's not like I don have to practice in front of a mirror how to talk to people, whether I'm talking to one person or a million people. I don't need to do that. It's just kind of built into my gifts and talents. So he uses my ability to connect with people to really truly care about people. He uses my ability and talents that he gave me to lead as a teacher, right, so he uses me in a very unique way, all right.

Speaker 1:

So here's the third thing that I want to share that this is I think this is really something that's important. This is something I had to learn a long time ago. Now, remember, we're talking about being anointed for breakthrough and breakthrough happening in our life, and again, when you're obedient to the anointing that God has for you, that you end up being the breakthrough in your family. Like I tell people, I want to be the blessing and the breakthrough in my family, in my community and the world, and that's all right. So now the third thing about the power of God's anointing is there is an extraordinary experience that set you apart for a specific purpose. There are things that happen to us that has you know again. There are.

Speaker 1:

I went through a lot, okay, I can pretty much talk to women about you know, you name it. I've been there, done that right, and when I was going through these things, y'all and I'm speaking to those who are going maybe you're going through it right now. Maybe you've been hurt physically, mentally and emotionally. Maybe you have lost babies. Maybe you have lost jobs, financial issues, maybe you have been lied on, you know. Maybe you know you've gone through the things. You know you have been lied on. You've gone through the things You've been betrayed by friends and family, y'all. When you have gone through seasons, maybe you've been bullied.

Speaker 1:

You will go through some of these extraordinary experiences and it's when you're going through these experiences that it's so important to remember that God will use it. When I'm going through something, y'all even last week I was sick and I'm like, look, lord, I know you're going to use this to glorify you, so I'm for it. I know you're going to heal me, but use even this experience of my illness so that you're glorified and that there's a testimony that comes out of it for your work, for your kingdom. Right, that's my approach. So even you know you have disappointments, but there's always something that happens to you that sets you apart for a specific divine purpose. He's going to take the ugliness you know, remember God's in the business of redeeming us, of healing us, of helping us, leading us and teach us. If you don't believe me, go read Psalm 23. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He literally shows you how he leads and guides and how he takes us by still waters, calmness, right, and how he restores our soul Psalm 23.

Speaker 1:

So anytime you're in a situation and experience, you start looking for how God is going to use that for a divine purpose. So even for those y'all, I know I talked to a lot of folks who are on the business streets and maybe you're having a really tough time looking for a job, finding a job, landing a job right now and I'm going to say, you know, next time you pray like maybe after this live, you'll go and just say Lord, you know, you know I'm in the season where I need a job right now. But I pray, lord, god, that you'll even use this experience of the job search for your divine purpose, that that you will glorify yourself through me so people will see that you're still a God. Jehovah, jireh, that's how you attack the problems, y'all, Okay, amen, amen. Thank you, ms Lopez on YouTube streets. Thank you, lord. So there you go, confirmation, amen.

Speaker 1:

So that's how you approach it. And I tell you, when you have that type of mindset and you start, again, this is we're talking about being anointed, the power of God's anointing you, and he sets you apart, even through experiences that are painful, for divine purpose. And you start approaching him in that way. Then he starts to even reveal to you oh, this is how, this is how he's going to use me, right, that's the power of God's anointing is that you're not doing this walk by yourself, all right. So now I want to show you one other thing about being anointed, because, again, these are you know, I'm telling y'all everything, I'm breaking it down for you. You literally can Google it, but I'm breaking it down so that it makes sense. And then we're going to end with scripture and a prayer.

Speaker 1:

So the last thing I want to share with you about the power of God's anointed or you know what is an anointing from God? I'm just trying to define it is that he bestows. God gives you favor, his favor. He gives you the tools, he gives you the abilities and the gifts to fulfill the role, the specific role that he's put you in. So when you talk about God's favor, when he gives you his favor, it means that this is how the world kind of twists it. It kind of makes it counterfeit where the world talks about, oh, you can just manifest and you get favor and people start bringing you things. Well, god works that way, where he will give you his favor.

Speaker 1:

So I always ask Lord, give me your supernatural favor in this meeting and cause everything that I touch to be productive and bless my hands. Everything I touch will be successful, everything that I touch, everywhere I place my feet. I will have your favor. I'll have your favor with, and then I'll list it out y'all. These are my declarations. I have your supernatural favor with my boss. I'll have your favor with, and then I'll list it out y'all. These are my declarations. I have your supernatural favor with my boss. I'll have your favor with our leaders. I'll have favor with the church. I'll have favor with every single project. I'll have your favor. I'll have favor in my household, with my family. Lord, give me your favor. So he starts to when you're calling to this assigned role, this role, right, so think about this as a mom, you know, father, give me your favor. In my household, you know.

Speaker 1:

So we ask him to bestow that level of his favor favor with men, favor with heaven, you know, I list them all out. Give me your favor. And it's so amazing that when his favor is on you now, favor don't make no sense. Okay, I'm sure there's a better way to put it, but favor makes zero sense because I will be placed in situations that other people would have been scrambling to do something for years and years and God will drop me into something because of his favor. And it might look like where does she come from? How is she doing that? Right, because I carry his favor. And it might look like where does she come from? How is she doing that? Right, because I carry his favor and that's not something I give away and I cherish his favor and the way that we cherish this. We understand that this is only because of his grace, but I cherish his favor so that when he favors me, when he blesses me, that I me, I make the willful decision to favor others and bless others. So it's not just me receiving his favor and hoarding it for myself.

Speaker 1:

Remember everything if you want God to really, really, truly, for real, bless you, is you focus on what is on his heart, and his heart is. Reconciling his children back to him, right. Feeding the poor and the hungry, the widows and the orphans? Right, remember those things. Right. Showing love to those who need it, praying for each other, building out his kingdom that's what he wants, right? Amen. Look at that, amen. There's a comment. This happened to me with my job. I gave my notice to move to another state and they offered me to work from home. And it was God. Not unexpected, thank you, lord. But that is favor, that's having favor from God.

Speaker 1:

So remember we're talking about the power of this anointing and what an anointing looks like. Breaking it down so we can chew on this thing because we're missing it. A lot of times, because we don't understand it, we'll look at somebody else and say, well, he and she, they're anointed because look at how they've got more followers and look at how they got more money and look at how they got the nice car. Amen, right, and you're missing the favor that's on your life and I don't want you to miss it. I don't want you to miss it.

Speaker 1:

So the second thing is that, anointing, he gives you the tools and the abilities. So the tools, like, he gives me technology so that I can release his word. He gives me a computer, he gives me you know what I'm saying Like, he gives me the tools to do it. Now, it doesn't mean that it is just, you know, it's just magic, right, it doesn't just show up, remember, because I'm trying to fulfill my designated role as a teacher in this case, if you will, right. So he's going to give me the tools to do that, right, right, I still got to use it, I still got to do the work, y'all right, even though I'm anointed for this particular assignment, I still have to do the work. But he's going to give me access to the tools.

Speaker 1:

The other thing about abilities is, again, you know I don't, you know I say this all the time and I know I get people so mad at me, but I always say, first of all, I don't align myself with any time's task that the world doesn't give me terms. I don't define myself by what the world says, so I always push back when people raise about self-doubt. I am the most confident person you will meet because my confidence is in Christ and not me, because I absolutely believe when the word says I can do all things. Through Christ, who strengthens me, I have the most. I am the most confident person you're ever going to meet because I know that it's him doing it through me, not me. You know what I'm saying. So because I enter into every situation that way and I have a lot of confidence. Then my abilities it's just easier for me to carry out the assignment, for me to do the things that I need to do right. So I'm relying on his strength and what he says about me to carry out my abilities, amen.

Speaker 1:

And then the last thing is the spiritual gifts. Now we know what the gifts are and again, this is where I want to encourage y'all go back into the word and do more studies. But all of us have been gifted with different things, okay, and so there's some things that just come naturally. It feels like it just come naturally it's not. It's really not a big deal. You're like, I mean, for me I can't compute.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes if someone says I have a tough time, you know, I'm afraid to talk to people or I'm afraid to speak in front of crowds, and for me I'm just like, yeah, I'm just having a conversation with one person, or 50 or a hundred, it doesn't matter, right? But that is because I've been built to do that. That is a part of the giftings that I have, and he gave me the gift to do that because I have to get the word out, to communicate, right, I'm a healer, so I'm a healer and that's just part of my assignment. So, in order for me to carry out that work and even on the job, because he's given me these gifts and these abilities, it still shows up I don't have to, I'm not intimidated by titles, I'm not intimidated by people.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't matter to me if you're a billionaire, a millionaire, it doesn't matter to me your job title, your station in life, it just doesn't matter because my confidence is in Christ, because he is again in me, with me, for me, by me, through me, and so my role, my role and my designated person is to draw people back to him as healing and breakthrough mentally, spiritually and sometimes emotionally is to pray for people, is to teach you, is to speak to you. When he gives me a word for someone, I will speak it, I will release it, and that's it. Right, and that's it. And so, because I'm operating in my space, right, and I'm not trying to look Now, this is a word for somebody, I'm operating in my space and I'm not looking at what other people are doing. I don't care what Sarah's doing or Bob's doing or Jim's doing. I'm not worried about who's getting promoted If I'm not. I'm not worried about all that, because I believe that he has me exactly where he needs me. I'm going to operate a thousand percent and make him proud and he will give me everything I need to be successful in the land of the living because of the grace on my life. That's the power of God's anointing working in my life. Right, all right.

Speaker 1:

And I want to give you one more scripture, and then, and then I just I'm going to drop this one. Actually, I'm going to share my screen. I just want to make sure you guys get this, and then I'm going to close with prayer God, you've been so good this morning. Holy Spirit, you're just killing it. Holy Spirit, he's my friend, amen. So 1 John 2, verses 20 through 27.

Speaker 1:

I'm always in the A Shelley version, english Standard Version, but I want you to go back and read this for yourself on your time, and just really quickly. It talks about this. It says but you have been appointed by the Holy One and you have all knowledge. So I want you guys, as you are, asking the Lord what is the anointing, what is the purpose for me? What have you set me aside to do in my family? What have you set me aside? I want you guys, as you are, asking the Lord, you know what is the anointing, what is the purpose for me? What have you set me aside to do in my family? What have you set me aside? I want to be the breakthrough in my marriage. I want to be the breakthrough in my. You know, I want to be the person like my name is breakthrough. Okay, my name is blessing.

Speaker 1:

So the first thing I want you to do is I want you to you know, say this as a prayer over yourself is Lord, you anointed me and you have all knowledge. Lord, give me wisdom, give me knowledge, show me the mysteries Help me to understand it goes, it talks about. I write to you not because you don't know the truth, but because you know it and because no lie is of the truth. And so the other prayer point here is, as God starts to reveal the truth about who you are, that you start also asking. You know, this is why you ask him for wisdom is so it doesn't get messed up y'all or confused with what the world says. But remember I said I don't take any terms, that the world doesn't call me anything and I'm just like you know. It's a, it's a trend. So I, I have, I have no syndrome, I am not an imposter, I'm a child of God and I got this right.

Speaker 1:

You got to know how to, how to speak about yourself so that again, as anointed ones right Further down it talks about you know. You know the importance, why, again, this is is leading you back to being in his word. In verse 26, it says I write these things to you about those who are trying to deceive you, but the anointing you receive from him abides in you and you have no need that anyone should teach you, but as his anointing teaches you about everything and is true and is no lie. So now, don't worry, I'm calling this out because, again, remember I talked about the fivefold ministry. We're talking about regular day conversations, right?

Speaker 1:

What I don't want you to get twisted is that no one's going to teach you when it says his anointing teaches you about everything y'all. This is where things shift, because he is going to teach you through those experiences that I talked about. He's going to teach you because, if you've been designated for a purpose, he's going to prepare you for it and you say yes, yes, lord, use me, I want to go out and I want to do your will, whatever it is right. We got to say yes, it's a heart posture, and you got to say yes to the Lord. But when you do that, he starts to teach you through these experiences. He starts to prune you. He opens your eyes and shows you some things, but it doesn't mean that you, just now, you're anointed, you don't want to hear from anybody, and that's that right. That's not how it works. He's going to put people, places and things situations are going to happen in your life to prune you, to prepare you for this anointing, the power of his anointing, so that again, we're drawing people back to him All right.

Speaker 1:

Oh God, I thank you so much for this day. I thank you for this powerful teaching, lord, for just reminding us that anointing and being set aside for your purpose and your will is so much more than just taking a title and being deemed as special. It's so much more than the number of followers we have and how much money we have in our pocket, because we have designated purpose and even if our purpose is just to reach one person, lord God, we thank you for blessing us. We thank you for using all of us, for touching our lives and anointing us to do something special. Lord, I ask that you remind us today that we still are in the business of healing and helping each other, the sick and the poor, the lonely.

Speaker 1:

Lord, god, I pray that we don't lose that, as we're. All you know, people are so wrapped up in trying to have a special title, lord God, but the work still needs to be done. So would you open our eyes to see the areas of our lives where we need to shift our purpose and align it back to you? And, Lord, we know that. You know every one of us have been called to do something special. Every one of us have been called Lord God, and it is only because of you, holy Spirit, that we can carry out these things. I pray that you'll bless every person under the sound of my voice who's asking now, what am I anointed for? That you will show them just as clearly as ever and that they'll lean on you. They know that we can do all things through Christ, who strengthened us, and they'll lean on you. They know that we can do all things through Christ, who strengthened us, and they'll build up their courage and their confidence in you. Amen, amen, pray for my marriage to be healed. Now, that's a good point.

Speaker 1:

So before I go, we have a phone-in prayer line. It's free, y'all. Every Thursday 1 pm and 7 pm that you're welcome to call in from the US or the UK. So I'm going to be on the line and Tracy here is on the line. We're going to have that prayer. So if you have prayer requests, please, y'all, there is no charge. Just, you know it's a phone line, so jot the numbers down, keep it in your phone. Every Thursday, one o'clock and seven o'clock, eastern in the US and UK, call us.

Speaker 1:

And so praying now for Jay Lopez for her marriage to be healed and, lord, I'm believing it. Yes, lord. So just praying for restoration in the family, lord God, I'm even praying for just for you to just direct her and show her, give her wisdom and what to do in the situation with her family. I pray that you will touch the hearts and minds of everyone involved, lord God, and, if it be your will, lord God, that you'll show them. Use this experience as a way to draw them closer to you, lord God, and let them not be lost in the world, because you still love us. Even in our painful moments. You're still with us. And, lord, I ask that you'll just bless her right now, lord God. Thank you, lord, because her testimony is going to bless somebody else. And so, jay Lopez, I pray that when you have a testimony of how God has blessed you, that you do not swallow your testimony.

Speaker 1:

Drop us something in the chat or come on to. You're welcome to join. We have live prayers twice a week, or you can call the phone line. But do not lose hope and do not lose faith. And thank you, lord, for using this situation in her life to be a blessing to her husband and her children. Thank you, lord, for what you're going to do Restoration season, my friend? All right, I love y'all. Please forget, don't forget to. You know, be kind to yourself, tracy, we'll grab her. We'll grab her name for the prayer call later. If you can't show up, jay Lopez, we'll take you to the main line at one o'clock and seven o'clock tonight, so I'll make sure to jot that down. But we'll pray for you as well. On the three praying sisters, the prayer phone line. All right, y'all, I love you. Have an amazing, amazing, amazing day and God bless you. See you next week. Bye.