Mrs. PIE

Unlocking Miracles: How Faith Transforms Fear into Triumph

May 28, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 29
Unlocking Miracles: How Faith Transforms Fear into Triumph
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Unlocking Miracles: How Faith Transforms Fear into Triumph
May 28, 2024 Season 3 Episode 29
Shelley Jeffcoat

Welcome to our latest podcast episode where we explore the transformative power of faith and resilience. Today, we delve into profound prayers and scriptures, highlighting how divine support can turn challenges into triumphs. We’ll reflect on the strength in faith through John 17 and Philippians 2:9-11, celebrating Jesus Christ’s name and the importance of worship.

Join us in a prayer session inspired by Exodus 3:16-21, seeking guidance and deliverance. Hear how Moses overcame his fears in Exodus 4 with God’s assurance, and engage in a prayer for confident, divinely guided communication.

We also recount Hezekiah’s story from Isaiah 38, demonstrating the power of earnest prayer and faithfulness. The episode concludes with a declaration of faith and a night of worship, inspired by Ephesians 3:20-21, celebrating God’s protection and favor. Join us for this spiritual journey to deepen your faith and experience the joy of divine grace.

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Welcome to our latest podcast episode where we explore the transformative power of faith and resilience. Today, we delve into profound prayers and scriptures, highlighting how divine support can turn challenges into triumphs. We’ll reflect on the strength in faith through John 17 and Philippians 2:9-11, celebrating Jesus Christ’s name and the importance of worship.

Join us in a prayer session inspired by Exodus 3:16-21, seeking guidance and deliverance. Hear how Moses overcame his fears in Exodus 4 with God’s assurance, and engage in a prayer for confident, divinely guided communication.

We also recount Hezekiah’s story from Isaiah 38, demonstrating the power of earnest prayer and faithfulness. The episode concludes with a declaration of faith and a night of worship, inspired by Ephesians 3:20-21, celebrating God’s protection and favor. Join us for this spiritual journey to deepen your faith and experience the joy of divine grace.

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Speaker 1:

I'm alive. I'm alive. I'm alive. I survived. I survived what didn't kill me. It only made me stronger. You survived. You survived, you survived, you survived. You survived what didn't kill me, it only made me stronger. With every win and loss, in spite of my negative thoughts, you are a breath. You help me down so you can lift me up and even when I'm feeling all depressed. But you are the one that I can lean on and if you knew my past, you would swear I'm finished last and I still don't understand why my God is so. I remember when I was found out First, giving honor to God who's the head of my life. I wanna thank you. If it had not been for you, I could have died last year, thinking about the last tears, thinking about the last time that I called on you and you came through. I remember when my God is amazing. My God is amazing.

Speaker 2:

Amen, he is absolutely amazing. Lord, we just thank you. We thank you because we are here to worship and just hear from you, lord God, I thank you for what you have already done. You are an amazing Father, and so we lift up your name tonight, lord God, and as you speak to our hearts tonight, lord God, as you, holy Spirit, take over this prayer call, as you make things move in the way only you can, lord, as you glorify yourself through us, your children, as you bring us back into your shelter, your covering, lord God, as you speak to each and every one of us where we are, in our situations, where, god, you are amazing, you are amazing. So, y'all, we are continuing what we started on Monday, which is the name, the name, the name of God, and I have a lot of stuff to share with y'all tonight. We're going to be working out some prayers tonight. Who is here is meant to be here and who is listening is meant to listen. So I have been in worship since 530. I'm already on. I'm past overflow. I'm glad y'all are here, amen. So I'm going to go ahead and start sharing so we can just get into this. Thank you, lord. Thank you, lord, for what you have already done. You are so good, god. You are so good.

Speaker 2:

So before we even go into this Tuesday night, I want to read let me read this scripture that this was released on Monday, so yesterday, but this is the high priestly prayer and this is coming out of John 17. I'm just going to pull some of the verses so that y'all can hear it. So I'm in John 17. This is the ESV version, and I'll start in verse one. When Jesus had spoken these words, he lifted up his eyes to heaven and said Father, the hour has come. Glorify your son, that the son may glorify you, since you have given him authority over all flesh to give eternal life to all whom you have given him, and this is eternal life that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do, and now, father, glorify me in your presence with the glory that I had with you before the world existed.

Speaker 2:

Verse six says I have manifested your name to the people whom you gave me out of the world. Father, I thank you for manifesting your name, the name of Jesus, to us. Those were. We were given to you out of this world. Yours they were and you gave them to me, and they have kept your word. Now they know that everything you have given me is from you, for I have given them the words that you gave me, and they have received them and have come to know, in truth, that I came from you and they have believed that you sent me.

Speaker 2:

Verse 8 says I'm praying for them. I'm not praying for the world, but for those whom you have given me, for they are yours, all mine are yours and yours are mine, and I am glorified in them. So, lord, we just thank you that you have interceded on our behalf and we are glorified. It is because of your sacrifice, lord Jesus, and as we were praying on Monday, yesterday, we were calling out the names of God, the various names of God. What a powerful reminder, as we close that prayer through the Holy Spirit, that he is also a man, god. What a powerful reminder, as we close that prayer through the Holy Spirit, that he is also a man, god. And so, as we lean into the names of God and we study your word and we enter into your throne room with prayers, tonight we call upon the name Jesus, but it's only because of what you have already done. So, tonight, tonight, lord God, as we enter before you, lord God, we just thank you for your mercy, we thank you for your grace and we thank you for the name that is above all else, the name that is above all everything, the name of Jesus Christ. Lord God, we thank you for the work, we thank you for manifesting your name to the people. We, we, who you, who you, who were given to you, we thank you, lord God, for meeting us where we are. So y'all, we're going to, we're going to be praying. I'm telling you, I've been, I'm ahead of y'all. I am who you say I am. That's what the word says.

Speaker 2:

So Philippians 2, verse 9 through 11 says this therefore, god has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that, at the name of Jesus, every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. So, lord, as we are praying and we are, as we are calling out to you, lord God, I pray now that you'll even start speaking to our, our very souls, our spirits, lord God. So we're in alignment, that we're in agreement that your name is the only name. Your name is the name above. Your name is the name in heaven, on earth and under the earth that even our tongues will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, so that as we come before you, lord God, we come to you knowing and believing and trusting, lord God, and yielding to the name of Jesus in every situation in our life. But whether it is a physical need, a spiritual need, whatever, the need is that everything shall bow now, that we will submit ourselves, that we will yield to your name, lord God, so that this prayer goes forth according to your will, lord God. So we thank you, lord.

Speaker 2:

We're just going to give him a couple of minutes of thanks, so let's just thank God for what he has already done.

Speaker 2:

We thank you for the name of Jesus Christ. We thank you that you have manifested that name in our lives. We thank you that you are the one true God, that what your word says is true. We thank you for calling us unto yourselves, for choosing us tonight. We thank you for setting us apart. We thank you for allowing us to see another Tuesday. We thank you for blessing us with your holy presence. We thank you, lord God, for what you have done for our families. We thank you for the healing, lord God. We thank you for the provisions, lord God. We thank you for the open and the closed doors, lord God. We thank you for the provisions, lord God. We thank you for the open and the closed doors. Lord God, we thank you for blessing us and aligning us back to your will for us. We thank you, lord God. We give thanks to you and lift up your name, lord God, your name, lord God.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, jesus, for what you have done. We thank you. We thank you, lord God, for your blessings and your grace. We thank you for forgiveness, lord God. We thank you for receiving us unto you. We thank you for praying on our behalf as our high priest. We thank you for the presence of the Holy Spirit. We thank you, lord God, as we come before you tonight for just another opportunity to praise you. And if you don't do another thing, lord God, we thank you anyway. We thank you for the relationship. We thank you, jesus, for what you have said about us. We thank you that our names are written. I thank you, lord God, that my name is registered in heaven. I thank you that my family's name is registered. I thank you that every person under the sound of my voice, we are in alignment with you. We thank you for what you say about us. We thank you for what you say concerning our situations. I thank you, jesus, for what you have done in this hour, drawing us back to you. It is all about you, lord Jesus. It is all about you and we thank you. We thank you for this hour of prayer. We thank you as we enter into your throne room.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, we thank you for your holy presence. We thank you for your purification. We thank you for your sanctification. We thank you, lord God, for everything. We thank you for your holy presence. We thank you for your purification. We thank you for your sanctification. We thank you, lord God, for everything. We thank you for the holy ones. We thank you for the help you've already released. We thank you, lord God, for answering our prayers. We haven't even uttered a word and you've already answered.

Speaker 2:

I thank you, lord God, that you're speaking to us now. Lord God, in every area of our life, lord God, that you reveal to us your mysteries concerning us, so that we can hear you clearly. We thank you as our spirit cries out to you, lord Jesus. We thank you, lord God. We thank you for your blessed name. We thank you for the name of Jesus. We thank you for the blood sacrifice. We thank you for heaven. We thank you for provisions. We thank you for manna. Oh, lord God, I scream out and I thank you. My soul thanks you. Thank you, jesus, for what you have done for us. Thank you for drawing us closer. Lord God, that's what we want a better relationship with you. Thank you for giving us eyes to see and ears to hear. Thank you for waking up our spirits. Thank you for bringing us back into alignment with the path you have for us. Thank you for giving us the strength, lord God, to finish this task out. Thank you, lord God, for this day. Thank you, lord God. Thank you, lord God.

Speaker 2:

Y'all let's go into confession. Out of your mouth, almighty God, we acknowledge and confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word and deed. We have not loved you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We have not loved our neighbor as ourselves. Deepen within us our sorrow for the wrong we have done and the good we have left undone. Lord, you are full of compassion and gracious, you're slow to anger and you're plenteous in mercy. There's always forgiveness with you. Restore to us the joy of your salvation and bind up that which is broken. Give light to our minds and strength to our wills, and rest to our souls. Speak to each one of us, Lord God, and let your word abide with us until it has wrought in us your holy will. Not our will, but thy will be done. Father, I thank you for receiving our confession. You are said there is no condemnation in Christ. Lord God, I pray over every single person that's under the sound of my voice that they are free. Lord God, what the word says? Lord God, we are free, indeed, because of what you have done for us, lord Jesus, and we ask that you will receive our confession now. Lord God, thank you. Lord God, thank you, jesus, for what you have done. Amen, amen.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to read out these two verses. I'm going to go according to how he showed me. It might not make sense to you in the natural mind, but your spirit will catch up. Psalm 138, two to three. Father, your word says I bow down toward your holy temple and I give thanks to your name, for your steadfast love and faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word. Father, on this day I call. On this day you answer me. It is written. Therefore, it must be true. Father God, on this day I call and you answer all of us. Father, strengthen our soul. Lord God, it is this day. We approach your holy temple. We give thanks to your holy name. Father God, we call out now in Isaiah 118.

Speaker 2:

Father, the word says come now, let us reason together, says the Lord. So, lord, we're approaching you to reason through our problems, reason through our situations. Lord, we want to hear from you. We don't want this to be a monologue prayer. We want to hear, lord God, speak to us and reveal to us what we need. Father, we ask for wisdom and understanding and knowledge. Father, we ask that you will open up the mysteries onto us concerning every area of our lives. So, when we are finished in prayer, lord God, we are hearing from you guidance and directions from heaven. Lord God, that you are releasing your holy help. Lord God, that you'll show us what we need to do. Reason with us now, according to your word as it is written.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, this is the day that we call, this is the day that you answer, father. Strengthen us by your might, in the name of Jesus. Father, this is declared as holy ground, that we are your temples, and so, father, we give thanks to your holy name and exalt you above everything else, everything else that's going on in our lives. We raise above that. We are seated in heavenly places. So, father, we thank you for what you're going to do tonight. Lord, God, I thank you.

Speaker 2:

Lord, lord, the scripture says Exodus 3, 16 through 21,. My caption in my Bible says I am who I am and it says go and gather the elders of Israel together and say to them the Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob, has appeared to me saying I have observed you and what has been done in Egypt. He sees what's going on and I promise you that I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt to the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Hivites, the Jebusites, a land flowing with milk and honey. And we know that milk and honey represents abundance and we know what honey means. Thank you, jesus, for joy, for gladness, for sweetness.

Speaker 2:

Verse 18 says and they will listen to your voice. Father, now I ask that you will open up our ears so we can hear your voice clearly. The word says and you and the elders of Israel shall go to the king of Egypt and say to him the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has met with us. Father, thank you for meeting with us. And now, please, let us go a three days journey into the wilderness that we may sacrifice to the Lord, our God. Father, meet us now as we are entering into this wilderness, lord God, sacrificing Lord God ourselves and giving our hearts back to you.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, let there be a renewal in our hearts tonight, lord God, as we meet you in this holy place, lord God, but I know the king of Egypt will not let you go unless compelled by a mighty hand. Oh Lord, let your hand be that mighty hand. Lord God, relieve us, lord God, deliver us from every evil attachment. Deliver us from the hell we're in. Deliver us, lord God, even from ourselves, from our thoughts, from fear and doubt and lack and loss.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, verse 20 says so I will stretch out my hand and strike Egypt with all the wonders that I will do in it. After that he will let you go. Father, I thank you that you are stretching out your mighty hand over every single person under this tent, Lord God, and all the mighty things that you will do so that you are glorified. It is your will. Your word says that I will give this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, and when you go, you shall not go empty. So now we call on your name, lord God.

Speaker 2:

It is written in according to your will, lord God, in Exodus 317, we're going to be praying this verse. The word says that go and gather the elders together. We're going to be saying the Lord says he's observed us, he's, he knows what's happening in my situation. And the word says I promise that I will bring you up out of the affliction. So pray that over yourself, lord.

Speaker 2:

I believe you, I know that you are observing what's happening to me in my Egypt. Your word says you will bring me up out of my affliction. Start asking God, bring me up out of my affliction. It is written this is your word, lord God, and so we repeat your word back to you. We thank you, lord God, and we believe we stand in alignment with what the word of God says concerning our situation, that you've observed us and you bring us out of this affliction, this loss, lord God, anything that is going wrong, off track in our lives, lord God, every single affliction, anything that is happening to us. I can't hear y'all. What is the job search, a health issue, a spiritual matter? Lord, if you would just ask me for guidance and direction, whatever the affliction is, lord, god, father, your word says that you see us, you are observing, you are present, you are in this with us. So, lord, we call on you. Lord God, the same Lord, god of my father, the God of.

Speaker 2:

Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, Father, you have appeared to them and you are appearing to us now. You see, you see what has been happening to us, Lord God, that you're aware of what's happening to your sons and daughters that you're involved that you have not left us, lord God, that you have not turned your back on your children.

Speaker 2:

Lord the enemy is such a liar. Trying to convince people that you are no longer around. It is a lie. The word says that you have observed, you know what's going on and you're bringing us up out of the affliction, lord God. Thank you, lord God, for the place that you're taking us into, the broad land the land of food and honey, lord God.

Speaker 2:

A place, lord God, that only you can give us, lord God, a land of blessing. Lord God, a land of abundance. Lord God, thank you for fullness of joy and gladness. Thank you for where you're taking us, Lord God, taking us out of our affliction and moving us into the land of milk and honey. Thank you for what that means for every one of us, lord God, we praise it. It is you, Lord God, that's moving mountains for us. Thank you, lord God. Thank you for shutting the doors that have no business being open. Anything that we have done to cause affliction to ourselves, lord God, we cancel it. We cancel it. We cancel it.

Speaker 2:

Lord, we want what you have for us in the name of Jesus, father, for those of us that don't have families, lord God, those of us who don't have a connection back to you, those of us who have, for generations, have been following witchcraft, following lies, lord God, chasing men. Lord God, father, I thank you that you have aligned us back to you. We are your children. Oh, I thank you, jesus, because we're connected to the same blessings, the same God of Abraham, isaac and Jacob. And, father, I thank you for what you have done, calling us back into your family. This is where we belong. So, father, we thank you, lord God, for what you are doing for us, in the name of Jesus, amen, amen. Exodus 3.18 says and they will listen to your voice. Oh Lord, I ask Lord God that they open up their ears so they can hear. Ask him, lord, I want to hear your voice, lord we want to hear your voice clearly in every situation.

Speaker 2:

We want to hear your voice at daytime, at noonday, at night. We want to hear your voice in our marriages. We want to hear your voice concerning our children. We want to hear your voice in our marriages. We want to hear your voice concerning our children. We want to hear your voice concerning our business. We want to hear your voice concerning our careers. We want to hear your voice. We want to be in tune with what you say, lord God, concerning everything. The Lord God of the Hebrews has met with us. Oh, father God, let there be a place that you meet with us constantly, where we can hear you. Lord God, we want to hear your voice concerning everything. We're still stuck in the wilderness. We went in for three days. We've been there for 40 years. We went in for three days. We've been there for 20 years. We went in for three years. We've been three days.

Speaker 2:

We went in for 10 years some of us are still stuck, lord god, because we can't hear your voice. We don't know where to turn, we don't know the exit ramp, lord god. So I'm asking you now, in the name of jesus, would you let them hear your voice clearly for god, be it through dreams or encounters, be it through through confirmation of your word, lord, let them hear your voice so they can come out of that place, that place of loss, that place of emptiness, the place the enemy have dropped them off through confusion and chaos. Lord, would you bring them out of this place? Lord, god, lord, would you do this for us now? Let them hear your voice. Father, we want to hear your voice clearly, lord God, in the name of Jesus, lord, for those of us who have been lost in the wilderness, lord, find us, locate us. Lord God, we want to hear your voice and come out of this place. Lord, god, lord God, let there be such a change with us, lord God, let there be such a mighty wind of change that goes through our lives, lord God, so we can hear you clearly. Drown out the white noise. Drown out the chaos. Drown out the noise that have been planted by seas of the devils. Drown out the noise from generations before that told people they weren't worthy. Drown out the voices that told them they could never hear from you. Drown out the voices that told them you weren't real. Drown out the voices that come in doubt. Drown out those monitoring spirits. Drown out the lies, lord God, so they can hear you crystal clear. Oh Father, I thank you that you are speaking to your children tonight. Lord God, let them hear you clearly. Lord God, give them the grace, increase the grace on them so they can hear you. Lord God, amen, amen.

Speaker 2:

And now this is where you ask for what you want, because Exodus 3.21 says I will give this people and you see, we're a set apart people, we're a chosen people, we're a special people. And it says this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians. And when you go, you shall not go empty, asking for what you want. And as you're asking for that, lord, god, lord, as they are praying and asking, standing and asking for what they need from you, lord, god, I'm bringing this word back to you, lord, god, not that you forget, lord, but just to remind you.

Speaker 2:

Lord, it is written, it is written that you will give this people favor in the sight of their enemies and wherever they go, they won't go empty. Would you bless them in overflow, lord God, whatever they stand and asking for, lord God, that you will give them favor in the sight of their enemies, oh God. Favor in the sight of their friends, favor inside of their friends, favor inside of their communities, favor inside of their churches, favor inside of their managers, favor inside of their friends. Favor, lord God. Would you give them the kind of favor that blesses others?

Speaker 2:

Would you pour out your supernatural favor, lord God? Would you let there be an overflow when they go? They shall not go empty. They will never be on empty. They will be in favor, fullness of joy. Would you pour out your supernatural overflow of favor? Under the it is written Lord God, this is your word. We thank you, lord, and we believe and we stand in agreement with what your word says concerning this people. Oh God, that your favor, we will have. Favor in the sight of Lord God. It means that it happens in this timeline.

Speaker 2:

It means that we experience your goodness in this lifetime, that we are living this thing out, lord God, that as we eat from your table of favor, lord Jesus, that it happens now. Lord God, let there be an acceleration in this timeline. Let there be an acceleration in favor, lord God. Oh Abba, I'm not asking for 10 years from now.

Speaker 2:

We are in the wilderness. We're asking for favor today. So I'm asking for that favor today, lord God, that you will give them favor, lord God, the kind of favor that blows God, the kind of favor that blows minds, the kind of favor that can only come from you. Why? So that your name is glorified, so that they will see their lives. People will see them, lord God, and they will know that they are witnesses, living witnesses, of your favor. The kind of favor no man can take credit for, the kind of favor we can't take credit for, the kind of favor we can't take credit for, the kind of supernatural favor that only comes from you In the sight of the Egyptians, in the sight of our enemies. Let there be such favor, lord God, that men will be drawn back to you because they will know we're the light carriers, because they will know we are this people.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah, I thank you. Jesus. Lord, he said we shall not go empty. Lord God, I pray that you will fill us up with the overflow. Lord God, we open our mouth. We can't help but bless you. Let there be in such overflow. We can't help but bless you, lord God. Let there be in such favor. We can't help but bless you, lord, god, father, fill us up. Fill us up and overflow, lord God. Thank you, jesus for your healing. Lord, oh, let there be healing. Give us the favor of healing, lord. Oh, thank you, jesus. Give us a favor with our pocketbooks, lord God, with prosperity blessing us so we can bless many.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, bless them with long life, lord God. Lord, would you send to their minds, oh God, would you bring peace to their hearts, bring comfort into their household. Let there be such a change, lord God, the kind of favor that changes communities, the kind of favor that changes their children for generations to come. Let them have. The kind of favor that shapes and influences and draws men back to you, oh God Almighty. The kind of favor that shapes and influences and draws men back to you, oh god almighty. The kind of favor that can only come from heaven, so that your name is glorified through them. It is written and, as your word says now, gonna glorify yourself through us, or god, demonstrate the power of the holy spirit through us, through your significant uncommon favor and grace.

Speaker 2:

Lord, lord God, as we close out this month of May, lord God, we are reminded of your uncommon grace and your uncommon favor. Lord God, let it fall on them now, in the name of Jesus. Oh, let there be so much favor, they can't even keep up, lord God. I thank you, lord God. Let there be testimony after testimony after testimony of your goodness and your grace and your favor in their lives. Thank you, jesus, for what you have done. Amen, amen, amen, hallelujah. Thank you, lord. We're going to be praying just over our own communities.

Speaker 2:

This is a prayer for communities, for the places that we live in, the people around us. Maybe your community is your house, maybe your community is your subdivision, but mine is the nation, so I'm gonna cover that. Amen. The word in exodus 4 says but moses said to the lord oh, my lord, I'm not eloquent either in the past or since you have spoken to your servant, but I'm slow of speech and of tongue. Then the lord said to him who has made man's mouth? Who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord? Now, therefore, go and I will be your mouth and I will teach you what to speak. You see, this is an activation prayer. So, father, I pray for every person, under the sound of my voice, that you will give them this message. You will give them the grace to speak, give them the grace to teach. Wherever you send them, they will go. Your word says that you made our mouth, lord God. It is you, lord, god. Therefore, lord, as it is written, we will be your mouth and we'll teach what you want us to speak.

Speaker 2:

In every area, in every community, in every person that we come in contact, we are activated to go in, lord God and every person that we come in contact. We are activated to go in, lord God, go ye, therefore and I thank you, lord God, that you're blessing us to do more than just pray for our own needs. This is an hour where you want us to pray for the people in our communities. There's gotta be bigger than that. If you want God to bless you, you're gonna have to do more than just ask for your own selfish needs. You're gonna have to ask more than just ask for your own selfish needs. You're going to have to ask him what's on his heart.

Speaker 2:

And what's on his heart right now is the communities, it's the places where you are. Oh, I thank you, jesus, but, lord God, I ask that you remove the lie, the lie that the devil has placed on them that they don't have the right speech, that they don't have the right title, that they don't have the right education, they don't have the right connection. It is a lie. The right education, they don't have the right connection. It is a lie.

Speaker 2:

Your word says Lord God, that you will be our mouth. So, Father, I ask, now that you purify their tongue, that you'll set their tongues on fire, Lord God, that you burn off everything that is not meant from you, Lord God, that you'll purify their hearts, their thoughts, Lord God, and especially their mouth. Father, I ask that you go into their mouth, Lord God, and give them a breath of fresh air. Amen, Give them new words, Lord God. Give them the words. Lord God, Father, we want you to be our mouth, Lord God, we want your ears and your eyes. Lord God, Father, teach us what you want us to say. Lord God, we humble ourselves to your leading Holy Spirit. We humble ourselves to your leading Holy Spirit. Oh, I thank you, Lord God. We humble ourselves to your leading Holy Spirit. We humble ourselves to your leading Holy Spirit. Oh, I thank you, Lord God, because this is bigger than just us. Lord God, I thank you for activating the sons and daughters on the sound of my voice. Oh, I thank you, Lord, that everything that held them back from speaking about you, from witnessing of God, oh God, I thank you. Lord God. Whatever I was was shut up, Lord God, Any lie, any incantation, anything that was tossed to them anything that caused them to stop from being witnesses of your glory, to be glory carriers, Lord God, that that is destroyed now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Under the name of Jesus, every knee must bow. So I cancel every single lie the enemy had every hour that was coming your way, everything that has shut your mouth up from speaking, everything that has stopped you from testifying, everything that stopped you from witnessing. I cancel that now, and the blood of Jesus Christ has covered you. Amen. Thank you, Lord God, because it is written Lord, you will be our mouth and you teach us what to speak. So we receive that now, so we can be people of impact and influence. Lord God, Father, we want to be the blessings in our family, Lord, would you even bless our mouth so we can speak to our family, Lord God, would you bless us, Lord God, so we can speak to our children, Lord God, Lord, our spouses, our friends, Lord God, every single person we come in contact. Lord God, Lord God, would you be our mouthpiece and would you teach us what to speak, Lord God, so there won't be any error and you'll be glorified? Amen, I thank you, Lord.

Speaker 2:

Lord, we know that if we focus on you, Lord God, if we put you first, all and everything we stand in need of we don't have to worry about that. It is written, Lord God, oh Lord God. It is written and therefore it must be true. So, Lord, I'm just reminding you of what your word says concerning that that if we go forth, Lord God, if we put you first, if we focus, if we seek you first, you've covered. Lord God, If we seek you first, if we focus, if we seek you first, you have us covered. Lord God, If we seek you first, you've got everything. All these things are added unto us, so we don't have to worry about our health.

Speaker 2:

We don't have to worry about attack. We don't have to worry about our bills, we don't have to worry about our future. Oh God, we don't have to worry about a thing, because you have that covered, lord God, your word says all of these things will be added unto us. So, lord, we're going to seek you first, we're going to put you first and you're going to be our mouth so we can do the assignments that you have given us, so we can finish what you started in our lives. Lord God, oh, we want to be those people for you, lord God, we thank you, lord God, we thank you, jesus. Thank you Lord, thank you Lord. Thank you Lord, thank you Lord. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Lord. Thank you, lord, for activating us to do the work you've called us to do.

Speaker 1:

We've been sitting on this side of it way too long and we are ready.

Speaker 2:

Lord, God, Lord. We want to do more than feed our families, Lord God. We want to do more than just have a job. We want to be the people that beat. We are the blessing, we are the breakthrough for our family, for generations, Lord God.

Speaker 2:

Father we want to kind of change in our families, that we are the blessings, we bring the blessings. We want abundance of blessings for our family. But, lord, we understand that we have to be in alignment, we have to be in obedience with what you tell us to do. Oh God, would you bring back to memory every single assignment that we have forgotten, assignments that we have pushed along the way, we have dropped it off because we were tired? Lord God, would you even give us the strength to complete what we have started, anything that we were supposed to do, lord God, that we left that thing on the sidewalk because we were afraid to speak. Oh, lord God, would you bring that back to our memory? Lord God, holy Spirit, and then you teach us how. You teach us how to do this assignment, how to do this work, lord God, so that you are glorified through us, because we are going to be seeking you out and we know all these things are added Amen.

Speaker 2:

Isaiah 38. This is so amazing. This is a scripture that the Lord gave me before we came on, and it's a powerful way of showing how prayer works in some ways. And so Hezekiah turned his face to the wall. This before, though, right before this, the Lord had told him his life was gonna end soon. And he said please, o Lord, remember how I have walked before you in faithfulness, with a whole heart, and have done what is good in your sight, and wept bitterly. And it says the word of the Lord came to Isaiah. Go and and say to Hezekiah thus says the Lord, the God of David, your father I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears and I will add 15 years to your life. I will deliver you in this city out of the hand of the king of Assyria and defend this city.

Speaker 2:

What does this mean for you? It means you need to remember as you turn your face to God, as you're in your situation, crying out for help. Maybe you're not asking him to extend your life, but maybe he needs to extend you alone. Maybe he needs to extend a touch. In the name of Jesus, you can come before his throne now, amen. And you can say oh, please, oh, lord, remember how we walk before you in faithfulness. We have a whole heart, we press in, lord, we have done what is good in your sight because of the blood of Jesus Christ, because we are seated in heaven, because we are seated in heaven because he is in us and we are in him. We have the power and the authority of Holy Spirit in us to enter this into this prayer.

Speaker 2:

And the same way Hezekiah wept bitterly. Lord God, we cry out for our children, we cry out for our spouses, we cry out for ourselves, as mothers, as daughters, as sisters, as brothers. We weep, lord God, and ask that you remember how we have walked with you, lord God. And Lord God, send a man and woman. Oh, in verse four, I thank you, jesus, that you send a man and woman. It says the word of the Lord came to Isaiah. Oh, may God bless the Isaiahs in our lives that we have been sent to tell you what God says concerning you. And he's saying you. He's saying you. He's saying you. He's saying you I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears. I will add years to your life, I will deliver you. Oh, I thank you, jesus. I thank you for the word that has come forth for your children tonight, me included.

Speaker 2:

I thank you for the Isaiahs in our lives. I thank you for the confirmation in our lives.

Speaker 2:

I thank you because the word thank you, jesus. I thank you because it is written that you have heard our prayer. It is written that you have seen our tears and you've added years to our lives. Thank you, Lord, for delivering us out of the hand of the enemy and you will defend us. Lord God, I thank you, jesus, because what you have done in your word for Hezekiah, you will do for us. Your word is forevermore.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I thank you, lord God, in the name of Jesus, that we're receiving this unto ourselves, where the Hezekiah is crying out, lord God, bringing it back to your memory, lord God, reminding you, lord God, all of this being possible because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. You see, that's why he wanted to start out by reminding you about the name of Jesus. No, jesus isn't a genie, but you got to understand the power in his name, what his name, what he did for you. The blood of Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I thank you, lord God, for what you have done, because it's because of your sacrifice, jesus, that I can utter these words, and I can say this in confidence that I have walked before you in faithfulness, with my whole heart. I've done what is good in your sight. Oh, father, we cry out bitterly. I cry out for every person, under the sound of my voice, that you'll send them an Isaiah, that you'll send them a confirmation, that you'll say to your children oh you, lord, god, the God of David, my father, I heard your prayer. I have heard your cry. I have seen your tears. I thank you for extending their lives.

Speaker 2:

I thank you for delivering them out of the hand of the enemy and defending your children this is the Word of God. It is must be so. I thank you, god, for what you have done for us tonight. Thank you, jesus, thank you, lord, thank you. Lord for deliverance, lord, thank you, lord, god, hallelujah, hallelujah. You are worthy to be praised.

Speaker 1:

You are worthy to be praised Glory glory, glory, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 2:

He said this. He said it's time for you to get a new name. He said it's time for you to get a new name. He said it's time for you to get a new name. Oh, I thank you, jesus. That the name, your name, your name, your name Jesus, your name Jesus, your name Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Your name.

Speaker 2:

Jesus, father, I ask that you, lord God, just as your name carries authority in heaven, in earth and under the earth, that you will give us a new name today, lord, god, father, that you will scratch out the names that we were given in shame, the names that represented shame and failure, the names that represented fear and doubt anything that we were called at any point in our lives anything that was associated with us, that did not come from you. Oh, abba, I know what you call your daughters.

Speaker 1:

Oh Lord.

Speaker 2:

God, give us a new name. Give us a name that's registered in heaven.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

God, I don't want the kind of popularity in the world. I want our names to have echo in heaven. I want them to say Lord God, that is my daughter, I know that name. So, father God, in Ecclesiastics 7.1, your word says a good name better than precious ointment. You got to understand. It didn't say popular name, it says a good name. It says that name is better than any precious ointment, any precious oil, any covering you might get. That good name is better than that. And the day of death and the day of birth, that's how important having the good name is.

Speaker 2:

Oh, lord God, would you rewrite our names? And, lord God, as we are listening for your voice, call out that name that you gave us in the. Oh my God, call out the name you assigned to us when you created us. Lord, god, father, we are preaching. Come on, lord, we were formed before you knew name. You assigned to us when you created us. Lord god, father, we are preaching. Come on, lord. We were formed before you knew us. You knew us before we were in our mother's womb.

Speaker 2:

What is the name you called us, father? Would you call us that name? Because that's the name we're listening for. And hallelujah, genesis 12. It says now the lord said to abraham go from your country and your kindred and your father's house the land that I will show you and I will make of you a great nation. And he says I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. Oh, I thank you, jesus, that you will make our name great. Lord, god, bless our name and let our name oh, thank you, jesus be in alignment with what you call us. What do you call us, lord Jesus?

Speaker 2:

Lord make our name great. Bless us, lord. God, the word says that you will be able to bless. It says I will bless those who bless you and him who dishonors you I will curse. Don't play with my father. And in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Father, rewrite their names. You all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Father, rewrite their names. Cause them to be a blessing of generations of families on this earth. That's why you wanted us to pray for communities, because it's not just about your family and yourself, it's about the families of the earth. Father, I thank you that you will bless them.

Speaker 2:

Father, make their name great. Register their name in heaven. So when they call out, oh, even if it's just a whisper, even if it's just a moan, holy Spirit, heaven will respond. I thank you, jesus, that the holy ones you have assigned to us, the angels that you have assigned to us, they will respond to our name. Amen. I thank you, lord God, that we'll get first chair, that we'll get first preference. Lord God, that we'll get first chair, that we'll get first preference. Lord God, that when people say our names, it is attached to what Jesus says about you. Your name will be a blessing. Your name will not be dishonored. You will be a blessing to families of the earth, not just your own. I thank you, jesus. Father, some of us have to be shifted out. Lord, god, we need to leave where we are.

Speaker 2:

We need to leave our comfort zone so we can get our name, lord God.

Speaker 2:

maybe the name is evangelist, maybe the name is prophet, whatever, it is, it's all, daughter, we are daughters and sons of the King, lord God, reveal to them what you call them, what you say about them, lord God. Let them hear that name, lord God, so they can respond in spirit. Oh, but I know you will do this for us, lord God, because your works as a good name is better than precious ointment. So give them a good name, lord God, and every single person that seeks to attack them or tear their name down through gossip or lies or confusion. Let every single attack on their name, on their family name, let it be dismantled now, lord God, set it on fire, lord God, every incantation, every gossip, everywhere, anywhere that anyone has been trying to tear their names down, lord God, to confuse them. Lord God, any name, anyone, lord God, who's been using their name to hurt them, lord God, let them be set on fire right now. Every plan of the enemy is set on fire right now. Let it burn. Let it burn In the name of Jesus Christ. Let it burn. Give them a good name, a name that's associated with blessings.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, father, move them out of the areas they have no business being with Anything that's counter to the name that you have given us. Lord God, we don't want that mess anymore. Lord God, we want to be blessings to our family. Lord God, father, your word says anyone, lord God, anyone who dishonors us, you will curse them. You will take care of it. You will take care of them, lord God. I thank you, father, you contend with those who contend with your daughters. I thank you, father, you contend with those who contend with your daughters. I thank you, father, that the gates of hell shall not prevail against us because of the blood of Jesus Christ, because we are aligned with that name. So, father, god, the name that you issue out to us, we receive it. Lord, I pray that over the next week, that you'll drop it in their spirit and tell them what their name is, the way that it sounds.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's not Abraham, abraham. Oh, thank you, jesus, for what you have called them. It's not Sarah, sarah. Oh, thank you, jesus. Father, would you just give them the name. Let them hear you, lord God. Let them hear you, lord God. Amen, amen. We're just going to take a few minutes. Just listen, just listen, just listen, just listen, just listen, just listen. Just let him speak to you. Just let him speak to you. Thank you, holy Spirit. Thank you, holy Spirit. Thank you, holy Spirit. Thank you Lord, thank you Lord. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you, holy Spirit. Thank you Lord.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, Lord.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, lord. Lord, I don't know what song that is. Thank you, lord, thank you. Jesus. Thank you Lord, thank you Lord Thank you. Lord, all all right. We're going to move into our declaration. I declare this day that no weapon formed against me can prosper, because I am the righteousness of god. Favor surrounds me as a shield.

Speaker 2:

Our protection surrounds me as a shield I am therefore in the right place at the right time. I cannot be destroyed. It's not every tongue that accuses me. Every tongue that attacks me, I condemn with my words. This is my heritage, this is my right as a child of God, made in his image, made with his dominion and authority living in me, coming forth out of my spirit. Through my words, I declare today that Satan has no power over my life, that every weapon he has has been defeated, that fear is cast out, that love makes my faith work and therefore, I cannot fail. God's word cannot fail and that's what I'm made of his word, made in his image, after his liken likeness, with the power of the holy spirit and authority of his words. Therefore, by the blood of jesus, I dwell in the secret place of the most high. I abide under the shadow of the almighty. I say of the lord you are my refuge, my fortress, my god. You I will trust. Amen, amen, amen, amen, amen. Thank you Lord, thank you Lord, thank you, lord.

Speaker 2:

As we release these words, we are in alignment with what the word says about us, as these words were written in your holy word, lord. We're just bringing it back, we're just repeating what you say about us. As these words were written in your holy word, lord. We're just bringing it back, we're just repeating what you say about us. It is in your word that tells us that there is no weapon the enemy has formed that will prosper against us. It is your word that tells us that favor surrounds us as a shield. It is your word that tells us that every tongue that accuses us, we can condemn with our words. It is your word that tells us that every tongue that accuses us, we can condemn with our words. It is your word that tells us that we have a right as a child of God, that we're made in his image, in your image, that we have the dominion and the authority of the Holy Spirit. It is your words that tell us that we can declare that Satan has no power over our life. It's your word that tells us that every weapon he has has been defeated. It's your word that says us that every weapon he has has been defeated. It's your word that says that God's word concerning us, it can't fail. It's your word and it's the blood of Jesus Christ that seals it.

Speaker 2:

So, lord God, as we release these declaration, this prayer as a declaration, lord God, we thank you for what your word says concerning us. You are our refuge, you are our fortress. It's in you that we trust and we thank you, lord God, amen, amen, all right, y'all just give them just a minute of praise that the Lord did something for you tonight. Just go ahead and give him a minute of praise, if you felt him. Give him a minute of praise.

Speaker 2:

Holy Spirit, I just praise you because you are so amazing, you're so wonderful. I'm on fire for you. Lord God, I love and adore you. I praise you for your holy presence. I praise you for shifting environments. I praise you that everywhere that we place our feet, lord God, there's a blessing. I praise you for what's to come and what we have tonight. I praise you for your holiness. I praise you that we, lord God, even though we are broken and ship vessels, you still want to use us. I praise you, god. I praise you because you are wonderful and your word says that we're fearfully and wonderfully made. I thank you even, lord God, for the mess we are, because you're in the business of using a mess to do mighty works. I thank you that you're giving the messy works. Those of us, lord God, who are not perfect that you are using us, lord God, and we praise you for that.

Speaker 2:

That's all you, lord. That's you choosing us, lord God, every single day. Lord, we praise you. We bless your holy name. Holy. We thank you, lord God. I thank you for seeing about us tonight. Lord God, I praise you for what you have done. Truly, you're worthy to be praised Truly. You're a mighty God. Oh, truly, you are our friend and father. Oh, great Jehovah, jireh, oh, el Shaddai, oh, thank you for all. All the names are God, oh, but Jesus, how I love you. We praise you. We praise you for your holiness. We praise you. Thank you, lord, thank you, lord. Thank you, lord. All right, we're rolling the benediction.

Speaker 2:

Ephesians 3, 2021. Now to him, who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think. According to the promise of our Father To him, be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Father, we thank you for an amazing night of worship. We thank you for seeing about us. I thank you, lord God. I thank you for all that you have done for us. I thank you for giving us our name, lord God, for changing our environment. I thank you, lord God, for what you have done through deliverance, lord God, I thank you that we are shedding off old skin, that we're throwing out old wine, that we are a new creation. I thank you for the fresh oil, lord God, that you have re-anointed us Lord God.

Speaker 2:

I thank you for aligning us back to what we have started in you, that you will help us finish it. Lord God, I thank you for the opportunity to come before your holy presence. I thank you, lord, for seeing about us tonight and I pray, lord, that you'll bless every single person under the sound of my voice, that they will come to know you. Lord Jesus, there is only one way to the throne and it is only through him, and I thank you, lord Jesus, you are worthy, you are amazing. I love you so much, lord God. Oh, I love you, lord Jesus, and it is only through you, and we bless you, we bless you. We thank you for the sacrifice. I thank you for what you have done. Amen, amen, amen. Amen.

Powerful Worship and Prayer Call
Prayer for Guidance and Deliverance
Activation Prayer for Empowered Speech
Seeking God's Blessings Through Prayer
Declaration of Faith and Praise
Night of Worship and Gratitude