Mrs. PIE

Journey of Grace: Embracing Hope and Trust Through Faith

Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 51

Have you ever wondered how some people manage to stay hopeful and grateful even through life's toughest trials? Join us as we share deeply personal reflections on perseverance and faith, revealing the power of gratitude and divine support. Through heartfelt prayer and worship, we underscore the importance of grace, forgiveness, and the sustaining hope that comes from leaning into God's love, especially during times when we feel only partially whole.

In a profound exploration of Genesis 22, we delve into the narrative of Abraham's test of faith, shedding light on the misconception that all trials are merely obstacles. Abraham's journey to Moriah, his obedience, and his mental resilience serve as a powerful lesson in trusting God's plan. By examining his readiness to sacrifice his beloved son, we see the ultimate testament of unwavering faith and discover the immense hope and victory that arise from steadfast obedience to God's commands.

Worries about jobs, finances, and family can be overwhelming, but we discuss how trust and prayer can be powerful antidotes. By declaring God's promises, particularly from Jeremiah 29:11, we encourage you to trust in the purposeful and hopeful future that God has planned for each of us. Finally, we extend a heartfelt invitation to embrace Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, emphasizing spiritual renewal and the importance of fellowship in a Bible-based church. Join us for a journey of hope, trust, and spiritual renewal, and be inspired to embrace God's timing and abundant glory.

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Speaker 1:

Recording is in progress. I'll literally feel lonely. Even when I can't be clearly, I know that you were with me. So I came. I just came down. No, no, no, cause I've come too far from where I started, yeah, from. Nobody told me that the road would be easy. But hey, hey, hey, I don't believe. Oh, no, no, no, no, to leave you alone.

Speaker 1:

Said I can't give up now. I just can't give up now. I've come too far, too far when I started from. Nobody told me it's not gonna be. Yeah, I don't think he's brought me this far. Hey, just can't give up now. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, hey, it's been a little rough, but I know, don't believe, don't believe, don't believe me. I can't give up now. I just can't give up now. Said I've come too far, too far From where I'm from. No one said it would be easy. Nobody told me, nobody that the road won't be, and I don't believe he's brought me this far To leave me. Here we go. He's brought me this far to leave me. Here we go.

Speaker 1:

I needed your grace more Than I thought I ever would. You forgave more than I thought you ever could. I was stronger in my head, but truth is I need your grace. I need your grace more than I thought I ever would. Would you forgive more than I thought you ever could. I was stronger in my head, but truth is I need your grace. I need your grace. I need your grace. I need your grace. Couldn't make it without your grace. Lost without your grace. I need your grace. Thank God for grace. I really need your grace. I need your grace. Grace, grace, I need your grace. I needed your grace more than I thought I ever would Amen.

Speaker 2:

And there is something about knowing for real, for real, what you need God has. What you need, god will provide. And, lord, standing in need of your grace this morning, and we're just thankful that you have given us another day. You've given us the breath of life. We still have purpose. We thank you for everything. You are so amazing, lord. It doesn't matter what it is that's happening in our lives If we just take a moment, we're just taking a moment right now, just to thank you for your grace, thank you for your covering, thank you for your mercy and your goodness, thank you for your blessing, lord, god, thank you for hearing and answering our prayers and, lord, we just honor you this morning. I thank you, lord, for everything and everyone that's under the sound of my breath, whether they're here live or they're going to catch this on a replay or they're going to hear about us on the streets someplace. Lord, god, that they will just come into agreement with receiving your grace. Thank you, lord Jesus, for what you have done for us. Truly, you are a good God, you're a merciful father. Thank you, lord, for everything. Amen, amen.

Speaker 2:

All right, listen, I'm going to start sharing my screen. I'm still on the mend, as they say. But I am so grateful, god is so good and we're still in the month of victory. Y'all, it's still August. We still, you know, we're still leaning, believing and hoping, and we're going to be leaning into hope. I had such, oh gosh, a spirit of hope on Saturday. It hasn't gone away, y'all. It's not going away, going away. But I have such high hopes as we're leading again. You know, we're in the month of victory, but I have such high hopes for us and what God is doing for us, with us, through us, by us, because of us, in spite of us, that he, you know this, this, just this sense of hope, that's that I have and I pray that that will land on you. And it doesn't matter if you're feeling look, I'm feeling about 50%. I still am filled with hope. I'm filled at the fullness of joy and hope because of what God is doing, what I see him doing with my own two eyes.

Speaker 2:

So we start out with just giving him thanksgiving, you know, just thanking you. So we're just going to spend a minute just to thank you, lord. Lord, we are the word says steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it and with thanksgiving. So, as we're approaching your altar now, lord, god. I just approach it with a heart filled with thanks. I thank you for every prayer that has been released on my behalf. I thank you for every prayer that has been released on my behalf. I thank you for every prayer that has been released on behalf of the many that we pray for, the many that we stand and we intercede for.

Speaker 2:

I thank you for giving us just your presence, lord, and just hearing, still hearing, our prayers, you know, even when we don't know what to say, those prayers that are just sitting on our hearts but we don't have the right words, those prayers that are just sitting on our hearts but we don't have the right words. There's so many of us, lord, god, who are standing in need and just trusting and believing you in this season. But I thank you that we are entering into this season of hope, as you showed me that it's okay to have hope in Christ, it's okay to believe and trust in him, that things are going to work out. Thank you, lord, for just being who you are and just again allowing us to come to your holy throne. We come only because of you. It's really you calling us here to worship, and so as we stand in obedience and worship you. Lord, we thank you even for this. We thank you that you have sent divine help. We thank you that you have built up our strength.

Speaker 2:

I thank you for this Monday and this week. I thank you for breath. I thank you for our health. I thank you for this Monday and this week. I thank you for breath. I thank you for our health. I thank you for our families. Thank you for our children, lord God. I thank you, lord God, for friends. I thank you for opportunities. We thank you for closed doors. We thank you for open doors. We thank you for this mighty way that you're showing up in our lives.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, I thank you for blessing us beyond measure. I thank you for saving us through the night. Thank you for destroying enemies we can't see. Thank you for fighting on our behalf in the Spirit. I thank you for lifting our spirits this morning with hope. Lord God, that is the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I thank you for the Holy Spirit. Thank you, lord, amen, amen, amen. All right. So now we're going into confession. We've got to cleanse the mouth and the hearts. Almighty you, lord, amen, amen, amen. All right, so now we're going into confession. We got to cleanse the mouth and the hearts, almighty God. We acknowledge and confess that we have sinned.

Speaker 3:

We acknowledge and confess that we have sinned against you and thought, word and deed. We have not loved you with all our heart soul, mind and strength we have not loved our neighbor as ourselves. Deep within us are sorrow for all we have done and the we have not loved our neighbor as ourselves. Deep within us are sorrow for all we have done and the good we have left undone. Lord you are full of compassion and gracious, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy there is always forgiveness with you, Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Jesus Restore to us the joy of your salvation, bind up that which is broken, give light to our minds, strength to our wills, and rest our souls.

Speaker 2:

Speak to each of us.

Speaker 3:

Father God, and let your words abide with us until it is brought in us your holy will Amen.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, father Lord and, as we confess from our hearts, we thank you that you've received it. There is no condemnation in Christ. We thank you, lord God, that you're forgiving us for even the thoughts we had overnight, even this morning, lord God, that you're purifying us, lord God, and centering our minds to think on it. Think on the things, as the word said, on these things that are good and fruitful, things that reflect you, your grace, who you are, where you want us to be, how you want us to treat people. Lord, I just ask that you'll just forgive us, lord God, for doubting you, forgive us for not trusting you, forgive us for going our own way, lord, I ask that you will just draw us back to you, put us back on the right path. So we confess everything that we have said or done or thought, anything that we have touched that we had no business touching, maybe shows, we have watched songs, we have sung videos, we have watched anything that has taken us off the path of just being pure in your sight, lord. We know we are human, we are going to make mistakes and I thank you, lord, that you are a forgiving Father and that there is no condemnation. Amen, amen. So today, as we're leaning into season of hope, amen. So today, as we're leaning into season of hope, I'm going to be in Genesis and I just want to pull out some things in scripture. Then we go into our prayer for normal, as normal, but this is from the Genesis, this is from Genesis 22, and this is the sacrifice of Isaac, and I just want to pull some things out of here just to land it in our heart. Holy Spirit, this is all you Give us the spirit of revelation so that we see ourselves in scripture. We'll see the lessons that you have for us, that we'll comprehend. You'll give us wisdom and understanding so we can apply your principles, your stories, because in here is a jewel for somebody. So, lord God, let it be not just a reading of your word, but a breakthrough your stories, because in here is a jewel for somebody. So, lord God, let it be a not just a reading of your word, but a breakthrough. Lord God, that someone needs that you open a gate for them, you open a door for them to see themselves in you, through you. Amen. So Genesis 22,.

Speaker 2:

I just want to hit on verse four again. You can please go back and read the whole thing, y'all, but it talks about the sacrifice. After these things, god tested Abraham and said to him so if you go back, you realize that God gave Abraham a promise and then, right after that, he came into testing. And I think this is one of those points. I wasn't going to read that part, but this is one of those things that a lot of believers we kind of skip past, that Sometimes the Lord gives you a promise but there is a test after that and we'll just be like, oh, that's the devil, it's not. You know, everything isn't the devil, he's not. You know, he's not taking control of the promises God has for you. We willingly, a lot of times, we willingly give it up. So here in Genesis 22, verse 1, it talks about, you know, god testing Abraham, and I'm just going to contextualize where he tells him to take his son, who he loved, to the land of Moriah and offer him there as a burnt offering. So imagine that God, the one thing that he really loved, truly loved that God is testing him to see if he will give it back to God.

Speaker 2:

Verse four on the third day, abraham lifted up his eyes and saw that place from afar. So there was a journey, so Abraham was in obedience. And again, imagine that you know, even as a parent, where you know God blessed you with a child and things aren't working out the way we think it should be, and the Lord is saying hand it back, not through sacrifice, but the Lord's like hand your child back to me. And we're, like you know, we're trying to follow that journey and I love. On the third day, abraham lifted his eyes and saw the place from afar. So that's the first thing is lifting up our eyes. When you lift your eyes, it means that you're not focused on the thing right in front of you, you're looking ahead, you're lifting your eyes to see.

Speaker 2:

In verse nine it talks about coming to the place of which God told him. So Abraham was obedient, he stayed on the path and Abraham built the altar. And it talks about laying the wood in order and just thinking about the actions and the activities that Abraham had to go through. Not just the physical of having to break the wood, find the wood, lay the wood in order, but even the mental, you know, knowing in his mind that he is giving his son back to God. He's giving his son. This is a sacrifice. And then the spiritual of having to be challenged and being obedient.

Speaker 2:

And it doesn't tell you in scripture, in verse nine, how long it took him to build the altar, how long it took him to lay the wood, how long it took him to bind up his son and prepare him for that sacrifice. It doesn't tell you there's not a book that comes with a promise that God has for you If he gave you that promise of this promotion on the job, for example and there's not a guidebook that came with it that says how long you're going to have to lay the foundation, how long you're going to be bound up under this certain manager. It doesn't tell you there's not a script that comes with it. It's obedience. It's him still following, following through with what God says, still being in position, still being in the land of Moriah right, still being where God placed him.

Speaker 2:

And then it says in verse 10, the action now, where Abraham reached out his hand and took the knife, because now he was going to follow through with what God said. And the Lord shows up Verse 11, angel of the Lord called to him from heaven, from heaven, and said Abraham, abraham. I also love this part again, before we go into praying about hope, when the angel of the Lord called to him from heaven. And I still have this. I have this image in my mind of Abraham looking up and the angel of the Lord calling down. Does that make sense? So the angel of the Lord is calling down from heaven. So Abraham's eyes were still cast up, he was still lifted up. He was still lifted up even though he was in the middle of sacrificing, of giving back to God the one thing that he truly, truly loved.

Speaker 2:

And then we know the rest of the story, where Abraham responds again, verse 13,. And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked and behold, behind him was a ram caught in the thicket. Now, again, you know, there's a reason. When the scriptures repeat certain things that you know, sometimes I used to call it this like portal of. I used to say like this is a portal of crazy, because they've done some things that are repeated. And when it's on repeat, there's a reason. But again here in verse 13, where Abraham, not only did he lift his eyes and look, meaning that he was focused on, then he saw and behold behind him. So just think about this he's looking, he's lifting up his eyes, he's looking, and yet behind him was a ram that was caught. So then we know that Abraham went, he took the ram and he offered it up, and in verse 14, he called the name of that place the Lord will provide. As it is said to this day, on the mount of the Lord, it shall be provided.

Speaker 2:

So I wanted to pull out some things about hope, because I'm convinced that there was a spirit of hope, hope that Abraham had. Maybe he had a hope that, lord, you won't make me go through with sacrificing my son, but I'm going to be obedient anyway. Maybe he was hoping that God was going to show up in a mighty way, and you know, or maybe his hope was just Lord, give me the strength, you know. Give me the strength to go through with what you're asking me to do. But at the end of the day, abraham was obedient. He didn't lose hope, right, he still had his eyes lifted up. He was still looking beyond himself and his situation. He was still looking beyond the building of the altar and the laying of the wall, all the things, the tactical, the tangible things that he had to do. He was still focused and looking up. And so that's what our prayer is this morning is that we, as we're entering into this season of hope, that we're looking up outside of our troubles, outside of our headaches, outside of our situations, outside of our lack or doubt or fear or worry, that we're entering into this season of hope because we know for sure, for sure, that the Lord will provide Amen, amen, amen.

Speaker 2:

So so there's three prayers. The first one is in Romans 15, 13, and it says may the God of hope fill you, fill you with all joy and peace, as you trust. There's a there's so many things that you have to do before you know, before, before right. So may the god of hope fill you with all joy and peace. So joy and peace as you trust, because you got to trust him, so that you may overflow with hope. And it says by the power of the holy spirit. So it's another reminder that, again, this is a fruit of the spirit, this is a as a result of the holy spirit being activated in your life as you yield your, your mind, your worry, the things that you know.

Speaker 2:

Again, if god is saying you know, I know you're worried about your, your job, hand it back to me. I know you're worried about your, your daughter, hand it back to me. I know you're worried about your finances. Hand it back to me that he's asking for you to trust in him, that you know we're asking God to fill us with not just hope but with joy and peace, knowing that that hope is by the power of the Holy Spirit, comes from the Holy Spirit. So pray this over yourself, god. Fill me with hope and joy and peace. I'm trusting in you, father. Fill me with hope, joy and peace, as I am trusting in you. So that's your prayer, amen. So as you pray that over, open your mouth and pray. Pray that over yourself, god. Fill me with hope, joy and peace, lord, as they are praying, fill me with hope, joy and peace.

Speaker 3:

Lord, as they are praying, fill me with hope, joy and peace. Lord, as they are overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 2:

Our hope comes from you, lord God.

Speaker 2:

Everything that we stand in need of, everything they ask for, lord God, comes from you and you only. Will you change the pattern this week, lord God, the patterns in their minds and their hearts? Will you fill them with such incredible peace and joy and hope, incredible peace and joy and hope? Will you give them an overflow of hope to the power of the Holy Spirit, so that they be carriers of hope, so that, every place they go today, Any person who comes in contact with any person under the sound of my voice, who've received this unto themselves, they will be the beacon of hope, the beacon of hope in their families, beacon of hope on their job, the beacon of hope in their communities, the beacon of hope in their homes. Lord God, father, let this be a season of hope that falls afresh on them. Father, I ask that everyone who has been bound up, lord God, bound up by fear, bound up by doubt, bound up by worry, that they are released by the power of the Holy Spirit right now and they are filled with hope. Thank you, holy Spirit, that you are taking a full residence. Quiet our minds so that we can hear from you, oh, still voice, so that we can hear and in the moments when we start to fall back into fear and doubt. Lord God, would you be that beacon of hope for us? Amen, father, I ask that you give us peace. Peace in every conversation, peace in every discussion, whether it's with our family members or with our colleagues, whether it's with our community members or with our friends. Even, give us peace with enemies, lord God, those who are coming for us, those who have decided to strike us. Lord God, those who have turned their back on us. Would you even make this be a season of peace? Lord God, as you are the God of hope, fill us with everything that comes from you, with joy and peace. Lord God, as we trust and believe in you for everything. Let there be an overflow of hope. Lord God, let us be giddy and foolish with hope. Lord God, trusting and believing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen Now. Jeremiah 29, 11,.

Speaker 2:

Everybody know this, we all say it, for I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. So this one we're going to pray. Father, you know the plans you have for me. You plan to prosper me and not harm me. You plan to give me hope and a future, and I want that. That's all it is. That's the prayer we're just receiving, father, I receive, I you know. Pray that for yourself, father. Thank you for the plans. I know the plans you have for me. You plan to prosper me and not harm me. You plan to give me hope and a future. And I receive it, father, as they are praying and declaring what your word says concerning us, as it is written, lord God, that you have plans for us, plans to prosper us and not harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. And we are receiving that now.

Speaker 2:

We receive this, lord God, for our children. We receive the plans for our spouses, our partners, our friends, our colleagues, that any person connected to us, lord God, that there'll be a season of hope and revelation, that they will not walk away, they won't lose hope, they won't fall into doubt, they won't fall into fear. They won't, lord God, no matter what it is that's happening in their lives. Those who are waiting for answers for jobs, lord God, that they will not lose hope, lord God, that they will be reminded through the Holy Spirit, that you have plans for us, that your plan is to prosper us and not harm us. Your plan is to give us hope and a future. Thank you, lord, for that. You see the reason you have to have hope.

Speaker 2:

Without hope, you fall into despair. Without hope, you fall into depression, you start to doubt God. Without hope, you start to question whether God really is coming through for you. When you've been waiting for a blessing for so long, it's really easy to fall into doubt. It's really easy to start falling into fear and start believing God isn't there for you. But the word says he knows the plan he has for us and declares the Lord and plans to prosper you and not to harm you. So I just pray over every person who is waiting for an answer from you, lord God, that you will remind them in their spirit that it's your plan to prosper us and not to harm us. It is you that give us hope and a future and we thank you, lord God, we receive that today on behalf of our children.

Speaker 2:

The plans that you have for them.

Speaker 2:

We don't know what they are. We truly don't. So we rely on you, we trust on you. We even ask that you give us hope for our children, lord God. Hope for lost things, lost ideas, lost ideals. We ask that, even hope for that to bring things back, lord God, to heal families, to heal hearts, broken hearts, lord God, to heal those who are crying out to you, lord God, those who have been severed in family, lord God, who are hoping, lord God, that things will get better. Conversations with families, lord God, that have gone south, that have just been broken for many, many years, that you will heal, lord God. And for those who have lost hope, that you'll give them a renewal of hope, as your words say, so that we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you, lord, because this is changing things for us, our attitudes and the way we see things. Lord God, through our hope, we hope, our hope is in you, our hope is only in you, lord God, believing that you are coming through for us, prospering us and giving us hope and a future.

Speaker 2:

Psalm 39 says oh now, oh, lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you. This is how important it is for us, again, when something is repeated in the word. It's important, okay, but it's important that we're placing our hope in Christ. So it's not placing our hope in each other, it's placing our hope in God, placing our hope. So this simple prayer is Lord, my hope is in you. That's the prayer, that's it.

Speaker 2:

Say that prayer, lord. My hope is in you. That's the prayer, that's it. Say that prayer, lord. My hope is in you. You tell him what it is. Lord, my hope is in you. Lord, I put all my hope is in you. I believe you, I trust you. Lord, god, my hope is in you. I thank you, lord, that there is an overflow of hope by the power of the Holy Spirit, as your word says. Lord, my hope is in you. My hope is in you because I, you know you, you have the plans for me. You're going to prosper me and my family. You, you know you plan to give me hope and a future. Therefore, my hope is in you. I'm going to watch you turn things around, lord God. So my hope is is in you. My heart is filled with hope and joy and peace because of you, lord God, because of what you're about to do in my life in this season, because of what you're going to do with our family and friends. Our hope is in you, lord God, because you have never failed. Our hope is in you, lord God. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord, amen. All right.

Speaker 2:

So this is where we ask. The word says whatever you ask in prayer, you'll receive if you have faith, and I believe we all have faith. That's why we are up early on a Monday morning. So ask the Lord for what it is you need specifically in prayer. And, lord, as they are asking specific needs for their household, and my hope is in you and my trust is in you I have full peace and joy knowing that you are answering quickly their prayers.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, father, I thank you for all the answered prayers that are coming today, those who have been waiting to hear from you for so long, in so many areas, lord, those who are on the cliff, lord God, they're on the cliff and they're about to lose hope. So come quickly with your answer, lord Jesus, be it through a man, a place, a thing, whatever it is, father, I ask that you will release the answers quickly, whether it's a thought and an idea, lord God, whatever it is, it's a phone call, lord God, it's a job offer, it's a business deal, a team meeting, whatever it is, lord God, I ask that you release it now, in the name of Jesus Christ, that you release the answers now that they are standing in need of Anything that has blocked the answers, lord God, for the prayers that they are lifting to you. Lord God, that it is removed now. Father, those who are waiting, lord God, waiting to hear from you, those who are on the precipice of losing hope, father, I ask that, as your word says, that there be an overflow of hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. So I call now on your word and according to your will, that there will be an overflow of hope in our hearts, but not just an overflow of hope, but an overflow of answers.

Speaker 2:

Answers coming quickly, confirmations coming quickly. Lord God, thank you for the doors that you have, closed Doors that would have harmed us if we entered through. So I ask, lord God, that you will cover us, every single person who is standing in need of something this morning. Lord God, you know what's on our hearts, you know the prayers we dare not ask, the things that we dare not say. Holy Spirit, you intercede for us, you pray for us. Thank you, high Priest Jesus, for what you are doing. Lord God, thank you for giving us and renewing our hope this morning.

Speaker 3:

Amen, amen, all right Declaration y'all, I declare this day that no weapon formed against me can prosper, because I am the righteousness of God. Thank you.

Speaker 2:

Lord because.

Speaker 3:

I am. The righteousness of God Favor surrounds me as a shield. Divine protection surrounds me as a shield.

Speaker 2:

I am therefore in the right place at the right time I cannot be defeated or destroyed.

Speaker 3:

In fact, every tongue that accuses me, every tongue that attacks me, I condemn with my words. This is my heritage, this is my right as a child of God, made in his image, made with his dominion and authority, living in me, coming forth out of my spirit. Through the word, through my words, I declare today that Satan has no power over my life, that every weapon he has has been defeated, that fear is cast out.

Speaker 2:

That love makes my faith work and therefore I cannot fail God's word cannot fail, and that's what I am made of.

Speaker 3:

His word, made in His image after His likeness with the power of the Holy Spirit and authority of His word. Therefore, by the blood of Jesus, I dwell in the secret place of the Lord God. I abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I say to the Lord you are my refuge and my fortress, my God and you I will trust.

Speaker 2:

Amen. Thank you Lord, thank you Jesus, thank you, lord, for what your word says concerning us. We believe what your word says. Lord God, fill us with hope. Lord God, fill us with hope. Lord God, fill us with hope. Lord God, fill us with hope. Lord God, fill us with hope. Lord God, amen, amen.

Speaker 2:

So I dropped this in here so I wanted to remind, and for those of y'all, especially for folks who watch the replay on the streets, if you're looking for additional study I talked about this last Saturday Isaiah 43, one through seven, and just these three, again three things that I say I won't lose hope, I won't lose faith and God is with me, and that my friend is going to be my study for this week. I invite you to join me if you're interested, if you will, but that you know, again, we're in a season of victory and leaning in on hope. So these are the things I'm saying as I'm going into meetings and conversations today I won't lose hope, I won't lose faith and God is with me. I won't lose hope, I won't lose faith and God is with me Every meeting. I won't lose hope, I won't lose faith and God is with me, amen. So I pray that that blesses somebody. Again, go back. And you know I always try to give you scripture. Scripture is not just Shelley says. Isaiah 43, verses one through seven, just jewel. This is just jewel. Just amazing word. So amen. So I hope that blesses somebody. All right, so, and again for those.

Speaker 2:

Again, if you're watching and if you'd like to be born again in Christ and or if you want to reconfirm your relationship. This is a simple prayer and I release it, and if you're praying it with me, then you know we're believing God for this. So, lord Jesus, I believe you're the son of God, that you died on the cross to rescue me from sin and death and to restore me to the father. I choose now to turn from my sins, my self-centeredness and every part of my life that does not please you. I choose you, I give myself to you, I receive your forgiveness and ask you to take your rightful place in my life as my Savior and Lord. Come, reign in my heart, fill me with your love and your life, restore me, jesus. Thank you God. In Jesus' name, I pray Amen.

Speaker 2:

Now, if you were one who prayed this prayer and you are a new believer, I want you to find a Bible-based church. It's going to be important for you to get into fellowship and that's kind of your next step. The Lord will start to show you where to go, and I encourage you again to not just be sitting at home, you know, behind a computer screen and reading the Bible. You need to be in fellowship. You know part of how we build up our spiritual lives is through fellowship. Right, god will send help, god will send divine help, but you got to be around people. Amen, all right, so let's come to benediction. Ephesians 3, 20 through 21.

Speaker 3:

Now to him, who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us glory in the church and the christ jesus throughout all generations forever and ever amen, amen.

Speaker 2:

All right, I'm gonna stop my sharing and stop recording.