Mrs. PIE

Finishing Strong: Lessons from Caleb's Unwavering Faith

July 22, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 46
Finishing Strong: Lessons from Caleb's Unwavering Faith
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Finishing Strong: Lessons from Caleb's Unwavering Faith
Jul 22, 2024 Season 3 Episode 46
Shelley Jeffcoat

What if your spiritual journey could lead you to breakthroughs that transcend material gains? Join us in our latest episode as we navigate the intricate paths of faith, obedience, and divine timing. We kick off with a gripping personal testimony of seeking God's presence amidst physical weariness, only to find divine confirmation through an unexpected text message. We unpack the essence of spiritual readiness and discuss how true breakthroughs are built on a foundation of spiritual growth.

As July winds down, we shift gears to embrace the powerful theme of "finishing strong." Drawing inspiration from Joshua 14 and Caleb’s unfaltering faith, we explore the importance of wrapping up tasks with unwavering dedication. Reflecting on the lessons of steadfast prayer, thanksgiving, and seeking forgiveness, we aim to approach God with a clean heart, just as Caleb did. Whether you're finalizing a business project or navigating essential leadership conversations, this chapter is a call to persevere and finish the month robustly.

We then move into a fervent prayer session, touching on desires for blessings and strength for families and communities. Through powerful declarations and heartfelt prayers, we invite the presence of the Holy Spirit, reaffirming our relationship with Jesus Christ. Concluding with a vivid portrayal of Jesus as our high priest, interceding in our lowest moments, we extend an invitation for communal prayer and support. Trust in God's promise to bring all your endeavors to successful completion and join us in this transformative spiritual journey.

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What if your spiritual journey could lead you to breakthroughs that transcend material gains? Join us in our latest episode as we navigate the intricate paths of faith, obedience, and divine timing. We kick off with a gripping personal testimony of seeking God's presence amidst physical weariness, only to find divine confirmation through an unexpected text message. We unpack the essence of spiritual readiness and discuss how true breakthroughs are built on a foundation of spiritual growth.

As July winds down, we shift gears to embrace the powerful theme of "finishing strong." Drawing inspiration from Joshua 14 and Caleb’s unfaltering faith, we explore the importance of wrapping up tasks with unwavering dedication. Reflecting on the lessons of steadfast prayer, thanksgiving, and seeking forgiveness, we aim to approach God with a clean heart, just as Caleb did. Whether you're finalizing a business project or navigating essential leadership conversations, this chapter is a call to persevere and finish the month robustly.

We then move into a fervent prayer session, touching on desires for blessings and strength for families and communities. Through powerful declarations and heartfelt prayers, we invite the presence of the Holy Spirit, reaffirming our relationship with Jesus Christ. Concluding with a vivid portrayal of Jesus as our high priest, interceding in our lowest moments, we extend an invitation for communal prayer and support. Trust in God's promise to bring all your endeavors to successful completion and join us in this transformative spiritual journey.

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Speaker 1:

Let it fall on me. Anointing, fall on me. Touch my hands, my mouth and my heart. Fill my life, lord, every part. Let the power of the Holy Ghost fall on me. Anointing, fall on me. Anointing, fall on me. Anointing, fall on me, fall on me, lord, let your anointing fall on me. Let it fall on me, lord. Let the power, lord, let it fall on me. Anointing, fall on me. Let it fall, my Lord, let it fall. Let the power of the Holy Ghost Fall on me. Anointing, fall on me, anointing, fall on me. Oh, hallelujah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, glory to God, amen. We're going to go ahead and get started. Good morning y'all, welcome to Monday, and we're continuing our breakthrough series and theme, but I do want to share a quick testimony before I jump in. So good morning everybody. Good morning who's here live? Good morning, who's going to catch the replay, whether you're watching it, wherever you're watching it? And so I wanted to share this quick, quick testimony, because God is so good and last night, before I went to bed, I was, you know, I was praying and I was asking the Lord for some things, but mainly only.

Speaker 2:

I guess the main focus of my prayer was just him. I just wanted more of him. I wanted more of him. I wanted to be consumed in my dreams of him. I wanted to see heaven. I wanted to. I just, I just was caught up. That's all I wanted. And I wanted his assurance even that I was on the right track. I just wanted my daddy. I wanted all those things.

Speaker 2:

Last night, this morning, I woke up and my body was so racked I felt like I was fighting. I felt like I was fighting in my dream, and so when I woke up this morning, my body, physically, was worn out and I I can't remember my dream at all, which is not necessarily normal for me, but I can't remember everything that happened. But I woke up feeling like my body was racked, like I did some things and some damage, and and then this morning, on top of that, I got. As I was standing in my kitchen, I felt this attack that was coming, that was telling me that, shelly, you don't even need to show up, you can just sleep through, because these people don't listen, they're not listening, nothing's happening. I'm just being honest. This is what happened, right. And as I'm getting dressed through it, like you know, whatever, I'm going to prayer, I'm going to prayer and this thing kept saying you know and again I knew what it was it was it was like, well, um, they don't, they're not, nothing's happening, there is no breakthrough, nothing's happening, right? So I'm fighting this thing, um, physically worn out, spiritually, spiritually ready to go. You know what I mean? I'm spiritually ready to go.

Speaker 2:

And then, sharon, because you're on here, I won't tell people everything, people will mind their beeswax, but when you sent me that text, it was, it was a confirmation. The Lord was telling me no, keep going. No, keep going. Literally, I'd stopped in turn, and when I look down, I normally don't have my cell phone. I use it. There's certain things that I have to do to prepare for these types of prayer calls, and so it does not include reading a text. It does not include, like you know, looking at anybody's links. I don't look at anything. I have to be quiet and still, so I can kind of be purged a little bit before I come on here, right? Because the same things that I'm praying over for y'all, I have to do the same for myself, right? And so the testimony that you shared, sharon, that God is truly working.

Speaker 2:

And when we talk about breakthrough, y'all people get really caught up in the breakthroughs that look like financial or health or money or tangible material things. But, as I've been telling y'all, breakthrough also includes spiritual breakthrough, spiritual breakthrough. And so for me, this morning, I experienced that spiritual breakthrough through the testimony and the timing that happened, sharon, with you. The timing was I can't even, I can't even put a finer point, but God does everything in his own time, and so I just want to encourage those of y'all who are going through this month and we've been talking about breakthrough. Maybe you haven't received the financial or the job or what you think. You know that you know the breakthrough that you've been really leaning on, depending on if you will.

Speaker 2:

And yet God has shown up in a different way. He's saying before I can give you these material things, I've got to work on your spiritual buildup. I've got to help you build up your faith. I've got to show you the areas of your life where you need to be obedient to me, where you have to yield back to Christ right, where you have to put him first and totally trust him so that you can get the breakthrough that you're asking for. And it's not that it is delayed, it's just that he has to position you so that you can receive everything that you are really, truly of your heart desire, the things that you are asking our father for. He is our father, he's not holding anything back from you. That is good for you, amen. So I just wanted to share that quick testimony because I myself, as I'm sitting here receiving my own spiritual breakthrough of just his total, complete assurance, in a way that only God could do it, that, hey, I'm on the right track and that's a good thing, right.

Speaker 2:

So now we're going to go into this morning. Y'all I'm sorry if I I'm taking up y'all's time, but I had to share that while it is, while it's on my heart and while it's happening for real, for real. And so now it will make sense what we're talking about today, and so I'm going to just pull up Monday. I just need somebody to confirm you can see on your side that you can see Monday and the title for the next couple of days. The theme for the next couple of days is finishing strong, amen, thank you. So finishing strong.

Speaker 2:

So again, here we are in the month of y'all, we're in the month of July, we talk about this being completion, and again I talked about there are some things that he's going to show you, but some people, it's a business you got to start, you know, or finish. Maybe you got to finish the application, maybe you got to finish setting up the website, whatever it is he's giving you to do If you're a leader, maybe they're conversations you got to have with people, or he wants you to complete, you know, finish out. But finishing strong is where we're going to lean into for the next couple of days and I thank you, lord, that we're just going to give him just a couple of minutes of just pure, honest to God, thanksgiving. The word says continue steadfastly in prayer, check, being watchful in it, check. But now we're going to do it with thanksgiving, so let's just thank you, lord.

Speaker 2:

First of all, I thank you for this day, this Monday. I thank you for confirmation through Sister Sharon. I thank you, lord God, for sending her at the opportune time for the confirmation that I needed. I thank you, lord God, for all the confirmations that we're all going to be getting this week that we are on track. I thank you for giving us your might. It's your strength, operating through your will for our lives, and I thank you, lord God, that as we're going into this prayer, that we're going to experience you, holy Spirit, in a different way. I thank you that you have already spoken and that you'll just continue to reveal yourself to us, positioning us according to what you want us to do.

Speaker 2:

As we are talking about finishing strong, lord, I thank you that you have already released angelic help to help us. I thank you for the helpers, the ones that we see and the ones that we don't see. I thank you for the heavenly help that you've released, lord God, to help us to finish strong this month. So finish strong in our assignment, finish strong in our belief, finish strong in our walk with you. Finish strong, lord God. I thank you for just building us up, lord God, so that we can finish strong.

Speaker 2:

I thank you for everything, Lord. I thank you for those who are listening on the replay, who have turned their lives around, who are seeking you out. I thank you for those who have stepped into a new season of belief. I thank you, lord God, for every breakthrough that is happening under the sound of my voice. I thank you, lord, for this altar of prayer that you have allowed us to come to.

Speaker 2:

This is you meeting us where we are, and we honor you and we thank you. You are a merciful and awesome God. I thank you that you are a true and living God. I thank you that you reveal yourself to us time and time again. I thank you for passing by us this morning. Holy Spirit, amen, amen. So now we always, be always, going to confession. I kind of try to explain this because of the folks who watch us on the replay, who might not know what we're doing. What y'all doing right, and so we always go into confession is a confession from heart, as we, as we, before we approach god's throne, we just confess none of us are perfect, and so that's what this is y'all.

Speaker 1:

So, almighty god, we acknowledge and confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word and deed have not loved you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength we have not loved our neighbor as ourselves. Deep within us, our sorrow for the wrong we have done and the good and we have left undone. Lord, you are full of compassion and gracious, flow to anger, and plenty is a mercy there is always forgiveness with you restore to us the joy of your salvation.

Speaker 1:

Bind up that which is broken give light to our minds, strength to our wheels and rest to our souls. Speak to each of us and let your word abide with us until it is wrought in us your holy will Amen.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, lord God, for what you have done. Father, I thank you that you have received our confession and so now we come before you, clean because of the blood of Jesus Christ, worthy to stand before your holy throne because of the sacrifice that he has made on our behalf, worthy now to sit in heavenly places. We thank you, holy Spirit. Father, glorify yourself through me so that they will see you and not me. Holy Spirit, demonstrate your power and authority in our lives and let every word that come out of my mouth be yours. Let us hear from you. Give us revelation, give us wisdom and understanding. Let this be a time, lord God, that you have drawn us closer to you. Father, cancel every bit of distraction that might come upon our minds now. Lord God, anything that will cause chaos and confusion is shut down now, so that we can hear from you. Amen. Thank you for this environment, thank you for this portal that we are under. You are worthy to be praised. I honor you, heavenly Father. I honor you, abba. I thank you for being here, I thank you for passing by, I thank you for your mercy, your goodness and your grace that you released to us this morning, a morning fresh, and I thank you, lord, god, for what you're going to do to us. Amen.

Speaker 2:

We're in Joshua 14, and I'm not going to read the whole thing, but this is talking about Caleb's request and inheritance. So now we're at the end of the month for all intents and purposes. We got a couple more weeks in July and so this is a scripture that the Lord gave me. And again the way, again y'all, just the way it works. I get the scripture, I sit with him, he gives to me and then when I come back, he starts speaking and revealing that. I'm like, oh okay, because that's just how it works. So Caleb's request and inheritance. So I love this part it it starts with in verse six this is the ESV, a Shelly version.

Speaker 2:

Then the people of Judah came to Joshua at Gilgal, and Caleb, the son of Jemeneh, and the Kezanite I'm going to butcher these names said to him by the way, this is how it rang in my head. And Shelly, this is right, this is where I placed myself in the story, this is how he showed me. And Shelly, the son of Hyacinth and Glenn, said to him you know what the Lord said to Moses, the man of God, and Kadesh Barnea, concerning you and me. I was 40 years old when Moses, the servant of the Lord, sent me and I'm going to contextualize this fight out the land. And I brought him word again, as it was in my heart, but my brothers, who went up with me, made the heart of the people melt. Yet I wholly followed the Lord, my God. How many of us is this happening to? Okay?

Speaker 2:

And Moses swore on that day. He said surely, the land on which your foot has trodden shall be an inheritance for you and your children forever, because you have wholly followed the Lord, my God. And now, behold, the Lord has kept me alive, just as he said. This is your birth year. These, however many years since the time that the Lord spoke this word to Moses when Israel walked in the wilderness, that the Lord spoke this word to Moses when Israel walked in the wilderness. And now, behold, I am this day. However old you are, I am still as strong today as I was in the day that Moses sent me. My strength now is as my strength was then, for war and for going and coming. So now, give me this hill country of which the Lord spoke on that day, for you heard on that day how the Anakim were there with great fortified cities. It may be that the Lord will be with me and I shall drive them out, just as the Lord said.

Speaker 2:

Verse 13 says then Joshua blessed him. Now, this is such an amazing scripture as we're even relieving it, because this is a not only a request, but it's also a reminder for us. We are here, we are at the end of july, we have believed everything. We are, we're leaning into our faith. You got to believe. You gotta I mean, you gotta be absolutely assured what god's promises were for you, were for you, that they are for real, true, and they are going to happen. But I love c love Caleb's request and I love Caleb's stance here, because this is where a lot of us truly are.

Speaker 2:

You can start out by saying this is what I did. Listen, you know what the Lord said to me concerning me. I wholly followed my God. How many of y'all are in this position? And you know, maybe a man of God told you, or prophetess or whatever, saying you know where you are. It should be an inheritance for you and your children, but you're holding, and you're holding on to that belief. You're believing what God says about where you are, because you have wholly followed the Lord, your God. You understand that it's him who kept us alive however long you've been around. And here you have, caleb coming towards the you know, the latter part of his life. For those of y'all who feel like your blessing and your breakthrough has been delayed, god still shows up. It is his timing and the word when he says.

Speaker 2:

Caleb says I'm still as strong today as I was in the day that Moses sent me. Are you still as strong today as you were yesterday? Spiritually, I share with you that my body was wrecked this morning. I could not figure out what happened. I went to bed early. It was a physical thing that happened and I knew there were spiritual things that happened, but I'm still as strong. I'm strong in my mind. My strength is now as my strength was for the war that we fought before and the war that's coming.

Speaker 2:

And so here Caleb is asking for his inheritance. He wants to be able to finish strong. And so as we pray you know, as we pray to God today, we're going to ask him Lord, everything that you have set aside for me, everything that you have set, is mine, father. I want to finish strong. Amen. I want to finish strong, everything that you have set aside for me and my family, father. I want to finish strong, father. I want all of my inheritance, all of my inheritance. You know you have that right because of Jesus, not because of anything we've done, but because of the sacrifice that he's made for us. So, second Corinthians, eight, 11, it says so now, finish doing it Well, lord, I want to finish doing it Well. I don't want to finish this race exhausted this month. Right, we're in July. Lord, I don't want to finish. I don't want to finish exhausted.

Speaker 2:

It says so that your readiness and desiring it may be matched by your completing it out of what you have.

Speaker 2:

So your readiness and your zeal and your zest and your you know, your energy and all those things, your desire.

Speaker 2:

I want my desire to be matched by my completing it, not just be excited, not just go on the social media streets and hear something that tickles our ears.

Speaker 2:

I want to finish everything that he has set out for me. I want the readiness and desiring it, the same desire that I have to be completed, whatever that assignment is maybe your assignment and what you're talking about is as a mother, or as a wife, or as a colleague, maybe it's a business, but whatever it is, you want assignment, and what you're talking about is as a mother, or as a wife, or as a colleague, maybe it's a business, but whatever it is, you want to finish it doing well. So this is the first prayer that we're releasing. Pray this for yourselves, lord. I want to finish doing this well, whatever it is that he's giving you, speak it. If you're podcasting, if you're writing, whatever it is, father, help me to finish doing this well. Father, I want my readiness, my desire, to match my completion. I want to finish strong this month. So go ahead and pray that over yourself and Lord, as they are releasing that, I pray for every person under the sign of my voice.

Speaker 1:

Father God, we pray that we are to finish well, father God, and if you're not clear on what we need to finish well, father God, we ask that open our hearts Open our ears, open our hearts To receive what it is, that we should be finishing well, remove any fear or doubt. Father God, let us know what your will is for us. Father God, give us the ability to refocus so we can finish well. Father God, if it's not you, where does our help come from.

Speaker 2:

It's only you that we can lean on. You are Jehovah's. Job is our help from. It's only you that we can lean on. You are Jehovah. So, lord, would you give them the mindset, even the physical needs, the physical energy. Lord, god, father, help us to take care of our bodies, these temples, so even those don't pass out as we're finishing strong Father we speak to our minds, Lord God, Whenever the enemy comes for us. Lord God, would you shut?

Speaker 2:

it down in the name of Jesus Christ, would you put us back on the right track so we can finish. Strong Father, we are desiring so much.

Speaker 1:

We want so much for our children.

Speaker 2:

We want so much for our family. We want so much for ourselves.

Speaker 1:

We want so much for our community and our country.

Speaker 2:

Lord, would you help us? All of these desires that we have, it has to be matched with a work. Lord God we've got to actually do the work. Lord, would you bless us in such a mighty way. Would you revive? Us Father for those of us who need a fresh oil this morning a fresh anointing, if you will, lord God, would you pour a fresh rain on us, lord God.

Speaker 1:

Would you fill us, Lord God Would you bring us to Lord God.

Speaker 2:

Would you bless us this morning, lord God, with a freshness and a zeal for you, Lord God. Fill us up with your wisdom. Lord God, Give us your understanding and your knowledge to give us revelation of your word so we can finish strong. Father, would you help us this morning? Would you bless your people? Lord God, For those who are getting so worn out, they are tired.

Speaker 2:

It's the month of July and they are already tired. Father, we seek your face. We ask that you will bless them and build them up by the strength of your right hand Command center. He said, amen, father. We rely on the strength of your right hand command center. He said, amen, father. We rely on the strength of your right hand, father, that you will uplift us. For those who are really struggling in their belief, in their faith, right now, lord God, who are not listening to you, father, I ask that you will even ignite a fresh spirit on them.

Speaker 1:

Lord God, the spirit of wisdom and wisdom and wisdom. Again, lord God, for those who are falling into the words of the wicked.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, the spirit of wisdom and wisdom and wisdom again. Lord God, for those who are falling into the words of the wicked, lord God, for those who are seeking to buy their way into heaven. Lord God, father, would you just release this morning a fresh oil on all of us. Would you give us just a newness? Lord God, renew our minds and our thoughts and our steps. Father, if we have touched anything that was not from you, if we have come into any agreement that was demonic, any agreement, lord god, anything, that was from you.

Speaker 2:

We ask that you cancel that now, in the name of jesus christ hallelujah every person under the sound of my voice, lord god, that they are a blessed people, that every way they go this season, lord God, that you are with them. What you have said to me, lord God, I believe it. You've said that the angel of the Lord has gone before to declare a path of victory, and so I believe that and I receive it for every person under the sound of my voice that, in the same way that you have cleared the path to victory in my life, that the grace that you have given me, lord God, that it touches every person under the sound of my voice, father, let it be imparted to them in a mighty powerful way that they will declare victory at the end of this month, lord God, for what you have done to the end of this year, for the end of their lives. Lord God, let this sit and rest upon us. This grace, lord God, that you have multiplied in our lives, this fresh oil and anointing this morning for your people, lord God, father, would you release it and give them peace, love and joy in this season? But, lord, every desire that we have, for everything we want to complete in our lives. I pray that that will be matched by the power of heaven. Would you release your help, lord God? Would you release the help of your angelic ministry, lord God, to back us up, to be with us, to fortify us, to strengthen us, to deliver us?

Speaker 2:

Holy Spirit is under your command. So when you release the word, lord God, it will be so as it is written. As it is written, lord God, it will be so as it is written. As it is written, lord God, your word says. Your word says that our readiness can be matched, lord God. And so, lord, we believe in what your word says, that we will finish it doing it well. We will not be exhausted this month. We won't lose our minds this month. Thank you, jesus. I thank you for reinforcing your word in our hearts.

Speaker 2:

Forget it, lord, lord let it just be in our very spirit as we think everything that comes across our God, every attack that the enemy has that was already canceled, would you build us up? So there is no fear or doubt. We stand in victory. We stand in victory. We stand in victory. We stand in victory. We stand in victory. We receive that. We stand in victory. Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord.

Speaker 2:

It says I am sure of this that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Believe this for yourself and pray this out. Say I am sure that he who began made good work in me is going to bring it to completion, I am sure. I am sure this is your faith speaking.

Speaker 1:

You got to be sure you got to believe it, despite what your eyes see. You see, I went from bad thinking one thing, I woke up thinking another because the Lord Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Christ met me in my dream and then he showed up this morning with another confirmation and he said be sure that I will complete everything. You will finish strong. Praise God for revelation from myself. Praise God for revelation for your sons and daughters. You said I am sure I can be sure, I am sure of this. So pray this over yourself. I am sure that what he began in me he will bring to completion. You don't have to worry about how he's going to do it. You just got to believe.

Speaker 2:

See part of the reason we're not seeing the fruit of his labor is because we refuse to believe that he even exists. We refuse to believe him when he says he will do such a thing and such a thing. We're still relying on our eyes to see it. Oh, but God, would you just speak to our hearts this morning. But God, would you just speak to our hearts this morning. Lord God, Hearts that are willing, hearts that are broken, hearts that are tired. Lord, God, Father, would you speak to our minds this time, Lord? We need a renewal of our mind.

Speaker 2:

We are sure, we are sure you who began this good work, you will complete it. Oh, I thank you, Holy Spirit, for the demonstration of the power and authority in our lives. So we'll be watching you work. Thank you, Jesus. And you see, when he calls you on the field and he tells you to do something, we believe you. So we're going to do that thing. We are sure that you will complete everything that you started in our lives. We are sure. We believe that you have given us healing and the power to heal. You've given us restoration and the power to restore. You have given us blessing and the power to be a blessing. You have given us breakthrough and the power to be the breakthrough. We thank you, Jesus, for what you have done. I thank you for releasing your word this morning for those who needed a fresh oil this morning that we can be sure that you will do good work and you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

He said that day is here. You don't have to keep waiting. That day is here. Every day is a day in Jesus. Every day is that day in Jesus. You don't have to set things apart and wait for him. He is already here, living in the inside of us through the power of the Holy Spirit. You don't have to wait. That day is here.

Speaker 2:

So, father, I pray that you will even show them a mighty, mighty, powerful change in their lives so they recognize and see you as you are, now that we are here in the natural and the spirit. Listen, it's working together for your good. He just wants you to know that you got to be sure in him. I believe you, jesus, for everything that you have said concerning these matters, that they are praying for. The word says ask in prayer. If you ask, you will receive.

Speaker 2:

If you have faith, ask him for what you want and as you are lifting your prayer requests, lord God, I stand in agreement with what heaven says concerning your sons and daughters, that every prayer that's uttered out of their lips, lord God, that heaven has heard them. Oh, I thank you, lord, for your anointing presence. I thank you, lord God, I thank you for your holy presence. He said can't get the words out. Lord God, I thank you for your holy presence. I thank you, lord, that every prayer that's been in their hearts, lord God, everything that is seated in their hearts, it will come to light. You said this is a warning. I know what's on your heart. Oh God, I know what's on your heart and if you desire me.

Speaker 2:

Instead of that thing that's on your heart, amen it. I know what's on your heart, and if you desire me, instead of that thing that's on your heart, amen it will come to pass, if you have faith, you will receive Amen. You know what's on your heart. Oh, I dare you to believe Jesus for this thing you are asking for I just dare you to do it, I just dare you to believe in him just one more time, just one more again.

Speaker 2:

He said one more time If you would just trust me, if you would just rely on me, be assured that I've got you, that all things are working together for your good, even though it don't make sense. I thank you, Jesus. I thank you, Lord God, for reminding us to trust you.

Speaker 1:

I thank you.

Speaker 2:

God. I thank you that heaven is open. I thank you, lord. I thank you, lord. I thank you, lord. Thank you, jesus.

Speaker 2:

Father, I thank you for every person that stands in need of something. You know what. I thank you, lord, because they are recognizing that they can't do it without you. I thank you, lord, for reminding us every now and again that we are human. We can't do anything outside of you. We cannot even breathe. So I thank you for your glory, lord, God, that goes with us, the glory that is with us, your holy presence that reminds us that you are the one that's holy, that we're an utter mess and without you we are nothing. So I even thank you, lord, god, for the situations that you've allowed in our lives to draw us closer to you. These are sacrifices that we need to make so that we can hand over our lives to you. So, father, I thank you for everything that is happening that you've allowed under your will. And I know it don't make sense to this person on the replay because you're hurting so bad, but I promise you that if you praise God through it, he's going to show you. But I thank you, God, for these lessons. I pray God. I thank you, god, for the stretching.

Speaker 2:

I thank you for removing things that we have held on to for so long, things that we have desired more than you. Remove it out of our midst, because we want you more than anything, lord Jesus. We want to spend our internal lives with you. We want to get a glimpse of heaven. Lord God, we want to submit to you. We want to yield to you more than anything, because we know that all these things that we desire, all these things will be added onto us. You're not taking anything away from us. I thank you, jesus. You're not taking things because you don't like us. You're not taking things because you don't believe in us. You're taking it because it's what's best for us. So I thank you for every person and place and thing that you have removed from us, anything that has separated us from you. We want to be under your glory, lord God. It's you that we want more than anything, father. I thank you, lord God, for breathing into us this morning.

Speaker 2:

Father, I thank you for those who are believing and still praying. They are still praying to you, father, that you will receive them. Unto you, the burdens, lord God. Now, lord, I lift up every burden that is offered to you, every burden in the form of a prayer, in the form of a thought, in the form of an idea gone wrong. I lift up every single burden that has been brought to you by your people and intercede on their behalf.

Speaker 2:

I stand in agreement with what the word of God says. I stand in agreement with Jesus, my high priest. I stand in agreement with the witnesses that you've allowed. I stand in agreement with the Holy Spirit. I believe what heaven says concerning every person under the sound of my voice, that they are on the path to victory. I thank you, jesus, that they have been saved and there is salvation and there is no going back.

Speaker 2:

So now, lord, as they have offered up what they needed, all the material things that they stand in need of, that we're believing we will see the goodness of God in the land of the living, that today will be a turnaround day, that you will start to reveal these things. Give them direction and guidance. Would you even send Lord God, as you have so many times, your holy ones, to stand beside them to do the work, those who need, lord God, more than just strength, those who need your wisdom and your guidance in every decision. Would you release that help now from heaven? I thank you. I thank you, holy warriors, for fighting for us. I thank you for being obedient to the call of the Father concerning us that you will serve us according to what the Holy Spirit commands you. Thank you for fighting for us. We've seen you, amen. I thank you for the angels that work on our behalf Every now and then. I got to say thanks to my friends, amen. I got to say thanks to those who've been assigned to us and, as we praise God together, I thank you for what you're doing, amen. I thank you, lord, god, for because he said the priest has entered, amen. So, holy Father, holy Father, holy Father, holy Father, holy Father, holy Father, holy Father, father, we lift up all these prayers onto you, holy Father. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord Jesus. Thank you, lord, father. We bow to you, we honor you. We thank you for your presence. Thank you, lord Jesus. Thank you, lord, father. We bow to you, we honor you. We thank you for your presence. He said the priest has entered. Thank you, jesus. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord. Thank you, jesus. Thank you for your sweet presence.

Speaker 2:

Holy Spirit, work through our hearts right now. Just let him move through your heart right now. Let him touch you where you are. Thank you, holy Spirit. Thank you, holy Spirit. Thank you, lord. Thank you, holy Spirit. Thank you, lord. Thank you, just gotta give him a couple minutes.

Speaker 2:

Just move through your heart, let him just speak to you for a minute. Just said slow. Let the priest walk through. Thank you, lord. Walk through my life, lord, god, let my life. Thank you, holy Spirit. Thank, holy Spirit. Thank you, holy Spirit. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord, for your love. Thank you for the peace. Thank you, lord, god, for resting on us.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, high priest, for walking through. Thank you for picking up our prayers. Thank you, holy ones, for picking up our prayers, transporting them where they go in heaven different rooms in heaven, different rooms in heaven. It's so amazing how you work, god, and I thank you for receiving our prayers. I thank you for speaking to us now, speaking to our hearts. For some of us, he's just dropping seeds of peace. He's just dropping peace in our hearts. He said I'll give you the answer later. You, abba, amen, amen. We're gonna move into declaration while he's still here working through me. Y'all speak this over yourself. I declare this day that no weapon formed against me. He said. Now we're saying this in agreement. Thank you, holy spirit, for walking through. Thank you, high.

Speaker 1:

Priest the righteousness of God. Favor surrounds me as a shield, define, protects and surrounds me as a shield I am therefore in the right place at the right time. Thank you, Jesus. I cannot be defeated or destroyed. In fact, every tongue that accuses me, every tongue that attacks me, I condemn with my words.

Speaker 2:

This is my heritage.

Speaker 1:

This is my right as a child of God.

Speaker 2:

Made in his image.

Speaker 1:

Made with his dominion and authority living in me. Coming forth out of my spirit. Give my words. I declare today that Satan has no power over my life, that every weapon he has has been defeated, that fear is cast out. That love makes my faith work and therefore I cannot fail God's word cannot fail, and that's what I am made of Hallelujah, made in his image, after his likeness, with the power of the Holy Spirit and authority of his word, therefore by the blood of Jesus. I dwell in a secret place of the most high.

Speaker 1:

I abide under the shadow of the almighty. I say of the Lord you are my refuge and my fortress, my God. In you I will trust.

Speaker 2:

Amen thank you Lord. Thank you, lord. Now, if you are watching this and you would like to be born again, or if you want to reconfirm your relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, this is a simple prayer and I'm going to release it. And if you believe it, all you have to do at this point is believe in what God says about you Believing in this prayer. Release this prayer out of your mouth and then let the Lord give the Lord a chance to work on you. Okay, and so the prayer is this Lord Jesus, I believe you are the son of God, that you died on the cross to rescue me from sin and death and to restore me to the Father. I choose now to turn from my sins, my self-centeredness and every part of my life that does not please you. I choose you, I give myself to you, I receive your forgiveness and ask you to take your rightful place in my life as my Savior and Lord. He's still moving. Come, reign in my heart, fill me with your love and your life, restore me, jesus. Thank you, god.

Speaker 2:

In Jesus' name, I pray Amen. Thank you, lord. Thank you Lord. Thank you Lord. Thank you, lord, father, I thank you for every person who would have received this prayer unto themselves, that you will meet them now, through the power of the Holy Spirit, that you will speak to them. It is you that does, the saving Lord. So I thank you as our Savior, that you'll take this person, this heart that's rendered itself to you, and that you'll continue to bless, guide and lead them to where they need to go next. I thank you, lord, for just giving us the platform where we can get your word out and draw men back to you. Amen, all right, y'all. Now we do. Benediction. Ephesians 3, 20 to 21.

Speaker 1:

It says now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask for, according to the power at work within us, the hand of glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, high priest, lord Jesus, for stopping by. I don't know if you've ever seen just those old movies and the imagery that is just caught up in my brain right now is of Jesus as a high priest in a beautiful, amazing white robe, and not a clean one, not like people say, oh, he's just glorified. He says it's dirty because I'm working, but just going around and he's just as our high priest, just coming around and touching all of our heads and just blessing us as he's going, as we prayed, as we honored him and stopped sharing as we prayed, as we honored him, as we release our prayers. That the answer and the response that we're getting, that I'm feeling, that I'm seeing that he's walking around and just touching our heads as a high priest and Lord. Why is the robe dirty, the ends of his robe dirty? Because he's traveling, because he's walking around the road. He's literally with us in these dirty and low places and he's meeting us where we are.

Speaker 2:

So I thank you, high priest, jesus Christ, for interceding for us, the prayers that we can't even speak. I thank you for your Holy Spirit that has carried those words. I thank you that we are in a different season. Oh, my God. I thank you, lord, for what you're going to do. Father, I thank you that you are also giving your revelation and you're giving your visions and you're giving these encounters to those who are standing in need of just a word from you that they will experience you from heaven. That they will experience heaven in a mighty powerful way that you'll even reveal to them those who are working alongside. That they will experience heaven in a mighty powerful way that you'll even reveal to them those who are working alongside so they will believe, not so that they worship angels, lord God, but just so they get a glimpse of you at work. Amen, so that some of their faith, the faith they will believe they need to be assured.

Speaker 2:

We are so caught up in what the enemy has said and the things that he's put on this land, but would you give them a glimpse of heaven at work? Would you just show them heaven at work so they'll be reassured of the power and the might of your hand, that, even though things look like they're falling apart, lord God, even though things look like they're not making much sense, even though the, the chessboard pieces keep moving, that you're still, your hand is still over all of it. You're still in control and so we can rest assured amen. We can rest and assured in you, lord god, amen. All right, yeah, I'm going to stop sharing for those of y'all. We always stop the recording so we can do fellowship. That's what happened. You're welcome to join. There's no seed or nothing. Y'all just come into the zoom room. All right, let me stop.

Seeking Spiritual Breakthroughs
Embracing the Concept of Finishing Strong
Believing for Completion in Jesus
Powerful Declarations and Prayers
Encountering Jesus as High Priest