Mrs. PIE

Heart Posture: Aligning with Divine Love for a Transformative Life

June 27, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 39
Heart Posture: Aligning with Divine Love for a Transformative Life
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Heart Posture: Aligning with Divine Love for a Transformative Life
Jun 27, 2024 Season 3 Episode 39
Shelley Jeffcoat

Have you ever wondered how aligning your heart with God's love can transform every aspect of your life? Discover the profound impact of heart posture in our latest episode, where we explore the concept of being "made for more" through faith and spirituality. With a focus on June's theme, we reflect on how our hands, feet, mouth, and heart play pivotal roles in our spiritual journey. Drawing inspiration from Psalm 51, we discuss the importance of realigning our hearts with divine love and embracing our capacity to love beyond limits. Whether it's within family, work, or personal relationships, learn how making love the foundation of all your actions can lead to breakthrough moments as we prepare for July's theme.

Join us for an in-depth look at Psalm 51, as we unpack David's heartfelt prayer of repentance and its powerful lessons for our own lives. We emphasize the necessity of maintaining a clean heart and a willing spirit, especially for those in teaching and leadership roles. Gain insights into the transformative power of confession and the essential practices of pleading, praying, and praising. As we navigate the second half of the year, let's commit to seeking God's renewal and forgiveness, ensuring our hearts are aligned with His wisdom and purity, and fostering a loving approach even in the most challenging times.

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Have you ever wondered how aligning your heart with God's love can transform every aspect of your life? Discover the profound impact of heart posture in our latest episode, where we explore the concept of being "made for more" through faith and spirituality. With a focus on June's theme, we reflect on how our hands, feet, mouth, and heart play pivotal roles in our spiritual journey. Drawing inspiration from Psalm 51, we discuss the importance of realigning our hearts with divine love and embracing our capacity to love beyond limits. Whether it's within family, work, or personal relationships, learn how making love the foundation of all your actions can lead to breakthrough moments as we prepare for July's theme.

Join us for an in-depth look at Psalm 51, as we unpack David's heartfelt prayer of repentance and its powerful lessons for our own lives. We emphasize the necessity of maintaining a clean heart and a willing spirit, especially for those in teaching and leadership roles. Gain insights into the transformative power of confession and the essential practices of pleading, praying, and praising. As we navigate the second half of the year, let's commit to seeking God's renewal and forgiveness, ensuring our hearts are aligned with His wisdom and purity, and fostering a loving approach even in the most challenging times.

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Speaker 1:

no-transcript. Qamon means a lot to me. Good morning, isn't that an amazing intro? I love, love, love. So we've been studying.

Speaker 1:

Good morning, y'all. I am so glad to be back. I cannot believe that we're at the end of June already and so we've been really enjoying. I've really been enjoying. I know you've been really enjoying this series. Every month we have a new series, and this was the month of June and we were talking about being made for more, and I'm just telling y'all that this really, truly blessed me, and I know I've heard from folks in the comments and, you know, especially on YouTube. So shout out to the folks who are commenting on YouTube. I really do want to hear from you. I want to hear about how this is helping you and encouraging you and you, and please help us by liking, loving and sharing the video so we can reach more people. Good morning, tracy. Faithful Tracy, faithful Tracy.

Speaker 1:

So I'm going to do a really quick recap on where we covered Today. We're actually talking about the heart. So week one was about the hands being crafted to serve and heal. Week two was about our feet and really being destined to walk in greater faith. We talked a lot about you know our path and really being clear and sure and connecting back to God to find out where we should be, where we should go. We've talked about our mouth and the fact that we can really empower you know, really empower God's truth and what he says about us concerning our own lives, y'all, and today we're at the heart. So we did hands, feet, mouth and heart. And so today we're talking about being designed that we are actually designed to love beyond limits. But before we love beyond limits, there's some things that we have to do.

Speaker 1:

Call it a heart posture is just something that the Lord gave me a long time ago, and I've been saying this thing now, I think two years, maybe three, I don't know how long y'all, but this is just something that he's been showing me that you know all of those things that we've talked about earlier in this month, whether it's your, your feet or your mouth, you mouth even our mindset it really starts with our heart. The heart is the crux of the matter. My mom used to say the heart is at the crux of the matter. So I'm going to share this scripture. That has truly been helpful for me, but for those of you who are really in that season where.

Speaker 1:

Listen, before we get into July, we're trying to get our lives right. We're trying to get it together Before we move into this new month. You know we've probably seen already that our July series is all focused on breakthrough. So that's what we're going to be learning, studying, praying on. You know, all those things breakthrough for the month of July. But before you can even get there, you got to have the right heart posture.

Speaker 1:

And to get into the right heart posture it brings to mind this Psalm 51, which is anytime I'm in a season where I feel like I really need to get it together. I really need to hear from God more. I really need to be more centered in my worship, my prayer. You know I feel like things are off kilter. I even go into this scripture when I feel like people are coming at me, lord.

Speaker 1:

But I understand that it's really a matter a heart matter. As Tracy's saying, it's a matter of the heart. And so I have to understand, like you have to understand, that we are actually designed to love beyond limits. What does that mean? I mean, naturally, for many parents and I won't say all, but many parents are we're designed to just love our children right From before they get here to when they get here and some of us even after they've gone right. So we're designed to love our children, we love our spouses. That's why we come into these commitments called marriages or come into these partnership with our loved ones. We love our siblings, we love our friends.

Speaker 1:

We're actually designed to love, and even all through scripture, when I think about the entire body of the Bible and everything that the word says, it's born from love for God, so loved the world that he gave us his only begotten son, right. So everything is coming from a position of love. Everything that we do, the way that we course correct our children, should be coming from a position of love. We do it because we love you. You know, when you're on the job and you're working on a project, and maybe you're working alongside someone, you're like this person don't deserve love. But it's not their response, it's your response, and your response for those of you who call yourselves Christians is to respond in love.

Speaker 1:

It is always about the heart posture. When you go before God and you're appealing or you're pleading for help and you're crying out to God to help you to get through the next, you're going to the Lord not because of fear. You're going because of love, because you understand that connection in spirit, that he loves you, so he's going to hear your prayer. Otherwise, why are you doing it right? So there is a heart posture that's required and it starts out with submitting yourself, submitting your heart and understanding y'all that we need to have clean hearts. We call clean hearts right. So the reason I want to share this because this is also we're at the halftime in the year and I keep saying this a lot of us we want to soar and we want to have a great year, a great rest of the year.

Speaker 1:

Now, again, I understand that for some people, this year has been really challenging. It's not all gravy for everybody. So even for those of you who are in a season where you're really, really really having to trust God in some really intense situations, some situations where you feel like you know things are out of kilter, things are out of control, you know you don't know what to do, some season where you really have to trust God for the next day, your provisions, your job, where are you going to eat, live, all of those things right, even for you this is really important because if you don't have the right heart posture as you're approaching God for the things that you're standing in need of. If you're showing up bitter and mad, just think about it. Like as a parent, if your kid comes to you and they show up with an attitude you should have did blah, blah, blah what is your response truly going to be? You're not going to be in a position where you really truly want to bless them. You know it's not going to be in a position where you really truly want to bless them. You know. You know it's not going to be an overflow of blessings. You're just like I'm going to give you what you need and be done with it, right. So so again, you know, no matter what season you're in, no matter what lack, physical lack you might have, you know what, no matter what you're going through, even you yes, you it is your responsibility to have this posture, this submitted heart, because God is greater than all of us.

Speaker 1:

So, this Psalm 51 that I'm sharing with you, this is also what I use when I go into a season of fasting and again fasting do what the Lord tells you. He might tell you come just fast for a few days, or maybe you're joining a corporate fast at your church or whatever, and but this is the, this is the scripture that I use before I go into any kind of fasting. I use this scripture before tough conversations where I really I really need the Lord to humble me so that I can, you know, kind of go into it with a different perspective. So I'm going to challenge all of us to read Psalm 51. I'm going to share my screen again. Remember, for those of y'all who listen to me on the audible streets and wherever you're catching me on that variation of however you catch me, whether it's video or audio, I'm just sharing my screen. I'm going to be coming out of the A Shelley version, the ESV version, psalm 51. And I'm going to release this and I want you to go back again, maybe over the next couple of days, maybe every morning, and just pray this over yourself. Release this Psalm. Create in me a clean heart, o God. That's the heading, that's in the Bible. So I'm just reading that.

Speaker 1:

And this was a Psalm that David, when it says when Nathan the prophet went to him after he'd gone into Bethsheba, so after David had sinned, after he'd done some things he had no business doing, right, you know, this was the prayer that he released. So Psalm 51 goes like this have mercy on me, o God, according to your steadfast love, according to your abundant mercy, blot out my transgression, wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. So the first thing that I want you to see is that David went in knowing and understanding that it was on him. This was on him. He was the one that sinned. It was also according to God's mercy and asking God to wash him from his sin and cleansing him from his sin. Right, so notice his heart posture going in. The first thing he's asking for is have mercy on me.

Speaker 1:

Verse three says for I know my transgression and my sin is ever before me. Y'all know what you did. I know what I did, you know. Your spouse might not know, your kids might not know, your coworker, your manager might not know, but you know what you did. And the word says and my sin is ever before me. It's like it's always going to be there in front of you in your mind. It's like you can't once. You know what you did. Those transgressions is ever before you. It's just something that is just there. You know what you did.

Speaker 1:

And the word in verse four when it says against you you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment. So now the posture here is he's saying, look, lord, you're the one I sinned against. I mean, look. The truth is a lot of times when we do things again now remember we're talking about from the heart posture, what's in our heart. The truth is that when we do something that hurts someone else, you're not only hurting that person but you're also doing something that's wrong and the Lord knows it right. So, against the Lord, we're sinning against the Lord and we've done what's evil because sin is evil in his sight. And it says that so that you may be justified in your words and blameless in your judgment, so that you know God is justified in whatever punishment we get based on. So you might do something. You know again, hard posture, right, you might do something to hurt someone or to say something, say something, maybe you know again, heart posture, right, you might do something to hurt someone or to say something, say something. Maybe you know you had no business doing it. And there's always going to be a response. There's always a response to our action. So something's going to come out of it. But God is justified in you being punished because he's a just God, right?

Speaker 1:

So verse five says behold, I was brought forth in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me? We know what that means. Behold, you delight in truth, in the inward being, and you teach me wisdom in the secret heart. So I want you to even think about this. God loves the fact that we are coming clean. We come clean. They say come clean. So he really does love that. He's drawn to that because he knows that you're submitting your heart to him. And it says he delights in the truth, in the inward being. So a lot of you might look the part, but your inward being is a total mess, right? And it says you teach me wisdom in the secret heart. So, even as you grow and you need to be encouraged and you need to remember that God is going to give you wisdom. It's in the secret heart.

Speaker 1:

Again, it starts in the heart. Seven, verse seven through 12. This is again, you know, when you're thinking about fasting, purging me with hyssop and I shall be clean. Wash me and I shall be whiter than snow. Let me hear let me hear joy and gladness. Let the bones that you have broken rejoice.

Speaker 1:

So when I used to read this part, this part about let me hear joy and gladness, this is even in this season. So, when you have a submitted heart, it's not for you to be going before the Lord and, like y'all, don't make this a thing where you go before the Lord. You read this out and you're self-aggrandizing where you know, oh my God, you know, please don't put on the act when it talks about let me hear joy and gladness. This isn't a situation where you go in and you just fall into depression because you're presenting your heart to the Lord but it's not meant for you to stay in the mud and the mire. You're confessing back to him that you have done some things right and that he is justified to respond right. But again, this is not a situation where you put on a performance and start. You know, this is where you tell everybody yes, you know, I've been fasting for three days and I can't wait to get. Please don't make it a performance. God knows what's in your heart.

Speaker 1:

And this was so strange to me when I first read, this years ago, verse eight, where it talks about. Let me hear joy and gladness and let the bones that you have broken with joy that in this time, when you're raising up this scripture in your life, when it talks about the bones broken and you're gonna be reshaped, reformed, renewed, you're gonna go through some things if you're truly going before God and trying to have a clean heart. Right, he's gonna show you some ugly things in your life, but it's not meant for you to go into darkness and depression. It's so that you can see, you know these are some of the things, so that you know what to confess. Because as you go into verse 10, it says create in me a clean heart, o God, and renew a right spirit in me. So as he starts to show you, when he starts to open up some things, you know, you go before the Lord and you say you know these are my sins and you sins and Father, cleanse me from my sins. You come in to verse eight. You're asking him to hear joy and gladness so that you're not all the way broken down.

Speaker 1:

But in verse 10, where it says creating me a clean heart, oh God this is a great prayer point and renew a right spirit within me. That's a listen, that's something that you pray before you go into any situation. Lord, give me the, give me a clean heart and renew the rights. A right spirit, a right spirit is one that's not judgmental. A right spirit is not one that's looking out for conspiracy theories on everything. A right spirit is one that's in alignment. It's that peace, it has joy, has gladness. That's what a right spirit is. Hearing from the Lord directly, it's a clean slate, it's a clean heart.

Speaker 1:

And then, when you read the rest of Psalm 51, it talks about cast me not away from your presence and take not your Holy Spirit from me. This point, right here, is my every day, every moment. Lord, please don't take your Holy Spirit from me, because I know that everything that I do, I mean everything that I do it is only because of the Holy Spirit in me, it is only because of his leading, guidance, teaching, training. It is literally his words. It's him on every live, it's him in every prayer, it's him everywhere, it's him every day. You know what I mean. I just you know.

Speaker 1:

So I never want to be separated from the presence of God. What does it mean? Like I, you know, in my mind, in my spiritual mindset, I always see myself under his glory cloud. I always see myself covered. You know how you guys pray about being. You know under his refuge and you know, all right, we pray these prayers, but you got to understand what you're saying. So I always ask God I don't ever want to be away from your presence. No matter where I go, god's glory is covering me. I'm walking under his cloud, I'm not away from his presence and never take your Holy Spirit away from me. I'm walking under his cloud, I'm not away from his presence and never take your Holy Spirit away from me. That's a prayer where, when you're really truly releasing these prayers again, we're talking about the heart and really being able to love in the season of life where you're in.

Speaker 1:

This is one of those you can't truly love and forgive and not fall into bitter. I meet so many people who are so bitter and all they have to do is open their mouth and the first word comes out and I'm like, oh God, they're so bitter, they can't give a compliment, they can't take a compliment. You know what I mean there's always something negative. You know what I mean. No matter what, there's always a curse, a curse word. Y'all again even cursing. That's the spirit you're releasing. Please don't, please stop doing that right? So that is coming from the heart. So I ask you know, I always ask the Lord. You know, please cast me away from your presence Now.

Speaker 1:

There's so many prayer points in here that you can go back into. I'm just reading you through Psalm 51 so you can see how we can activate, you know, really coming before God and get our hearts clean, and y'all don't. You know, don't wait for something to go wrong. You need to be in here. Maybe it's a once a week thing. Come in here and, you know, release Psalm 51 over yourself.

Speaker 1:

Here we are back again in verse 12. Restore to me, restore the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit. You have to have a willing spirit in order for you to have a clean heart. You have to be willing to do it right. This is a uh, something that you have to do when you, when you go to the Lord and you ask him to cleanse you and put your heart right, and you know, wash you and purge you, and he's going to show you some things, yeah, and he's, you know. And you ask him Lord, clean my heart. You know, remove, renew the right spirit within me and give me a willing spirit and restore joy. You know, give me gladness and joy Because again, we don't want to go into, you know, a pity party.

Speaker 1:

That's not what it's meant. And so you come through all these things and then it shifts in verse 13 and it says then I will teach. You see, you can't come before God's people and start teaching when it says then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will return to you. You can't come before people with a, with a, an unclean heart. I mean you can. We see it all the time. We hear about all these pastors who are now. You know, lord, forgive me, you know what I mean. All these things right, but it is very difficult to maintain that if you have an ugly heart, a heart of bitter and jealous and envy, all those things come from your heart. Okay, it says you know, then I will teach transgressors your ways and sinners will return to you. So our job as pastors, teachers, bishops, apostle, prophets, evangelists, whatever, whatever your area, area is that. I'm talking to y'all who have been given different titles by the Lord and not by men. Right that with a clean heart, then you teach transgressions about God. Because if you have a heart that's bitter, if you have a heart that's not in alignment with him, if you don't have a willing spirit, if you haven't been restored to the joy of his salvation, finding joy in him, if you don't have that, it's going to be very tough for you to talk about your experience with God and driving people back to him. Our job is to drive people to him, not to us.

Speaker 1:

Now, verse 14, it goes through about delivering us from blood, guilt, guiltiness or God, and you know this is a. This is one of those. I don't want to open the door here because this could be a whole other sermon, but again, you know you go through the rest of the Psalm. It talks about oh Lord, open my lips and my mouth will declare your praise. So we've submitted to God. We've asked him to forgive our sins. We ask him to clean, create a clean heart and renew our right spirit. You know we ask him, lord, you know, to direct me, give me a willing spirit In verse 13, then I will teach. So, before you run out and start evangelizing and teaching and even some of us witnessing, maybe you're witnessing on the job. You got to go through these things, creating a clean heart. Then the word talks about open. My lips and my mouth will declare your praise. So at the end of all this, we always end in praise.

Speaker 1:

So again, the three Ps. If you know, I'm going to stop sharing the three Ps that the Lord gave me. You know, over the power Now, time for me don't make sense. So. So I think it was a last week, or maybe it was last week, I don't know what it is. Y'all the videos are out there.

Speaker 1:

But the three Ps that he gave me, the first one was pleading, the second was praying, and the last P is praise. And so pleading is again we're going to take, we're going to go before the Lord. Lord, I want you to renew a willing heart, the right spirit, a clean heart. So I'm even going to pray that over us now, right? So, lord, I thank you for this teaching. I thank you for what you've shown us today that we need to have a clean heart. That that is what you, that is what you want from us. It's not about us acting things out or or or trying to look the part. It's not the outward but the inward heart.

Speaker 1:

So you, lord, you're the only one who knows what we have done, where we have fallen short. We've fallen short not just with you, but with our neighbors, with our children, with our colleagues, with our friends. So, lord, because we want to have a clean heart, because we want the best that you have for us, we're submitting ourselves to you now through prayer, and this is pleading. So, lord, we ask that you will just forgive us for every sin that we have committed, lord, the ones that we did at night when we were sleeping, and the ones even this morning. Lord, I ask that everyone, under the sound of my voice that's presenting themselves to you, that that burden is lifted, that burden that they've been carrying is lifted, lord, god, and that they don't have to worry about someone coming to tell their secret. Lord, god, they don't have to worry about that. You know everything that we have done.

Speaker 1:

And because we are coming to you, lord, and we're confessing our sins onto you, because we know that you love us and we thank you that there is no condemnation in Christ, that you will make things right, but we submit our heart to you. So, even through prayer, lord, I pray that as we go into prayer, not just today, but for the rest of this week, the rest of this month, even that you will show us, even in prayer, how we should pray. We thank you, holy Spirit, for guiding us in prayer so that we can. We want to have a clean heart and a willing spirit, so we ask for you to even show up in prayer, show up in encounter, show up in confirmation, through your word and your scripture, even how to pray, so that we can have the right heart posture before you and we praise you and we thank you for everything that you have done. You've been such a merciful father.

Speaker 1:

We thank you for blessing every person who stands in need of anything, lord God. I thank you for those who are in business, who are looking for work, thank you for those who are looking for the next opportunity. I'm thanking you because, through their lives, they will be a witness to your mercy and your glory. I thank you for the doors that you have closed, that we had no business opening. I thank you for the protection that you've given us, that you've sent your angels to protect us today. I thank you for every person, lord God, that you've placed in our lives. Thank you for everyone in our prayer ministry. Thank you for those who are watching and listening on the replay.

Speaker 1:

I ask that you continue to bless every single person who stands in need of just hearing a word from you today. May this be the word that they have heard today that you still love them and that there's nothing amen, the word said. There is nothing that will separate you from God, nothing. So, yes, we are designed to love beyond limits, but you've got to let go. That's, audrey. I just saw that you got to be willing to let some stuff go.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, you know you truly have to let some stuff go. You truly have to let some stuff go. I know they hurt you and it's been many years and they don't seem like they understand how much they hurt you. I get it, been there, done that, but it is only going to impact your heart and stop you from loving beyond your limit. If you're holding on to bitterness, you've got to let that go. In the same way that we want God to let go when we mess up right. We don't want God to keep coming back and reminding us. Remember what you did yesterday, remember what you did this morning. Remember what you did three years ago. Remember what you said right. That's not the God we serve and we're supposed to be modeling this life as ambassadors of Christ right. Our job is to love Again, for God so loved the world that he gave right. He loved and then he gave. You can't give from an empty place. He gave from love. So I hope that that blesses you Y'all. Be kind to yourself. Some of us have to just forgive ourselves. Some of us is just time to let some stuff go. We've all made mistakes. We got to let it go. Amen. I hope this bless y'all. I'm excited.

Speaker 1:

So listen, this is Thursday. That means it's three praying sisters phone line prayer time. I've already gotten a lot of requests. Y'all need to show up on these calls. It's twice a day on Thursdays, 1 pm and 7 pm Eastern Standard Time, and I put that time on my account. It's only 30 minutes. You can call in. There is no seed needed, you just dial in. You can see the number scrolling on our screen. Put it in your phone, dial in, it's free, and what we do is we basically take your prayer request and we pray for you. Nobody knows on there, we're not keeping track, but this is a safe place for you to bring your prayer request and we will stand alongside you and pray, and I'm telling you, every time we do this, people are blessed, people are blessed and people are blessed. So I welcome you to come on and join us on Thursdays. So that's today. So we're going to see you later on that call. So God bless you.

Speaker 1:

But those of y'all who are on the YouTube streets, please don't forget to like the video, because this helps us with the algorithm. Why do we need that? Because the more people like, the more people get to see these videos, the more that his word goes out. It's not about me. It's not about me. We just want to make sure that we get the word out and bless as many people as we can. And if this blessed you, drop something in the comments y'all, I do actually read them. So God bless you. Y'all. Have a wonderful rest of your day and I'll see you next week. Take care.

Designed to Love Beyond Limits
A Heart Posture of Repentance
Clean Heart, Willing Spirit, Joyful Praise