Mrs. PIE

Victory in August: Embracing the Holy Spirit's Guidance for New Beginnings

Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 50

What if you could transform your life with a simple yet profound relationship? Join me as we embark on an inspiring journey through August, embracing the theme of Victory guided by the Holy Spirit. This episode kicks off with reflections on my evolving bond with the Holy Spirit and how His presence empowers us to achieve victories in our lives. Dive into personal anecdotes and scriptural insights like Ezekiel 36:24-27, discovering how the Holy Spirit cleanses, renews, and directs us towards our destined paths, symbolizing new beginnings marked by August.

We'll uncover the daily role of the Holy Spirit in our lives and spiritual practices, emphasizing the importance of starting each day in communion with Him through praise, prayer, and scriptures such as Psalm 91 and Romans 8. Hear how the Holy Spirit has been a guiding light for me, especially during challenging times, and learn how you too can activate God's protection and acknowledge the Holy Spirit's authority. This episode serves as a heartfelt reminder that the Holy Spirit is not just a ghost but a comforter, guide, and friend, ensuring that this month is truly one of victory. Listen in and let the Holy Spirit lead you to new heights this August.

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Speaker 2:

no-transcript. Faithful Tracy, we're back y'all. It's Thursday. What is so special about today? It's the first of August. We have made it to another month and this month of August, the series for this month is titled Victory, and I think we're going to lean into being victorious, maybe for the rest of the year. We're going to at least keep the theme. We're going to keep that because we are trying to push our way through. We've got a handful of months y'all for the rest of this year. So God is so good, and today we're going to open up with how the Holy Spirit empowers us, because we can't be victorious without him. So I hope that you enjoy this. Why am I tripping over my words? Because we're talking about my bestie today.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes, you know, sometimes, when I have the opportunity again, it's an opportunity for me, it's an honor for me to come before, even if it's one person, when I'm talking to you about my walk with the Lord and when I have to talk to you about the Holy Spirit. We've had such a strange relationship. I grew up in the church. You know. I've been in many denominations in the church. I've been in many denominations. My mom for those of y'all who don't know, my mom also was a minister in the Methodist church, and she was also a teacher, so she had a dual career. Obviously, she was a mother and she was a wife as well, and she did all the things, but I grew up for a long time really only having a relationship with God, the Father, and Jesus the Son, but the Holy Spirit to me was just not. I never saw Him as a person, and what I came to know about the Holy Spirit was some of what I touched on in the Word and Scripture as I was growing up. Right, so maybe for you, this is the first time you're hearing about the Holy Spirit, so I chuckle when I talk about him, because we have such an amazing relationship.

Speaker 2:

The Holy Spirit empowers us to do what we do. He's the one that leads and guides us. He's the voice that we hear. You know that soft voice, and so I call him my bestie because it's a relationship, and so, for those of you again, I'm obviously a Christian woman. It's the triune God, and I'm not going to be challenging y'all. You need to go back in your word. You need to understand who the Holy Spirit is. So today, though, I am going to share some scripture that, I think, is going to help us really leaning to being victorious this month. Eight also again for those of y'all who are on the prophetic streets or those who think it's just very interesting to know stands for new beginnings, and so we're also leaning into new beginning. Again, it's never too late to turn things around. I just still want to encourage you. So we are leaning into a spirit led victory, how the Holy Spirit empowers us.

Speaker 2:

So, holy Spirit, I just thank you, I worship you. Good morning, I'm so excited to share you with the people say. There's a part of me that I'm so enamored with you and just how gracious you are, and I thank you for leading all of our prayers. I thank you for inspiring, encouraging and giving me the words. I thank you that it is your power, it is your authority that lives in me, that allows me to come before anyone, and so what an honor it is to just recognize and acknowledge who you are today. I pray that you will speak to their hearts so that they will come to have a great relationship with you, and I just love you so much. Amen. I'm giddy, right, because he's really my bestie and he's already here, all right.

Speaker 2:

So I'm going to open up scripture real quick. I'm going to share my screen. There's a couple that I want to hit on. The first one if you did watch the replay and I hope y'all are watching the Monday and Tuesday prayers, y'all are missing out, okay. So I believe I covered this one on. Maybe it was Tuesday, and this is Ezekiel 36, 24 through 27. And I just want to share this with you again.

Speaker 2:

Take these scriptures y'all, go back and do your own personal study, write it down in your journal. You know I talk about. I document encounters, but I document scriptures that really stand out. So maybe this is a scripture for those of you who are trying to build your relationship with the Holy Spirit. So Ezekiel 36, 24 to 27, and it reads like this I will take you from the nations and gather you from all the countries and bring you into your own land. So again, even this Lord, I ask that you will give us a revelation and a mind to understand what your word says concerning us. Okay, we're in the story.

Speaker 2:

And then 25 says I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean from all your uncleanliness and from all your idols. I will cleanse you. So this is the Lord speaking. Now. He comes into, now we come into verse 26 and it says I will give you a new heart and a new spirit I will put within you. So let me just back up for a second Cause. Remember how I said you know we're trying to close out this year Again. It doesn't matter whether you're you got your own company. Again, I talked to a lot of folks. You know my audience is typical people who are professionals that have got jobs, or college students or mamas or whatever right. So let's put this in the context and let it relate to you, you and you where you are.

Speaker 2:

Verse 24,. I'll take you from the nations, gathering you and bringing you to the place that he has for you, into your own land. You know not where your auntie told you you should be, but where God has placed you, okay or not, where your mama thought okay, where God has placed you, your own land, where he set you. You know this is where you will flourish, right, these skills, these gifts, these talents, that you know where you will flourish. When it talks about clean water, again, spiritually, it's God cleansing you, removing the things that make you unclean. Some of us, it's our mindset, some of us, our mouth, the words that we say, our attitude, our behavior, things that we worship. You know whether maybe you're worshiping material things. You know things like that, right?

Speaker 2:

And then 26, where it talks about a new heart. There's another verse that talks about renewing our heart and giving us the right spirit, right? So again, a new spirit means you know it's a renewal. So here we are again. Thank you, lord. Now I mean God. I just pause and thank you, holy Spirit, because I didn't have this scripture set up for this morning. Okay, I had Romans eight. So I just thank you, lord, for even you know, sharing this, bringing this back to us. But this is an opportunity for you, as you're, as you're again opening your we're talking about your, your spirit, now opening your heart, realizing that we actually need a new heart, a clean heart, a pure heart. Right, a lot of us have this. What it says, the heart of stone. When he talks about the heart of stone, it's a heart that's bitter, that won't bend, it's just inflexible. You're just stuck right. Give you a heart of flesh. Flesh you feel when things happen to you, your flesh, you feel it. Now.

Speaker 2:

Verse 27, I will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statues and be careful to obey my rules. There is something about when the Holy Spirit, when you receive God. So this is for those who haven't maybe you haven't received the Lord Jesus as your personal savior yet, but he puts his Holy, his spirit, within you. There's a difference between the Holy Spirit versus other spirits. Right, the Holy Spirit will always lead you back to the Lord Jesus Christ. He's not going to lead you to yourself, meaning you become empowered and you're just the master of the world. He's always going to lead you back to Jesus, always. And it says and cause you to walk in his stat, in God's statutes, and careful, so one, he causes you to walk, which means he's guiding you. And you're careful mean you're thoughtful to obey his rules. Right, you're careful, you're not just out, you know, just doing whatever. Right, you're careful, you're thoughtful.

Speaker 2:

So I just wanted to share Ezekiel 36. This is so important that, again, the Lord is going to give you a new heart, some of us, a new mindset, again, even for some of us believers. Maybe you've been a Christian for a long time but you haven't been, as the word says, baptized in the spirit or you don't have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, right? So this, I hope, will cause you to think more about building your relationship and the Holy Spirit, right? So this, I hope, will cause you to think more about building your relationship and the Holy Spirit within you. All, right, I had to say that, so let me take you to now the other verse that I want to lead into Amen, I pray that blesses you. Right? So that's just a foundational scripture that's going to help you.

Speaker 2:

Romans 8, 14. Remember, we're talking about how the Holy Spirit empowers us, right? Romans 8.14-17. Now I'm going to release this one, a Shelley version, english Standard Version. For all who are led by the Spirit of God, not in sons, includes daughters, right, not everybody. There is a, there is a um, there is um. How do you say it, lord? There is something that sets us apart and it says for all who are led by the spirit, our sons of God. Okay. So if you are led by your pastor, if you're led by your prophet, if you're led by your own desires, if you're led by how great you can manifest things that happen, if you're led by your checkbook, if you're led by your love of your flesh and your body and how amazing you are. If you're led by those things, then you're in trouble. Okay, you're not. Actually, you're stepping outside of God's will for you.

Speaker 2:

It says you didn't receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear. Slavery mean things that you know take you out, things that control you. You know you didn't get a spirit of that. You know how do I say this. As you walk back into fear from the things that God has, you know how do I say this. As you walk back into fear from the things that God has, you know, removed you from those things that held you captive before. Right, that's not. The spirit of God doesn't do that. He doesn't set you up to fail. Right, you are led by him out of captivity. You are led by him out of these mindsets, out of things that are crippling you. You are led into freedom, if you will. Right.

Speaker 2:

And it says let me finish this, verse 15. You did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the spirit of adoption as sons by whom we cry Abba, father, it's how we can stand before the throne, it's how we have that again, the word talks about being seated in heavenly places that we have been adopted as sons Again, that means daughters too and whom we cry Abba, father, the Spirit himself, right? So here again for those of y'all who maybe you grew up in the Baptist church and all you know is the Holy Ghost and you don't know him as God, the spirit himself, right, so he aligns you to write the himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. So how does this work? So our spirit, right, and the Holy Spirit is commuting with our spirit. Spirit to spirit. God is spirit, right, and it's his witness in our life. It's him shining a light on the areas that we need to work on. It's him bearing witness with our spirit. He shows up in that way, right? And if children, then heirs. This verse 17,. And if children means it is a choice, it is free will. God is not Holy Spirit, is not going to force himself on you, right? And if children, okay, then heirs, heirs of God. And it goes on to talk about fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him. All right, I'm going to stop sharing my screen and just come talk to you real quick, so I'm probably going to miss the comments. Amen.

Speaker 2:

So the Holy Spirit given to us resides in us, fills us up as a part of who we are. It's how we hear from the Lord. He is our God, the Holy Spirit, he resides with it. When I say he's my friend and my bestie, it means the ways that I start out my day is I'm in my spirit, communing with the Holy Spirit. So I'll start my day and I'll praise God, and sometimes again, you know, for those who are like well, which God do you pray to? Really, simply, sometimes I'm just God is God. Holy Spirit is God right?

Speaker 2:

So I don't want you to get caught up in I don't know which one to pray to and which one to say what to, and please don't get caught up. I don't want you to get lost in the religious things, because a lot of us, including me, for a long time I was stuck right. I was stuck trying to figure out, like, how do you approach the Holy Spirit? He is already a part of us because we received Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior. So what happens then is how we commune. So how do we allow, we step back and let him lead. Sometimes it's just through regular prayer.

Speaker 2:

Y'all I've been in situations or in a meeting and even before you go into a meeting, I ask the Holy Spirit quiet my spirit so I can hear your voice. I want to hear your guidance. I want to hear your words, I want to hear your instructions. It's the Holy Spirit that. He's the one that commands angels to work in your life. He's the one that sets the assignments. It's not the power of Shelley that does it, but when I declare, when I, when I go back and grab my Bible, I'm going to go into, for example, psalm 91.

Speaker 2:

Right, we all know this Psalm and we come in here. This is what I think. And we come in here. This is what I think, just my opinion one of the most powerful protection prayers, right, that you, that you can come to. So when you come into, come in here. And it talks about in verse 11, for example, for he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways, and on their hands they will bear you up lest you strike your foot against a stone.

Speaker 2:

And so when I get into a position of when I'm praying for protection, it's not that it's me activating God's word for protection. It's not me commanding his angel, it's the power, the dominion and authority of the Holy Spirit that lives in me that actually does it. I have zero power, it's all him. You understand, I can use my words, based on the grace that God gave me, to command things to happen spiritually in my life that will then happen in my natural life. I can shake and shift any environment that I go to, but it's because of the power and dominion of the Holy Spirit. It's him doing it right. I'm just his vessel.

Speaker 2:

So when you hear Christians talk about, especially maybe, evangelists, pastors, whatever, whenever you hear folks who are those who have been charged to go out and teach, when you hear us say I am just his vessel, it's literally us opening ourselves up spiritually, mentally, right. It's us opening ourselves up and saying Holy Spirit, use me today, I'm your vessel. Wherever you want me to go, right, that's a physical thing. He might send you someplace. Whatever you want to do, I want to hear from you. That's opening your ears. I want to see you, lord. So that is being led by the spirit of God.

Speaker 2:

Remember in Romans 8, when I talked about this right, we've been adopted. We've been adopted in. That's why we can call on Abba, father, it's the spirit himself that bears spirit, with our spirit, that we are actually children of God. It's him communing to us right In Ezekiel 36, again, when it talks about some of the requirements you get a new heart, you'll get a new spirit and he will remove the heart of stone. So it's even the Holy Spirit that's doing this work, if you let him, because, like I said, he is a gentleman.

Speaker 2:

Now I also want to make you know that. Not, you know, I don't want you again. A lot of us look at God like he's grandpa, look at Jesus like he's just a bestie, look at the Holy Spirit like he's a genie, right, and that is not the case. You know again, god is spirit. So there are going to be times when he's going to say no, right. There's going to be times when he is course correcting you and it's going to hurt. That is a part of the purification that we go through. And if you want a true, honest to God relationship, right, if you want to be built up, if you want to be spirit led to victory.

Speaker 2:

Now, when I talk about spirit led, I mean, like, listen, yesterday, for example, I was in a situation where I knew the enemy was going to come for me. I knew it, I smelled it, I saw it coming. I was already prayed up on the way in and so, because I was prepared spiritually right, I'd already prayed it out and already received that. God told me that favor surrounds me as a shield, because I believe what the word says, what he says. And so the Holy Spirit brought it back to my remembrance. I said favor surrounds you as a shield. That's actually a scripture. Okay, and so because now that singing in my spirit, when I walked into the setup that was there for me, right, it was like a spiritual attack. I knew it was coming, but when I walked into it, I came out victorious because one I allowed right. I had to pull Shelly back. I had to pull back right and let him lead, let him go forth, and I was able to witness.

Speaker 2:

God shut some things down in the natural that I could never have done. These are spiritual battles that I can't fight for myself. He fights for me. And then, after that, I gave glory to oh, thank you, holy Spirit, that was all you. Thank you, abba, for what you did. I acknowledged what he did. We have a relationship, see, this is why I was like, oh man, I don't want to tell y'all about my bestie. He's so amazing. He puts a song in your heart. He will bring back to memory some of the things that God has brought you through. So you don't lose faith and you don't lose hope in your deepest, darkest, most horrible situations, when he is the comforter, it's him with you there. It's him, and yet it's still Jesus, and yet it's still Abba, our father, right, it's so amazing. So I encourage you as we're moving. It's so amazing, so I encourage you as we're moving.

Speaker 2:

We've now moved into August, month of victory. Spirit led victory, right. I encourage you to start not just praying, not just praying, but start meditating, start listening, listening. So ask you know, listen, lord. I want to hear from you, holy Spirit. I want you to, I want you to demonstrate a prayer that I say before I speak anywhere.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to share this with y'all. Something that I pray before I speak anywhere, anytime, whether it's a prayer call or an interview, it doesn't matter. Something that I always do, I'm going to release it for y'all is I ask Father, glorify yourself through me and demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit through me. Power and authority. Demonstrate it so they can see you and not me. And so imagine going into your job today, or going into a business meeting, or maybe you're facing a problem or a bill, maybe you're facing a health report, you're going into the doctor, wherever you're going, imagine starting out your day like that's how I start y'all. Imagine starting your day like that. Father, I thank you for this day. I thank you for this day, thursday. I thank you for this month. This is going to be a month of victory to me. Lord, demonstrate, glorify yourself through me, glorify yourself through me right and demonstrate your power in my life. I want every single enemy in my life to see you, god, so they know whose I am.

Speaker 2:

Imagine going into a situation like that. That means you're not gossiping. That means you don't have a spirit of fear. That means you're not worrying. That means you're not falling back into your old self and your old mindset, because you are fully relying on the glory of God. You are fully relying on the Holy Spirit to demonstrate his power and his authority through you in every single situation. Because, guess what? Every knee must bow. That's what it means. So every knee bows to my situation. I don't have to gossip. I don't have to fear, I don't have to worry, I don't have to do. I don't have to fear, I don't have to worry. I don't have to do any of that, because every knee must bow. But you have to have the power and the dominion of the Holy Spirit residing in you.

Speaker 2:

It's not us doing it by ourselves. If we try to do it by ourselves, we will be performing Christians, we'll be acting things out. This is why you see a lot of churches. You just be upset. They start performing, they start to entertain. It's entertainment in church because they're trying to get your attention. But do you know? You can be filled up in church and you can have zero conversions. People who still don't know who Holy Spirit is right. It's up to us, before we go into our church buildings, it's up to us, before we go into our jobs, it's up to us to have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 2:

Lord, demonstrate your power and authority in the lives of every person who is watching me. Father, show up and show out this month and make this a month of victory in their lives. Lord, I ask that you will draw them back to you, those who have left you. Lord, god, those who are confused, those who've never known you, holy Spirit, I ask that you will pour out a special favor on them and draw them back to you, father, I ask that you protect every person under the sound of my voice, those who are standing in need, that you will fill their cups into overflow, so much that they will bless millions, lord God, I ask you, lord God, that you will show up in such a mighty way that this is a month of victory for every person in my life connected to me in our prayer ministry, any person I touch.

Speaker 2:

You see, you've got to have the kind of power and authority that comes from the Holy Spirit so you can shut stuff down. You can shut down any attack the enemy has for you, anything on your job, in your families, my being real, your friends. Ask the Holy Spirit to come through and purify your circle of friends. Ask him to remove. I asked the Lord to set on fire anything that was not meant for me People, places and things. Amen, that's the way it is, that's how it is. So I love you, holy Spirit. That's why I say he's my bestie. There is no one like him, and I pray for those of y'all who, as you start to build your relationship, that he now exists for me as a person Amen, as a person, not just a ghost. Right, we got to come out of that. That the Holy Spirit is a person and when he shows up, listen, let me tell you something when he shows up in your life, people will see him through you, if you let, if you let it, if you let it, if you let it, if you let it.

Speaker 2:

So this month, y'all, this is a month of victory. We're starting it off spirit led. I can't come here and teach y'all, I can't come here and speak anything to you if you don't understand that the foundation is with the Holy Spirit. You cannot, we, we can't do this month without him. We can't do it without him. There are gonna be things that come up in your life. You're gonna need him as a comforter. There's going to be things that come up in your life that you're going to need him as your friend, as your guide. You're going to need the Holy Spirit. You can't do this with your pastor. I'm just being for real. Your pastor needs the Holy Spirit too. We all do. You have to have a relationship with him, thank, you have to have a relationship with him. Thank you Abba, thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you, abba, for what you have done.

Speaker 2:

And then you will come to know, my friends, the difference when it's the Lord God, when it's Abba, when it's Yahweh, you will know. When it's Adonai speaking to you, then you will know. When it's Jesus, our Lord and Savior, then you will know the differences in the character of God, our Lord and Savior. Then you will know the differences in the character of God. Then you can discern what's happening in your life and you will know which prayer to pray. Then you will shift environments. Then you will break generational curses Amen.

Speaker 2:

Then you will come to understand what God is. He puts you through all of these situations because your life is meant to be a testimony for somebody else. Then you will understand your kingdom assignment, that when you go on the job and he tells you to pray for someone who don't like you, and you do it amen with a full and glad heart. Then you will come to understand the great mysteries of God, because the Holy Spirit will meet you in the word and he will reveal these things to you that no man you understand, some of y'all on the social media street. God is the Holy Spirit, is revealing things to you, for you, not for the world. So please also be careful when someone says the spirit says, because there's a lot of times when it's not the right spirit speaking or sometimes it's the Holy Spirit instructing them on something and it's meant for them. What he tells me for me is for me. You have to have a personal relationship. If he tells me something to speak to his people which is what he did today that I will release.

Speaker 2:

So, as you hear things on social media y'all I'm talking to the encouragement ministries and all of the profilers and all those things on the streets Because we have a hunger to hear from him, because we have such a hunger, we get drawn like gnats to a light bulb when you see someone who has that power and that connection, don't be drawn in. You have the same access to the Holy Spirit that I do. Don't be drawn in. You have the same access to the Holy Spirit that I do, the same access to him that I do. There is no fee that you pay, there is no seed that you plant. It is free, this love, this light that comes from him. So I want to encourage you. I just want to encourage you. He is free. I just want to encourage there's so many believers who feel like he's so out, you can't reach him. I never hear from God. I don't hear from the Holy Spirit. It is your disobedient heart. It's because you've been so focused on you that you refuse to listen. When he removes things from you, when he shuts doors, you say, oh, that's the devil. No, sometimes God says no and he shuts the doors that he doesn't want you to go through because he don't want you to suffer.

Speaker 2:

There are decisions you're going to make for your family this month, in August, for this to be again new beginnings. There are decisions you're going to make for your family this month that you've got to do it with the instructions from the Holy Spirit or you'll mess things up for generations. You've got to come into alignment with what he says about where you're going, and he will confirm it. He's so amazing, god. He will confirm it. The Holy Spirit confirms spirit to spirit. He confirms. He'll confirm it through people. He'll confirm it through the scripture. He'll confirm it. The Holy Spirit confirms spirit to spirit. He confirms, he'll confirm it through people. He'll confirm it through the scripture. He'll confirm it. You'll see, it's like tectonic plates shifted. He'll confirm it through visions, through dreams. He will confirm where he's sending you. Things will start to align and you don't have to fight over it. You don't have to trample over people to get to where he's sending you.

Speaker 2:

This is easy for me. I preach and teach five days a week. This is easy because all I'm doing is telling you what he says. I'm just a vessel, and if he can use me to touch your life and give you one seed, one little word of encouragement so you can be filled up, and then you go back to him and get your, come on, y'all come on. So this is my friend introducing the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 2:

For those who've never met this comforter, this amazing, amazing comforter, this friend, this guide, and go into Psalm 23. I'm going to leave you with this. Go into Psalm 23 and read that word, actually read it. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. Okay, what else does it say? He makes me lie down, he leads me right. And you get that. You get those instructions how you go, where you go, filling your cup, what you want, what you need. You got to hear from the Holy Spirit so you can get to that. Pray God that you will get this.

Speaker 2:

This morning I'm on fire, y'all. He's all up in my office. So I pray that God blesses you For those who are traveling, that you have traveling mercy right. That God blesses y'all. Y'all, don't forget, today is Thursday. We have our prayer line. If you need help, if you need somebody to pray with you, it's free. Call us. All right. One o'clock, seven o'clock, easter standard. Every Thursday. We will be here and we're going to be lifting everybody up in Jesus name. I love y'all. I will be back. Go watch all the other videos. There's lots of replays now on the social media streets and I pray tell somebody today about the Holy Spirit. I dare you to do that. I dare you to do that.

Speaker 1:

Amen, all right, I love y'all. I will see you next week.