Mrs. PIE

From Mama Bear to Prayer Warrior

June 08, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 34
From Mama Bear to Prayer Warrior
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
From Mama Bear to Prayer Warrior
Jun 08, 2024 Season 3 Episode 34
Shelley Jeffcoat

What if the key to finding peace in troubled times is hidden in an ancient text? In today's episode, we uncover the profound truths of Psalm 77 and explore how David’s words can guide us through our darkest moments. We’ll also reflect on the significance of June as a month brimming with supernatural favor and grace, declaring it a season of remarkable turnaround and renewal. Through personal declarations and insights, we aim to inspire you to connect more deeply with God, meditate on His promises, and be mindful of your words during challenging times. 

We also come together for a heartfelt morning prayer, seeking blessings, revival, and strength for everyone, especially parents and mothers preparing their children for camp and dealing with issues like bullying. Join us as we call for these mothers to rise as prayer warriors, interceding for their children and inviting divine intervention in their battles. As we close, we remind ourselves of God's unchanging support and enduring love, offering encouragement and hope for the day ahead. Tune in to be uplifted and empowered in your spiritual journey.

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What if the key to finding peace in troubled times is hidden in an ancient text? In today's episode, we uncover the profound truths of Psalm 77 and explore how David’s words can guide us through our darkest moments. We’ll also reflect on the significance of June as a month brimming with supernatural favor and grace, declaring it a season of remarkable turnaround and renewal. Through personal declarations and insights, we aim to inspire you to connect more deeply with God, meditate on His promises, and be mindful of your words during challenging times. 

We also come together for a heartfelt morning prayer, seeking blessings, revival, and strength for everyone, especially parents and mothers preparing their children for camp and dealing with issues like bullying. Join us as we call for these mothers to rise as prayer warriors, interceding for their children and inviting divine intervention in their battles. As we close, we remind ourselves of God's unchanging support and enduring love, offering encouragement and hope for the day ahead. Tune in to be uplifted and empowered in your spiritual journey.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, good morning, happy Saturday, y'all All right. So today we're coming out of Psalm 77, and this is just a wonderful reminder of what we do in the Day of Trouble. So we're in the month of June and remember, we're declaring this our turnaround month. So if you've got, if you're at the time in your life where you want to turn things around so that we can close out this year and soar together all of the promises of God you know what the Lord gave you at the beginning of the year If you haven't been on track, we're going to turn this thing around in June. We're halfway through the year and we still have an opportunity to turn things around.

Speaker 1:

We're also in a month of favor. You know what? Can I just say something? Six spiritually means favor. You can look it up, luke. And in Luke, where the angel Gabriel came to Mary in the sixth month and declared her favorite one blah, blah. Right, you can, you can look that up on your own.

Speaker 1:

But really, for me, I'm declaring every single day is a day of high supernatural favor, uncommon favor and uncommon grace. And I'm speaking that over my life. I speak that over my girl's life, I speak that over my spouse's life, my partner's life. I speak that over every single person that's in our prayer ministry we have uncommon favor and uncommon grace and that my friend is so much more powerful and true about God. He is always, always looking out for us. All right, so I just want to just do that. I just my own, maybe my own declaration. Favor surrounds me as a shield. That's what the word says. You can look that up. Isaiah 54, 17.

Speaker 1:

All right, so I'm in Psalm 777. Lord, I just thank you for even bringing us to this moment in this day, and maybe someone just caught a word for themselves and that you're going to teach us now. And Lord, please lead, guide and show me, give me the words to speak so that your words go out. So Psalm 77 in the caption in my Bible says in the day of trouble I seek the Lord. Oh, man, listen, I'm going to step on some toes when we come to the end of this, but I'm just going to do it anyway. Okay, but in the day of the Lord I seek the Lord. And this was coming to me this morning because I was running through my mind what I do, not that I'm in trouble, but in the day of trouble, when trouble comes. Trouble comes in different forms, y'all, and it comes from people, people in. But what do I do when I'm in the day of trouble? In verse two, I'm going to do verse two, verse two through nine, and it says in the day of my trouble, I seek the Lord. It tells you what to do. Right, this is David. So David is giving you his instruction. This is what you're supposed to do.

Speaker 1:

In the day of my trouble, I seek the lord. In the night, my hand is stretched out without wear, wearing. My soul refuses to be comforted. When I remember god, I moan isn't that peculiar. Now, when you're in scripture, I want you to get into the habit of asking the holy spirit to explain what some things mean. Why would he moan when he remembers God? I moan when I meditate, my spirit faints, right, this to me is it's almost like a, it's not. I guess it could be depression, right, that's the way it comes to me. But when I remember God I moan, oh, you know, when I meditate my spirit faints, you hold my eyelids open. I am so troubled that I cannot speak. Have you ever had those? When you literally go before the Lord, you're just like I don't even know what to ask for Lord. You see what's going on. Okay, I consider the days of old, the years long ago. I said now this is him speaking. Let me remember my song.

Speaker 1:

In the night, some of y'all, the Lord gave you a song in your heart. A song could just be a word of encouragement. A song might be a song in your heart. And he says let me meditate in my heart. So he's meditating in his heart. Then my spirit made a diligent search. So this is again where for you, if you've been a church member for a long time and you still don't understand that we are, we live a spiritual life. We are spirits in a body with a mind that has will and emotions and thoughts, right, so it says.

Speaker 1:

Then my spirit made a diligent search. So he was fainting in his soul, right, fainting in his soul. But his spirit made a diligent search and it says will the Lord spurn forever and never again be favorable? Has his steadfast love forever ceased? Are his promises at an end for all time? Has God forgotten to be gracious? Has he, in anger, shut up his compassion? I just listen. The Lord is good. I, literally I just open with again. You know, going through the problems and you really start saying, lord like, is this it like? Is your favor? Is it over? You know? Did you forget me? Are your promises at the end? Did you forget to be gracious in your anger? Have you shut up your compassion towards me and my family? Have you forgotten me? Lord right, this is what his spirit is, is checking it. His spirit is literally searching, through his checking, his spirit, doing a check, checking with the Holy Spirit. I love this.

Speaker 1:

Now verse 10 says then I said now I want you also to be very mindful of what is happening here, because then I said means he opened his mouth and spoke. So this is why I also urge y'all, you know, to be very careful of what you say. When you say things, you create things with your mouth and a lot of y'all still won't learn the lesson that you need to be more quiet than you are. You're saying you're literally, when you speak, you're cursing your ear. Come on, you're cursing right, so okay.

Speaker 1:

So verse verse 10 says then I said I will appeal to this to the years of the right hand of the most high. Now this is his spirit, right, his spirit checked, and now his mouth is working right. And he's saying. He said I will appeal to this, to the years of the right hands of the most high. I will remember the deeds of the Lord. Yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work and meditate on your mighty deeds your way. Oh, god is holy. What God is great, like our God.

Speaker 1:

So he went from checking his spirit, he went from. He went from, you know, being in the moaning and meditating, and his spirit was fainting. He said you hold my eyelids open. That's the work of the Lord. Doing that it was. It was God giving him the strength.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and then he, he checked himself, remembering the days of old, and he started to think his mind, let me remember right, remember his mind, right. So here's his spirit and his mind, let me remember. And then, as he started saying, my spirit made a diligent search. So some of you, in the days of trouble, you got to have your spirit, do a diligent search. You start remembering. The Holy Spirit will bring back to memory some of the things that he has already done when you're falling into this pit of trouble. And it says I will remember the deeds of the Lord and I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work right. So it means so now he is directing his mind, he's directing his spirit, went out and did the search right. He's remembered, he's remembered, he's remembered.

Speaker 1:

And now, where it says in verse 14, this is what he remembers, he seals this with this, actually, in verse 13,. He seals it with, actually in verse 13 he says he seals it with your way. Oh, god is holy. What god is great like our god. You are the god who works wonders. You have made known your might among the peoples. You, with your arm, redeemed your people, the children of jacob and joseph.

Speaker 1:

So as he, uh, checked himself his spirit, did a self-check, a self-examination, he started to remember the deeds. He started to remember and ponder and meditate on the mighty deeds of God, the things that God has done for you. So when you're sitting in this day of trouble and you seek the Lord, what you do is in your spirit, you start reaching out to him and asking to bring back to him. Some of us just need to remember how good God is. It's not that you've lost favor, it's not that God has forgotten you, it's not that the promises are over, but you need to remember in your mind, and so he was appealing. He says I will appeal to this, to the years of the Lord, and there are some things that he's convinced himself he will do. He will remember the days of the Lord and there are some things that he's convinced himself he will do. He will remember the deeds of the Lord, he will remember the wonders of old, he will ponder and meditate. I mean, that's he's thinking on it.

Speaker 1:

Meditating happens in our heart. So when we place those words, when we bring back to memory how good God is, he says your way is holy, what God is great like our God. When you start to meditate and really ponder upon, when you sink your teeth into those and you don't let that go, your perspective changes as well, because now you're not so focused on your day of trouble, you're focused on God. So a lot of times for us, when we're in the day of trouble and it says I seek the Lord, it's not just seeking the Lord to see what his answer is, how you get out of this problem that you're in, it's going back to who he is, and then God will work some things out.

Speaker 1:

Now here's the point I was saying. I'm going to make some people mad, because I'm coming down to my 10 minute and I'm going to say it right quick, because I hear women say this thing all the time. I'm a mother and I hear mothers say this all the time and I'm just gonna say this out loud okay, this ain't no spirit of the Lord says I'm just. This is Shelly saying it, so you can take it as you want, but I just it's on my heart, so I've got to be on, I got to be obedient and say it. And for those of you who, uh, I, I do listen, I, me too, me too, me too. Okay, I would call myself. Actually I don't do this, I don't do this anymore, but I just wanted to correct it.

Speaker 1:

For women who say, well, I'm a mama bear, I'm going to tell you something about this mama bear thing. Christian women that are calling themselves I'm a mama bear, you're relying on your strength, not God's strength. I am more, you should be more afraid of me, not because I'm a mama bear, but be afraid of me because I'm a prayer warrior. Be afraid of me because I'm a prayer warrior. Be afraid of me because I'm an intercessor, because you come for our children. The Lord is going to meet you in the spirit. He's going to fight this battle for me.

Speaker 1:

Mama bears, you have to fight this battle for yourself, but I dare you, christian women, stop calling yourselves mama bears. You're not a mama bear. Be a prayer warrior and watch God work. God will fight for you and your children In the day of trouble. When you seek the Lord, you appeal to him, you think about his work, you meditate about his mighty deeds, but you've got to let him fight the battles.

Speaker 1:

When you're a mama bear, it means that you're the one standing fussing and cussing. I don't have to do that. All I've got to do is speak the word, release it. God will fight that battle for me. So, christian women, let's not be mama bear. We're in June. We're turning things around, okay, before our kids get ready for school. Believe it or not, that's where we are right now, before we get our kids ready for school. We're not mama bears, we're prayer warriors. Because we've got to pray for these kids going back to school, right? We've got to pray for these kids going into camp, right. So let's not do that anymore. We are no longer mama bears, we are prayer warriors. We will fight you in the spirit. Y'all, I love y'all, amen. I y'all, I love y'all, amen.

Speaker 1:

I know I'm telling the truth right, because as a mama bear, you get exhausted and you get caught up in the day of trouble. You'll be the one in trouble seeking the lord all the time, because you can't fight all these battles that you see, all the things that are coming at our children. We can't fight these battles. It's not meant for us to fight. My children are protected by the blood of Jesus Christ. They are blessed and highly favored. No weapon formed against them will ever prosper.

Speaker 1:

That's what the word says about them. So I don't have to worry about what you say. They are the apple of Abba's eye. I'm about to go into tongues. They have been delivered from enemies. Warrior angels fight for them. How I know this? It's in the word.

Speaker 1:

So if that is part of where you are right now, where you're in the day of trouble, and it's concerning your children, mama bear, no more mama bear. We're prayer warriors. We fight these battles in this book. You gotta let God go ahead and fight, fight. And if your children are anointed, if you believe your children are anointed and blessed and all those things, then there is zero anything that the enemy will do, to come for them. You, though, you can destroy their path, but you do this. You do this, fighting on your knees. Don't be a mama bear. Be a a prayer warrior, and God will come through for you.

Speaker 1:

So, lord, I thank you. I thank you for this morning. I pray that somebody is blessed by this word, lord, and we thank you, lord, as we are seeking you out, lord, in this month of June. Pray that there's a mighty turnaround in all of our lives, lord God, that we'll learn to seek you First. We're coming to you on our knees.

Speaker 1:

Whether we're broken in spirit, lord God, maybe we just need to be revived, lord God, or reminded. Bring back to our memory all of the blessings, bring back to our memory all of the good things. We need. That, lord, for those whose spirits are faint and tired, lord God, I ask that you'll just even revive them. This morning, lord God, and I thank you that you have never changed. I thank you that you're the one fighting our battles and not us. I thank you, lord God, for all of the amazing moms who are preparing, getting their children ready for camp, and they're really worried about bullying and fighting and all of these things that are happening, all of these attacks, even from adults. Lord, but Lord, I ask that you will speak to the heart of these former mama bears and bless them to become prayer warriors so they can stand in the gap and be intercessors for their children and let heaven fight. Amen. Thank you, lord. All right, y'all have a good rest of your day. God loves you. All right bye.

Seeking God in Troubled Times
Morning Prayer and Blessings