Mrs. PIE

Finding Purpose in Every Season: Embracing Divine Timing for Breakthrough and Growth

July 13, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 44
Finding Purpose in Every Season: Embracing Divine Timing for Breakthrough and Growth
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Finding Purpose in Every Season: Embracing Divine Timing for Breakthrough and Growth
Jul 13, 2024 Season 3 Episode 44
Shelley Jeffcoat

Ever wondered why some seasons of life seem harder than others? Discover the divine wisdom behind the ebb and flow of our experiences as we explore the concept of appointed times, guided by the teachings of Ecclesiastes 3:1 and Habakkuk 2:3. In this episode, we dive deep into the themes of breakthrough and spiritual growth, sharing uplifting stories from our prayer ministry that highlight the transformative power of aligning our lives with God's plan. Whether you're basking in a season of favor or navigating through a challenging period, this conversation offers valuable insights and encouragement to help you find clarity and peace.

We discuss the importance of recognizing that every phase of life, be it one of success or struggle, has its appointed time. By taking your circumstances back to the Lord, you can gain guidance on the next steps and ensure you’re in sync with His divine timing. Tune in to hear how others have experienced profound turnarounds and strengthened their relationship with the Lord Jesus. This episode is a heartfelt reminder that no matter what season you're in, there is always hope and purpose under heaven. Let’s seek divine alignment together and embrace the journey with faith and resilience.

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Show Notes Transcript

Ever wondered why some seasons of life seem harder than others? Discover the divine wisdom behind the ebb and flow of our experiences as we explore the concept of appointed times, guided by the teachings of Ecclesiastes 3:1 and Habakkuk 2:3. In this episode, we dive deep into the themes of breakthrough and spiritual growth, sharing uplifting stories from our prayer ministry that highlight the transformative power of aligning our lives with God's plan. Whether you're basking in a season of favor or navigating through a challenging period, this conversation offers valuable insights and encouragement to help you find clarity and peace.

We discuss the importance of recognizing that every phase of life, be it one of success or struggle, has its appointed time. By taking your circumstances back to the Lord, you can gain guidance on the next steps and ensure you’re in sync with His divine timing. Tune in to hear how others have experienced profound turnarounds and strengthened their relationship with the Lord Jesus. This episode is a heartfelt reminder that no matter what season you're in, there is always hope and purpose under heaven. Let’s seek divine alignment together and embrace the journey with faith and resilience.

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Speaker 1:

This is part two of my discussion on seasonal work and appointed time. Funny thing happened. I recorded the first video and then the timer came on, which, when you click it, as you know, will cancel the video that you're recording, and that's what happened. So now I am recording this twice. But that's all right, that's all right.

Speaker 1:

So, good morning everybody. I was about 10 minutes deep into a teaching about seasonal work and appointed time. I think I might post that up anyway, because there's a lot of jewels in there. Thank you, holy Spirit. Again, it is just a reminder that things happen All right, all right, so, uh, so what I was talking about is, uh, where we are right now.

Speaker 1:

So the month of July, for us, our theme is breakthrough, and this is the theme in our prayer ministry. So, leading on breakthrough. Our theme in the month of June was turning things around and a lot of testimonies about people spiritually, you know, feeling that great turnaround in their mind and their spirit, spiritual walk with the Lord Jesus and how we speak about ourselves, our families, even our prayer lives have changed, and so people are being really built up. I appreciate that feedback, by the way, because as I'm teaching, leading, speaking, you know, it's good to hear that the word of God is landing right. You know we're human. I like to hear that, so I appreciate it all. Also, I appreciate all of the comments and the likes. I appreciate the support is what I was trying to say. I appreciate the support because it's hard to come out here and talk to y'all. It is just being real.

Speaker 1:

So what I was sharing earlier around seasonal change, I was actually in Ecclesiastes, chapter three, verse one. It says for everything there's a season and a time for every matter under heaven. For everything there is a season and a time for every matter under heaven. Now I wanted to encourage y'all because there's a lot of people who are going through stuff and again, the time and season that you're in. Some people this is a season that's filled with success. God bless you. But there's also people who are going through a season of just doubt, a doubt about their jobs, or maybe it's a season of health issues or whatever. It is right. But I think this is such a good news because the thing about this is that when the word is saying that for everything there's a season, it tells me that this craziness ain't going to go on forever. You know, it's encouraging for me, but it's also a good thing for us to be reminded that, no matter what it is that you're going through like, even when I'm in a season where things are going very well, I realize that there's an appointed time for that level of favor.

Speaker 1:

And so what I start to do is I'm taking back this. You know, father, I thank you for these blessings and I'm going back to the Lord to say what's next, Like you show me where you want me to take this or where do we go next. So, because I am going to back to the Lord and I'm encouraging you to do this, y'all, I don't care what season you're in, take your situations, your accomplishments, take everything back to the Lord and say okay, lord, I understand that everything has an appointed time and I believe that this is my season for your favor and your grace. Where do we want to go next? And I do that because I want to align my season with his plan, because when you go down in the word, it tells you that there's a time to break down and a time to build up and time to move. So there's an appointed time assigned to you and everything that you're doing right, everything that I do has a specific and appointed time. So I'm asking God to align me back to his appointed time, his appointed time based on what the word says. Okay, so that's one thing.

Speaker 1:

The other thing I wanted to share with you comes out of Habakkuk, chapter two. Now we, we all, please don't be mad, but we always read Habakkuk two and then we talk about the vision. But I want you to read verse three. Okay, here it is, for still, the vision awaits its appointed time. It hastens to the end. It will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it, it will surely come, it will not delay.

Speaker 1:

Now, here we are in the month of July, and this is when a lot of people are um pro prophets. I call pocket prophets. A lot of prophets will tell you um. By by the way, any believer, apostle, anybody, and you know you don't have to have a title, but you understand that seven um means completion, because that's when the lord completed. I mean it's, it is what it is, right, um. But a lot of people lean on the make, write a vision and make it plain, right. So you're busy writing. You know this is, and people who know me know how I feel about vision boards. So y'all will just know.

Speaker 1:

But go back to verse three, where it says for still the vision awaits. So you could receive a vision. You might've had a plan, a vision for your year, right, but it says for still the vision awaits. Is still there an appointed time for the vision that you have? So the vision that you have for your career, your family, maybe you have a vision for your children, like what you hope for, what you think, where you think you're going to be in five years, all those things there is a specific appointed time and that vision is waiting for that time, that specific appointed time.

Speaker 1:

We're in a timeline situation here and it says it hastens to the end. It will not lie if it seems slow. If it seems slow, what does it tell you to do? It tells you to wait for it. So it doesn't tell you to manufacture your vision. It doesn't tell you to, you know, to start, uh, manifesting. And you know I'm, I want a Tesla. So in 2020, and I started dreaming about this this I'm just making this up because they say me I'm dreaming about this Tesla and so I'm gonna manifest this Tesla, and four years later I got it and that was my manifestation, chances are there wasn't. There were things that happened within your timeline. That also allows you to work. You focused, that was your vision, so you focused on getting that Tesla. It means you might've been working on your finances. You got a job change. There were other things that were in alignment so that you didn't get it in 2020. When you first visualized it, you got it in 2024 because that was the appointed time. No shade to Tesla owners. Okay, right, so there is an appointed time.

Speaker 1:

So why am I telling you this? I'm telling you this because, as we are in the season of breakthrough, that's where we are in our prayer ministry. We are asking God for breakthrough, not just in finance, not just in our health, but also in our walk, in our relationship with God. We want to be, we want to have a let me bring you closer. We want to have a better, closer, more amazing relationship with the Lord Jesus. You and me have to have a better, more faithful, more obedient, honest relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We need to have the Holy Spirit as our partner, our friend, every day, every moment. We need the grace and the covering and to be in the presence of the Father, our Father, god, we need all three. We need all three.

Speaker 1:

And why I'm telling you this is because, as we are entering into breakthrough season breakthrough season, when things start to shift, timelines start to change. You will hear even some prophets, like real ones, again, shade intended. You will even hear prophets start speaking about accelerated time and appointed time, because that is the alignment, that's what we're getting. Okay, for those of us who are getting it. We're getting it that way that this is a season, a breakthrough. The Lord wants to accelerate some things in your life, but you have to be in agreement with his timeline, not your own. And this is going to be so critical because a lot of you are running to conferences and you're running to social media and you're packing the church and you get to the parking lot and you start crying out to God. You know for him to make some things happen, but things happen in his appointed time. So I want you to pray and ask God to show you the appointed time and put you into the right timeline for your, for your blessings, your blessings.

Speaker 1:

Right, I can't, I can't, um, I can't do that where I'm just being honest, cause, again, this is where people get so disappointed because they they'll go to someone, they'll get their ears tickled, you'll hear what you think you need for that moment and you'll walk away, you know, and a week later you're like like it didn't happen for me. You have to have a relationship with god. You have to have a prayer life, a real one, not just one where you're in your closet. Okay, I'm saying hard things to you because I want the best. I want you to rock this year. I want, when you get to to um december you got nothing but blessings and testimonies in my comment section I want 2024 to be the year that you soar. I mean for real. I want you to be blessed in every area. I want your children to be healthy. I want you to be healthy. I want financial blessings. I want all these things for you, but again, you have got to be aligned with his appointed time.

Speaker 1:

So, father, I thank you this morning for teaching us that everything happens in its season and its appointed time, that even the vision you give us has an appointed time. I pray, god, that today that you will show them, that you'll show them through scripture, through confirmation. Maybe my word is a confirmation, lord God. Maybe my testimony is a confirmation, lord God. Maybe my testimony is a confirmation, lord, god, even when we see, like you know, things aren't working out in our timeline. Lord, I pray that you will encourage their very spirits this morning, lord, god, that you'll remind them that things happen according to your appointed time. And, lord, I ask that you will reveal to them what that is, so that we are walking in the time that you have for us. Thank you, lord, that you have blessed us with your word. We believe what the word of God says concerning everybody on the sound of my voice and I pray that this blesses you. I pray that this encourages you, and you know what You've got to believe that he's going to show you. He's going to show you his appointed time. So just be on the lookout for that, because we're in breakthrough July and God has been so busy in confirming things like for real. So I don't want you to be disappointed if things aren't, you know, falling into plan the way you saw it, if the vision isn't coming through the way you saw it. You just need to be aligned with his appointed time and, as you ask the Lord to show you and tie you back to that, he will do that because he loves us.

Speaker 1:

Psalm tells us that we are the apple of his eye. I have no doubt. I have zero self-doubt, because I know whose I am. I am a daughter of the King. Therefore, he's not going to withhold anything from me. Same way for you, he's not going to withhold anything from you, and you don't got to pay a seed for God to tell you that you just got to have a relationship and he will tell you that Amen, I love you. God bless you. I hope this helped you. I hope this bless you y'all. Sometimes it's got to be hard teaching because, again, I am held responsible for what I tell you. Because, again, I am held responsible for what I tell you, it has to be scripturally based and if it doesn't come from the Holy Spirit, much as I would love to say it, much as I'd love to say some things and say, you know I can teach you how to be wealthy, you know that's not what he's saying. He's saying you need to be aligned to his time for you, not for me. I love y'all. Have a good Saturday.