Mrs. PIE

Empowered by Scripture: Embracing New Beginnings

June 17, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 36
Empowered by Scripture: Embracing New Beginnings
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Empowered by Scripture: Embracing New Beginnings
Jun 17, 2024 Season 3 Episode 36
Shelley Jeffcoat

Have you ever considered how praise can be your most powerful weapon? Get ready to discover the transformative impact of praise and grace in your life as we explore God's sovereignty, faithfulness, and victory over the grave. Feel the uplift as we joyously celebrate through dance and exuberant noise, breaking down barriers and lifting our spirits. Transitioning into a heartfelt prayer, we acknowledge our deep need for God's unmerited favor, expressing gratitude for His guidance and mercy in every aspect of our lives.

Join us in expressing profound gratitude and seeking divine guidance through the empowering nature of God's living word. Scripture is highlighted as a crucial tool and weapon against life's challenges, from personal struggles to communal issues. We extend our prayers for blessings to encompass not just ourselves but our families, neighborhoods, and country, trusting in God's protection and provision. As we start this special Monday, we celebrate the opportunity to praise, pray, and embrace new beginnings with clear minds and hearts full of thanks.

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Have you ever considered how praise can be your most powerful weapon? Get ready to discover the transformative impact of praise and grace in your life as we explore God's sovereignty, faithfulness, and victory over the grave. Feel the uplift as we joyously celebrate through dance and exuberant noise, breaking down barriers and lifting our spirits. Transitioning into a heartfelt prayer, we acknowledge our deep need for God's unmerited favor, expressing gratitude for His guidance and mercy in every aspect of our lives.

Join us in expressing profound gratitude and seeking divine guidance through the empowering nature of God's living word. Scripture is highlighted as a crucial tool and weapon against life's challenges, from personal struggles to communal issues. We extend our prayers for blessings to encompass not just ourselves but our families, neighborhoods, and country, trusting in God's protection and provision. As we start this special Monday, we celebrate the opportunity to praise, pray, and embrace new beginnings with clear minds and hearts full of thanks.

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Speaker 1:

I'll praise you as I can. Oh, you're still in control, cause my praise is a weapon. It's more than a sound. Oh, my praise is the shout that brings Jericho down. As long as I'm breathing, I've got a reason to praise the Lord. Oh, my soul, I'm gonna praise the Lord. Oh my soul, I won't be quiet. My God is alive. So how could I keep it inside? I'm gonna praise the Lord with all my soul. Praise the Lord. Come on, let me see that dance. Put a dance on that tonight, if you're grateful. Come on, hey. Hey, dance on it tonight, if you're grateful.

Speaker 1:

Come on, I praise, cause you're sovereign. Praise cause you reign. Praise cause you rose and defeated the grave I praise. Cause you're faithful. Praise cause you're true Praise. Cause there's nobody greater than you I praise. Cause you're sovereign. Praise cause you reign. Praise cause you rose and defeated the grave I praise. Cause you're faithful. Praise cause you're true Praise. Cause there's nobody greater than you.

Speaker 1:

Praise the Lord. Oh, my soul, I'm gonna praise the Lord. Oh, my soul, praise the Lord. Oh my soul, I won't be quiet. My God is alive. How could I keep it inside? I won't be quiet. My God is alive. How could I keep it inside, I won't be quiet. My God is alive. How could I keep it inside? Praise the Lord, oh my soul, john, john, john, john, john, I got faith. I got faith. Let everything, let us pray, praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, let everything, let everything. Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on. Praise the Lord. Let everything, let everything, let everything, let everything, let everything, let everything, let everything, let everything, let everything, let everything, let everything, let everything. Praise the Lord. Let every land, let every state, let our rock, let our spirit. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. What Praise the Lord? Here we go.

Speaker 2:

I needed more grace, more than I thought I ever would you forgave, more than I thought you ever could. I was stronger in my head, but truth is I need your grace. I need your grace more than I thought I ever would you forgave, but truth is I need your grace. I need your grace. I need your grace.

Speaker 1:

I need your grace.

Speaker 2:

Couldn't make it without your grace, been lost without your grace. I need your grace, oh. I thank God for grace. I really need your grace, oh.

Speaker 1:

I need your grace, Grace, grace.

Speaker 2:

I need your grace more than I thought I ever would.

Speaker 3:

Amen. And on that note, we will start prayer. Y'all, it's Monday and we are back. Can everybody hear me? Okay, testing, testing. Can you hear me? Yes?

Speaker 3:

Yes, thank you, thank you, thank you. All right, let me just go ahead and get started. Thank you, lord, for just bringing us to another monday. Lord, you have been so good to us and it really is because of your grace. Nothing, nothing that we have done to deserve it, lord, god, is just purely because of how much you love us, and so we just thank you for where you are shifting and moving us, lord, moving us spiritually, physically, mentally, even in health.

Speaker 3:

Lord, that we're moving into this new place, as we are turning the corner and we're looking now forward to the rest of this year, the next moment, the next week and, lord, we rely and depend on your grace and your mercy to even make decisions, lord, to even know what to say, what not to say, where to go, where not to go. It is all you, lord, god. So, as we are coming before your holy throne this morning, we come before you knowing that we are nothing without you. That is only you, abba, that without you, who can help us? Who can help us but you? So we come before your throne this morning, lord, and we just thank you for your grace and your mercy and your goodness. We thank you that you are hearing our prayers and you are responding. You're answering back. We thank you for the promises of your word. We thank you that your word is still alive, it still has power, it's still relatable for us. We can still come back into scripture and find your guidance. We can still do this, lord God, because it is a real, living word, as you reminded me yesterday. This word is alive and every time we call out to you through your word, through your scripture, it shifts and changes things in heaven.

Speaker 3:

We thank you, lord, for this tool and this weapon that you have given us to fight against everything that is coming against us in this life, anything that is standing in the gap that is causing destruction in our lives, in our mindset, in our health, in our finance, on our jobs, everything that the enemy has set up as a weapon, as a locked door, anything, lord God, that was set up as a trap, any disease, anything, lord God, that this word and the utterance of this word and the release of your holy word, lord God, gives us access to keys from heaven, and I thank you, lord God, for those keys that you're releasing to us now, in this season, as we are moving into new territory, into expanded territory, that you will bless us, lord God. Bless us so that we can bless not just ourselves, but our families. Bless us, lord God. So not just blessing our families, but our neighborhoods. Bless us, lord God, not just our neighborhoods, but our communities. Bless us to bless our country, lord God. Use us, lord God, we want to go forth, lord God. We raise our hands, lord God, and we ask that you will set us apart in this time as we are shifting into new, that we're going to follow through with everything that you have established for us, everything that you have instructed us to do. Lord God, no matter what is happening, your word says a thousand may fall at our side, 10,000 at our right hand, but no harm will come near our tent. So with that, lord God, with your holy word, we move into this week, we move into this special Monday, lord God, and we thank you for what your word says about getting us ready to move into new. Amen. I didn't even get started, and that's the word Amen, amen, all things new, all things new, and I thank you, lord God. So let's just give thanks first, let's just give him a minute of thank you.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, lord, again, for just allowing us to see this Monday, for waking us up in our right mind. We thank you for this opportunity to praise and pray to you. We thank you for access to our right mind. We thank you for this opportunity to praise and pray to you. We thank you for access to your holy throne. We thank you for access to heaven. We thank you for the sacrifice of your son, jesus Christ, that saved our lives. We thank you for our savior. We thank you for the Lord of Lord, king of King, oh. We thank you, lord God, for your heavenly help, for angels that have been dispatched to help us. We thank you for your goodness and your grace and your mercy. We thank you for renewed strength and energy this morning so we can go forth and conquer this day. We thank you, lord God, for raising us up.

Speaker 3:

Lord God, we thank you for meeting us in your word and for giving us clear instructions. We thank you that you have already knocked down everything the enemy had set up against us in this day. We thank you that we can look back on this month of June and see that you have fully turned us around to walk in your path. We thank you for the smiles and the joy and the fullness of joy in our heart. We thank you for the healing. We thank you for the help that you have sent, even for those who have suffered loss. We thank you that joy still comes in the morning, that even in sorrow, we can still find love and joy and peace, lord God, even as we've lost loved ones.

Speaker 3:

Those among us who have lost loved ones, those, lord God, who are being called back to you, drawn back to you, those who have been lost spiritually, who are being called back to you. We thank you for every single person in this ministry back to you. We thank you for every single person in this ministry, lord God. We thank you for their favor. We thank you for the favor that you're doing in their lives, for turning things around for them in this season. They've tapped into a level of grace that can only come from you, lord, and I thank you, holy Spirit, that you have renewed my strength. I thank you, lord Jesus, that you have sharpened my ears, my eyes and my tongue. I thank you, lord God, for the word that will go forth for all of us this season as we move into new. Thank you, lord.

Speaker 3:

The word says give thanks to the Lord, for he is good and his love endures forever. We thank you for opening our eyes so that we can see your goodness even when we can't understand it. So that we can see your goodness even when we can't understand it. Amen, amen, all right, y'all. We're moving into confession, which is not just good for your soul, it's also good for your mind, but it reminds us, as we come before your altar, lord God, that we come with clean hands, clean hearts, clean minds. Father, we receive our confession unto you. We know we need to do this in order to enter into your throne. Thank you, lord God, for this confession that you will receive unto you. Almighty God, we acknowledge and confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word and deed. We have not loved you with all our heart, soul mind and strength.

Speaker 2:

We have not loved our neighbor as ourselves.

Speaker 3:

Deep within us are sorrow for the wrong we have done and the good we have left undone.

Speaker 2:

Lord, you are full of compassion and gracious.

Speaker 3:

You're slow to anger and plenteous in mercy. There's always forgiveness with you. Restore to us the joy of your salvation. Find out that which is broken. Give light to our minds, strengthen our wills and rest our soul.

Speaker 3:

Speak to each of us and let your word abide with us and for those who listen to the replay we utter these words out, because not only is heaven taking note of us speaking, we are speaking things into being Amen, the power of the tongue and the word, the confession of the tongue and the word but it's also being noted by the very enemies you're battling, that we are speaking things, that we are changing things with the tongue. And the enemy knows that if he has a secret of yours, that if he can convince you that your sin is too great for God to hear your prayer, you'll never come out of the prison that you're in the spiritual prison, the mental prison, the physical prison. So confessing with your mouth and your tongue breaks the chains that are in your life. That's why we confess with our tongue. In the same way that the Lord God created heaven and earth with his mouth and breath, it's the same way that we can create what we have here, we can bind up what's here, we can destroy things that's here, we can knock out the enemy's plant against us with the confession of our tongue. So I thank you, lord God. I thank you, lord God, for receiving our confession that there is no condemnation in Christ, that we confess to you purely from our hearts and we thank you for forgiving us, amen. There was a loud noise in my office just now that shooketh me All right. Now that shooketh me All right.

Speaker 3:

Scripture says Ephesians 4, 17 through 23 talks about the new life, and the word says now this I say and testify in the Lord that you must no longer walk as the Gentiles do in the futility of their minds. Going back to the minds. There's two things here Now, this I say and testify that comes from your mouth, that you must no longer walk that's your path in the futility of your mind. There's three they are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart, they have become callous and have given themselves up to sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity. But that is not the way you learned Christ. Oh, I thank you, lord, that you're going to remind us how we have come to know you, how we've come to know you, how you saved us. Some of us need to be reminded of the gutters you pulled us out of. Amen, we don't want to go back.

Speaker 3:

21, assuming, assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him, not just taught about him, but taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus, to put off all your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds. There's a spirit of your mind. Your mind has a spirit. So, lord, as we go into prayer this morning, as we're preparing for our new territory, as we're preparing for expansion, as we're preparing for a new season, as we're preparing for turnaround, we have shifted and we are moving forward. So, lord, we're going to thank you as we're going to raise up these three prayers, lord God, and we come before your throne this morning. We are coming according to your word. Therefore, it must be true. Therefore, you will bless us. Therefore, we are coming to you because we are seated in heavenly places and we stand in agreement with what your word says about us. And so, lord God, as we apply these scriptures into our own prayer lives, lord God, and that you will bless us and manifest these things to be true, as we are new creatures, lord God, as we are moving in a new direction and that there's a renewal, that you will strengthen us to carry out what you have started, amen.

Speaker 3:

1 Thessalonians 5.18 talks about soltas cutting these ties. It says give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ for you, and in all circumstances, in everything, in walking away from things that you thought you deserved. In everything, in every circumstances, even when things have come against you give thanks for that, because God has removed some things from you that you were never meant to have. So we're going to pray, we're going to ask God, we're going to give him thanks in every circumstances and list them out. Father, I give you thanks that you shut the door.

Speaker 3:

Father, I give you thanks in every circumstance. I give you thanks for everything it says, for this is the will of God in Christ for you, because we don't understand some of the things that he's causing to be cut out of our lives so we can move into the new season. So just pray over yourselves right now as I cover you in prayer, father, for every person, under the sound of my voice, I thank you that you have removed them from every circumstance that was never meant to be theirs. Everything that you have shut down, lord God, and removed so that it doesn't hamper their future. Anything that you have said no to any business deals, any activities, any events, any conversation, any circles, anything. We give thanks in every circumstance because we know that all things are working together for our good. That is what your word says concerning your children. So we give thanks in every circumstance, lord, even when it don't make sense, when it feels like abandonment, when it feels like you're lonely, when it feels like you've been targeted.

Speaker 3:

Father, we give thanks for every single circumstance because that is your will in Christ Jesus for us. So we give you thanks for cutting every single tie, lord, god. Everything that we were attached to that needs to be let go of so we can move into this new territory. We don't want to carry nothing from the past. We don't want to carry nothing from yesterday, lord, as we are moving into this new territory, spiritually and physically and mentally, even in our health, lord God, we give thanks in every circumstance. We thank you, lord, that doctors are finding out what's really going on with our bodies, so that you can heal us. We thank you for the help that you are sending from the healthcare workers, lord God. Doctors, nurses, everyone. We even give thanks. We give thanks for the ones that are kind to us. We even thank you for the ones who are snarky, because it gives us an opportunity to be a witness and show forgiveness, lord God. We thank you, lord God, for the people on our jobs. We thank you for the job. We thank you for the doors that you have closed, that we had no business opening. We thank you for closed doors, lord God, because we know that there's a better, bigger door for us. We give thanks in all of our circumstances. We give you thanks, lord God, for this holy day. We give you thanks, lord God, father. This is the will of God in Christ for you, that we give thanks in all circumstances. So I pray, lord, that you'll give us a heart full of praise, that we are thankful, that, no matter what it looks like, we still find the spirit of thank to thank you, lord God, to be thankful in everything and cut everything that doesn't belong to us, everything that we shouldn't touch or eat or see or hear. Cut every single tie, lord God, any person, any situation, any conversation. Lord God, we want to give you thanks for shutting doors down. We're going to give you thanks for locking things down, lord God, because we don't want anything to come between us and our new territory and our season. Amen, amen, amen.

Speaker 3:

Mark 15,. This is about when not to speak. And the chief priest accused him this is Jesus of many things. And Pilate again said to him have you no answer to make? See how many charges they bring against you. But Jesus made no further answer. So that Pilate was amazed. And this, my friend, is a lesson of when not to speak this season, because the devil is going to try to tempt you out of where you're going. He's going to question who do you think you are. He's going to question what's on your mind. You've been quiet lately. He's going to try to bring charges against you and separate you from what God has told you where you're going in this new season.

Speaker 3:

But the word says Jesus made no further answer. So we're going to have to learn not to speak this season as God is working things through in our lives. So, in the same way that the Lord has showed us that he has modeled the behavior that you don't have to say something every time someone asks a question about where you're going. This is what we're going to pray for, lord. Just give us the strength. In the same way. Lord.

Speaker 3:

God, in the same way in the word, says that Jesus was tempted, that he was asked. Have you no answer to make? In the same way that Jesus responded when he was being questioned about charges brought against him, lord, when he could have defended himself. But, father God, I pray over every person, lord God, that's in that season right now, lord, that might feel that they got to defend themselves, that they're feeling such offense from words that are being spoken against them, lord God, that this is the moment that you will show them when not to speak, so that you can go forth and go ahead of them. Let him go ahead of you and fight your battle. Father, I thank you for every person who is moving into a new season that they will not see destruction or harm, but whenever they have a person or a situation or a circumstance, whenever they have someone who's come against them, whenever that test comes, lord God, when they feel defensive, they've got to be defensive and speak. I ask, lord God, that you remind them, in their very spirit, to watch what Jesus did. Make no further answer. Let God go ahead.

Speaker 3:

For those of us who can't control our mouth, who feel like we've got to have a response and an argument all the time, because they are aggrieved, because they got to stand up. Let God stand up for you, amen. I thank you, lord, that you're fighting our battles this season, because where we're going, you're going to be tested, and I thank you, god. Those of us who are asking for bigger territories and more responsibilities on the job, lord God. Those of us who are even asking for new jobs and new opportunities, look. Those of us who have been given business ideas, lord God. Those who are going back to school, lord God, all of us, lord God.

Speaker 3:

I ask, lord God, that you will help us to get past this temptation, so that we don't speak when the enemy pricks us and we don't become defensive, that we allow you, god, we pull back, so that you can be the one to respond. Jesus made no further answer. Teach us how to be quiet when we need to and when not to speak. Give us the wisdom, lord God, of when not to speak and to. Let you go forth and work the situation so that we can see your goodness and your glory, not ours, lord God. Thank you, lord God, for reminding me, lord God, that it is you fighting the battles, not me. So, father, I pray for every person who is fighting a battle this morning, on their job or in their marriage, or in their health or in their finance, that it is you fighting these battles, not us. And I thank you, lord, god, that this is a moment that we're going to learn to be quiet and watch you work. Don't be defensive, don't be offended. Let God do the work. Thank you, lord, amen, Amen.

Speaker 3:

Romans 8, 28. We say this all the time and we're just going to receive this back to ourselves. It says, and we know that those who love God, all things work together for good For those who are called. It says according to his purpose. So we're going to pray this over again Lord, I want to be called according to your purpose, not mine. According to your will, not mine, because your word says comma all things work together for those who are called according to his purpose. It doesn't say everyone, but, father, I want to be in that small group, I want to be in that number of who's been called according to your purpose, so that all things are working together for my good. I pray that for every person under the sound of my voice, that, lord God, those of us who have been called according to your purpose and your will, that all things are working together for our good. And it says and we know. So, father, I ask that you even establish that in our hearts. Establish that in our minds, lord God, bring it back to memory, holy Spirit, that all things we love you and all things are working together for our good.

Speaker 3:

Amen For those who are called according to your purpose and for those who don't know the purpose and why we've been separated, for those who are still questioning why you put your hand upon us, why you have chosen us, but those who are still wrestling with that, lord God, I pray that you'll release, lord God, just peace, lord God, peace and the promise and remind them of the covenant. Lord God, it is you that chose us, not we choosing you. So, lord God, as you draw us closer, we need to be closer to you as we move into this new season, and I thank you, lord, that everything that we touch is blessed. I thank you that we are blessed in every area, every place that we go in this season. I thank you that you will give us the spiritual eyes to see even all things working together for our good. That you will open the mysteries, lord God, so we can see it, lord God, so that our spirits will be renewed, lord God, so we can see it. Lord God, so that our spirits will be renewed, lord God, so that people don't lose hope or fall into doubt in this new territory, this new season, that they will see, lord God, that they'll even see the connections through people. They see the connections through words. They will see it. They will see it. I thank you, lord, that they will see it this season, that all things are working together for our good Amen. Just take a few minutes and just pray, ask for what you want. Whatever you ask in prayer, the word says you will receive if you have faith, if you believe. So just release your prayer, Ask God for what you want as we move into this new season. And, lord, as they are praying for their own households and their own selves, lord God, I ask that you'll receive these prayer back to you. I thank you, lord God, that you have opened heaven so that we can approach your holy throne with these petitions and supplications. Lord God, whatever they ask for, whatever is on their hearts, lord, their heart's desire, Lord, I know that you love us so much that if our heart's desire causes us to go against your purpose for our lives, or if our heart's desire causes harm in any way to our family, causes harm to anyone, that you'll even remove that desire. But, lord God, I ask that you will bless, lord God, bless what they have asked for. I ask that you touch their lives, Lord God, and whatever they stand in need of. You know what's on their hearts and you know what they're asking for. So I pray that every single prayer that is released from their mouth, Lord God, that you will bless and bring them what they need manna in the day. Thank you, lord God. Thank you, lord God. Thank you, lord God. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord.

Speaker 3:

Jeremiah 33. I'm going to read this out Jeremiah 33, jeremiah 33, jeremiah 33. This is verses 1 through 9. The word of the Lord came to Father. I ask that you give open their eyes so they can see revelation and how they can apply this word to this prayer right here. Thank you for showing me this, lord. Thank you, lord.

Speaker 3:

The word of the Lord came to Jeremiah a second time, while he was still shut up in the court of the guard. Thus says the Lord who bathed the earth, the Lord who formed it to establish it. The Lord is his name. Call to me and I will answer you and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. For. Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, concerning the houses of this city and the houses of the kings of Judah that were torn down to make defense against the siege mounds and against the sword they're coming in to fight against the Chaldeans and to fill them with the dead bodies of men whom I shall strike down in my anger and my wrath, for I've hidden my face from the city because of their evil.

Speaker 3:

Father, I thank you that you have opened your eyes now, because we have done evil in your sight, that we have been unclean and we have been unrighteous, and so, therefore, I ask for God that, as we are recognizing that we have done, we have caused destruction to come into our lives based on the things that we have said and places we have gone, even some of the people that we've tapped into. Lord God, I thank you that you have opened an opportunity for us to come before your holy throne. Your word says behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security. Father, I thank you that you are healing and revealing to us the abundance of prosperity and security. Your word says I will restore the fortunes of Judah and the fortunes of Israel and rebuild them as they were at first. Father, I thank you that you're restoring the fortunes of every family represented, that you are rebuilding them as they were at first and everything that the enemy has stolen it will be restored this season. Thank you, lord.

Speaker 3:

Verse eight says I will cleanse them from all of the guilt of their sin against me. I will forgive all the guilt of their sin and rebellion. Father, I thank you that you're cleansing us from the guilt that we carry, from any sin that we have committed against you, and, Father, I thank you that you have forgiven us. You've forgiven us all of the guilt of the sin and rebellion against us. Therefore, everything that the enemy has told you is a lie, that you are free in Christ, that there is no condemnation in Christ, that everything that you have done in secret places that you have been worried about and afraid of, that the Lord God has forgiven you and it's time to move on. You cannot carry guilt and rebellion into your new season. Thank you, lord. Everything.

Speaker 3:

Verse 9 says and this city shall be to me a name of joy, a praise and a glory before all the nations of the earth who shall hear of all the good that I do for them. I thank you that the cities represented here are families. Even so, I thank you, lord God, that you are blessing every family. Every family represented should be a name of joy, a praise and a glory that we should be before all nations of the earth, that we should be witnesses of the good that you have done for us. The word says they shall fear and tremble because of all the good and all the prosperity I provide for that. So I thank you, lord, that those who have sought to knock down every family represented every single incantation, every bit of ego, every jealousy, every lie, every attack that had come across every family represented, lord God, that those who have launched these attacks, lord God, every single demonic attack that was launched, lord God, every single thing, lord God, that those who have launched these attacks shall be in fear and tremble because they will see the good and all the prosperity that you provide for us. I thank you, lord God, for bringing this word this morning. I thank you, lord God, for reminding us that you're in the business of healing, that you're in the business of restoring and rebuilding us, lord God, that you've cleansed us, lord God, that we shall be a name of joy. Let me say that, even in our names, our names represent joy and praise, and we'll be a glory of God, his children. Amen, amen, amen, amen. Thank you, lord.

Speaker 3:

All right, let's go into declaration. I declare this day that no weapon formed against me can prosper, because I am the righteousness of God. Favor surrounds me as a shield. Divine protection surrounds me as a shield. I am therefore in the right place at the right time. I cannot be defeated or destroyed. In fact, every tongue that accuses me, every tongue that attacks me, I condemn with my words. This is my heritage and this is my right as a child of God. I'm made in his image, made with his dominion and authority living in me, coming forth out of my spirit.

Speaker 3:

Through my words, I declare today that Satan has no power over my life, that every weapon he has has been defeated, that fear is cast out, that love makes my faith work and therefore I cannot fail. God's word cannot fail and that's what I'm made of His word, made in his image, after his likeness, with the power of the Holy Spirit and the authority of his word. Therefore, by the blood of Jesus, I dwell in the secret place of the Most High. I abide under the shadow of his word. Therefore, by the blood of Jesus, I dwell in the secret place of the most high. I abide under the shadow of the almighty. I say of the Lord you are my refuge and my fortress, my God and you I will trust.

Speaker 3:

Father, I thank you for your words and what you have declared these words to be true in our lives that as we move into these new seasons, the new territory as we are being right-sided, lord God, as we are being replanted, lord God, as we are being established, lord God, especially those who are seeking to be re-established in their calling, lord God, that, lord God, that we will not forget. We will not forget what your word says Every tongue that accuses and every tongue that attacks us this season will be condemned. Thank you, lord God. This is our heritage and our right as a child of God. I thank you that we have been made in your image. Holy Spirit, I pray that you will quiet our minds so that we can hear you clearly this season.

Speaker 3:

Father, I thank you that you are our refuge and our fortress. You're the one fighting the battles for us. Let this be a fighting season. Release your heavenly angels to fight for us, to war for us, to protect us, to protect our family, lord God, to protect our children, our spouses, our partners, lord God, let this be a season, lord God, that everything is right-sided, everything has moved, everything is shifted. Lift us out of the areas that we're in, that we don't have any business being, and move us.

Speaker 3:

Lord God, we want the best this season. We want the best this year. We want to continue to soar this year. So, lord God, as your word says, lord God, as your word says, lord God, favor surrounds us as a shield. Father, let there be divine protection for us today as we travel.

Speaker 3:

Lord God, no matter where we go or anyone connected to us, no matter where we go or anyone connected to us, no matter where we go, that we are going under divine protection, that you are sending angelic help to help us. We can't do this without the help of heaven. So I thank you that you will release Holy Spirit, that you will give the orders, that you will give the words to activate the angels around us so that they will go and fight for us, the ones that heal, the one that bring news, the one that brings prosperity, the one that knock walls down, the ones that show us, the ones that spares our lives, the ones that heal us, the ones that fight for us, the ones that fight for us. I thank you, lord God, that you're releasing them for us this morning, for every person listening live and the replay. That they will even come to know who they've been assigned to, lord God, that you will show them, give them a glimpse, so that they know that heaven is on their side. For those who ever doubted, lord God, that is this thing real. That you will send a confirmation, lord God, that they will come to know, not to worship the holy ones that you've assigned us to, but to just give them a glimpse of heaven, so that they know they're not alone, so that they can be reinforced this season, as you enter into new territory.

Speaker 3:

You're going to need more help. Oh, lord, god of hosts. They are yours, these are yours. These holy ones are part of your army. But your word says in Psalm 91, lord God, that there were angels assigned to us, and so, father, we ask that you release them now. To go along with what you have for us. We have been called according to your purpose, and in order for us to complete this purpose, we need the help of heaven. We need the angels that bring ideas and innovation. We need the angels that open doors and interviews. We need the angels that bring sources and help. We need the angels that open doors and interviews. We need the angels that bring sources and help. We need the ones that bring manna. We even need the ones that bring prosperity, not just so we can bless ourselves, but so we can bless many. We can bless thousands. We need the ones who have been assigned to us to be activated, to go out and do so now.

Speaker 3:

I ask your word says surely goodness and mercy, the angels of goodness, the angels of mercy. Would you release them now to not just surely goodness and mercy follow me, but, lord God, would you make it so that goodness and mercy are before us, behind us, beside us? But, father God, would you cover us now with your holy will? Would you pour out your will into our mind so that we understand clearly and we have wisdom about where you want us to go this season, who you want us to talk to? Would you send the divine help, lord God, those who have been assigned to help us. We are receiving that. Now we ask that you open the doors of heaven and pour out your blessings upon us.

Speaker 3:

Lord God, we receive everything that heaven has for us. Everything that you have said about us is true. We stand in agreement with the blood of Jesus Christ. We are therefore no longer condemned. There is no curse. That has been lifted, because we are blessed people. So, lord God, I ask that you will even bite our tongue, bind our tongues, lord God, so we don't curse the people who've been put in our lives to test us. Lord God, give us that spirit of peace, lord God, so we do not become defensive, but give us eyes to see when you are working, what is your will, when you are moving the chess pieces. Lord God, give us a glimpse of your strategy for our lives.

Speaker 3:

I thank you, lord, with my whole heart for what you're doing for us this season, because you didn't have to, but it's because you love us. It's because you love us, abba, that you want us to be turned around, because brokenness isn't from you and death and debt isn't from you. You want us to be whole and you want us to experience the fullness of joy in you. So, father, as those who are looking around to see how others are doing and wondering what is happening to my life, lord God, I ask that, even those, that you will turn them right side up so they will walk in the blessings that you have for them. I thank you, lord God, that you are opening the doors of heaven now, that you are breaking off the chains that have held us back last season, that we are moving forward. I thank you, lord God, for everything that you're going to do and you're going to show up for them.

Speaker 3:

Lord God, it is your will that we are blessed. We are the apple of your eye. That is what your word says. So, now, as we are a blessed people, that you will release these blessings. That comes through people, that comes through opportunity, that comes through different meetings, even in the meetings for those who who are being left out. Even that is a blessing. We thank you for removing us out of things that we you don't want us to be involved in, because you have bigger and greater things. So, father, I pray that we will cast our eye on the bigger and greater things that you have for us and for those who don't know what that is, that you will give them the visions and the encounters and the confirmation, lord, lord God, so they can see, get a glimpse of where they're going, so that they do not lose hope. I thank you, lord God, that you're giving dreams and visions and confirmations. Lord God, I thank you for the healing and the peace that will come across every single person under the sound of my voice as they continue to be blessed this season. We ask for acceleration, lord God. We ask that things come quickly. This is your timeline. So, lord, I ask that you will even accelerate the blessings, lord God, for every person under my voice, lord God, so things will happen quickly, lest they lose hope. Abba, I thank you for this day. I thank you, Lord God, for your blessing.

Speaker 3:

Everything that has breath praise the Lord. We're just going to praise you for a minute. We praise you, lord. We praise your magnificent and holy name. We praise your wonderful name. We praise you, our magnificent God, oh, creator of all. We praise you. Oh, lord, god of hosts. We praise you, mighty Yahweh, we praise you, lord, god almighty, we praise, we sing praises to your name. We praise you for your wonderfulness. We praise you because you are God above all. We belong to you, lord Jesus. We praise you. We praise you, we praise and honor you. We honor you this morning, we honor you with this day, we honor you with our lives, and we sing praises Everything that has breath. We praise you, lord, god, I ask that for the rest of this day, and even the rest of this month, that we'll bring back to memory a song of praise, a song that has been planted in our hearts and minds.

Speaker 3:

Oh God, that every time we feel down, this song of praise will come into our hearts. You know the song of praise that was assigned to every one of us when we were going through our valleys. Some of us have been given these songs. Oh God, would you bring it back now to their memories so they can sing a song of praise when they are happy and when they're down? I thank you that the enemies run away from these songs of praise. Our hearts will be filled with joy. I thank you, lord God, for these songs of praise that you're going to bring back to our memory. Lord God, amen, amen. All right, we're going into benediction Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us. To him be glory, in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen, amen. All right, I'm going to stop sharing. I'm going to stop recording.

Praise and Gratitude Prayer Session
Empowered by the Living Word