Mrs. PIE

Embracing Grace and Influence: The Power of Mighty Works Through Faithful Obedience

May 23, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 26
Embracing Grace and Influence: The Power of Mighty Works Through Faithful Obedience
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Embracing Grace and Influence: The Power of Mighty Works Through Faithful Obedience
May 23, 2024 Season 3 Episode 26
Shelley Jeffcoat

Have you ever paused to consider the extraordinary moments of grace and favor that shape our lives? With the essence of May's grace as our backdrop, I delve into heartfelt stories of gratitude, personal revelations, and the power of mighty works that often masquerade as simple human kindness. I invite you on a journey through Romans 1:1-6, where we learn from the apostle Paul's example of servitude and the true nature of influence within the fivefold ministry. It's not about the numbers—it's about the divine orchestration of our lives, and how we respond to the call to serve, just as Paul did.

 Let's embrace our unique roles and trust in His provision, for even the smallest steps in faith can lead to the most significant strides in His plan.

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Have you ever paused to consider the extraordinary moments of grace and favor that shape our lives? With the essence of May's grace as our backdrop, I delve into heartfelt stories of gratitude, personal revelations, and the power of mighty works that often masquerade as simple human kindness. I invite you on a journey through Romans 1:1-6, where we learn from the apostle Paul's example of servitude and the true nature of influence within the fivefold ministry. It's not about the numbers—it's about the divine orchestration of our lives, and how we respond to the call to serve, just as Paul did.

 Let's embrace our unique roles and trust in His provision, for even the smallest steps in faith can lead to the most significant strides in His plan.

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Speaker 1:

no-transcript. Good morning. I am so excited, y'all, because I just got a whole word before we got started. So, hello, happy Thursday, welcome back. This is Come Out of the Wilderness, thursday Prayer. And God, you are so good and so I am already filled up, so we're continuing our series on grace. This is May. The number five represents grace and favor.

Speaker 1:

We've been asking God for uncommon grace and uncommon favor in our lives, and it's so amazing the way that the Holy Spirit works. So, lord, I just thank you for what you have done. You brought us here to this moment. We thank you, lord, for giving us your uncommon favor and your uncommon grace, opening our eyes this morning, blessing many of us with jobs that we can go to, with families that are healthy and even those who are in need and searching. Lord, that you're giving us your favor so that those who are standing in need will have those needs met, we don't have a reason to worry. We don't have a reason to doubt you. We can trust you, lord, knowing that even in seasons of lack, we still have your grace and favor, and so we thank you for that this morning, for every person, under the sound of my voice, who might be standing in need of something this morning, that you will grace them, you'll give that to them, you'll give them your favor and you open doors for them that man can't open, not things that we can do on our own, things that are miraculous and amazing, things that show us and remind us that you are the only God, the only Abba, the only Father. So we thank you, lord Jesus, for blessing us. It is through you that we have access and we just thank you, lord Y'all.

Speaker 1:

I'm telling you I was already in worship, so today we're talking about grace and mighty works, and I'm going to share the scripture that I was giving Good morning faithful. Yes, the Lord shows absolutely uncommon favor and grace, and it is real and he's been doing it. And for those of y'all who are experiencing it, I think a lot of times when we receive God's favor and his grace, we tend to overlook it because we think it's like something man-made, you know. So someone was kind to me or whatever. But when you start to go deeper in your relationship with the Lord, you'll start to see how he moves things in your life, how he aligns things up, and so, just before I came on, I had one of those revelations. So I'm going to share that with y'all again because it's going to bless you as well. But we're going to go into the word for today, the scripture for today. So I'm going to share my screen again.

Speaker 1:

I have to say this y'all because people listen to us on the audio streets at the end of the week and I'm going into Romans 1, verses 1 through 6. And this is the ESV version, a Shelley version, and it reads Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures. Now I'm going to break this down a little bit in the way that thank you, holy Spirit, the way that he's been. He showed me this. So, first off, when we talk about mighty works, we look at things that people around us do and a lot of times we get confused on what mighty works looks like. So mighty works, you know, great things, whatever, right. A lot of times people look at it as the mass of work. They look at it in terms of influence and impact, according to our eyes, human eyes. People look at the numbers. So, for example, you could go to a big church that has 10,000 people and the Lord ain't there. It is a whole lot of performance when you go to a small church that has 50 people and it's all powered up with the Holy Spirit and people are being delivered. Okay, so you can't look at the way that we see math. Heaven's math is not our math. The Lord will choose one person to speak to another person and that multiplies that. One person doesn't always have to speak to a thousand, right, he might give you a seed of an idea and it helps three people, and yet those people, according to the assignments that God placed on them, they will go out and multiply that in the kingdom.

Speaker 1:

So it starts out with Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus. And I think this is amazing, because when we think about Paul, a lot of us revere, even some have made him a saint. Paul was a servant of Christ Jesus, and it tells you, first of all, that your posture, your posture first of all, is to serve. So you might be a leader in the kingdom, you might be a leader in your job, you might be a leader in business, but your first posture is actually as a servant. So, though I have authority in the spirit, my authority comes because I'm a servant of Christ Jesus first. That is the first thing before you can even get to your mighty works.

Speaker 1:

The second thing here I want you to see is that he was called. So he had an assignment. So God gave him a specific assignment. It was assigned to him for him to be an apostle. Some of you were assigned to be teachers, some of you were assigned to be evangelists, and if you don't know what I'm talking about, these are the what we call fivefold ministry. This is what God gives you, he calls you to do, and so some of us have that.

Speaker 1:

When it talks about many are called and infused or chosen. This is what the word is talking about. Some of us have that when it talks about many are called and few are chosen. This is what the word is talking about. Some of us were called to lead in certain aspects prophets, teachers, evangelists, apostles, et cetera. Right, but regardless of what you were called to do so, in Paul's case he was called. The first thing before he got to mighty works is that he was a servant. He was submitted to Christ Jesus. He was following Jesus' plan, not his plan. The second was then he was given the assignment. He was assigned to be an apostle.

Speaker 1:

The third part is that he was then set apart, but he was set apart to carry out. His assignment was to bring forth the gospel of God. Set apart to do that thing. And then verse two talks about which he promised beforehand, again, god, jesus, through his prophets, through the holy. So it was a fulfillment of something coming to you. And so for some of you, maybe you've heard a word from someone in your past Sometimes it's your pastor, your Bible school teacher, could it be your parent? You know where they've placed a promise, that what God says, you know they've revealed something to you concerning you, and so what happens is that your life ends up living out that whatever that promise, that promise beforehand, and it says through his prophets, in the Holy Scriptures, meaning it was Paul was literally carrying out some of the word that was already ordained for him, right. And then it talks about concerning his son. Here we're talking about jesus, who was descended from david according to the flesh and then declared to be the son of god in power according to the spirit of holiness.

Speaker 1:

The last part, the last verse I want to share with you before I kind of pull this together and stop sharing is through whom we have received grace and apostleship, and it talks about that. Through whom is that that? Again, it comes through Jesus. It comes through his blood. It comes through the spirit of holiness right, there is a spirit of holiness. And again, every time you read the word, I want you to pick up on what the word is teaching you about the various things. It's not just like don't just go in and read the words so you can just memorize the scripture. Ask God to reveal to you what it means concerning your life.

Speaker 1:

So here we're seeing that grace and that office that Paul had. He received that grace and apostleship right Through Jesus. It was through Jesus. It wasn't Paul didn't anoint himself, okay. Paul didn't get up one day and say I'm going to do mighty works, okay, that's't get up one day and say I'm going to do mighty works, okay, that's not how it worked. But he received that grace so that in order for him to do his assignment, he had to have the grace and he had to be in the right position. He had to be in the right office, he had to be in there, he had to be walking in his purpose and calling right the world. We use this language all the time. I'm walking in my purpose. But if you're truly walking in your purpose and you have received that uncommon grace of God, then you can carry out the assignment. And it says to bring about the obedience of faith. So there was a reason and a vision aligned to this mighty work. It was the obedience of faith for the sake of Jesus, the name of Jesus among all. So what he was, what he was assigned to do, he had a reason, he had grace, he was assigned to do it by God. It was functioning. It was stemming from a promise that was laid out on his life, before him, and so he was carrying that mighty work out.

Speaker 1:

So in order for you to walk in the mighty works, in order for you to receive the grace of works, in order for you to receive the grace of God to do the mighty works, first you've got to be a servant, you've got to be in a position of submission. Before you can lead anyone in God's church, you've got to be a follower of Christ. So when I was, I used to say this all the time, especially growing up, that I'm a great leader, I'm a horrible follower I should say comma of men. I don't follow men. I always seem to go the other way, because the Holy Spirit has always led me Don't follow people, follow me. So my mindset has always been always follow what the Holy Spirit says. So it could be it could seem like a very small thought idea that he would give me and I would chase that thing down and I would say, lord, even if I'm the only one doing it, I'm going to follow and do what you say. I'm going to be obedient Again, bringing about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name in all the nations. That is my assignment, anything that I do. So when you think about mighty works now I want you to think about some of you.

Speaker 1:

Your Mighty Works is just is what you're doing within your family. Some of you are. Your Mighty Works is you're the person on your job and your business and you walk in and your smile just changed the environment, but you have a spirit of worship, you're a spirit of holiness about you and when you come in that space, people can't help but line up. People are drawn to that amazing smile and sometimes all you're doing is saying good morning. Maybe you're the first person that's greeting people and you work in the doctor's office or the dental care, and they walk in and you're the first greeter. You're the greeter at Walmart and you have been placed there. This is a part of your assignment. You've been set aside. There's a promise on your life that what you carry is to light up the world, and so that is mighty works. Because you're greeting people and in the way that you do, that is because of the grace you ask God, give me the grace to be a good greeter, you know. So, again, mighty works. So you don't know who you're greeting. You might be greeting someone who comes in into that Walmart, into that CBS, into that whatever target, because of what you were called to do to be the light in the world. By the way, we are all called to be the light. That's what it means, like the light in the world, right. We have to have again back to that heart posture, right. And so think about your mighty works. You don't know who you're tapping.

Speaker 1:

So now I'm going to give you an example that the Lord assured me this morning of a mighty work, so that I pray again. I'm going to go ahead and brag. I'm going to tell you right now this is a full-on. I'm going to brag on what Jesus is doing in my life. So if you're on the hateration, you don't want to hear this part, because I'm going to go ahead and brag on what the Lord is doing, because I want you to be encouraged to do the same, to follow him, to see that he will do some things in your life. So today is May 23rd.

Speaker 1:

A couple of days ago, on the Facebook streets I'm going to give you two examples A couple of days ago on the. You know, facebook brings up those memories and it brought up a one year memory that showed that Come Out of the Wilderness, as a Facebook group was launched a year ago. And it was launched a year ago with three people. It was again. I keep saying this because he wants me to let, not that I'm trying to puff anyone up, but I'm trying to show you what measures of obedience, because that Facebook group came out of me, leaving something else that I was a part of on the job, and it was.

Speaker 1:

I knew what he was telling me. I had to bounce. He was like you've got to come out of this group and you've got to do something in the marketplace. You have to move and I literally I remember having this conversation with these women saying I don't care who comes, but I have got to go and I'm going to go and launch this thing on the Facebook streets, whether you're with me or not. And the two people who said yes to this crazy vision, makisha and Karen that's why I keep bringing out their names, because the Lord is not going to give you an assignment and not give you confirmation. It wasn't me going out to just do some stuff. I was already on the streets praying every Thursday on these lives across the world, so it wasn't something that was foreign to me. It's just he had shifted the season, that I was in doing something somewhere else and he said you've got to go, so a year, so a year now. So that that group was three people, and on Facebook it brings up this memory and it really hit me that from three became a hundred, it's 195. And that's just one year.

Speaker 1:

And that doesn't include all the events that we've done and all the other places that I've spoken at and all the hearts, that minds that we've touched. We do I mean our, you know, we, literally we have a lot going on, right, but that was just through a posture of serving and being obedient to him, to what he says, but in order and that would be considered a mighty work Right. And in order for that to happen, I had to be in submission to God, to God, to Christ. I was following in the walk in the place that he had me, my office right, and I have multiple offices in the kingdom. So I was obedient, submitting to him, to the Holy Spirit, to what he told me to do. Right, even though it sounds crazy, y'all, right, it could have been listen, it could have been just us three and we'd still be on there praying. Right, he started to send the right people who needed us in this season to pray alongside, and from that has come many, many blessings, many, many things. But even with that, as he called us, mighty works looks like. You know, we're on our prayers and we're praying for men and women who are leading much larger organizations and they're doing amazing things. So even with that, you can't get caught up in what a mighty work looks like, because on our prayer call it could be two people that show up, but those two people are touching 10 and those 10 are touching a hundred. As heaven's map, mighty works doesn't look the same way for everybody. So that's an example. So when he showed us that the mighty work that was being done through him and through obedience to his work, then here was something amazing.

Speaker 1:

I opened my Bible this morning before I came on, and it was just now. Here's what we talk about again. When you ask the Lord to show me, when you want to know for sure you're on your, your, your path, I ask him. I only want to do what you say that I should do. I want to be on your path, no matter how crazy it sounds. I only want to do what you say that I should do. I want to be on your path, no matter how crazy it sounds. I'm going to do that.

Speaker 1:

And so I opened my Bible this morning and in May of and I mark notes, y'all. Mark the date and time in your Bible when the Lord gives you a word concerning your life. So remember I said this Romans 1, 1 through 6, verse 2,. It says which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the holy scriptures. So when he gives you a word concerning your life, mark down the date and the time. Put it in a journal, a notebook, put a post-it. I write it in my Bible, y'all. Okay, I still use a paper Bible. That's part of why.

Speaker 1:

So I came back, I opened the word and I did one of those, you know, open the word type things. It wasn't plotted, or Thursday prayers. I started on Facebook. I was just praying for kids, y'all, and the word that God gave me concerning this and it all had to do with restoration and so everything that he had built up for me concerning me, my office, what I'm supposed to do, was in this work and I dated it May 21st 2022, what he said concerning my assignment. And again, I didn't know that it was going to be like this mighty works, right, we didn't know. I didn't know that. I didn't know that there was going to be a prayer ministry and giving sermons and teaching. I had no idea. All I knew was I was supposed to start by praying for kids and that's what I was doing every Thursday morning seven o'clock, and so that was May 21st 2022. And May 22nd 2023 is where that thing surfaced back up about, you know, about the great works that we have done, with the prayer ministry going from three to 195 people.

Speaker 1:

And then here we are again today with him reminding me because, again, y'all, like I said, I just flipped it and picked it up, reminding me because I came in with a Lord what does Mighty Works look like for you? Am I on track? I just want to please him. I'm not trying to please y'all and he gave me the exact word to reconfirm what he said concerning my assignment. Okay, mighty works. So mighty works for me looks like just being obedient.

Speaker 1:

Here's another example. I'm trying to give y'all an example because I don't want you to miss the opportunities. When he gives you something that you think is really a small. Oh, that's never going to work, that's not going to happen. But there is something in me, when I know the Holy Spirit is telling me to do something, that I say and I know I'm going to have to stop saying this at some point I'll say I'm going to do it with or without you, but it's because I have a hunger to be submitted to his call on my life, to his instructions. And when you go in with that posture, he sends everyone and everything you need to bring it to pass, because it's the Holy Spirit working through you to get things done. It's not me just popping up with ideas. So another example, and again, I want you to be encouraged, because sometimes they come as just very small ideas.

Speaker 1:

And then people, you know, when someone tells me the Lord gave him a thought, an idea, a business idea, whatever, and if six months later you've done nothing with him like you, just you missed your season. You got to, you got to get on it, you got to get on it Right. So another one is and Tracy will be my, my, my confirmation on here with with the backpacks for kids, and I had no idea what school, I had no idea which, you know, what kids. I had no idea, none of that. So the seed was planted in me that I needed to help kids and I needed to do this thing concerning children, and it was tied back to getting them prepared for school and that's all I knew. And then, as I echoed that out, this is what the Lord has shown me. I don't know how we're going to do it. I don't know where these kids are, who they are. Then the Lord started to. I said yes to that, I took it back to him. Lord, I believe this is what you want me to do. I think this is what we're supposed to do. So I'm going to believe and trust.

Speaker 1:

And when I received the assignment from him Lord, if this is what you want, I'm going right ahead I started to do the work right, because faith without works right. So I started to do the work, meaning I started to pull people together to say here's the idea and what are your thoughts? Is there a school that's in need? Who do we partner with? And he started to place people around us, so Tracy being one of them, and through Tracy came the name of a school. And then we got a contact and he pulled literally everything together.

Speaker 1:

So we launched this kindergarten school supply called Empower Packs, which I hope y'all are tapping into, because here now we have the ability to help 50 families, 50 children, based on just a word from God. And if I didn't listen to him saying Shelly, I want you to bless my people, if you just take that, as I just want you to bless your family, right. If you only focus on your family, right, maybe that's your assignment, but my assignment is nations is very different. So what is he calling you to do? And so in doing that, we're now able to bless not just 50 children, but the children that align in those families. So now it's generational, right Now it's their parents, now it's their teachers, now it's their school, now it's their community. That's a mighty work.

Speaker 1:

But that mighty work came from listening to where the Lord was telling us to just start. Just say yes, one small yes, that's all I did. I said yes and he aligned everything. And because our heart is to serve these children, because our heart is submitting to making sure that Jesus gets the glory, because we're not doing this for likes and clicks, because he knows that we are truly praying for these families, because we are doing this to lift them up right, many, many, many will be blessed. That's obedience. That's a mighty work.

Speaker 1:

So if your mighty work, if you're thinking, listen, we're all on social media and so maybe you're thinking your mighty work is to you know, I'm going to throw up a scripture on TikTok and read it and I'm going to sound good, I'm going to get a bunch of likes and clicks, but you're doing absolutely nothing, nothing outside of that. Maybe your mighty works is come off a TikTok and go into your neighborhood and go check on your neighbor and see if your neighbors are okay. It's summertime. There's a lot of kids in school that don't have access to food or lunch. Maybe this is a time where your mighty works is just go make sure your neighbor is eating, and it doesn't matter if you're living in a mansion or not. I know a lot of rich people who are broke. Maybe it's the time that you check on your neighbors, not just your family.

Speaker 1:

And if God has assigned you to focus on that's your seat right, that's your assignment, is your family. Check on your family. If you've been graced that God wants you to check on your community, been graced that God wants you to check on your community Because that's your span right, that's your jurisdiction. Check on your community. Go into your libraries and say hi to people and do mighty works, because you never know who you're going to impact. And if you were called, like me, to reach nations and you have no business sitting on the sideline when he gives you something to do, go do it. He will send you all the help you need because his work, it must be done.

Speaker 1:

So I pray this bless you, because he is in the business of giving us the favor and the grace so that his work is done, and I want to do the work and you know he will make everything else fall in line. So you can't even use the excuse of I don't have time because I'm very busy. Oh, I'm very busy, but I'm very blessed because it's his work that allows me to do everything else. Everything else falls in line because I am doing, I'm saying yes to God. Everything else falls in line because I'm saying yes to God. His work is always ahead of everything else. So, lord, I thank you for your amazing grace. I thank you for your amazing favor.

Speaker 1:

I thank you, lord God, for the assignments that you have given us, that you have set us apart to do mighty works. Lord, I pray for every single person under the sound of my voice, that they will be encouraged to do a mighty thing, even in what we call the small things, even if our mighty works is just being kind to one another. In this season that you'll give us the grace so that we can be kind to each other, lord, I ask, lord God, that you'll even bring it back to remember. Some of us need to be reminded of what you brought us through, so that we can even celebrate that, knowing that that was you giving us your favor and your grace. Lord, I pray for those who are asking what is their assignment, lord, show them that their assignment is to be worshipers, to be prayers, to be submitted to what you say we should do. And just taking that one small yes, I thank you, lord, for blessing every single one of us. We don't deserve it. It is nothing but your grace. We thank you for your mercy and your goodness.

Speaker 1:

I thank you for every life impacted, influenced and touched through these prayers. Lord God, through these lives, lord God, I thank you for two years of constant, ever-shifting, faithful, amazing, blessed, lord God, everything. Thank you for two years of constant, ever-shifting, faithful, amazing, blessed Lord God, everything that you have done for two years, touching these lives to go further than I ever would have dreamed or imagined. I thank you for the many people who have heard a word on this channel. I thank you for the prayer ministry that was born out of a need to pray. I thank you, lord God, for every person who is aligned to come out of the wilderness prayer ministry, that they will go farther than me, that they will reach nations, that they will bless many, that this is a month of uncommon favor and grace.

Speaker 1:

I thank you for every person that is on LinkedIn and X and Instagram and TikTok, wherever they're listening to our voice, that this is a season of uncommon grace in favor for them, that they will see that manifested in their lives. They will come to know that you are real. I thank you, lord, for using me, this broken and chipped vessel, to get your word out to do mighty works. And in the same way that you will do it for me, I know that you will do it for those who are willing. So, for those who are willing, lord, god, I pray that you will set them apart this season and bless them and guide them so they can do it. Thank you, holy Spirit, for bringing back to a memory my remembrance, lord, god, of what you have done in just two years, of your mighty work. Your work came to life and I thank you for your faithfulness concerning the restoration of the hearts and minds of people that we touch. Thank you, lord, for your amazing grace. Thank you for your amazing grace. Amen Y'all.

Speaker 1:

I hope this bless you. I hope this encourage you to go out and do mighty works, y'all, and encourage the people who you see doing it. People need encouragement. This is hard. This is hard, it's very, it's taxing. It's taxing but it's amazing. So if you see someone who is trying to lift other people up, you lift them up. Maybe that's your mighty work. You're lifting the people who are doing the work. Amen, all right, I will be back next Thursday. Next Thursday is the last part of this series of grace and I'm already excited about what we're working on for the month of June. June, I cannot believe June is almost here. So y'all make sure you like the video if you're on the social media street, because that helps us get more eyeballs and our purpose is to help as many people as possible. So God bless you, I love you and I will see you next week. Take care.

Uncommon Grace and Mighty Works
Mighty Works Through Obedience
Do Mighty Works Through Obedience