Mrs. PIE

From Retail Therapy to Divine Healing

June 22, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 38
From Retail Therapy to Divine Healing
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
From Retail Therapy to Divine Healing
Jun 22, 2024 Season 3 Episode 38
Shelley Jeffcoat

Struggling with loss or disappointment? You're not alone. Join me as I share my personal journey through unhealthy coping mechanisms like retail therapy and isolation, and discover the transformative power of the three P's: Plead, Pray, and Praise. By taking my concerns directly to God, grounding my spirit in scripture, and uplifting myself through praise, I've found a healthier path forward. This episode is all about reflecting on our own habits and exploring how these spiritual practices can lead to greater peace and resilience.

As we say goodbye to June, let's embrace positive change and spiritual growth together. Reflecting on Psalm 103, we delve into how transforming our coping mechanisms to align with God's teachings can make a profound impact on our lives and those around us. With a focus on the essential three P's – Plead, Pray, and Praise – we ask for divine assistance to bless our families and help us overcome challenges. Remember, God's love can elevate us to new heights, and with His guidance, we can achieve remarkable things.

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Struggling with loss or disappointment? You're not alone. Join me as I share my personal journey through unhealthy coping mechanisms like retail therapy and isolation, and discover the transformative power of the three P's: Plead, Pray, and Praise. By taking my concerns directly to God, grounding my spirit in scripture, and uplifting myself through praise, I've found a healthier path forward. This episode is all about reflecting on our own habits and exploring how these spiritual practices can lead to greater peace and resilience.

As we say goodbye to June, let's embrace positive change and spiritual growth together. Reflecting on Psalm 103, we delve into how transforming our coping mechanisms to align with God's teachings can make a profound impact on our lives and those around us. With a focus on the essential three P's – Plead, Pray, and Praise – we ask for divine assistance to bless our families and help us overcome challenges. Remember, God's love can elevate us to new heights, and with His guidance, we can achieve remarkable things.

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Speaker 1:

Y'all. This is my third time recording this message, so that tells me y'all need to hear this. It's been automatically deleted twice, so this is going to be a good one. Lord, I ask that you bless technology so your word goes out. My question to you is what is your coping mechanism? I'm going to try to summarize because, like I said, this is my third time. Y'all this is crazy. What is your coping mechanism? I'm going to try to summarize because, like I said, this is my third time. Y'all this is crazy. What is your coping mechanism?

Speaker 1:

So my question is how you deal with loss and disappointment if you're exhausted and you're just going through some things, and I was sharing in my other videos that some of the ways that I used to deal with loss and disappointment really isn't healthy, and I still deal with this today. Sometimes my coping mechanism is to go on Amazon to see what I can get here in the same day, because I need a little quote-unquote retail therapy, which really isn't therapy. It's consumerism. It's not right, don't do that. Sometimes my coping mechanism used to be just drawing into myself and away from people. I'm pretty much a loner. I, you know this. I'm a, you know. I like to sit with God and that's just my thing. But even that is not a good coping mechanism all the time, because when you separate from people, they don't know where to find you to help you. I'm just saying um. So I want to share the three p's that I use now as my coping mechanism when I have loss or disappointment or anything like that, and sometimes I use this even when things are going well. So the first P is plead. So I plead, I go back to the Lord. What is going on. My first response isn't to run and tell a friend. My first response is to run and tell my father. So if you think about this as parents, when your child does something or something happens to your child, the first response they want to come tell you about it. You know. So that's how I approach the Lord. The Lord God, he's my father. So I go to my father and I plead my case. You know, this is what's happening, and again it's more so that my spirit can connect back to him so I can hear from him. You know, and it puts me in a position of submission. If I don't do that, if I don't go back and plead in this way, then I will tend to try to solve these things in unhealthy ways. I'll try to look at, you know, the loss and disappointment and I'll try to retail therapy my way through it. And I'll try to retail therapy my way through it. If I plead and I go to the Lord, if I take it to him, then it's just a very different response because there's something that he's going to teach me and I'm opening myself up to hear from him pleading to Jesus.

Speaker 1:

The second P is pray. So prayer for me is very different. It might be different for you, but the way that the Lord teaches me is I pray with scripture and so he'll bring me into the word and he'll give me. Sometimes it's a verse or a story or something, but he will give me the words. But what I start to do is I pray the scripture over my life, so a lot of y'all. You know Proverbs 31 and you know you're praying that over your life.

Speaker 1:

But I release Psalm 91, you know again, over my family. You know I'll pray that back. You know I'll release that back over myself. Lord, you know this is what your word says, that no harm shall come near my tent. You know, father, your word says that I'm your favored one, I'm the apple of your eye. Lord, I'm asking you know I pull back. Right even in the loss, right even in disappointment, I'm releasing back. God doesn't need to be reminded, our spirit needs to be reminded. But what we do is that we come back in alignment with what he says about us, not what the situation is saying about us. Psalm 28, 1 through 14, and I'm reading through all of the blessings. Those blessings are because of obedience. So, lord, I align back with what your word says concerning my family. Remember the word of God is forever and ever. So when you go into the word and pray, I start to align these, these, uh, these prayer points back to myself. So pray.

Speaker 1:

And then the third thing I do is praise. So praise, listen, I can, I guarantee you if I said, let's just, let's just thank the Lord for the next couple of minutes. Some of y'all can't stop at two minutes. You cannot, because the more that you thank God, the more that you praise and acknowledge him for what he has done in your life. It's like your spirit wakes up. Your spirit wakes up, the Holy Spirit starts to bring back to your memory and recollection how amazing God is. And so praise, even for me.

Speaker 1:

I love praise music. There are some songs I just keep in rotation. I know some of y'all are like please stop playing these songs, but there's some songs that kind of come in rotation and I just I use that to to, you know, to to, to wake me up a little bit, my soul even so. So those are the three P's, you know. And my question was what is your coping mechanism? You tell me in the comment section what is your coping mechanism, what do you do?

Speaker 1:

And the three P's I said first I plead, I go back to the Lord, I kind of bring my case to him. The second one is pray. You know, when you go back and plead and you say, lord, this is what's happening, even in that encounter, he'll show you what to pray for. And then the last thing is praise praising your way through this pain, praising your way through the loss, which seems kind of crazy. But let me tell you something really quickly. This is kind of how gosh y'all don't come from me, but this is kind of how it works in a spiritual perspective is when you put on that garment of praise. So remember, the devil is always, always going to try to separate you from the love of Christ. He wants to convince you that God isn't real and that all this horrible stuff that's happening is God's fault. Even though, can we just be real? We're creating this stuff, we us, you and me, okay, and we're listening to the world and we're listening to the devil and we're kind of falling into that trap. So his job is to separate us from the love of Jesus Christ. But what happens is when you put on a garment of praise, when you plead your case, when your first response in loss and disappointment is to go to the Lord, not to go, gossip, not to go, you know, look for comfort, not for retail therapy, none of those things. When your first response is to put on that garment, you plead, you pray and you praise.

Speaker 1:

What the enemy does is he releases attacks in certain ways, and one of the ways that he releases attacks is through what we call incantation, where someone will speak. They will attack and they will speak something into your life to create more chaos or confusion. When you're in a low point in loss and disappointment, you'll know some. Sometimes you'll see some things just kind of pop and you're like where's that coming from? You know, all of a sudden, these voices come around, and sometimes it's even the spirit speaking through your mind to tell you how horrible things are, you know, and it kind of replays back how God didn't do X, y, z. Right, that's.

Speaker 1:

The job of the enemy is to separate you, but when you have a garment of praise, it becomes a little confusing for his camp, because how can you be praising God when all of these things are going on? So you have to understand that these strategies that God gives us so that we can operate in this world, in this kingdom, they are put in place for a reason and, though you may not always understand the why behind it, you got to trust God when he's showing you to do it. So this is where obedience, listening to the Father, this is where the Holy Spirit, when he's giving you guidance and specific instructions, and he backs that up in the Word. How you know this works. You know when I'm talking about pleading and praying and praising. You can go through all through the Word. The best example is the wall of jericho. We're going to be teaching on this, talking about breakthrough for the month of july. Um, and and you bring to memory, go back if you know if you don't know I'm talking about go back and read it about joshua and the wall of jericho and and the praise, the praise that broke down the wall and tore down walls. So it doesn't just praise, doesn't just tear down physical walls, it also breaks down spiritual walls. That's how powerful the garment of praise is. Amen, all right, I also want to leave you with Psalm 103.

Speaker 1:

And this is a powerful one. Again, this is how powerful it is when you are praising God. You're uplifting him in the middle of a battle, in the middle of loss and disappointment. Psalm 103 says bless the Lord, o my soul and all that is within me. Bless his holy name. This is David crying out bless the Lord, o my soul.

Speaker 1:

And he is so caught up in blessing and praising God. He repeats back to God. The Lord works righteousness and justice for all who are oppressed. He made known all his ways to Moses, his acts of the people of Israel. He starts to play back. Again, this is both prayer and this is a three-peat. Thank you, holy Spirit. He said this is a three-peat together. This is him pleading, praying and praising Psalm 103. Thank you for that, lord. And he talks about as a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him. And it's so powerful. Psalm 103 is so powerful as a coping mechanism, as where you go. Thank you, lord, that even in verse 20, you see bless the Lord, o you angels, you mighty one who do his words, obeying the voice. This prayer is so powerful. David is so caught up in blessing and praising God in the middle of his loss and disappointment that he is now commanding the angels Y'all come along and bless the Lord with me. He's so caught up. He's so caught up, so I hope this blesses you Again.

Speaker 1:

The first question was what is your coping mechanism? And I shared my three Ps, which is please go back to the Lord, pray his word over your life and praise. And I'm also encouraging you to go into Psalm 103, and you can see how this plays out with David. Again, you don't have to. You know it's not what Shelly said. I'm telling you things that I experienced for myself and as I'm moving into this season.

Speaker 1:

Y'all, we are closing out this month of June and we have turned things around and we are stretching and we are soaring. We're asking God to help us make bigger impact, to help more people to get the word out to. You know, be the blessing and the breakthrough in our families. All those things you got to learn how to cope. You got to change your coping mechanism from what it used to be and align it back to what God says, all right, to what the Lord says. So, lord, we thank you for teaching us this morning about how to cope with loss and disappointment. We thank you for reminding us of what your powerful word says in Psalm 103. We thank you for the three Ps that you gave me, lord. God, I pray that it blesses the people under the sound of my voice, that they will be reminded to plead, go to you first, to pray and to praise. I thank you, lord, for this day. All right, I love y'all. God loves you more. Have a good saturday, bye.

Coping Mechanisms for Loss and Disappointment
Renewed Faith and Coping Strategies