Mrs. PIE

Renewal and Revival: Speaking Life into Challenges and Embracing Divine Transformation

Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 43

Can speaking life into your challenges really bring about profound transformation? Inspired by Ezekiel's vision of the Valley of Dry Bones, this episode of Breakthrough dives into the powerful concept of renewing your mind and spirit through faith and the Word of God. We explore how managing your thoughts and seeking divine guidance can lead to personal revival, even in the driest seasons of life. You'll learn how to prophesy over your obstacles, invoking restoration and renewal in every aspect of your existence.

Stay connected with us as we highlight upcoming events designed to encourage and uplift you. From a virtual prayer session for schools to a fun-filled pizza-making party for teens, there's something for everyone to look forward to. We also take a moment to reflect on last week's insights about overcoming obstacles with God's intervention, emphasizing the crucial role of heart posture and mental transformation. Join us on our Facebook prayer ministry for more profound prayers and teachings aligned with our series. Remember, you are deeply loved by God and by us—let's seek encouragement together, not just in tough times, but throughout the entire week.

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Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It's Thursday and I am so, so glad I'm up, I'm awake, made it to another day and we are so blessed. Good morning, makisha and Tracy. Y'all were on my mind this morning. Thank you, lord, for sending help. This is so amazing.

Speaker 2:

I'm excited, y'all as you can tell, that we're in this series this month called Breakthrough, and so this week we're talking about the renewal of mind and spirit. For those of you who don't know, we also have a prayer ministry on the Facebook streets called Come Out of the Wilderness, and you're welcome to join us there. It's free. So just you know, just join us on Facebook, and we're also aligning our Monday and Tuesday live prayers. They're deep prayers to what we're doing here on this monthly series called Breakthrough. So for some of you who are going to be watching this and you know, good morning everybody on Facebook and LinkedIn, folks on YouTube and X and Parade Deck, wherever you're catching this. Maybe you're listening to this on the audio streets, Audible or iTunes or whatever.

Speaker 2:

But this has been such a powerful and we're in day 11 of the month of July, but a lot of us have already been experiencing breakthrough. Some of it has been breakthrough in just our mindset, breakthrough in our spiritual walk, meaning that we're, I feel like there's more. I don't necessarily want to use the word zeal, because it's not zeal without wisdom, but we're awake, you know, and there's a lot of us who are hungry to learn more about God, and so we're seeking him through scripture, which is what we do, y'all, but also the fellowship that we have among each other. So even breakthrough in relationships and, again, it's not always about finding breakthrough in just. I need help with finances, although that is the case, right, we still need that but there's other ways for you to get breakthrough. So renewal of the mind, so renewal of the mind. Good morning, kim Blue. The renewal of the mind is something that we we covered how, how we think, how we manage our thoughts, and that's something that we really leaned into on the Monday and Tuesday prayers this week. So, again, if you're on YouTube, you can just, you'll see those videos, their replays, and they're again, they're really deep prayers and teaching. I think that's really going to bless you. So, for whoever needed to hear that. So just a quick recap of where we are before we come into this week.

Speaker 2:

So last week we kicked off Breakthrough. On the Thursday version, we talked about overcoming obstacles, and I shared with you guys Hezekiah's prayer for deliverance and we've talked about how we need to seek God's intervention in our problems. You know, it's not always about running to your friends, your family or your praying grandmother, but how we seek God's intervention in our Well, we might think it's an impossible situation situation and because I talk to folks who are in business, who run business, even some folks who are in the job market, some of the situations that you might be dealing with, you might see it as impossible or dire. Again, there's just a lot of people are in different situation, health situations as well that that might be an obstacle. But we talked about and I pray that it really encouraged you to turn to God in times of need. And then how we you know how we kind of lean on his strength and the fact that God is going to send you help. He sends help through confirmation, through scripture, you know he sends it through people, he sends it through open door and opportunity, sends it through ideas. But just, you know, the first place for a breakthrough was, you know, learning how to respond to and overcome obstacles.

Speaker 2:

So now it brings us to this week where we're talking about renewal of the mind and spirit and I know I say this a lot. Y'all you know this is just something that the Lord gave me I think it's been a few years now about our heart posture and the way that we approach him and and and the way that we serve him. It really starts with what's in our heart. He's after our heart, but what's in your heart. It really does matter because it also feeds what's in your brain and what we think. So today I'm going to talk about Ezekiel's vision of the Valley of Dry Bones, which is something I think a lot of Christians they might know this scripture, but we're going to bring it back because I want to really lean into what mental transformation or a spiritual revival in yourself. I want to inspire you to kind of be renewed in your mind and in your spirit that in the same way, right In the same way God can Good morning. Right In the same way, god can turn things around If you have a dry bone season in your life right now. So this is an encouragement for you. So, as I always do, I share my screen. I remember I got people who listen to this on the streets, so I got to talk to you what I'm doing, otherwise they're not going to know what's happening. So this is the A Shelley version, the ESV version.

Speaker 2:

This is Ezekiel 37. I'm not going to read all of it, but I am going to encourage you to go back today and read. You know, just listen, put 30 minutes on your calendar Maybe it's 15 and go back and just read all of this for yourself and ask God to show you what it is in your life. He needs you to do so you can turn over these dry bones. Or maybe it's dead opportunities. Or maybe things have dried up a little bit and you're asking for help, so value of dry bones. Or maybe it's dead opportunities. Or maybe things have dried up a little bit and you're asking for help, so Valley of Dry Bones.

Speaker 2:

It starts with verse one. This is Ezekiel 37. And the hand of the Lord was upon me. This is Ezekiel. He's sharing a vision, a dream, and he brought me out in the spirit of the Lord and sent me down in the middle of a valley. So one day we'll go back and talk about what this means and how, sometimes, for those of us who have been blessed or gifted in this way, when you are in a vision what it feels like when you're being pulled out. I suspect that the gentleman that's watching me right now read I suspect you know exactly what I mean because I just saw you pop out. It was full of bones.

Speaker 2:

And verse two says and he led me around them. So here's the Lord walking him through and showing him that there are many dry bones on the surface of the valley and they're basically very, very dry. And he said to me, son of man, can these bones live? And so Ezekiel says oh, Lord, god, you know. And then he said to me prophesy over these bones. And say to them oh dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.

Speaker 2:

And I'm going to pause right here, because when we talk about prophecy here now, for those of y'all who are listening or might be slightly confused, we're talking now not a prophet, but prophecy. Is it? You're speaking over your situation, you're speaking over the dry bones. So for some of you, your dry bones it might be health, it might be projects, like I said, it might be your family, might be your relationship. Is you know, what? Is it in your life where you know, where it feels like it's kind of things have dried up and what? What the Lord is saying here is to speak, speak to these things.

Speaker 2:

So this is also why it's so important y'all I talk a lot about what we say and the power of our words and that, the very thing that we do sometimes, we, we bless and curse in the same breath. It makes no sense, right? You can't bless and curse. So in one hand you might be saying, you know, I'm, I'm trusting God for this, for this opportunity, and then right after that you're like, yeah, but if he, if you know, I'm trusting God for this opportunity, and then right after that, you're like, yeah, but if it's his will, it's like it is his will for you, it is his will. So you got to be careful what you say. But here you see Ezekiel talking about the man of God, the Lord of this angel in this case, prophesying over these bones and say to them so there is clear direction. So some of you need to speak to your situations that you're in.

Speaker 2:

Verse five says thus says the Lord, god to these bones behold, I will cause breath to enter you and you shall live. So when I'm in a situation, y'all, where it feels like it's been dried up and I'm looking for guidance, it just feels like I've hit a wall right and again it might. For you it might be something huge, like a business deal or, you know, a health issue, whatever. Listen, sometimes I'm coming in with what might seem to you like a small thing. Sometimes I've literally hit a wall, an idea I can't get past, something, or sometimes it's my own limitations, it's a mindset. So I'll come in and I'll start speaking into my own mindset. I'll literally start commanding these things to work, to come together, because God says I shall live. So I literally start to use what the word says concerning this thing in my life. Right, this is how you apply scripture into what you say, what you truly say about us. So I don't rely on affirmations that say I am great, I am beautiful. I come in and I fight my battles with the word of God. I hope that helps you.

Speaker 2:

Now verse six goes on and it says I will lay sinews upon you and will cause flesh to come upon you and cover you with skin and this is more of a think about this as a restoration and putting breath in you and you shall live and you shall know that I am the Lord, that God. So even in these, in these situations again. If you're in a career, if you hit a wall, you know I'll come in and I'll just, you know I'll start praying. You know, again, I'm speaking to the dry bones in my career. You know that God will cause breath to enter. My career shall live, my family shall live, my health shall live. My mindset, you know, shall live. I will be renewed, I will be restored. I shall live. I shall live in that. Every single situation in my life will know that. You know that God is God. So that's a way of again speaking, or, in this case, prophesying, into your life Now again.

Speaker 2:

This is why I want you guys to go back and read the rest of this, because, when it comes down to verse 14, this is really important. This is about the Holy Spirit and it says I will put my spirit within you and you shall live and I will place you in your own land. Then you shall know that I am the Lord, I have spoken, I will do. It, declares the Lord. So one thing I want to make sure that you are very aware of is that it's not about coming in and just saying whatever you want. When the word talks about the Holy Spirit being within you. It's a reminder that you cannot do this on your own. These are spiritual matters and you have to be in alignment and agreement. You have to be able to surrender to what the Holy Spirit is telling you when it talks about you shall live. That's again. That's an affirmation, if you will, that you could use, or something that you a declaration. If you will, I will place you in your own land.

Speaker 2:

Even that last part I will place like I want to be where the Lord has me. I want to be what I want to do, what he has for me. I don't want nothing that you have. You know what I mean. So I even start thanking God. If you're in that valley right now, you know. I thank you that you have given me your Holy Spirit. I thank you, lord, that your word says that I shall live, that you're restoring me, and I thank you that you're placing me in my own land, because I don't want to be in a situation where I'm fighting through bones or other people's stuff. Okay, I want what God has for me, amen. So again, when it closes out and it says I have spoken and I will do, it declares the Lord that is. That is, I think, so powerful as a reminder that it is really truly about what God says. It's him doing it. We're benefiting, but it's him.

Speaker 2:

But you have to have a relationship with God, otherwise what I'm saying to you is not going to make any sense. If you keep trying to fight these battles or tackling what you believe is yours and God didn't say that was for you you're going to have a tough time. Now you might succeed for a short time, a temporary time, but it becomes exhausting. It's why, when you see people who are truly walking in their purpose, they can kind of do it with ease. Right, I'm preaching, teaching five times a week, but I'm not exhausted. I still have a full-time job, a podcast, a whole family, and you know what I mean. I still have all those things. It's because I'm in perfect alignment with what God has for me. I'm in my land, I'm in my lane, right.

Speaker 2:

But before I got to this part, before I got to being in this zone, right, I had to go through a process where I had bones that were dry. I didn't know where I was going to go, what I was going to do. Quite frankly, I thought I was going to be doing podcasts, interviewing people talking about business, and that's what I thought I was going to do. Never in my mildest dreams thought it would be a whole ministry ever. But what happened is I hit a point where I was like, listen, these are dry bones. And, lord, whatever it is that you have for me, that's what I want. I want to be in my land and I'm not doing it without your blessing. So, lord, restore what was taken, restore what is lost. Right? That's what happened.

Speaker 2:

And then I received what he said, what God said about me, but it's not without the Holy Spirit. That's my helper, that's my guide, that's my friend, right? So, lord, I just thank you for every single person under the sound of my voice, whatever they are going through, whatever they are in their lives right now, whatever season they're in. Lord, god, I thank you for those who are seeking breakthrough, where they just want a better relationship with you, lord. They want to see and hear from you more, those who are truly seeking out your face and they want to get to know you.

Speaker 2:

I also pray for those who are looking for breakthrough in business, breakthrough in their projects, breakthrough as coworkers and colleagues and as leaders. Lord, god, that you will give them wisdom and understanding in this season. Restoration in any way, in any area of their lives, be it relationship or finances or health, whatever it is they're standing in need of. That today will be the day they'll encounter you in such a mighty way that they'll be encouraged to come back to you because you, lord. It's you, lord, god, that can restore all and everything.

Speaker 2:

I even pray, lord, god, for our mindsets, any thought that was casting doubt about what you have for us, anything that was trying to separate us from you. Lord, I ask that that is shut down and bounded up now in Jesus' name, that they will be blessed and that they will find freedom in you. Lord, I thank you for the power of the Holy Spirit, our friend and our guide. I thank you, holy Spirit, that you will now speak to the heart of every single person who is here, whether they're live or they're on the replay, whether they're watching me or they're listening that they will receive a special word from you that can only come from you. That will be a confirmation in spirit and in truth that will help them going forward. Thank you, lord, for this awesome Thursday. Amen, isn't that awesome y'all? I've been up since three. I've been up since three because, again, I'm just celebrating this incredible month. Every day there has been a breakthrough, every day there's been a breakthrough and I bless you. I pray that God will bless you.

Speaker 2:

As I say every time we close this out y'all be kind to each other, be kind to yourselves. So every Thursday we have a phone line You're welcome to call in. It's called Free Praying Sisters. It is a phone line. You can see the number on the screen and at 1 pm and 7 pm Eastern Standard Time, you literally can call in and we pray alongside you. That's it. You don't need a seed, you just need to. You know, call in the number. It's free, but we're here to stand alongside.

Speaker 2:

So for those of y'all who are especially again, don't wait until you're going through a rough time. Maybe you need to just come in and pray for encouragement to get you through the rest of the week right. So we pray for that. We also have a couple of events coming up this month. On graceandgritmediacom we have we're praying for schools, so parents and teachers and admins, on Saturday morning at 10 am that's a Zoom, so it's virtual, so you don't have to leave your house and we have a pizza-making party in the following week, which is something cool you can do, even with your teens. Okay, so y'all can go to graceandgritmediacom and learn more about that. So that's what I had. Y'all have an amazing day ahead of you. God bless you. Jesus loves you. I love you. Y'all take care.