Mrs. PIE

Embracing God's Vision: Breaking Free from Limiting Labels to Fulfill Our Potential

June 29, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 40
Embracing God's Vision: Breaking Free from Limiting Labels to Fulfill Our Potential
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Embracing God's Vision: Breaking Free from Limiting Labels to Fulfill Our Potential
Jun 29, 2024 Season 3 Episode 40
Shelley Jeffcoat

What if the labels we place on ourselves are holding us back from our true potential? In this enlightening episode, we explore the profound impact of identifying ourselves through God's vision rather than the limiting labels society imposes on us. Sparked by a thought-provoking board meeting discussion, we dive into the definitions of introverts and extroverts, challenging the idea that these labels should dictate our capabilities or define our identities. Instead, we encourage embracing the empowering identities God has granted us, such as being overcomers and blessed individuals, to lead fulfilling and purposeful lives.

As we approach the month of July, we invite you to join us in a heartfelt prayer designed to align our lives with God's word. We seek to shed the restrictive worldly labels and fully embrace God's unique purpose for each of us. This prayer is a call for blessings on everyone listening, urging them to pursue their God-given assignments with gratitude and sincerity. We conclude the episode with a wish for a wonderful Saturday and a heartfelt expression of love for our listeners. Don't miss this spiritually enriching conversation that promises to transform how you see yourself and your potential.

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What if the labels we place on ourselves are holding us back from our true potential? In this enlightening episode, we explore the profound impact of identifying ourselves through God's vision rather than the limiting labels society imposes on us. Sparked by a thought-provoking board meeting discussion, we dive into the definitions of introverts and extroverts, challenging the idea that these labels should dictate our capabilities or define our identities. Instead, we encourage embracing the empowering identities God has granted us, such as being overcomers and blessed individuals, to lead fulfilling and purposeful lives.

As we approach the month of July, we invite you to join us in a heartfelt prayer designed to align our lives with God's word. We seek to shed the restrictive worldly labels and fully embrace God's unique purpose for each of us. This prayer is a call for blessings on everyone listening, urging them to pursue their God-given assignments with gratitude and sincerity. We conclude the episode with a wish for a wonderful Saturday and a heartfelt expression of love for our listeners. Don't miss this spiritually enriching conversation that promises to transform how you see yourself and your potential.

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Speaker 1:

Good morning y'all. All right, let's get into it. Happy Saturday, and I hope you're going to enjoy this teaching. Some of y'all might be mad, but I'm going to say this, all right. So I was in this meeting. This is about our name and how we present ourselves, tying it back to the great I am. So this scripture I'm going to come back to scripture.

Speaker 1:

I was in this board meeting earlier this week and there was about 30 or so people. This woman joined and this was the second time she joined. She kind of has a shtick I feel like it's a shtick where she comes on and she talks about you know her being an introvert and how you know she doesn't really like to come on camera, and she spent three minutes talking about her being an introvert and how she doesn't like to go on camera and how you and what can we do to make things more accommodating for her. Now, this is a video call, so we're all. You can come on camera if you want. If you don't, we use the chat feature. You know how it is right. And she spent three minutes talking about how we needed to accommodate that. And again, this is a leader at another company and I'm telling you. There was something in me. I couldn't close my mouth. I literally was like hold on, what does the word say? Now, I didn't say this to her on the call, but I was like what does the word say? Because there's a lot of us who introduce ourselves. Some of us introduce ourselves based on something we overcame, some of us introduce ourselves based on our situations and a lot of us not me, a lot of us have been introducing ourselves based on these titles. So I was actually going into just really quickly what an introvert and an extrovert is, because a lot of Christians are using this as a banner, as if it's like you're in a cool club because you say this.

Speaker 1:

Again, we need to understand what the Lord says in Isaiah. Isaiah 45, verse four. It talks about for the sake of my servant, jacob and Israel, my chosen, I call you by your name. So even the Lord, god, calls you by your name, not by your situation. You might be broke this season, but you're not. I am broke, you might be. I am Jenny, right? I am an overcomer. I am blessed, right? You're not called by the name of an illness, right? It's not an. I am cancer, it's. I'm an overcomer, I am healed, so it's really important.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to say this real quickly when it comes to these different titles and explain it for the people what introvert and extrovert actually means. I'm looking at my notes real quick. Just based on Harvard, you can Google it yourself. This is important for us believers, right? Because, again, we tend to attach literally the word the name that you give yourself has to align with what God says about you, not what the world says, not what's cool, not what everybody's jumping on, because, listen, if that's not you, that's not you. All right.

Speaker 1:

So, again, introverts are people who they enjoy solitude, they focus internally, they have internally on their thoughts and feelings Okay. They recharge by spending time alone, they work quietly. That's what an introvert. It doesn't mean that an introvert can't go evangelize and talk about Jesus. It doesn't mean that you can't give presentations If your presentation skills are poor and you're in fear mode. That's different y'all. That's not an introvert. An extrovert is someone who they thrive on the energy of other people, they think out loud, they tend to be really positive-minded people. But, again, that doesn't mean, even as an extrovert, that you just kind of come in, take over. That's a different thing.

Speaker 1:

So I'm praying that, as we are believers operating in the world, that we do not align ourselves or assign ourselves names. That was not given by the Lord to you. You are an overcomer, you're a healer, you are blessed. If you don't know what name is how God sees you. So don't introduce yourself as I'm an introvert. Listen, I get. It gets you some level of attention, but it is not true about who God says and what he calls you to do, because you might be someone who recharges.

Speaker 1:

I'm someone who I recharge internally. What does that mean? It means I have to go back to the Holy Spirit. We spend time alone and he feeds my soul and my spirit and my mind. That's how I get recharged when I go through things. I plead, I pray and I praise mind. That's how I get recharged when I go through things. I plead, I pray and I praise. That's what I do, but I don't carry a banner of I'm an introvert. That doesn't stop Anything that God has called you to do this season.

Speaker 1:

Listen, I don't want us to miss a thing. I want us to thrive, I want us to soar, I want us to overcome, I want us to be successful. I want us to be blessed. I want us to be the breakthrough for our families. I want us to be the light. I want us to be the salt. I want us to. You know, you know what I'm saying. I want nothing but the best for you, but you know.

Speaker 1:

But do not allow yourself when it talks about being conformed to the world. Don't allow what the world says. Some of these titles, some of these things that y'all are picking up on the streets, that you are receiving as if it's you, and it is not true. Go back to the word and see what God says about you. See, not true. Go back to the world word and see what God says about you. See what God says about you. You are blessed, your family is blessed. You know I'm saying and if, if, it means that you got to come back in the world y'all. This is why it's so important for you to come back in the word. What does God says about you, even in Isaiah 49?

Speaker 1:

I just I'm just turning through my Bible now and I'm looking at the dates and the times when the Lord gave me something for myself, right? So I note everything in my Bible in my little notebook as well. But Isaiah 49, 8, where it says. The caption in my Bible says the restoration of Israel. And he's talking to me, okay. And he says he's talking to me okay. And he says in a time of favor, I have answered you, in a day of salvation, I have helped you, I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people to establish the land to a portion of desolate heritage. Saying to the prisoners come out, to those who are in darkness, appear. I mean, these are words that god gave me. These this is he gave it to me. I'm just reading the dates um, uh, two years. And he kept giving like a, just around the same time, like thank you, lord, for revelation, but he kept giving me this word.

Speaker 1:

So if I, if I came out, as you know, introducing myself as I am, you know I am broke, I am sad, I am down as I'm speaking down, as I'm speaking those things, if I'm speaking those things out, it's going to be hard for me to walk in the promises that God gave me for my life. Does that make sense? And it doesn't mean that you live in this fairytale space where nothing is ever wrong. It doesn't mean that there aren't times when I'm like I'm really, I'm feeling down. It doesn't mean that, but it also means that I don't carry that as a banner to make me feel good or fit in. Oh, please don't hate me for saying this. You understand, because there's a lot of you who are carrying these titles.

Speaker 1:

Another one that people throw at me all the time imposter syndrome. I'm sorry, I don't have that, I ain't got it. I am not an imposter, I'm a child of God. Every single place that he puts me, I belong. Every room that he puts me, I belong. I don't have to fake it till I make it because I got the power, the power of the Holy Spirit. I've got all of heaven helping me. I have divine helpers. I don't have to fake it till I make it because the Lord has blessed and cleared my path, you understand. I don't have to fake it till I make it because the God that I serve is blessing me. The God that I serve is leading me, guiding me. He is my shepherd, he gives me everything I want. I don't have to fake it till I make it because the Lord has gone before me, cleared my path to victory. That's how I show up. So I can't accept the terms of the world when they say you know, imposter, I have no syndrome. I'm not going to claim no illness whatsoever. I am healed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Speaker 1:

You got to know what you're saying about who you are. You know again, even in the Bible, in the word in you know, in Exodus 3, I believe, where Moses met the Lord, moses met God and Moses is, you know, he's preparing to go to the children, uh and uh to you know, to draw them out of Egypt. Okay, I'm just I'm paraphrasing. And Moses said to God if I go to these people and say to them that the God of your fathers have sent me, who should I say you are? What is your name? That's so important? But what did God say? He said say this to the people of Israel I am, has sent me to you. God also said to Moses say this to the people of Israel the Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, has sent me to you. This is my name forever. And thus I'm to be remembered throughout all generations.

Speaker 1:

When you understand in the word anytime, the Lord um was when he presented himself I am and he was, it was. I am Jehovah, jireh, I am Adonai, I am. I mean, when you understand even how powerful it is what comes after I am. It is part of our identity in Christ. So even God, when he's when he stated who he was, he, he, he, he. He stated his, he stated his, his name in relation to what he does for us as God, it wasn't.

Speaker 1:

It's not like how we do it, like we, we, you know, we do it where we tie it. Like I said, we tie it to the things that look good so you can fit in. It is not the cool, you know the cool language, or the latest, greatest thing that you know people have been throwing out there and you just latching on to it. I want you to say these words I am a child of God, I am blessed, I am highly favored, I'm the apple of his eye. This is what he says about. I am the head and not the tail. I am Shelly, I am daughter of the king, and you speak that into your life because that is truly what the word says about you.

Speaker 1:

So I'm begging you, please stop telling people about how you're an introvert and extrovert if you don't know what it means. It is not a banner, it is not something that makes you you know. It is not something that should stop you from doing what God has told you to do. If he, on your job, he puts you in a situation where he's blessed you to be a lead or teach you know, whatever that is when he gives you the opportunities. If we start to create the excuses for why we can't do it, we're going to miss out on our blessings. You're going to miss this season that's coming. We are moving into a season of breakthrough and completion is July. July, number seven is the month of July and that's seven cents of completion. So we're talking about completing things that we've started right. We want to be on track. We want to complete and pull everything back to completion. But you're not going to be able to do that if you don't know who you are and what you say and and how that matters and what god says about who you are.

Speaker 1:

I hope this bless you. Please don't come for me those of y'all who are wearing those banners, as I am. You listen, change your language, change your word. What you speak actually comes to pass in your life. All right, speak blessings. I am a blessing in my family. I am the breakthrough in my family. Amen, I am blessed, I am healed. It does something to your heart. When you tie it back, your spirit, back to what God says, and then it helps your mind, you go in. I am fearless and I'm fully confident in Christ. There is zero that the enemy can do to me because I am covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. All things are working together for my good. Amen. I can do all things through Christ, who strengthened me. That's a good. I am Amen. So I pray this bless you.

Speaker 1:

So, lord, I pray for every person who's heard this word that they will come out of, out of a season of saying these things, of carrying these banners according to what the world says, or god, that you will, you'll just pull us back to you. We want to complete the assignments as we move into july. We want to complete everything that you have started and we want to latch on and hold on to what you say about us. Lord, I would just thank you for this opportunity to just worship. You are the great I am and, lord, we're in alignment with whatever you say about us, not what the world says. So, lord, I ask that you will bless every single person under the sound of my voice, that they will complete everything they started in Jesus name. Amen. All right, y'all have a good Saturday. I love y'all, bye.

Identity in God's Eyes
Aligning With God's Word