Mrs. PIE

The Power of Words: Aligning Speech with God's Truth

June 20, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 37
The Power of Words: Aligning Speech with God's Truth
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
The Power of Words: Aligning Speech with God's Truth
Jun 20, 2024 Season 3 Episode 37
Shelley Jeffcoat

Have you ever wondered how your words could transform your life? Discover the incredible power of speech in our latest "Made for More" episode, where we spotlight the importance of using our mouths to align with God's truths. Reflecting on our journey so far, where we explored serving with our hands and walking in faith with our feet, we now turn our attention to how mindful communication can shape our reality. Proverbs 21:23 guides our conversation as we emphasize the need to have God's word in our hearts to speak life and blessings into existence, and the responsibility that comes with the words we choose to say.

We also take a deep dive into the importance of humility and respect in our interactions, especially for those in leadership and ministry roles. Elevating God above all else, we discuss how treating everyone equally and avoiding self-aggrandizement reinforces our commitment to living out God's promises. Join us for a powerful declaration that reinforces our identity and protection in Christ, and learn how prayer and daily affirmations rooted in scripture can guide us in using our tongues wisely. Spread these teachings, embrace accountability to Jesus, and remember to show kindness and respect to everyone you encounter.

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Have you ever wondered how your words could transform your life? Discover the incredible power of speech in our latest "Made for More" episode, where we spotlight the importance of using our mouths to align with God's truths. Reflecting on our journey so far, where we explored serving with our hands and walking in faith with our feet, we now turn our attention to how mindful communication can shape our reality. Proverbs 21:23 guides our conversation as we emphasize the need to have God's word in our hearts to speak life and blessings into existence, and the responsibility that comes with the words we choose to say.

We also take a deep dive into the importance of humility and respect in our interactions, especially for those in leadership and ministry roles. Elevating God above all else, we discuss how treating everyone equally and avoiding self-aggrandizement reinforces our commitment to living out God's promises. Join us for a powerful declaration that reinforces our identity and protection in Christ, and learn how prayer and daily affirmations rooted in scripture can guide us in using our tongues wisely. Spread these teachings, embrace accountability to Jesus, and remember to show kindness and respect to everyone you encounter.

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Speaker 1:

Thank you. So Thank you, thank you. Thank you. Good morning y'all, and welcome back. It is another Thursday. Come out of the wilderness prayer Y'all. I was just sitting here. I love that video.

Speaker 1:

So we're in the series called Made for More. This is our June series and today we're going to be talking about our mouth and that we want to empower our mouth and what we say, to really declare what God says about us, which sometimes is contradictory to what we say about ourselves. But as that video intro was playing on Made for More, this thought just came across my mind that a lot of us don't even believe that we were made for more. We're just benchwarmers. We're waiting to get into the game, not realizing that or not even accepting that you have a part to play in your life. Now, I don't want to be a benchwarmer in my life. I don't want to be an audience member in my life. I want to take full advantage of all the gifts and talents that God gave me so that I can make a difference. Good morning Tracy. So God can make a difference. He can use me to make a difference in somebody else's life. And so, as we're talking about May for more the month of June, according to scripture and kind of how we study as believers of Christ, is the month of June is really about, you know, coming into God's favor, pulling on that favor and his grace. We know that the number six represents man and just again, scripturally, right according to the word, we were taking a look at how God created us and made us from war. Now I say this, you know, I'm just going to do a quick recap on what we've done so far.

Speaker 1:

And the first week of June we talked about our hands being crafted to serve and heal and, you know, really taking advantage of the talents and gifts, we have to be productive and asking God to show us and lead us and guide us in what we should be doing, you know, with our hands Hands again is we use our hands to create things. We use our hands to, you know, to communicate. You know, again, spiritually speaking, y'all. The second week we talked about our feet so this is last week and talked about being destined to walk in greater faith and really walking in the path that God has for us and something else that we've been studying in our prayer. So we have Monday and Tuesday prayer and you guys are welcome to join that as well.

Speaker 1:

Something we've really been leaning into is being able to hear God speak to us, you know, having what we call a spiritual ear and opening our hearts so that we can hear clearly when he's speaking, so that you can follow what he's telling you to do, and not relying on, you know, intuition or a guess, or maybe you know you're not relying on you know, maybe some of y'all are chasing people to tell you what God said about you, so that you can walk in the path he has for you. So not relying on that, but really being, really having a life of prayer or worship and being in tune to what he's saying, and God is always speaking. So this week we're talking about empowering to declare life's truth through our mouth and what we say. So I thought that was really powerful, that, lord. I thank you for just what you showed me just as we started, that we don't want to be bench warmers. There are many people who are just sitting on the sidelines of their lives and watching things happen. And, lord, we want to change in this month. We want to turn things around. We want to have the rest of the year be something that is represented of what blessed people look like. We want to walk in your favor. We want to walk in your grace and your mercy in every area of our life, not just at home, in our family, but also in business, as we go to work and colleagues, as we interact with our community. We want to be a blessing to somebody else and, lord, we thank you that we are made for more. So we're going to go into scripture.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to drop this one in because this is a really short one, but this scripture is coming out of Proverbs. It's Proverbs 23, verse 23. So let me just grab that really quickly. And again, I hope everybody's having a good morning so far. But this is really important, y'all, because we know that as we speak, we create, as we know that as we speak, we destroy. If you just think about the things that you have said about yourself and some of y'all are saying about other people, some of y'all are saying things about your children, your colleagues, me included. I'm not saying that I'm not okay, but this is a reminder that we are made for much more, and even in the words that we say now.

Speaker 1:

Proverbs 21, verse 23. This is the ESV, a Shelley version. It says whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble. What does it mean to keep is really to have charge over what you say and being really mindful about what you say. We know again that what comes out of your mouth, it's seated in your heart, and so it's so important to have the word of God. This is why you have to know what God says about you, concerning you, and have that word in your heart, because when it's in your heart that bubbles up into your mind and it comes out of your mouth and becomes your actions. I always say that you know what's in your heart, you start to think about it, you consider these things, you start to speak about it, you create these things and then you actually start to walk in these things that you've spoken over yourself, and so something that we do very well and we do very often in this prayer ministry is we declare over ourselves the word of God, and I'm going to share that, if my screen allows me to. I'm going to share that declaration and give you an example of what you can say Amen, what you can say over yourselves that is based on what God says about you. So amen. Before we get there.

Speaker 1:

I wanted to share a little bit of tidbit and I got to share it. As he's showing me to say it, I'm going to say it. So some people are going to be mad. You're going to just be mad, okay. So I was in this conversation yesterday and I don't know why he's asking me to say this, but I think this is also around our mouth and declaring what God says about us and not being a benchwarmer.

Speaker 1:

But I was in this conversation yesterday with someone and we were talking about leadership. Someone had said someone else said that she was going to go have a conversation with leadership. I turned to another woman and said listen, this is where I have a problem. Leadership is a skill, not a title, and a lot of us have, because of our egos, have allowed people to elevate us above them. In the position where you are elevating people above you, right, you will never get to the point where you feel you can even receive what God says about you that you are made for more than you are. When you start putting people above you, when you have more respect for someone who has a bigger title than you and no respect for the people who are below them, you are missing the mark of you. You us being made for much more right. So I want to encourage you that you don't have that mindset.

Speaker 1:

Respect is one thing, but don't elevate and listen. I mean, I'm saying don't. Even you know we do this in church, where people elevate the first lady above everyone, even above the usher. I live a life where I respect every single person, regardless of title, regardless of money, regardless of station. I am the same person, whether I'm talking to a CEO or I'm talking to the security guard, because in myself, I am already built up in confidence in Christ, knowing that he has made me for more. Therefore, I don't have to submit myself below anyone else. And if you are allowing someone to do that, to elevate you and this is especially for people in ministry and in business If you're allowing individuals to elevate you above them, above everything else, because of ego, I'm telling you right now, those very same people that lift you up on that pedestal are going to start looking for the threads to pull so they can pull you down, because, as humans, we need an equalizer.

Speaker 1:

So how that happens is it starts to come through in their tongue, they start to say stuff and they can't keep their tongue or their mouth out of trouble, because they start to look for ways to pull you down, to make it equal, to make it equal. So this is just again. I don't know why, but I'm just going to be obedient. He gave me this counsel to someone yesterday and I couldn't get rid of it this morning. He's like speak it again yesterday and I couldn't get rid of it this morning. He's like speak it again Again.

Speaker 1:

Do not elevate people. You know who you elevate. You elevate God If you put Christ ahead of you in all things, in all things, in all things right, in all things. So if you're going to meet a CEO or you're going to meet a VP and you put more effort into that meeting than you do even meeting your peers and your colleagues, because they are below and they're not equal, you're going to meet a VP and you put more effort into that meeting than you do even meeting your peers and your colleagues, because they are below and they're not equal, you're already setting yourself up for failure. You will never walk into his promises for you because you do not believe you are made for more. And this is different from just basic respect. We respect each other, each other. Amen, amen, amen. Just remember y'all. We were all made for more. Some of us are walking in our calling confidently and when you start to believe what God says about you, there is zero people on the face of this earth that can come in between you and God. God Confident in Christ, right, amen. So now I want to share this declaration again. I release it. Lord, I've been obedient and whoever needs to hear it hear it. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Audrey says our accountability is to Jesus. We are going to be held accountable because a lot of times when we elevate ourselves above our own peers so we can look good in front of the suits, I'm just being honest, come on, now you end up speaking things against your own peers so you could look good in front of these other folks. Right, and listen. You know that that plays right into your mouth and what you're saying. Because, because now we have a tendency to try to make ourselves look good, so we start to say stuff to puff ourselves up so we can change the equalizer. So again, what you say is so important. You can curse your very self. God is trying to bless you and you cursing yourself, because he's trying to show you, teach you to have mercy among your peers, among your own family, and you miss the mark when you show more mercy to someone who you think has more power, because that's what you want in your heart. Remember I said everything comes from our heart. You're chasing that power and then you're missing the mark of mercy. The same mercy that we ask God for is the same mercy we're expected to show to each other. Right, and that comes through our mouths and what we say Thank you Lord, thank you Lord.

Speaker 1:

So, if I can, I want to share our declaration. This is something that we say as a group. We say this at every prayer, every prayer, monday and Tuesday. I say this all the time and again, I'm going to try to see if I can share this. This is going to be a little clunky, but I've got to share this with you. So hopefully you guys can.

Speaker 1:

You can see this, and this is a declaration. It says I declared this day that no weapon formed against me can prosper because I am. The righteousness of God. Favor surrounds me as a shield. Divine protection surrounds me as a shield. I am therefore in the right place at the right time. I cannot be defeated or destroyed. In fact, every tongue that accuses me, every tongue that attacks me, I condemn with my word. See, this is the power of your words. This is the power of your words, this is my heritage, this is my right as a child of God, made in his image, made with his dominion and authority living in me.

Speaker 1:

For those of you unbelievers, we're talking about the Holy Spirit coming forth out of my spirit. Through my words, I declare today that Satan has no power over my life, that every weapon he has has been defeated, that fear is cast out, that love makes my faith work and therefore, I cannot fail. God's word cannot fail and that's what I'm made of His word, made in his image, after his likeness, with the power of the Holy Spirit and authority of his word. Therefore, by the blood of Jesus, I dwell in the secret place of the most high. I abide under the shadow of the almighty. I say of the Lord you're my refuge and my fortress, my God and you I will trust. That's a declaration that we say all the time with prayer. Why do we say this? Because it's very important, when you open your mouth, when you speak things over your life, that it's in alignment with what God says about you, the declarations that we read out is not an affirmation where we say I am great, I am awesome, I'm going to do it. I'm out here killing None of that, because that's not Bible based Right, it's not things that are done in our strength.

Speaker 1:

When I start the day, I wake up just praying thank you, god, for opening my eyes and giving me breath, and then I start to ask him for divine help. Send me the help of heaven Every single meeting that I go into. Send me the help of heaven so that I can complete the task. And I ask bless me today. Bless every meeting to be productive, bless a turnaround. Like I start to pull on these things, I acknowledge him, lord, because you are the one. You're the one who woke me up. You're the one who gave me my job. You're the one who gave me my family. You know you're the one who's elevating me. It is all to your glory.

Speaker 1:

These are things that I'm saying before I put my foot on the floor and roll out of my bed Okay. And then I say put my foot on the floor and roll out of my bed, okay. And then I say, lord, you know I want to do what you have, uh, you have called me to do. I want to glorify you, I want to lift you up, you know. So, all of these things I'm saying and I'm, then I'm declaring everything that he says about me. I'm the head and not the tail. So, again, things that we say.

Speaker 1:

But these things are important because when we speak things out, it's not just a physical act, it is a spiritual act, because we activate things. Again, christians who don't understand that there's a spiritual and a natural world happening at the same time. So, yes, when I declare, when I speak these words out, it does something for my spirit, it builds me up, it changes my mindset, it puts me on the right path. I don't wake up feeling like, oh, this day. I wake up feeling like, oh, I can't wait to see what God's going to do this day. Right, that's what happens when you speak these things. And as you speak these things, as you start to say things like my child is blessed, my husband is blessed, this is going to be a great day. This is what the world uses as manifestation. The world's version of this is they call it manifestation, but this is the world version of it.

Speaker 1:

But as you start to speak, you start to create and you start to change the environment around you. So I can walk in any room with anyone at any time and not lose the confidence and know that I am made for more Right, because I have declared what God has said through my mouth. It's why for us, when we do live prayers, we ask people to speak. Open your mouth and pray. Release it through your mouth, because as you speak, you're forming things, you're shaping things. There's a reason why Jesus was a carpenter A carpenter builds and shapes right, and so, as you speak with your mouth, you're shaping things around you. That's how important it is to open your mouth. So I pray that this bless you today as you're going into whatever it is.

Speaker 1:

And it really doesn't matter who you meet. You know, I had someone say this to me yesterday, because I'm doing a part of this big meeting and this person said you should feel honored. You should feel honored to be asked. And in my spirit I said yeah, you don't know who my daddy is. I'm a daughter of the King. Literally fell out of my mouth I'm a daughter of the king.

Speaker 1:

When you walk in your calling, god will send you the appointments, he will send you the help, he will put you on the right path. You don't have to fight, you don't have to be jealous, you don't have to be envious. He will literally put you in places. I ask him, put me where you need me so that I can get your word out. Use my life I want to. Father. Glorify yourself. That's a prayer point. Father. Glorify yourself through me today so that every single meeting I go into, I am the blessing, I'll have the solution and the ideas. Use me today, lord God, to be the breakthrough in my family. Father, I ask that, even as I enter a room today, by my presence, that you're with me. Holy Spirit, still my heart, so that I can hear from you clear. I wanna hear your voice, lord God. I wanna hear the sound of the Lord in the noonday amen.

Speaker 1:

You start using those prayer points. You start showing up when you start again understanding that you're made for more than the temporary situation that you're in. You might be disappointed right now because you're not for more than the temporary situation that you're in. You might be disappointed right now because you're not where you thought you would be. But when you start to understand that you're made for more and you come off the bench and you receive what God has said this is for you, and you start doing the work, right? He's always going to start with us first. Right, he's always going to start with us first.

Speaker 1:

When you step into this life and it's not for everybody there's a reason. The word says many are called but few are chosen. And if you're one of those who've been set aside to carry his word forward, whether you're fivefold, you're evangelist, you're a teacher, pastor, whatever right Prophet whatever, whatever apostle, whatever you have been set apart to do, if you're a teacher, pastor, whatever right Prophet whatever, whatever apostle, whatever you have been set apart to do, if you're one of those folks, now I'm speaking to you. Even so, even now, it's so important that you watch what you say that you don't give prophecy out.

Speaker 1:

If it did not come with strict instructions for you to speak that thing out, sometimes God will give you a message that's not meant for the world, it's meant just for you. We ask God to show us his mysteries, right, we ask him, lord, show me your mysteries, and sometimes those mysteries is just for you, for you to know. So just be careful. What you're saying. Everything isn't to be said, because when you say, when you release with your mouth, you start creating things. You might mistakenly give someone instructions and it's not time for them. Yet the Lord just wanted you to know ah, this one here, shelly, she does blah, blah, blah, blah, and he didn't tell me to tell you.

Speaker 1:

So, just again, for those in ministry being very careful. For those in leadership, the same thing. You've got to be very careful what you say, because you're creating the environment that people work in and you might pop off one day because you're having a bad day, because, yes, we're all human and you destroy the very environment based on what you said. Got to be mindful of what you say. Amen, keep your mouth and your tongue and if you don't know what to say, don't say it. Don't say nothing. Pray about it.

Speaker 1:

So, lord, we thank you for reminding us today of your word concerning us. We thank you for reminding us of the power of the tongue and the power of our words. Lord, I ask that you will just forgive every single person under the sound of my voice, those of us who have stood in error and condemned anyone in our lives through gossip, through anything hate speech, anything that we have said out of even frustration, anything we said to our children, our partners, our colleagues, our friends, anything, lord God, that we have said on the job, in the store, anything that we have said that has become a curse. Lord God, forgive us for everything that we have said that was against what you told us to say. Father, we thank you that you are a forgiving Father. We thank you that there is no condemnation in Christ as long as we present our hearts to you in full, and so we thank you, lord, for receiving our prayers. I ask that you bless our mouth, lord, god, that you will seal our tongues, or even, in the times when we feel like we just got to say something, that we will have the urge first in our spirit, to check with you first before we say it, because we understand that we are creating with our mouth. And I thank you, lord, that you're teaching us to go back into Deuteronomy and speak the blessings over ourselves and our children, reminding us, lord, god, to go back to your word and receive. And for those who don't believe, they are made for anything more than being a benchwarmer. I pray that this is a season, as we move into the rest of this year, that they will wake up and see, based on what you say concerning their lives, that they will come to you and ask you, lord, to show them who they are so that they can walk fully in whatever you've created them to do and to be. Amen and what.

Speaker 1:

I even pray for those of you who really truly believe that elevating a man or woman above others because of title, that you'll be healed from that, because that is not Bible-based and that's something that a lot of Christians do on the job in the community. I pray that you will understand that the accountability is to Jesus period and that you will learn to just respect every single person, every single person, every single person you come in contact. You respect Again the words that you don't know. Listen, I know I've come in contact with angels. You don't know who you're coming in contact with. You don't know who the Lord is going to send for you to just smile, right, and not even a word, but just smiling. How that changes somebody else's day. How a kind word changes someone else's day. You don't know who he's sending. So if you keep looking to your senior leaders and you keep saying, oh, that's, and you still keep getting caught up in the bright lights because you want a glimpse of that power. I'm telling you, I'm telling you, I'm telling you, it will fail. It will fail, it will fail. Respect every single person you come in contact. Amen. Be careful what we say. Isn't that awesome? Thank you, lord, for this word today.

Speaker 1:

Y'all, for those who are going to be listening to our audio version later this week, you know, share it and you know, give this to somebody else. If you're in the YouTube streets, you know, please do us a solid and like the video. I know we have a lot more folks who are subscribing. You know I do come on. There's five teachings a week now, y'all. So there's plenty of plenty of content, but there's plenty of word from the Lord. I'm not just coming on just to hear myself speak, okay, so I pray that this is going to bless you. Be kind to each other, be kind to yourself as well. God bless you. I'll be back next week. Thank y'all.

Empowering Our Mouth for Success
Speaking God's Truth With Confidence
Guarding Your Words for Success