Mrs. PIE

Amplifying Divine Favor: Embracing Grace to Transform Lives and Communities

May 30, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 30
Amplifying Divine Favor: Embracing Grace to Transform Lives and Communities
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Amplifying Divine Favor: Embracing Grace to Transform Lives and Communities
May 30, 2024 Season 3 Episode 30
Shelley Jeffcoat

Discover the transformative power of grace in our latest podcast episode! We wrap up May by celebrating the growth of our prayer ministry and exploring the theme of grace, based on Ephesians 2:8. Understand how staying connected to spiritual sources and maintaining a prayer life can impact not just your life, but your entire community, especially during challenges like job reorganizations.

We delve into scriptures from Ephesians, Esther, Zechariah, Acts, and Romans, showing how grace can foster community-wide change. Learn about the significance of faith, confession, and repentance in receiving divine favor, highlighted through John 1:14-18. Download, like, and share our episode to extend blessings beyond yourself and touch lives and nations. Tune in and activate this uncommon favor in your life!

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Discover the transformative power of grace in our latest podcast episode! We wrap up May by celebrating the growth of our prayer ministry and exploring the theme of grace, based on Ephesians 2:8. Understand how staying connected to spiritual sources and maintaining a prayer life can impact not just your life, but your entire community, especially during challenges like job reorganizations.

We delve into scriptures from Ephesians, Esther, Zechariah, Acts, and Romans, showing how grace can foster community-wide change. Learn about the significance of faith, confession, and repentance in receiving divine favor, highlighted through John 1:14-18. Download, like, and share our episode to extend blessings beyond yourself and touch lives and nations. Tune in and activate this uncommon favor in your life!

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Come join us at our virtual events monthly. Visit our website to learn more.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. So, so, thank you, so, thank you, thank you. Good morning y'all. Welcome back to another Thursday. Come out of the wilderness. I cannot believe we are already at the end of May and I'm so excited. Good morning faithful Tracy, good morning y'all.

Speaker 1:

By the way, for those of you, we've had a lot of folks, new subscribers to our channel on YouTube. Hi y'all, and please make sure that you're liking these videos, because that helps us. You know how it works. The more you like, the more we can get these teachings and prayers and all of these amazing programs out to more people. So we're excited for those of you who have joined our little family here on the YouTube streets, as well as our growing prayer ministry on Facebook. So you can find the actual group of us on Facebook. Come Out of the Wilderness prayer group or prayer ministry. You'll find us on Facebook Y'all. There's no fee to join. There's no seed to be planted. Just come on in and we pray multiple times a week, live.

Speaker 1:

And this program that you're watching kind of preceded all of that and is a continuation of what God started. This is an example of grace. So, you know, this month of May we've really been leaning into grace, god's uncommon favor and uncommon grace in our lives and I have been a witness to that, not just in my life, but watching him give favor and grace to people around me, people in my family, people in my inner circle, people in our prayer ministry every single person that has been tapped in in have experienced uncommon grace, meaning, you know, grace that only God could have done right. The kind of grace where, the kind of amazing things, the kind of favor that you know, like you know, like you know that that had to be from the Lord. So today we're going to do a recap of some of the things that we studied over the month, just to reinforce grace before we go into June. June is going to be another amazing teaching series and even as we were sitting here y'all, when I was getting ready to come on, I was just sitting here and I was like, yeah, at some point I need to go back and document in a better way all of these teaching series, because we've had series after series, month after month. The Lord has been faithful in teaching me so that I can teach y'all. Thank you, holy Spirit, for that. And so even that is grace y'all. So there's a verse before I get into the recap in the word and it says Ephesians 2.8, it says amen.

Speaker 1:

Tracy says I personally experienced God's outpouring faith. It is everywhere. Y'all have to be faithful. Listen, there's something. I'm going to tell you this real quick. It don't have to be me, it don't have to be. I'm not trying to puff myself up. I'm going to tell you something. You have to be connected to the right people to get the kind of grace we talk about. And I'm tapped in. I have my own spiritual mother who I lift up, a woman that I learned from. I study the word, the Holy Spirit.

Speaker 1:

He runs all of this, but you've got to be tapped into the right source. In the same way that it's about the company you keep right. If you keep bad company, you're going to yield bad results. If you tap into folks who are having an active prayer life, I mean not just pray y'all. We bless other people as well. It's not just hoarding things for ourselves, because we understand that what we have here on this world, on this side of life, is temporary. This side of life is temporary right. Some of y'all have been so blessed on this side of the life lifespan and some of us are preparing for next right. So you've got to be tapped into the right source, and for some of you it might be the church you go into church on Sunday, but what happens when you get to the parking lot? There's a lot of churches with a lot of members and zero conversions. You got to be tapped into the right source.

Speaker 1:

So I am grateful to God because what he's allowed to happen with this prayer ministry is to give me grace, and that grace and favor that he gives me I give to y'all meaning, I give it to your teaching, I give it to your experiences, and then we pray together, we live life together, and then folks get built up, they get renewed and then they go do what God called them to do, and so there is a constant churn of this favor and grace. So you got to know who you're tapped into. Amen I was about to go into tongues Amen, you got to know who you you tap into. And so by that, this word now let me show it to you Ephesians two, verse eight, and it says for it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from yourself, it's the gift of God. So grace is a gift. Even grace is a gift. It's a gift, it's a gift. So let me tell you a couple of things, and then I'm going to show you a scripture and then we're going to pray. I'm going to pray over us this morning, and especially now, because this is such a strange season for a lot of people, because there's a lot of folks.

Speaker 1:

This is that time of year, y'all for those of y'all who are watching me on the LinkedIn streets where companies start thinking about reorganizations and transformation. We know what that means, right? It's that time of year when people start looking in business, at their budget and headcount, and so, before we get into the summer months, when some companies let people go and you might be experiencing that right now I want to share some things with you about God's grace and even some things that we need to do. Again, you have to. You know God can give you the gift of grace, but you got to receive it. But there's still some things that you need to do practically before you even do it.

Speaker 1:

Right, and again, when we pray, we don't just throw up a word. We pray according to the word, we pray according to scripture. That's how we've been activating grace in our lives. We're tapped into what the Lord says about such a thing and such a thing. So in the week one we started out by just understanding what grace is. In Ephesians two Y'all can again please go back and read some of the word. In week two we talked about grace in a time of need and when we really need it. So we, we, we were in Esther, chapter two at that point. In week three we talked about the kind of grace that moved mountains y'all, that really shift things, that flatten things, that causes things to happen for real, for real right In Zechariah and in Acts. And last week we talked about grace and mighty works in Romans 1. And the kind of grace that we're talking about is we've shifted from just asking God for our basic needs at home, like what we need to do, pay our bill and things like that. We've shifted to the kind of grace asking God for the kind of favor that will help us to influence positive changes.

Speaker 1:

Influence into people's lives, meaning we're bringing blessings into people. When I say influence, I don't mean now you're judging people and you're coming after them and telling them they're going to hell. Not that kind of influence, I mean the kind of influence that brings about a positive change in people's life. You know, when I think about when I meet, there's some people, when you meet them, you're like, oh, there's something different about that person and they carry this grace about them. There's something about them that sometimes you can't put your finger on. That's the Lord in many cases. Sometimes people carry the gift of grace, right. Remember, grace is a gift and so because they have this type of gift of grace, they also carry incredible favor, right. And so it might be. You know you're going into meetings and things are shifting.

Speaker 1:

I tell people all the time listen. I pray before I go into a meeting. I asked the Lord to activate that meeting. I asked him to show up because I'm watching the Holy Spirit like a movie and I want to see him even change hearts and minds, and sometimes it's mine. Y'all, let's be real, okay, but this kind of uncommon grace that we get is not something that we create. Again, it is not from us, it's a gift from God. So how do you receive this gift from God? So I'm going to take you to John 1. I'm going to present, I'm going to share it again for those of y'all who are listening, because we have people who listen to us on the audio platform. So again, shout out to Spotify and Audible and everybody, wherever you're listening. Wherever you're listening, I always forget y'all.

Speaker 1:

John 1, chapter I'm sorry. John 1, verses 14 to 18. And it says and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only son from the father, full of grace and truth. Why did he need to be full of grace? Come on Again when you go into war, start reasoning with God so he can say Lord, show me what your word means and open your mysteries to me and help me to give me the wisdom and the knowledge and the understanding. Lord, I want to understand. Why did you need to be full of grace? Why did you need to be full? That's how important that grace is and favor and truth.

Speaker 1:

In verse 15, it talks about John bearing witness about the Lord. When he cried out that this was he of whom he said this is you know, he was John. He was talking about Jesus. He talks about him coming after him in ranks, but he was before John, right. And in verse 16, for from his fullness we have all received grace upon grace.

Speaker 1:

So now remember when I told y'all, I started out this season saying I don't want just the regular grace, I want uncommon grace. This is grace upon grace, this is favor upon favor. This is the kind of grace that makes things move right In the environments that I walk in by the nature of me just showing up because of what I carry, because I carry his promise, because I carry the spirit of the Lord, the Holy Spirit, because I am seated with Jesus, because I've received him onto myself. When I enter any situation Again, I have received from him. It says for from his fullness, we have all received. So it's not just a Shelly thing. All right, I joke that I'm his favorite, but the truth is we're all his favorite. Okay, for from his fullness we have all received grace upon grace.

Speaker 1:

But a lot of times we're tapping into just grace, grace and favor so we can get a bill paid, he can get a job, all the basic needs. But for those of us who are looking for uncommon grace, more than that. We want the kind of grace that destroys any kind of spiritual, emotionally, mental attacks on our family. We want the kind of uncommon grace where we can bless our neighbors and our counties, we can bless our communities. We can have that kind of favor where we can impact people's lives and bring something better right. It's not the kind of grace where you start, you know taking where you're taking from people, or give me the favor so I can just get a business deal. It's Lord, give me the kind of favor that this business deal will create jobs. Like thinking, thinking even bigger than you are.

Speaker 1:

Grace upon grace. Verse 17 says for the law was given through Moses. Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. So it's just reinstating what I'm saying. It's not something that I can give to myself. It's not something your pastor can give you or your prophet can give you or your evangelist. It's not something your bishop or your priest, it's nothing that any man again.

Speaker 1:

Remember those of us who have been called to lead or teach. Whether you're a pastor, whatever it is, we are just men. You've got to stop edifying the people who are doing the job, the assignment. It is not about your pastor, it is not about your bishop, and I don't care how big their church is. You've got to remember that grace and truth only comes through Jesus Christ. So even those men and women have to submit to him because the grace, that favor and truth comes through him.

Speaker 1:

Now, it is true, the Lord uses people, right? So, in the same way that I said I'm going to stop sharing, the same way that I said that you've got to know, this is why we ask the Lord to show us, you know, we ask for divine helpers, right, lord? Send me help, you know, because there's some people the Lord's going to put in your life to help you get to the next season. They're going to teach you some things so that you can incur that grace and that favor. The kind of favor that I'm talking about now is you.

Speaker 1:

Now is maybe you're trying to start a business and the Lord sends you a business mentor I don't mean the ones that you got to pay for. Maybe you're new to your faith and maybe you're struggling a little bit and the Lord assigns you an elder, meaning an older person, an older person in the faith, not in years, but in spirit, very different. Maybe you're on the job and again, I'm talking to the people who are in that season right now, where this is where men and women start to show themselves. You start to learn real quick who is going to be edifying their own selves, to save their skins is going to be edifying their own selves to save their skins. Don't worry about it, just know that you carry the grace of God and he will echo your names in the right room. So you don't even have to go into this season of doubt with any fear, knowing that, because you carry his grace, that he's going to put your names in the right room.

Speaker 1:

Amen Tracy's saying I thank God that our names are being talked about in rooms we don't even know about. That's favor, uncommon favor, uncommon grace, where he's blessing you. So you don't need to compete, you don't need to worry, you don't need to have that fear. You can go into the situations and know and trust. That's why you need faith. Right, it's through.

Speaker 1:

Faith means you got to believe, you got to receive the gift of grace and you got to believe. Isn't that amazing, uncommon grace? And I declare it every day over my life. I say this to myself. I say, hey, lord, come on Sharon. You say, hey, lord, I receive your uncommon favor. I say this about myself I have his uncommon favor and I have his uncommon grace because I'm a daughter of the King and I thank you, lord, that this meeting that you're sending me in every weapon that was formed against me is destroyed right now and I'm going to see you working out that favor in my life.

Speaker 1:

Amen, that's how I've entered, that's how I activate grace and favor in my life. That's how I activate the grace and favor in my life, and you can't do this without a relationship with Jesus. I'm just telling you right now, it is impossible. You cannot do this by yourself. Even worldly people know this, that you can't activate favor and grace by yourself. That's why you have all these experts telling you if you pay for a course, I can tell you how to win a deal. But there is something that we carry when we have the Holy Spirit. There is something that we have that only comes from him. It is the gift of grace and it brings so much peace.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm going to tell you something. Before I was coming on here, I was just looking through my word. I'm in Psalm 5, 6, 7, and 9. And I'm just looking through the word to prepare myself because, as I'm telling you about this grace, there is a price that you pay, and there is a price that you pay, and there is a price that you pay, and the first price that you pay, the first price that you pay before you come to the lord and say, lord, I want this gift of grace. The first thing that you have to do is you have to confess back to him what you have done, because a lot of us have dirty hands, unclean hands, unclean thoughts. Meaning you know, meaning we're scheming for what we want. Right, we have done some things to people around us because we're not getting the favor that we want. Lord, that was my project. I was hired for that. Why are you taking that from me? It was never yours. We have seated ourselves in competition with each other. So there's some things you've got to do before you approach, as I say, before you approach his throne and ask him Lord, can you give me this gift of grace?

Speaker 1:

I'm going to read this out as a prayer point. This is Psalm 7, verse 3. I'm looking at my Bible and it says oh Lord, my God, if I have done this, if there is wrong in my hands, if I have repaid my friend with evil or plundered my enemy without cause, watch this. Let my enemy pursue my soul and overtake it. Let him trample my life to the ground and lay my glory to dust. This is crazy. This is crazy prayer. This is the kind of prayer point where you're like look, lord, if I have had unclean hands, if I've been in the gossip pool. I'm just gonna be honest.

Speaker 1:

Yesterday I said something and when I left I felt disgusted that I said it because I know the power of my words, I know the grace I carry through my words. I know the grace I carry through my words. And when I said it, after I said it, I have a tough time right now, because this is a season that I'm in where I'm expected to say more and yet the Lord is telling me don't say anything at all. And through my words, my words, I cursed something and it just fell out as idle talk. So I'm just warning you. This is again something. So, lord, you know we ask him, lord, if there's something that I have done wrong, anything that I have done wrong in my hands, you know anything you touch anything, you say Lord, forgive me for that. Forgive me, because I don't want to be plundered. I don't want to be plundered, even if it is with cause. Father, forgive us. Forgive us for anything that we have done against others.

Speaker 1:

The second thing I want to share with you again this is listen, I'm just telling you. You know this is what's in the word. All right, I'm not making it up. The second thing is Psalm five and in verse nine, and it says but there is no truth in their mouth. Their inmost self is destruction. Their throat is an open grave. They flatter with their tongue.

Speaker 1:

Now remember when I shared the verse in John one, 14 through 18, when I talked about full of grace and truth. It's a combo. So the kind of grace, the gift of grace we're talking back is aligned with the truth of who Jesus is, the truth of his word, but it also means the truth, what's coming out of your mouth, what you're saying. So really easily, really quickly. You can corrupt the blessing of grace, you can corrupt the favor by what you say, by what you think.

Speaker 1:

So, as we're asking you, lord, to give us your tremendous, amazing, overwhelming gift of grace and favor, we ask God that you forgive us for what we have said and what we have done, and we come to you, lord, with heart, surrender to you, so that, lord, I want to receive the kind of grace that blesses nations. I want to be a blessing and a breakthrough. I talked about names earlier this year. And, lord, I want us to be the blessing in our family. I want to be the breakthrough in my family. I want to be the blessing in my job. I want to be the breakthrough in my job. I want to be the blessing to my colleagues. I want to be the blessing to my manager.

Speaker 1:

How many of y'all are thinking about that right now, as you're in a season when you don't know if your job is going to be your job in weeks from now. Right, this is crazy prayer. This is crazy, but this is how you align back to receiving his grace. He has to know, he has to know that your heart is pure for you to receive what I'm telling you about this ain't the kind of grace that's just a favor to get you in front of the line when you're at the store. This is the kind of uncommon grace and favor that, when you walk into any environment, it must move for you. It must absolutely shift.

Speaker 1:

And so, lord, I thank you for this kind of uncommon favor and grace that we have access to, and it's only because of you, lord Jesus, you're the one who gives it to us. Father, forgive us for our sins. Father, forgive us for our thoughts, our words, our deeds. We have been wrong to our sisters and brothers. We us for our thoughts, our words, our deeds. We have been wrong to our sisters and brothers. We have hurt our colleagues and our friends. We have gossiped, we have confused, we have even become a part of the chaos. We've confused your word and we've turned your word into a marketplace.

Speaker 1:

Lord, I ask that you forgive us now and purify us, lord, because we want you more than anything. It is because of you, holy Spirit, that we have access, and we thank you for this uncommon favor and grace that you're gifting to every single person under the sound of my voice. I thank you for calling us back into you with pure hearts and pure minds. Seal up our lips, lord, god, even the times when we've said things we have no business saying. Forgive us for our mouth. Give us the words that we've released.

Speaker 1:

But, god, we ask that you recall anything that we have said to curse anyone around us, because we understand, when we carry this level of uncommon favor and grace, that we cannot be in the business of cursing even those who curse us. Forgive those who hate us, forgive those who come against us. Forgive those. Father, your word says that you will contend with those who contend with us, and even those who come after our livelihood, those who come after our mindset, our peace, those who come after our spouses, our children, those who have attacked us, lord God, those who are attacking us in so many different ways. I thank us, lord God, those who are attacking us in so many different ways. I thank you, lord God, that you will fight this battle for us. It's not for us to fight.

Speaker 1:

I thank you because we live now with this uncommon favor and grace that every situation we walk into must yield to you, lord, god. Oh, thank you, lord, that you have blessed us. We will see the goodness of God in the land of the living because of the uncommon favor and grace, and we know, lord, that the only way we maintain this kind of gift is a constant, real life relationship with you. So we thank you, lord, that you have given us access. We thank you for this prayer that has gone forth, that it will bless your children, that they will yield and see the fruits in their lives, lord, that these are your words and these are your words as it is written. Therefore, as it is written, lord, god, it must be true and it must come true. We hold you, lord, god, to remembrance of what you said about us, that we are a blessed nation. And I thank you, lord, for every single person under the sound of my voice, whether they're here live or listening on the replay, that this will be a month of change. As we go into the month of June, I pray, lord, that you will show them and reveal to them. Reveal to them so they can testify and become witnesses of your uncommon grace and favor. Amen, isn't that amazing? Isn't that amazing?

Speaker 1:

Psalm 9 and 11 says sing praises to the Lord, who sits enthroned in Zion. Tell among the people his deeds. So I charge you, as you start to experience his favor and his grace in your life, he's going to start with your heart. He's going to show you things. He's going to show you things. He's going to show you some things, and I thank you that, that Lord, that as he starts to show you his uncommon favor and grace.

Speaker 1:

Can I just ask you one favor? Can I just beg you for this one thing Sing praises to the Lord. Tell the people his deeds. Don't swallow your testimony. When God is good to you, testimony. When God is good to you. He puts people in our path, yes, but don't for one minute think it was your manager that gave you that great project.

Speaker 1:

Don't for one minute think that your husband just popped up with flowers. Don't for one minute think that your child graduated on their own, just by their own knowledge. Don't for one minute think that you're the one making this happen. Your I am is incorrect if your I am ends with who you are and not who is. So can I just ask you one little favor, as you start coming into this level of uncommon favor and uncommon grace, that you will just take a moment to thank God for what he's doing in your life. I have watched so many people who have had access to this kind of grace and they fall, because the minute they become successful, the minute they start seeing favor and miracles, the minute things start turning around, they start talking about there I am, they start affirming themselves and they forget God.

Speaker 1:

Deuteronomy tells us that we will have blessings on blessings, on blessings. But you will also be cursed if you curse God, if you forget him. And I'm just telling you what the word says. Go read it, deuteronomy. So I thank you God, I thank you Lord, I thank you for this Thursday, thank you for everybody who was here. Bless you, ladies, y'all. For those of y'all who need somewhere to go on Thursdays at one o'clock and seven o'clock, eastern in the US or the UK, and I am receiving a prayer request. I thank y'all. Thank y'all for them. We will be praying for y'all. But pick up the phone and call in, and I even bless those of y'all who are calling in and not saying anything, because I know the Lord knows you're there. The number is listed, y'all can call us and I will be back next Thursday, god willing. Y'all. Thank you so much for watching. Have a good rest of your day, take care.

Grace and Favor Teaching Recap
Activating Uncommon Grace Through Prayer
Activating Uncommon Favor and Grace