Mrs. PIE

Radical Obedience & Speaking Up: Powerful Live Prayer Session

June 03, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 32
Radical Obedience & Speaking Up: Powerful Live Prayer Session
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Radical Obedience & Speaking Up: Powerful Live Prayer Session
Jun 03, 2024 Season 3 Episode 32
Shelley Jeffcoat

Join us for a powerful live prayer session on speaking up, inspired by Proverbs 31:8-9: "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."

We also reflect on the courage of Peter and John in Acts 4:19-20: "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard."

And we draw strength from Ephesians 6:18-19, emphasizing prayer and boldness in proclaiming the gospel: "Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel."

Join us to explore these scriptures, share testimonies, and engage in prayer, empowering each other to advocate for the voiceless and boldly proclaim the gospel.

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Join us for a powerful live prayer session on speaking up, inspired by Proverbs 31:8-9: "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy."

We also reflect on the courage of Peter and John in Acts 4:19-20: "Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, for we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard."

And we draw strength from Ephesians 6:18-19, emphasizing prayer and boldness in proclaiming the gospel: "Praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel."

Join us to explore these scriptures, share testimonies, and engage in prayer, empowering each other to advocate for the voiceless and boldly proclaim the gospel.

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Speaker 1:

You left me alone, thinking about me. You bled and died to show me mercy. You gave your all because you saw my need. I was empty, but you came and filled me. I was blinded, but you helped me to see. I was broken, but you made me whole again. I felt like nothing, but you gave me confidence and I'm filled with so much gratitude that words are not enough To explain the magnitude, the passion of my love.

Speaker 1:

Oh, you took everything I was and made me what I am and all I am. I worship you. You took everything I was, made me what I am and with all I am I worship you. You were loud when I was dying. You were strength when I was crying. You were right and I was so wrong, a melody when I had no song and I ain't filled with so much gratitude. Words are not enough To explain the magnitude, the passion of my love. Oh, you took everything I want, made me what I am and with all I am, worship you. I am and with all I am, worship you. You took everything I was and made me what I am. I worship you. Oh, you did everything I want. Baby, what I am, am, I am, all I am, I worship you. You took everything I want, made me what I am. You took everything I want, made me what I am and with all I am, I worship you. You took everything I was, made me what I am and with all I am, I worship you and with all I am, I worship you. You took everything I want and made the best of me and gave the best of me. I worship you. You took everything I want and made me what I am and with all I am, I worship you.

Speaker 1:

Maybe, oh, I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you forever and ever. I worship you. I worship you, I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you, I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you.

Speaker 1:

I worship you, I worship you, I worship you, I worship you, I worship you, I worship you. I worship you, I worship you, I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you, I worship you, I worship you, I worship you, I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you.

Speaker 1:

I worship you, I worship you, I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you, I worship you, I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you. I worship you, I worship you, I worship you, I worship you, I worship you, I worship you. All of the earth will worship you. All of the earth will worship you. Oh, what an awesome God. Oh, what an awesome God. You are the awesome God. You are the awesome God, you are the awesome God.

Speaker 2:

Oh, what the awesome God. You're the only God we serve and we just lift up your name in praise. We thank you for allowing us to see another day, monday morning, lord, we come before your holy presence, singing songs of praise unto you only. It's only you, lord God, and we thank you for your mercy and your goodness, your kindness towards us. We thank you for your forgiveness, lord God. We thank you for giving us another month, lord God, the month of June. And, lord, as many of us are turning the corner in this month, as many of us are seeking a reset, as many of us are seeking to renew, lord God, we understand that we can't do this without you.

Speaker 2:

So, as we go into our worship and our prayer this morning with the theme of being radically obedient, that obedience is in alignment with you is being obedient to you when you tell us to move, when you tell us to speak. I thank you, lord God, that you're going to bless us, you're going to show up for us, lord God. I thank you, holy Spirit, that you are leading us to be radically obedient to your call on our lives, that, no matter what situation we are in, to know that you are with us. We trust you, we love you, you trust us, we love you. Amen, going together hand in hand, spirit to spirit, holy Spirit, and I thank you for this day.

Speaker 2:

I thank you for this change. I thank you for shifting us, lord God, putting us back on track. I thank you for renewing our soul and you for shifting us, lord God, putting us back on track. I thank you for renewing our soul and our minds. Lord, the devil tried to take me out yesterday, but it is a lie and I thank you for a renewing of my soul.

Speaker 2:

I thank you, lord, god, that my mind is still right, that we are healthy, that we are here. I thank you for blessing every person under the sound of my voice. Lord, god, as we lift up our voices in praise this morning, we thank you for a change, a seat change, as you will. Thank you, Lord, amen. In Matthew 5,. I'm just going to read this out before we go into the word. Matthew 5, verses 9 through 11, verses 8 through 11,. Excuse me, blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Lord, we ask that you will even purify our hearts so we can see you in every single situation. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Father, I pray that you will bless us, give us the strength to be the peacemakers. Lord, the word says blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. And so, father, I lift up every person who might be feeling persecuted this morning. They might be feeling persecuted in their marriage, on their jobs, in their family, in their community, in the church building. Lord, lord, I pray that you will remind them, lord, god, that theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Remind them, lord God that theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you, falsely on his account. It says rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven. For so they persecuted the prophets who were before you. So it's just a reminder as we're going into this sixth month. Sixth meaning man, sixth also meaning favor. Lord, we're asking that you're going to give us your supernatural favor this month with man. That those who seek to persecute us they'll be driven away. That there is no evil in our hearts, lord God. That you'll forgive us, lord God, and turn us around. Turn things around in your favor. Amen.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go ahead and start sharing my screen. Y'all. Good morning. I'm just going to keep moving, getting right into it and I think I just need somebody to confirm. You can see Monday and then you can see Radical Obedience. Yes, amen, all right, you know what we do the first minute. We just go ahead and just give God. Thanks again. Please don't do this on mute. We thank you, lord, for this day. We thank you for this opportunity to come before you. We thank you for what your word says about us. We thank you that this is a turnaround time and a renewal time. We thank you, lord God. I can't hear y'all. We thank you, lord God, for what you are doing in this moment. We thank you, lord God, for speaking to our hearts and our minds. We thank you, lord God, for what?

Speaker 1:

you are doing in our families. We thank you, Lord God, for good health. We thank you for the jobs we have and all the jobs we're going to have.

Speaker 2:

We thank you for blessing us this morning Lord, I thank you that you did not let go of our hands last night, that you brought us through another night. I thank you, Lord, God that every single weapon that was formed against us through Jesus was disarmed last night. I thank you, Lord. God that my spirit is full.

Speaker 1:

I thank you for the presence of the Holy Spirit. I thank you that my spirit is not quenched. I thank you, lord God that every evil word that is uttered against us or our family in any way is destroyed.

Speaker 2:

I thank you, lord God, that what you say is true. I thank you, lord God, for bringing us back together into your presence, lord God, and refuel us. I thank you for the fresh oil on us, lord God, so we can be mighty in your word, in your stance, be strengthened by you. I thank you, lord God. The word says give thanks to the Lord. Why? Because he is good. I thank you, lord God. The word says give thanks to the Lord. Why? Because he is good. We thank you that you're a good God.

Speaker 1:

We thank you because you're a merciful father. We thank you that your love endures in every situation. We thank you for your goodness concerning our lives, concerning our children.

Speaker 2:

We thank you for your goodness. We thank you that zero weapon formed against us will prosper and every lie, the enemy tells is destroyed and every arrow that has been sent towards us is sent back. Sent back the sender. We thank you that you fight on our behalf. I thank you, lord, god, because your word is true and stands forever. Let's go right into confession. Almighty God. We acknowledge and confess that we have sinned against you in thought word and thought word we have not loved you with all our heart.

Speaker 2:

We have not loved our neighbor as our self. We have not loved our neighbor as our self. Deep within us are sorrow for the wrong we have done and the good we have lived. Undone Lord, you are full of compassion and grace and mercy.

Speaker 1:

Lord anger and plenty of mercy. There is always forgiveness for you.

Speaker 2:

Restore to us the joy of our salvation, give light to our hearts, bring to our will, rest to our souls, take to each of us and let your word abide with us and let those who are in us be in us. Amen, abide with us and let us be in your holy will, and I pray with God that there is no condemnation in Christ. So, father, I ask that you forgive us for any ill that we have done, whether we've spoken it, we've thought it, we've actually done it with our hands. Maybe we've gone into places we had no business going. That's our feat. So, father, we confess every evil thing that we have done or thought of against our brothers and sisters and ask that you will forgive us. Lord, god, and I thank you, lord, that you have received this confession onto you that there is no condemnation, that there is no man or woman that condemn us. Amen. I thank you, lord, god, that you have received our words. Thank you, lord, god, amen, amen.

Speaker 2:

This scripture this morning is really about choosing God, because today, as we're talking about being radically obedient, where the prayer points are really about speaking up, speaking up, but before you can speak up, you got to know who you're speaking up for who you're speaking on behalf of. You can't just go out and just say any old thing. You got to know who you're representing. We are ambassadors of the King, amen. And Joshua 24, verse 14, says now, therefore, fear the Lord. Fear also means to respect him. Honor him, amen, fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness.

Speaker 2:

Put away the gods that your father served beyond the river and in Egypt and serve the Lord. There is a choice that we have to make this month as we're turning the corner whether we're going to serve the same gods we serve. That same God could have been jealousy. That same God could have been envy. That same God could have been money. That same God could have been sexuality. That same God could be any of those things. But we're putting away those small G's and serving the Lord. Amen, verse 15 says and if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, come on, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your father served in the region beyond the river or the gods of the Amorites and whose land you dwell. You see, you can choose to serve the same gods you did before you came on this prayer. Call those small G's you can choose to serve the same gods you did before you came on this prayer.

Speaker 2:

Call those small G's you can choose to serve the small G's of the place where you, at right now, you could look at the situation. You, at right now, look at doubt and look at fear and serve those gods. You can pour into those gods. You can serve the small G's of misery, you can serve the small G's of lack. You can serve the small G's of doubt. That is the land where you dwell right now. But the word says but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. So we're going to make a choice this morning. As we're turning the corner, you've got to know who you are serving before you can speak anything on his behalf. So, father God, as we, even before we go into prayer this morning, we are reaffirming, lord God, that we are choosing to serve you on behalf of our household, every household represented this morning, lord God, I even pray for the household represented, those folks watching the replay.

Speaker 2:

Every household representing. We choose to serve you, lord Jesus. It is you that we serve. We're making it well known, loud and proud amen, that we're not choosing the small G's of fear, we're not choosing the small G's of evil, we're not choosing the small G's of gossip, we're not choosing the small G of craziness, chaos, none of that.

Speaker 1:

We're not choosing man.

Speaker 2:

We're choosing you, as for me and my house. And it's the word says as for me. He says you got to start with yourself. Before you can go out and speak to others about the Lord Jesus Christ, you got to start with yourself. That's why it says, as for me, why? And then my house Amen, so you got to start with yourself. So, lord, we thank you. We receive this word unto ourselves and we choose to serve you this morning.

Speaker 2:

The prayers this morning starts with Proverbs 31, 8 through 9. And this is what we're praying unto ourselves. Speaking this out, the word says speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly, defend the rights of the poor and needy. So the prayer point this morning that you're praying over yourself is Lord, give me the strength and the ability, as I choose to serve you, god, to speak up for those who need help, to speak up and judge fairly, to defend the rights of the poor and needy. Lord, put us in position. So pray that over yourself, lord. And as we are praying, as we are coming into your altar, lord, god, as we are coming before you, lord, I ask that you purify our tongues so we say nothing.

Speaker 1:

That is outside of your will concerning anyone or anything, lord God, if there's anything we have released by word.

Speaker 2:

Any condemnation we have released by word. I ask that you shatter and destroy it now.

Speaker 2:

If there's any incantation that was said about anyone or anything, purify our tongues so that we can be enabled and empowered to speak on behalf of the poor and needy. Holy Spirit, this is a work that can only be done by you. So, Lord, I pray that you will bless us so that we can speak up for those who can't speak up for themselves, be it children, be it mothers, be it sons and daughters, whoever it is, whoever you put in our path, that you will bless us so we can speak up for those who can't speak for themselves. Lord, I ask that you will help us give us the wisdom and knowledge to know when to speak, Lord God, and when to be quiet. Verse nine says speak up and judge fairly. So, Father God, I ask that you will even help us in our mindset so that we know how to judge fairly.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

God, we ask that you bless us so that we judge fairly those, lord God, that we have been sent to speak up on, speak up about and as we go out as ambassadors of Christ. That you will bless us, lord, god, father, some of us need courage, some of us need might, some of us need strength, some of us are waiting for you to act, and yet you have already sent us. So, father God, those who have been sent to defend the rights of the poor in needy, lord God, I pray that you will give us courage and boldness to be radically obedient to what your word says, to defend the rights of the poor and needy. For some of us, that's in our families, the poor and needy might be your own children.

Speaker 2:

They might be poor in spirit.

Speaker 2:

They may be, needy for the Lord and Lord God, I ask that you will give us boldness so that we can even speak up to our children to put them on the right path. Lord God, as we are turning this corner for the rest of this year to be able to speak up, give us the courage to speak to our own families, our own children, our neighbors, our friends. Lord God, our colleagues. Lord God, even those who might consider us enemies. Lord God, that you'll put them right on the right path and give us the strength to speak up, even for them. Lord God, even speaking up for those who despise us. Lord God, would you give us the kind of favor, with man this month, that we can even speak up for those who despise us and let us be true ambassadors of Christ? Amen.

Speaker 2:

Acts 4.19 says but Peter and John answered them. Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, you must judge, but we cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard. So, father, in this prayer point, this is about the Lord revealing to you he's got to show you, you've got to see it and you've got to hear it before you can speak. So you got. This is one of those prayer points. You got to be real careful because now you're asking to have the sight of God in a situation. Amen, before you speak, you need to be able to hear from God before you speak. This is one of those let me hear from you, lord, before I speak prayer points. So go ahead and pray over this for yourself and Father. As they are praying, I pray that you will open their eyes so they see you before they speak. They hear from you before you speak, Father, god we can't speak if we haven't seen it and heard it.

Speaker 2:

In the same way, I can't teach and preach if I haven't experienced it. I thank you for these rocky experiences this month, Lord God, because this is meant to purify us as we're turning the corner, Lord. We can't soar for the rest of the year, but we're not going to make it if we can't hear from you. We're not going to make it if we don't see you, lord Father show us what is right.

Speaker 2:

We want to be able to see you in every situation and hear from you Every experience that we have when it comes to men.

Speaker 1:

Lord, God Father, as we are asking for this Lord, god Father, the word says brother, you listen to God.

Speaker 2:

You must judge. Father, give us the mindset that we can judge a situation rightfully so, father, I ask that you will put us on the path, lord God, that we need to be on. But we can't speak of anything unless we hear from you. We can't speak of anything unless we see you, lord God. So I ask, holy Spirit, that you would turn up the fire, lord God, turn up that all-consuming fire in us, holy Spirit, so that it burns so bright that demons flee, so that nothing comes in between us, nothing blocks our sight, that we can stand in the middle, lord God, of chaos and still be at peace, listening for you, watching you move. I thank you, jesus, that you are blessing us in this moment, lord God, and giving us clear minds, lord God, that we are listening. Lord God, we are seeing you move in every situation. Thank you, Lord God.

Speaker 2:

In Ephesians 6, 18, it says thank you, lord god. In ephesians 6 18, it says praying at all times in the spirit, with all prayer and supplication, father I, I even pray, lord god, for those who have not been baptized in the spirit, that those who have been taught differently. That praying in the spirit isn't real. It's right here in the bible amen, amen. So, lord, I even ask that you will train our tongues to pray in the spirit, so that we're uttering we're not uttering nonsense. Lord, holy Spirit, I know that you pray on our behalf and you understand the moans and groans, but there is strategy, even in tongues.

Speaker 2:

There's strategy, even in praying in the spirit. Oh, father, would you reveal it to them now? Would you give them that blessing? Lord God, that is a gift. Speaking in tongues, that is a gift. So, father, god, I even ask that you will sharpen their spirit so they can pray at times in the spirit. With prayer, it says prayer and supplication. There's two things that you do, so there's a prayer in the spirit and there's a supplication in the spirit.

Speaker 2:

So, Father, even as they go before you, Lord God, I ask that you will give them again the spirit of revelation, so they understand the difference. We don't want to waste our time, lord God, it says. To that end, keep alert. With all perseverance, we got to keep at it, making supplication for all the saints. You see, the. Thing about this word is. It's not about you going to just go tell somebody how you feel. It's not about you going to judge somebody.

Speaker 2:

It's not about you delivering a sermon. This is taking you back to fighting on your knees. This isn't about a confrontation. This is about you in prayer and supplication. This is where you fight your spiritual wars. You see, I don't have to be a prophet to tell you this. This is just what the word says Amen and if there's someone who has done harm to you in your family, in your children, with your marriage on the job in your business it is your right to go before the altar of.

Speaker 2:

God, it is your right, but you got to know how this thing works, and that's why it's important for you to know how to pray in the, the spirit it says in prayer, with all prayer and supplication, take your case to god, amen. And it also says that this is where you're going to be persevering and making supplication for all the saints.

Speaker 2:

Father, I thank you for this verse 19 says, and also for me, the words, that words may be given to me, father, open their mouths, so they, the words will be given to them pour it. In like water, boldly proclaim the mystery of the gospel you didn't say anything about boldly, boldly holding people to judgment anything about boldly cussing people out. It didn't say anything about that?

Speaker 2:

it says open your mouth to boldly, when you boldly proclaim the mystery of the gospel. You can't, but can I say you can't. You can't do nothing but praise god as you speak for these people I'm gonna ask that you pray over this self, ask god to teach you how holy spirit, so that they can pray in the spirit, both with prayer and with supplication, and give them perseverance, or god, so that they can bring those up to ask what you want, ask for what you want Ask for what you want, so making that supplications for the people you're speaking up for on their behalf.

Speaker 2:

Amen, father, I pray, lord God, that you bless and pray over yourself, lord, god. Father, I pray that we all Lord.

Speaker 1:

God receive a collection in our spirit.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, will you put us back on the path as we are going into this month? Lord God, we want to change things. Lord God, we want to do a turn. We want to do a turn, we want to get back on track.

Speaker 2:

We want to recommit to you, lord God, and we want to get back on track. We want to recommit to you, lord God, and we want to have prayers of fire, prayers with power. Prayer isn't just a word. Prayer isn't just a conversation. Prayer is not a monologue. Prayer is a weapon. You need to understand what we're doing here. So, lord, I ask that you will refine their spirits, lord God, so they will have the gift to pray in spirit, both with prayer and with supplication. Father, give us the strength to persevere. Lord God, many of us spiritually tired. Lord God, would you pour out fresh oil on us and renew us, Lord God, Turn up that flame, Lord God.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm excited for what? The God, for God of all God, my father Elohim Abba. I am so excited about what you have coming for the rest of this year. You see, you had to have a turnaround moment. He could have let you go till October, but he didn't. He's telling you to turn around in June, it's not by mistake that you're here. It's not by mistake that anything happened, the way it did?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I thank you, Jesus, for this turnaround moment.

Speaker 1:

Oh, Father God, I thank you.

Speaker 2:

I thank you that you are teaching us. We got to speak up for those who need help. Lord.

Speaker 1:

God, we got to open our mouth in prayer.

Speaker 2:

Amen. It didn't say cuss nobody out Amen. I thank you, Jesus, for what you are doing in this moment, that you are helping us to turn the corner. Lord God, bring us back to you. Thank you, lord God.

Speaker 2:

Oh Lord, I pray for every person as they go into their jobs today, as they deal with colleagues, friends and foes. Those who stand to destroy you, those who don't understand you, those who are miscommunicating, those who are gossiping, even those who are evil, anyone who is lying or creating any form of chaos, those who have uttered incantation against any person, any family represented on this call, Anyone who sought to destroy through evil thoughts or deeds, Anyone, anyone who has put their finger against the child of God. Know that God will contend for you.

Speaker 1:

You don't have to fight this battle on your own.

Speaker 2:

I thank you, jesus that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

Speaker 1:

Don't you know that you are his?

Speaker 2:

favorite. I thank you, Jesus, for reminding us in Luke in the same way that the angel Gabriel appeared to. Mary and told her that she was all favorite one. Do not be mistaken it happened in the sixth month.

Speaker 2:

So I thank you, jesus, for that favor that you have given us with men. I thank you for the favor with men, for every person under the sound of my voice. You see, we need that favor. Let it be so, lord God, according to your will. Lord God, give us the kind of favor that shakes mountains, that flattens mountaintops, that opens doors. Oh, I thank you, jesus. Give us the kind of favor, lord God, that changes every environment that we walk into. And let the devil be mad, let him send his ages only to know that God has your back. Amen. I thank you, jesus. I thank you.

Speaker 2:

Lord, that we are going boldly into this month. We thank you for this month of June. We thank you for this month of June of favor. We receive this unto ourselves. We receive this turnaround time.

Speaker 2:

And as he purifies your tongue as he puts you in situations to show you what you need to learn. Remember the word said that you had to choose for yourself. As for me, see, you got to choose him for yourself before you can tell your family about him. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. So, father, I bless every household represented and for the people who are here on their behalf, we are choosing you, lord God, for ourselves. Father, grind that into our hearts this week as we go into every conversation that we go in as peacemakers.

Speaker 2:

And, lord God, any battle, any spiritual warfare, anything that has been set up to remove us from you, anything that we have said or done, destroy it now. Thank you, lord God, for giving us the confidence, the radical obedience to do whatever it is that you say to be done, even when it don't turn out in your favor. God is working all things together for your good Lord. We can't see everything that you are doing, we don't understand heaven math, but, lord, we trust you when you send us to go and do something. We need to be obedient. So, father, it is in that radical obedience that I offer up every single person under the sound of my voice that, as you bless them to send them out to speak to people, that they will speak life into them, that there's nothing but, positive and good that's coming out of their mouth.

Speaker 2:

That there is no curse. You see, if you're cursing a prophet, you're cursing yourself, and I'm telling you right now Lord, god, you have set these women apart. You have set these men apart. Every single person under the sound of my voice has been set apart for a reason and a season, and I thank you, god, that this season is we gonna wake up, lord is working on you. He is setting you apart, but he's not setting you apart, so you can be a referee.

Speaker 1:

He's setting you apart.

Speaker 2:

So you can take an action for you, to do something. Fight it on your knees. I thank you, jesus, for the favor that is falling under the sound of my voice. I thank you for fresh rain. Thank you for fresh visions. I thank you for everything they need, lord God, oh Holy Spirit. I thank you for everything they need, lord God, oh Holy Spirit. I thank you for waking me up this morning. I thank you for putting me back on the path. I thank you that zero weapons the enemy has is going to take me down.

Speaker 2:

I thank you, jesus, for the blessings to come the blessings we have in the mighty name of Jesus, amen, amen. We're going right into declaration. I declare this day that no weapon formed against me I am. The righteousness of God Favor surrounds me as a shield. Divine protection surrounds me as a shield. I am jammed into the right place at the right time. I cannot be defeated or destroyed. In fact, every tongue that accuses me every tongue that attacks me, I condemn with my words this is my heritage.

Speaker 1:

This is my right as a child of God, made in his image made with his dominion and authority in me, coming forth out of my spirit.

Speaker 2:

through my words, I declare today that Satan has no power over my life.

Speaker 1:

Every weapon.

Speaker 2:

he has has been defeated. That fear is cast out, that love makes my faith for the day where I cannot fail god's word cannot fail that's what I'm made of his word made in his image after his likeness with the power of the holy spirit and authority of his words. Therefore, by the blood of jesus I dwell in the secret place of the most high. I abide under the shadow of the. Almighty I say of the Lord you are my refuge and my fortress, my God. It's in you that I will trust, Father.

Speaker 2:

I thank you for what your words say about us. And as we release these words, as we release these words, we are activated, based on what the word of God says. So, father God, we are standing in alignment with what your word says, concerning us Abba we are repeating back your promises to us.

Speaker 2:

Bless us, lord God, into overflow in every area of our life and send divine protection, lord God, from every form of evil. Lord God, I pray that if that evil is habit, if that evil is laziness, if that evil is doubt, whatever it is the enemy has put in your path, remove it. If that evil is a person telling you not to follow through with God's had, you start, remove that person. Burn out everything that is not from you, even the thoughts, any evil thoughts, any evil seeds that have been dropped in our mind by another person, by a word that was said, maybe an action that was taken. Lord God, I ask that you break that down now, lord God. Remove the bars and the chains, lord God, that have been shackled through schemes. Lord God, for every person, under the sound of my voice, voice, so they can operate on full, filled with the Holy Spirit, filled with the power of God, filled with your anointing, filled with your holy oil, filled with righteousness, filled with peace and love. Father God, I thank you that you are removing every shackle, everything that the enemy has laid as a trap to take them off track for the rest of this year. Lord God, it is broken.

Speaker 2:

Now, in this month of June, father God, let there be a refreshing, a renewal, a lightness. Let there be such a lightness and now let them see, lord God, let them see clearly the path so they can get back on it. Lord God, we want to do your will. Lord God, we thank you for covering us and hiding us under your shadow, but sometimes you got to come out from that covering Amen. You got to go do the work. So, lord, give us the, give us the words to say as we deal with people this month, lord God, we thank you, lord God, for blessing us. Amen, amen. Now just give him a minute of praise. Lord God, we praise you, we praise your holy name.

Speaker 1:

I thank you for the fire. God, I thank you for your fire. I thank you for your fire.

Speaker 2:

I thank you for your fire.

Speaker 1:

Oh Holy Spirit, I thank you that you will purge, clean and burn everything around us, anything that we touch.

Speaker 2:

Lord, god, that was not from you. Burn it off now. Thank you, jesus. We praise you for hearing our prayer and our supplication. Thank you, jesus, that you are drawing us back to you. I praise you, god, for this new day. I praise you, god, for this new opportunity. I praise you, god, that things are turning. I praise you for the lessons Lord.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Oh, I even thank you for the lesson, the hard lessons, that you are teaching us, lord God.

Speaker 1:

I praise you.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, for what you are going to do in the lives of these families represented. I praise you for the blessings they're going to get.

Speaker 2:

I praise you for the open doors. I praise you for the doors you have closed because it was going to be a mistake. I praise you, God, because you love us. I praise you in worship and honor. I lift up your holy name. I thank you in worship and honor. I lift up your holy name. I thank you, Jesus, for healing of our minds. I thank you for bringing us out of the gutter and the gully. I thank you, Jesus, for what you have done here today, that you are right-siding your sons and daughters. I praise you, Jesus, for what you have done. I praise you that even our enemies will be our advocates.

Speaker 2:

I praise you, lord God because your word, your name is worthy to be praised. Oh, I thank you, jehovah Jireh. I praise you because you provide for us, because you love us. I praise you, god. I praise you, oh, great creator of heaven and earth and even the things under. Oh hallelujah, we praise you this morning. We lift you up in praise. You are worthy to be praised.

Speaker 1:

And so we praise you, god, even when it don't make sense.

Speaker 2:

We praise you. We praise you for the bad stuff because we know that you're pulling us out of it. We even praise you for the good stuff, because we know that's your goodness and kindness, we praise you. When it's crazy, we praise you in chaos.

Speaker 2:

We praise you on a Monday. We praise you on a Sunday. We praise you, jesus. We praise your holy name. Oh, come heaven and praise his name. Oh, come heaven and worship him. You are holy, you are righteous. I thank you, holy Spirit. I thank you for reminding us that we need to praise God. Praise him Even when you don't know what's happening. Praise him anyway. I praise you, lord. I praise you Lord. I praise your holy name, amen, amen. This verse came up in a sermon yesterday. It was a part of a sermon at a church I visited, and it's Ephesians 3, 20, 21. And even that was not a mistake. It wasn't a mistake that I needed to be at that church on that day to hear this, this verse released. It was not a mistake that God operated some things yesterday. It was not a mistake, and I thank you, lord, for what you did, because you are pulling it back to circle you have called my name and I have heard my name and therefore I am not.

Speaker 2:

Amen, listen, angels, I am not stepping away from what Abba has for me, so as we release in spirit and in truth what God's word says about us? This is to reaffirm that every evil thing, that what you have tried to done is a fail. God's word will go forward and I don't care where he sends me, I will be radically obedient to him, period, amen. Radically obedient to him period Amen. Ephesians 3.20 says now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think according to the power.

Speaker 1:

I know what the power at work within me is.

Speaker 2:

You might not know what it is for yourself, but I know what the power at work within me is. Yeah, I might not be your friend, but I'm going to be honest, I'm going to be obedient. I'm going to tell you something God is able to do far more than we ask or think, and I pray as you're going into this month of June. I dare you to ask him for something big. I dare you to ask him to bless your mouth so you can speak to nations. I dare you to ask him to bless your mouth so you can speak for your family. I dare you to ask him to bless you in such a way that you're a multiple blessed person to your communities, to the people around you. I dare you to speak up and ask him more than all we ask or think, according to the power at work within us. Thank you, holy Spirit, that you are turning up that flame. You are the power at work within me and no devil in hell can remove me from that. Amen.

Speaker 2:

In verse 20, it says to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations. Lord, we thank you for your glory in the church and in the parking lot and on our jobs and at the doctor's office and in the supermarket at the bill collector. It is to you. The glory is in you. We give you glory no matter where we are in Christ Jesus, throughout all generations. So that means us, it means our children and their children's children. Lord, we thank you that your glory will cover us, that we're walking with your glory cloud.

Speaker 2:

It's how demons flee. They get upset when you come around. They try to fight you when you come around because of the glory that you carry. So, lord, I ask that you turn that flame up, because we're about to be radically obedient for the rest of this year, so the demons can be on notice. Know that we are coming because we have been set apart to be obedient. Thank you, jesus, that we will go forth through all generations and our generations will be blessed and favored this month. Amen, amen, amen, amen. I'm going to stop sharing. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord, for what your word says concerning us.

Worship and Gratitude
Repetitive Worship Declaration