Mrs. PIE

Aligning with Divine Favor: Embracing Your True Potential and Purpose

June 06, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 33
Aligning with Divine Favor: Embracing Your True Potential and Purpose
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Aligning with Divine Favor: Embracing Your True Potential and Purpose
Jun 06, 2024 Season 3 Episode 33
Shelley Jeffcoat

Could embracing your divine purpose change the trajectory of your life? In this inspiring episode titled "Made for More," we unpack the biblical significance of the number six, a symbol of favor and human creation. We begin with a prayer of gratitude, setting a reflective tone as we journey through scriptures from Luke and Genesis. We'll share practical insights on recognizing your inherent value, emphasizing that you're destined for greater things. By examining Proverbs 31:18-20, we highlight the importance of perceiving your work as profitable and cultivating the right mindset to create and serve with your hands. This episode is all about aligning yourself with divine favor and understanding your true potential.

In the chapter "Use Your Hands for Success," we discuss the profound symbolism of hands in the Bible, focusing on creativity, organization, and service. Learn why effective project and relationship management is crucial to preventing chaos and ensuring stability. We'll reflect on Psalm 31, revealing the importance of opening your hands to the poor and adopting a proactive approach to help those in need. We encourage you to see this period as a pivotal turnaround, using the remainder of the year to fulfill your God-given potential and recognize His favor in your life. Join us for an uplifting conversation designed to inspire and empower you to embrace your divine purpose.

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Could embracing your divine purpose change the trajectory of your life? In this inspiring episode titled "Made for More," we unpack the biblical significance of the number six, a symbol of favor and human creation. We begin with a prayer of gratitude, setting a reflective tone as we journey through scriptures from Luke and Genesis. We'll share practical insights on recognizing your inherent value, emphasizing that you're destined for greater things. By examining Proverbs 31:18-20, we highlight the importance of perceiving your work as profitable and cultivating the right mindset to create and serve with your hands. This episode is all about aligning yourself with divine favor and understanding your true potential.

In the chapter "Use Your Hands for Success," we discuss the profound symbolism of hands in the Bible, focusing on creativity, organization, and service. Learn why effective project and relationship management is crucial to preventing chaos and ensuring stability. We'll reflect on Psalm 31, revealing the importance of opening your hands to the poor and adopting a proactive approach to help those in need. We encourage you to see this period as a pivotal turnaround, using the remainder of the year to fulfill your God-given potential and recognize His favor in your life. Join us for an uplifting conversation designed to inspire and empower you to embrace your divine purpose.

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Speaker 1:

no-transcript. Good morning. Good morning, faithful Tracy, y'all. This is so me. I'm really excited about the series for June. I'm titling it Made for More.

Speaker 1:

And so, before we even go in front of the Father, we thank you for this most blessed Thursday. We thank you for allowing us to see another day. Thank you for everyone who is watching us live, those who are watching on the replay. We thank you for those who are listening on the audio versions. We thank you for your word, just going out and asking, lord, that this is a season of turnaround. I thank you that you have blessed us with these many platforms and I just pray for every single person under the sound of my voice, that what they stand in need of they will receive through your word. It's all about you and giving glory to you, lord. So we thank you for everything that you are doing, amen.

Speaker 1:

So here we are in the month of June and I've been talking about June being turnaround. So June, spiritually, biblically, the number six stands for favor and you can find that in Luke. I can't like my brain just went blank, but in Luke, in the sixth month is when the angel Gabriel came to Mary and declared her a favored one. So in the spiritual world, in the Christian world I don't even know if most Christians know this, but that's where the number six came from it was aligned to the sixth month and the declaration that was made of favor, and so we kind of lean into favor as what we call on, what we ask God for, and we kind of own it, receive it and live on that thing. Okay, so, favor being six, but also in the word, if you go back in Genesis, six is also aligned to the number. The number six, I'm sorry, is aligned to man. I'm trying to get to the word right quick, but I have to give you some context so that people understand. You know why we use some of these numbers. It's not numerology, it's not anything mystical, anything like that, it's just based on the word. So if you know the word, you'll go in and you'll see. You know, you'll see what we're talking about. So then I'll just remind you to go back into Genesis and you'll see what we're talking about on the sixth day when God created man. And again, that's kind of what it means.

Speaker 1:

So now we're, as we're talking about, made for more. Is it's really leading in over the next four weeks in this season to talk about. You know us being made for more, and I think this is this is really going to encourage you, regardless of what time of life you're in or what you're dealing with, but, you know, really encouraging you and reminding you even, that you were made for more. You're made for more than the situations that you're in. You're even made for more than some of the places that we are, that you're in. You're even made for more than some of the places that we are. Amen, thank you, tracy. Let the favor of the Lord, exactly let the favor of the Lord, our God, be upon us and establish the work of our hands upon us. Establish the work of our hands. Thank you for that confirmation.

Speaker 1:

That's coming from Psalm 90, verse 17, that Tracy dropped in the chat. And so now we're going to go, I'm going to show you and I'm going to share my screen really quickly. This is going to be easier that way. And again, remember, I have to say this out loud, y'all, because we have people who listen to us on Audible and they're going to not know what I'm talking about. I got to fill in the gaps so people know what's happening. So we're going to go into Proverbs 31, verse 18 through 20. Lord, I just ask, now that you'll just even give us the spirit of revelation, show us what this means in our own lives, right, so that we understand what your word says.

Speaker 1:

So here's the ESV, a Shelley version, in Proverbs 31. And it says she perceives. Now, before, before I go further, I realized that the the context here is saying she, but it's all of us, okay, men and women, not going to forget our brothers, all right. So it says she perceives that her merchandise is profitable. So the first line, the first thing, is when it says perceiving that your merchandise, perceiving that your merchandise is profitable, in this part of the word is really talking about you know what you're producing with your hands. You know what your hands are meant to do, not just from a manual perspective, meaning the things that you create cooking, washing. You know those things that we're used to, but the things that we build, we craft our lives through our hands. Does that make sense? The things that we do with our hands To start a business? You got to use your hands because you got to fill out certain forms, right. You know, to enter into a meeting. You got to use your hands because you got to create a PowerPoint presentation. That's still your hands, right. So just thinking from that perspective. But she perceives means that perception and before she can perceive, she has to have the right mindset. We have to have the right mindset, so perceiving that what she has to offer is profitable Is that your perception?

Speaker 1:

A lot of us, before we can go out and do things with our hands right, you know, our hands are meant to serve and heal, right, that was the layout, the framework that I was giving for this message. But you know, before you even get to serving and healing, what is your perception? If your perception is that you can't create or do anything, you can't, you know you're limited then you're already in trouble. So now I remember I said we're in the month of June, this is turnaround month 't. You know you're limited, then you're already in trouble. So now I remember I said we're in the month of June, this is turnaround month. So you know this is where we're going to get it together so we can soar for the rest of the year. Okay, this is if you were, if you were, in a stuck place. You know we will be unstuck and we're going to keep it moving forward, all right.

Speaker 1:

So the first thing is your perception about what you have to offer being profitable is valuable. Your perception about what you have to offer is valuable, right? So that's the first thing. Then it says her lamp does not go out at night and it doesn't mean that we're working 24-7. It's that a lamp gives light to what you're doing. A lamp illustrates your path, right? A lamp shows you what you need to see, right, try to get you there, right. So that lamp, that illumination, if you will, it doesn't go out at night, at night, at darkness, when things are unclear, it doesn't burn out, right. So that's, she can perceive what she has to offer, that that is valuable. And her lamp, her guide, her light, it doesn't go out at night, it doesn't fluctuate, right? So now we're in verse 19. That's a whole separate word I just gave y'all. Now verse 19,.

Speaker 1:

She puts her hands to the distaff and her hands hold the spindle. So I got a couple of note points here. And her hands hold the spindle. So I got a couple of note points here.

Speaker 1:

The first thing is, unless you understand spinning, unless you understand how to do you know spinning fibers into yarn, this might not make sense to you. But this is where I want to encourage you to really study the word, like pull things apart and really understand what it means, what it's saying to you. So a distaff is, it is the tool that helps to hold unspun fibers. It kind of keeps things from. It keeps them from being untangled during the process. It makes things easier during that spinning process. And then the spindle is just the rod or the stick that twists the fiber into the yarn. So you need both of them. You need something, that one that puts things, you know, kind of holds things together. That's the distaff, so that things are not tangled up, all you know jungle up chaos. You need that. And then the spindle is kind of the one that twists things. It turns it, it causes things to move, to shift, to change, so that you can have yarn.

Speaker 1:

So when we're talking about you putting your hands now to the distab and your hands holding the spindle, what is it that you need to do with your hands this month? Again, remember, I say you use your hands to be creative, right, that's part of the process. What are the things that you need to do to make sure that one that you're not tangling up anything that you have in motion, anything that you have created, any projects, any meetings, any relationships, like you know, what are the things that you need to put those things into motion, into perspective? So she puts her hands to the disc staff. Like I said, that keeps things from being untangled, you know, keeping it easier in the process, and the spindle kind of holds it in place. So what are the things that you're doing to make sure that you're holding in place and not causing any chaos with things that you put your hands to? I hope that. I hope that I hope you're hearing what I'm saying and, again, you know, this is this is just going deeper, deeper into the word, breaking it apart so we have a different understanding of what it means. We can come Psalm 31, all we want, but if you don't break the word apart and ask God to reveal what some of this means for you, then you're just going to walk away knowing scripture. We want to know the word. We want to know what God says about us and how we basically use the word to impact our lives.

Speaker 1:

Verse 20 says she opens her hand to the poor, and that's, you know, even the way we open our hand. You open your hand. When you're opening your hand, it's a position where you're in spirit and, you know, in worship, where we open our hands to God because we're worshiping God, it's almost a way of surrendering and recognizing that God is God right. That when we put our hands up that's kind of what it means is it's a full surrender. When you go on your knees, there's all kinds of different layers, but when you open your hands to the poor, it means you got to have something in it, right. So, as she opens her hands to the poor that's the first part means you've got to have something in your hands so that the poor might be people who are standing in need financially, but it also might mean someone who is broken in spirit. It could be, you know, your colleagues who are going through some things. You know again, I keep saying I talk to a lot of people who are in the, you know, in the work arena. Right, because I'm on the LinkedIn streets and a lot of other streets. Right. So, as you're opening your hands, it could be the poor in spirit, people that you need to build up or encourage. But you got to have something in your hands. You got to have something to offer. Right.

Speaker 1:

And the second part says and reaches out her hands to the needy. This is another thing that's more prophetic than anything. Reaching out your hands to the needy, this is another thing that's kind of more prophetic than anything. Reaching out your hands, it means that you're not waiting for people in need to come to you. You're going out to help the people. You're not just sitting back and saying, well, if they need me, I'll come. You're going to find out where you can be helpful. You're going to find out where you could be a healer. You're going to find out where you can be a blessing. You're not just waiting. And again, when you open your hands to those who are in need, I'm going to stop sharing. If you're a person who is opening your hand to those who are in need or poor in spirit, those who need encouragement, that you have to be in a position so that you can offer that encouragement right, you've got to have something to give. We are built for more. We are made for more than the situation that you're in.

Speaker 1:

A lot of you have had people speak good things over your lives 20 years ago, or maybe the Lord even gave you an idea two years ago, and you've done nothing. What have you done with it? You need your hands, you need your hands. You got to do something with it. Right, you got to do something with it.

Speaker 1:

So here we are in the month of June. Here we are in the month of June and we're declaring this is our turnaround period. We got a whole half a year left where we can really turn things around, and what I want you to really get this morning is that, first of all, you're made for a lot more than you think. God will use anything. He just wants your heart. He will use the least of these I am the absolute least of these, okay and he will use you to do great things, mighty things, in your family, in your community, on your job, in business, wherever. It doesn't mean that the path is going to be easy. I'm telling you it is complicated Because people are people, right, but I want you to be encouraged. I don't want you to be disappointed if you haven't gotten to where you think you would be in this time of your life or this year. You know, a lot of you have set up resolutions in January and some folks are on track and some people fell off track in March, but this is the time of the year where we can turn things around.

Speaker 1:

This is the month of uncommon favor. So I want you to grab hold of this and receive it. Father, I thank you that this is the month of favor. I'm receiving that. I have your favor, and thank you. I'm going to put up the verse that Tracy has that talks again let the favor of the Lord be upon us. So, lord, I'm going to even receive that for us. Pray this over yourself, father. I thank you that the favor of the Lord is upon me. It establishes the work of our hands. Right, it establishes the work and it says establishes the work of our hands. Psalm 90, 17. What are you doing with your hands? So I started out with perceiving. You got to believe, you got to perceive. You got to see what you have to offer as valuable, as profitable. She perceives that her merchandise, what you have to offer, is profitable.

Speaker 1:

Your lamp doesn't go out at night. Your direction, your instructions, you know that illumination that comes, it doesn't go out, based on night or day, right, and that's the Holy Spirit working with you. It doesn't go out. It doesn't go out if things don't go the way you planned. It doesn't go out. You know, because your manager made you mad. It doesn't go out. If your husband forgot to do some stuff, it doesn't go out. If your kids made you mad and forgot to do some stuff, doesn't go out. Go out If your kids made you.

Speaker 1:

Whatever it is, that lamp, that illumination that the Lord has for you for where you need to go, doesn't go out. You put your hand to the distaff and your hands hold the spindle. What are you holding on to make sure that you're not creating any chaos? But anything that you touch. That's even a prayer that I do for myself, lord. Let anything that I touch be productive and successful. Let there be favor in anything that I touch, everything that I touch, and so that's a prayer point for you, lord. Let everything that I touch be successful. Let it be favor. Let the work of my hands be a blessing to millions. I pray crazy prayers, lord. Let the work of my maybe your prayer is, lord. Let the work of my hands be a blessing to my family. Let the work of my hands be a blessing to my colleagues. Let the work of my hands be a blessing to my spouse, my children. Let the work of my hands be a blessing to my community. Let the work of my hands, like you see where I'm going be a blessing to your school. Let the work of my hands, like you see where I'm going, be a blessing to your school. Those are prayers that are different from Lord, you know. Give me something to eat.

Speaker 1:

Man of prayers, right? Because we are built for more, we are made things around. We thank you for establishing our hands and, lord, putting us back on the right track. I ask that you will show, illuminate, let you be their lamp and anyone who is seeking guidance in decision-making or anything that they need to do, that, anything that is standing in their way and they just want to understand clearly from you. I pray that they will perceive that their own mindset, that they'll open up their minds to hear from you yes, you got to hear. So some of them need to unclog their thoughts so they can hear clearly from you, lord, and not from ourselves, right?

Speaker 1:

Not just us speaking to ourselves, reminding us that we are built for more, we are made for more and that we have your favor and we thank you for that favor that will bless our hands so that everything that we do becomes a blessing. Lord, I ask that you will even touch our hearts in such a way that, when we open our hands to help someone else, there's something in our hearts for God, so that we're not on empty when we're giving to others, whether it's a financial help or a spiritual help or a prayer for somebody else. I pray that you'll refine us, lord, so that we can have something in our hearts, so that we can open our hands and give to those who stand in need. I even ask that you show us, Lord, god, show us those who are standing in need, opening our eyes and send them, lord. Send Lord, put the people in our path who we need to help. We are ready to serve and heal. We thank you, lord, for your uncommon favor this month and we receive and believe that we all have your favor and, lord, god, as we stand in obedience with your word. We thank you, lord, for what you have done for us. Bless every single person under the sound of my voice. Amen, amen, amen, y'all.

Speaker 1:

We are made for more. We are turning things around. We are going to touch on all the parts. So this week we're talking about hands that are crafted to serve and heal. Next week, we're going to talk about our feet that we're destined to walk in greater faith. Week three we're going to talk about our feet that we're destined to walk in greater faith. Week three we're going to talk about our mouth. Our mouth that we're empowered to declare God's truth about us. We got to be careful what we speak. And then we close week four, with our heart that we're designed to love beyond limits.

Speaker 1:

So this is a series I think that's really going to encourage you. I really want y'all to live a life filled with amazing blessings. I want you to be empowered. I want you to get back on track. I want you to understand how to use the word to declare things over your life so things actually happen all right. Exactly, favor surrounds me as a shield and we're going to keep soaring this year.

Speaker 1:

Now, as it is a Thursday, I want to remind y'all that we have a phone line called Three Praying Sisters You're welcome to call into. The US number is now free, meaning that there's no access code. The UK line. You still require access code, but the number you'll see on the scroll. Y'all put it in your phone. Every Thursday, 1 pm and 7 pm Eastern Standard Time, I am getting prayer requests. I thank you, but y'all need to show up and pray. It's 30 minutes so you can take a quick break on your job. Pop in for 10 minutes and go back to work, but come on in and pray.

Speaker 1:

For those of y'all who are looking to find us, we have a ministry. It's on the Facebook street so you can find us there. So come out of the wilderness prayer ministry. You can find the group there. You're welcome to join, and then you also can go to graceandgritmediacom and come to any of our events or just tap in and listen to some of the replays of the message. So God bless you.

Speaker 1:

I hope that this is going to be not. I hope I know this is going to be a day of favor. You got to declare that over yourself. I hope I know this is going to be a day of favor. You got to declare that over yourself. You know, declare that over yourself. Things are going to turn around for me in June. That's that you know. Thank you, lord, that things are turning around for me in June. Thank you, lord, that my hands are blessed. Thank you, Lord, that I'm a blessing on my job and I'm a breakthrough in my family. That's the attitude we're going to have for this June, because we need to be reminded that we're made for much, much more than we are. Amen, all right. God loves you. I love you y'all. I will see you next week. Don't forget, if you're on the YouTube streets, to like the video. It does help us so that more people can get the message, y'all. All right. All right, I will see you next week.

Made for More
Use Your Hands for Success