Mrs. PIE

Navigating Change with a Steadfast Heart: Finding Solace and Strength in God's Promise

May 21, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 25
Navigating Change with a Steadfast Heart: Finding Solace and Strength in God's Promise
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Navigating Change with a Steadfast Heart: Finding Solace and Strength in God's Promise
May 21, 2024 Season 3 Episode 25
Shelley Jeffcoat

Looking for clarity and comfort amidst life's changes? Dive into our latest podcast episode where we explore the profound peace found in steadfast faith. We'll share personal stories and scriptural wisdom, drawing from Ephesians 4:20-24, to guide us in embracing our new identity in righteousness and holiness. Join us as we discuss divine protection, spiritual renewal, and the transformative journey of growing closer to our Savior.

This episode also celebrates the power of prayer and worship. We'll intercede for those facing transformative seasons, lifting up names like Wendy, Tracy, and Sandra, and declaring God’s promises over their lives. Concluding with a space of gratitude, we honor the love and transformative power of our faith. Tune in to find strength in God’s promises and rejoice in the life-altering name of Jesus Christ, affirming that nothing can separate us from His love. Download now to join our journey of faith and renewal.

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Looking for clarity and comfort amidst life's changes? Dive into our latest podcast episode where we explore the profound peace found in steadfast faith. We'll share personal stories and scriptural wisdom, drawing from Ephesians 4:20-24, to guide us in embracing our new identity in righteousness and holiness. Join us as we discuss divine protection, spiritual renewal, and the transformative journey of growing closer to our Savior.

This episode also celebrates the power of prayer and worship. We'll intercede for those facing transformative seasons, lifting up names like Wendy, Tracy, and Sandra, and declaring God’s promises over their lives. Concluding with a space of gratitude, we honor the love and transformative power of our faith. Tune in to find strength in God’s promises and rejoice in the life-altering name of Jesus Christ, affirming that nothing can separate us from His love. Download now to join our journey of faith and renewal.

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Speaker 1:

Oh, I trust in God, my Savior, the one who will never fail. He'll never fail. He will never fail. Oh, I trust in God, my Savior, who will never fail. He will never fail. He'll never fail. Never seen the righteous forsaken, Never seen his seed begging for bread. Oh, we serve a faithful God.

Speaker 1:

I sought the Lord and he heard and he answered. I sought the Lord and he heard and he answered. I sought the Lord and he heard and he answered. That's why I trust him. That's why I trust him. I sought the Lord and he heard and he answered. I sought the Lord and he heard and he answered. I sought the Lord and he heard and he answered me. I sought the Lord and he heard and he answered me. That's why I trusted. That's why I trusted. That's why I trusted. I sought the Lord and he heard and he answered me. I sought the Lord and he heard and he heard me. He pitied every groan. He answered me. I'm going to sing it again. That's why I trusted. That's why I trusted. I saw the Lord and he heard my every cry, Our God. He heard and he answered. I saw the Lord and he heard. That's why I trust him. That's why I trust him. That's why I trust in God, my Savior, the one who will never fail. He will never fail. I trust in God. I trust in God, my Savior, the one who will never fail. He will never fail. I sought the Lord. I sought the Lord and he heard the answer. I sought the Lord and he heard the answer. I sought the Lord and he heard and he answered. That's why I trust him. I've got to trust him. I saw the Lord and he heard and he answered. I saw the Lord and he heard and he answered. I saw the Lord and hurt any answer. That's why I've got to trust Him. I'm strong for the Lord. Any hurt, any answer. I'm strong for the Lord. Any hurt, any answer. I'm strong for the Lord. Any hurt, any answer, that'll talk to God. Any answer, any answer. That's why I trust Him. That's why I trust in God, my Savior, the one who will never fail. He will never fail.

Speaker 2:

Amen. I trust in God. That's a statement. That's not a guess, that's not a wish, that's not a hope. That's just a firm statement that I trust in God. I thank you, lord, for tonight. I thank you for bringing us together, lord, god, well, we are here because we trust you, we believe you, we want to hear more from you, we want to connect with you, and so tonight, I pray that you'll quiet our own spirits so that you, holy Spirit, you're the only voice that we hear, that you will speak to each of our hearts, lord God, that you will speak into our lives and so we can hear you very clearly, loudly. Above everything else, it is you that we seek, we trust you, we need you and we worship you.

Speaker 2:

We thank you, lord, that you brought us to another Tuesday night, lord God, which means you spared our lives another day. You brought us through another 24 hour, 48 hours, 72 hour cycle, lord God, you're bringing us through this season of change and, lord, as we continue to seek you out, we want to be more like you. We want to be conformed to you, holy Spirit, to what you want us to be, the people that we were created to be. We want to do what you've created us to do, called us to do. We want to finish our assignments and so, lord, as we are going through this season of change, as we are still in the month of May, the month of grace, lord, we just thank you for all that you have already done. We thank you for the changes that we are going through, lord, the spiritual changes, lord, deepening our walk and our trust and belief in you, and the work that you have done in us, lord God, to change us in this way, and the work that you've done, lord God, even in the flesh, that we are seeking you out more than you know, more than we have before, that we want to have a communion and a worship with you, Lord Jesus. We want to know you better, we want to understand your will for our lives. So we thank you, lord, we trust you, we honor you for this day of this time, and we thank you for what you are doing in this moment in our lives. So, y'all, we're going to continue what we started on Monday. We were talking about changes. I'm just going to start sharing out my screen and then we're going to keep it moving, and then I just need someone, a kind soul to let me know when you can see that it says Tuesday. You see, this changes everything. You can see it. All right, amen. So we're going to get right into it Again.

Speaker 2:

We always, we always, we come to the altar Thanksgiving, all right. So we just take a minute to just thank the Lord because, again, he's brought us to we don't even know all the things that he saved us from just today just to bring us to this moment. So the word says give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.

Speaker 2:

So, lord, we just want to take a moment just to thank you because you are good, you are a good father, you are a good provider, you are a good God and you know even, lord God, in the situations where we are in pain and we are struggling or we are confused, whatever it is, lord God, we still believe, we still give thanks for you. We give thanks for your mercy, we give thanks for your grace, we give thanks for your kindness towards us, we give thanks because you have blessed us. We give thanks for your strength, lord God, we give thanks for the testimonies, our lives becoming witnesses of your goodness. Lord, we give thanks for what you have done. We give thanks for the things that you have undone, the things that were meant to destroy us, that we thank you for protecting us from things seen and unseen. We thank you, lord, god, because you are active. We thank you, holy Spirit, that you are active in our lives, that you are speaking to us through this myriad of noises and everything that's happening. We thank you for still speaking into our lives. We thank you, Lord, that your love endures forever and that nothing changes, that nothing separates us from your love.

Speaker 2:

We thank you for what your word says concerning the life of every single person on this call, lord God, that you have still plans for us, that you formed us, you knew us, you knitted us together, as your word said, lord God, but you even know where we're going. We thank you for still enduring, putting up with us, lord Jesus, some days I keep saying what a mighty God I serve, that he would even forgive our sin and iniquity. We thank you for that. We thank you for just being a kind and good father, a good Abba to your children. We thank you for that. Amen, amen. Y'all. Don't make me be the only one talking, because I have very little voice. So we're going into confession, almighty God. We acknowledge and confess that we've sinned against you in thought, word and deed. We have not loved you with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We have not loved our neighbor as ourselves, deep within us, our sorrow of compassion and grace Slow the anger of the mercy.

Speaker 1:

There's always forgiveness. Lord us the joy of your mind, of that which is broken.

Speaker 2:

Give light to our mind, strength to our wills and rest to our souls, each of us, with the word of God, us, your holy will, amen. Thank you, lord, lord, for receiving our confession. Lord, lord, confession is good for the soul, you know. Lord, I just thank you that that, despite what we've done, that you know, by releasing these, these words, and confessing and coming before your presence, lord, and, and putting our heart on the table, our, our thoughts on the table, our actions, things that we've done with our hands, places we've gone with our feet, lord God, things that we've done against your will, lord, I thank you for forgiving us. I thank you that you are wiping the slate clean and that there is no condemnation. I thank you, lord, god, that you're releasing us from any feeling of condemnation that the devil is a lie. We thank you for loving us so much that you're forgiving us for our iniquities and our sins, and we release them to you now, lord God, we thank you for blessing us, amen. So there's a statement that was made as a commentary from Charles Swindle, and he says when you accept the fact that sometimes seasons are dry and times are hard and that God is in control of both, you will discover a sense of divine refuge, because the hope then is in God and not in yourself. And that is such a powerful statement because, especially when we're going through seasons that are dry and times are hard, a lot of times, you know, we'll tend to say, well, that must just be the enemy working. But the truth is God is still in control of everything and that he will even use the dry and the hard times to draw you closer to him so that he can work something out in such a magnitude that we can't take credit for his work, and I thank you, lord, that you have a divine refuge for us. Our hope is still in you, father, it's not in what we can do. So as we're going through the prayers tonight, we're starting in scriptures, ephesians 4, verse 20 to 24. And it talks about change being the part of the process. So it reads like this but that is not the way you learn Christ, Assuming that you have heard about him and were taught in him, as the truth is in Jesus to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your minds. Reminds of the spirit, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God, in true righteousness and in holiness, and what it tells you. When the word is telling you, when the Lord is telling you that we have to go through a process where we're being renewed in the spirit of our mind, when he tells us that we have to put on our new self, when he shows us the example that we're created after the likeness of God, what it says in true righteousness and in holiness, it really teaches us that change is a part of the process. You can't be your old self. You can't be your old self and put on your new self. At the same time, something has to be shunned off right, something has to change.

Speaker 2:

And so, as we go through prayers tonight, we're going to be touching on these three points, and the first one is Isaiah 46, 10. And he talks about declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times, things not yet done, saying my, my counsel shall stand and I will accomplish all my purpose. What is it? What this is saying is, again, we are, we are praying what the word says about us. There's something that is true for us the counsel that that God has given us. What he has said about us, we will accomplish. Again, we're going to declare this back I'm going to accomplish all my purpose. No matter what I'm going through, I'm going to, I'm going to accomplish my purpose. The council stands what God has declared in your life from the beginning. And I always say, father, what you said about me from the ancient of days anything that I haven't completed yet, it will be finished according to your will, according to your purpose. So, again, this is as we're going through change and you start feeling like I might be in a hard place. I might be in a rough place, but just believing in God that what he started he will finish and you will accomplish your purpose. So this is again change for that. So just pray this over yourself as the Holy Spirit tells you what to say and as he leads you how to pray this prayer point over yourself.

Speaker 2:

Father, I thank you for every person, under the sound of my voice, that you have established us. Father, you knew us from the beginning, from the ancient times, when you established us as your people. Anything that was not yet done, lord God, anything that you have set us apart to do, lord God, even in these seasons of change, lord God, we're going to be able to accomplish. We're going to accomplish all of our purpose, everything that we've been set aside to do, lord God, father, I thank you and we're declaring now that everything that you have set aside for us to do from the ancient of days, father, when you completed us in the garden, lord God, when you gave us our heavenly assignment, when you established us as your children, when you selected us, when you chose us, when you drew us back to Christ, when you reconciled us through your love and through the blood of Jesus Christ, through his sacrifice, every single thing that was set apart for us to do we will accomplish, and we thank you for that, lord God, for not forgetting your people, not forgetting your children. The word says your counsel shall stand and I thank you for declaring, lord God, that what you have said about us is true. What you have started, you will finish, no matter what we are going through, the changes that we go through, lord God, that you will accomplish your purpose and we will stand and accomplish our purpose, lord God, according to what you have called us to do. Amen, amen.

Speaker 2:

Ephesians 1, verse 11,. It says in him we have obtained an inheritance, having been predestined according to the purpose of him, who works all things according to the counsel. Again, he's coming back with the counsel of his will. To understand his counsel, to understand his guidance, to understand his will, to understand what that means, you have to have a relationship with the Holy Spirit. That's who gives you the counsel, that's who gives you the guidance, that's who helps you to be aligned with what he says so that, no matter what season of change you're going through, no matter how hard things look for you right now, you got to remember that we have obtained this inheritance. It's in him, based on what Jesus did for us. We have this inheritance. It says we have been predestined according to the purpose of him, jesus, and he's working all things according to the counsel of his will. So in this prayer point, we're just asking God to complete again, complete or finish what you have started, no matter what we are going through, the change and the season that we're in.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, we thank you that we have received and obtained your inheritance.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, we are seated in heavenly places in him, in Christ. Lord God, I thank you that, as we are, as you are in us, lord Jesus, that we are in you. Thank you, lord God, thank you, holy Spirit that, as we are in Christ, he is in us. I thank you that we have been predestined. We have been set apart according to his purpose. I thank you, lord God, that you are working all things according to the counsel of your will, not ours.

Speaker 2:

I thank you, lord God, that every seasonal change that we are going through, every shift, everything that is happening right now, whether we understand it or not, the spiritual changes that we are going through right now, as we're being drawn even closer and deeper into a relationship with you, that that is according to your counsel, it's you working all things together, lord God.

Speaker 2:

I thank you that this inheritance that we have includes, lord God, a relationship with you, lord God, and nothing can shake that. We have been predestined. Nothing can take that. I thank you, lord God, for blessing us, lord God, that we are predestined, lord God, so that means that nothing the enemy says about us is true, that nothing can remove us from your hands, lord God. I thank you for the power, lord God, that you have given. You have established in us, through the Holy Spirit, in our lives, lord God, a testament to your love for us, that nothing will remove you from us, lord God, and it is in that inheritance, now that we tap into that, lord God, and we're receiving your counsel.

Speaker 2:

Father, give them your counsel concerning their lives in this season. Lord God, what is your will for their lives, father? I pray that you will release your counsel and give them your mighty words, give them your guidance, give them the completeness, give them the direction, give them the knowledge, give them the understanding. Lord God, lord, meet them where they are, lord God, lord, speak to them so they know what your counsel is concerning directions and situations. Lord God, in this season of change, lord God, whether it's job, whether it's our finances, whether it's our families, our children, lord God, father, give them your counsel, lord God, and give it to us straight, lord God, so we make no mistakes. We want to hear from you clearly, holy Spirit, what is your counsel, what is your will concerning what we should do in this season of change. Lord God, and as we are leaning on you, we are trusting and believing that you are receiving. You are receiving unto you our words, our prayers, lord God, father, we understand that our prayers is not a one way, it's a two way. So, lord, as we quiet our very spirit, so we can hear from you clearly, lord. Speak loudly, speak boldly to us so we can hear what you say, lord God, and hear your counsel towards our lives.

Speaker 2:

Daniel 2.21 says he changes times and season. He removes kings and sets up kings. You see, god is in control of all of this and some of the kings in our lives need to be toppled. Amen. I thank you, lord, that you give wisdom to the wise, and the word says knowledge to those who have understanding. So we're going to pray this, father. It's you that changes times and seasons, it's you that's in control. So, father, I ask now that you will show us, lord God, show us the mysteries of the seasons that we're in, so we can understand our placement, so we can understand the times that we are in, so we know when to make a move and when not to, to make the right decision. That's in alignment, father. We want to be in the right place at the right time. So, lord, I even ask that you will accelerate season, lord God, so we're in alignment with your will for our life.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, I thank you for removing kings, anything that was established in authority in our lives that did not come from you, anything that we've set up altars. For that we have been praying for. That is not from you, anything that is an authority, that is not the Lord Jesus Christ. I ask that you will remove them, lord God, that you will place us under the authority of Jesus Christ himself. I thank you, lord, for what you are doing, that you are removing any obstacle, any roadblock, anything, any altar, anything that we have put in place that supersedes your word. Lord God, that that is removed now.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, I thank you, lord, for the wisdom that you're releasing to your sons and daughters. Lord, god, father, give us wisdom. It says wisdom to the wise, it means you gotta be wise. So, father, I ask that, as we are moving into this season of change, that you will work on our minds, lord God, and our hearts, so that we will seek to be wise in your word and in your counsel. Holy Spirit, here is where we ask for you to meet us, lord God, you are the counselor. So now I ask you, Holy Spirit, that you will give us spiritual wisdom and guidance, that you will give us spiritual wisdom and guidance, that you will speak to our spirits, that you will echo in our dreams, that you will show up. You will show up in the word, that you will show up in people, that you will send confirmation, you will send interruptions, that you'll touch us on the shoulder. I thank you, lord God, for the holy ones that you've assigned to us to carry out the works in our lives. The holy ones that you've sent, lord God, to give us wisdom, to bring us a quick word, to accelerate the seasons. Lord God, I ask that, now that you bless every single person under the sound of my voice, that they will be blessed with wisdom Wisdom surpasses all understanding. I thank you, lord God, for what you're going to do for us.

Speaker 2:

To make things plain and clear, lord, as we are entering into this month of May, lord, god, lord, we don't want to leave this month without seeing a testimony every day from you, lord God, to show that you are a true, real God. Abba, you know, we know who you are. Use our lives as witnesses and testimonies to the world of your goodness, lord God. So, lord, I ask that you will give us the wisdom to know what it is you telling us to move. Give us the wisdom, lord God, that aligns back to your word, and give us confirmation so we know that we're in alignment with what you say. And, lord, give us knowledge. Father, I ask that you will. Even we'll just be so hungry to learn more about you, hungry to just get into your word, hungry to break open your word and read what your word says about us. And, holy Spirit, I pray that you will meet us in counsel and give us wise counsel when it comes to your holy scriptures, so we can apply the scriptures to our lives, that we will find what we are looking for in scripture, met by the power of the Holy Ghost, met by the word that is Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, I thank you that, as you open up your mighty scriptures, that it's not just reading words on a page, that the Bible is alive. The scripture is alive. Would you meet us in the scriptures, lord God, father, if it's even a verse, would you drop a verse in our heart, lord God, that we can lock it in, that will give us understanding for the seasons that we're in? Father, would you use that now, lord God, would you do that for us now? Drop a scripture in our hearts that remind us of your greatness, of your goodness, something that brings us back to that altar of love, of faith, of trust that we have with you, lord God, something that reminds us, lord God, a word that you gave us before. Lord God, would you bring it back, father God? Would you bring it back to our remembrance now, what you have said concerning this season that we are in?

Speaker 2:

Lord God, the enemy has tried to steal our mind, to steal our peace, lord God, lord God, the enemy has even been stealing dreams. I cancel that in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Lord, open their eyes so they'll even see you in dreams, so they will get the clarity that they need. Would you right side every one of us, lord God, so we can hear from you clearly through the noise? Oh God, we want wisdom and understanding that comes directly from heaven. So, father, I ask that you will release that to them, lord God, that as they go into meditation with you and they seek to hear you out, that you will drop the scripture in their spirit, lord God, the word that you have allocated for them, lord God, it's the word, lord God, that comes to life. Oh, lord God, I ask that you will bless that very same scripture that you have given to your sons and daughters, lord God, and bring it back to your memory so they can carry out the purpose, lord God, the purpose and the will for their lives as we're going through this season of change. So we don't lose hope. I thank you, lord God, for what you're going to do for us. Lord God, bring it back to our memory, holy Spirit, oh Lord, and cause a great hunger for us to learn and to read more of your word. Thank you, lord, thank you, lord, for understanding. Lord God, thank you, lord, amen.

Speaker 2:

So tonight we're praying for three families and the word says Ruth 2, 12 through 13,. And the word says Ruth 2, 12 through 13,. The Lord repay you for what you have done and a full reward be given to you by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you've come to take refuge. Then she said I have found favor in your eyes, my Lord, where you've comforted me and spoken kindly to your servants, though I'm not one of your servants.

Speaker 2:

This is a verse from Ruth, and this is so important. This is about women going through changes, and I'm not in nobody's business. I'm just telling you what I'm hearing, okay? So, women going through changes, and in the same way that Ruth had to go through a magnificent change when she decided to follow Naomi. Amen, that was a change. All right, that's something she had to decide, that she had to make a change. But what the Lord did? Her prayer? She said the Lord repay you for what you have done.

Speaker 2:

I'm praying that over Wendy and Tracy and Sandra tonight, may the Lord repay you for what you have done and a full reward be given you by the Lord, the God of Israel. It's under his wings that you have refuge. I thank you, jesus, that they have found favor in his eyes. Lord, I thank you that Wendy, tracy and Sandra have found favor in your eyes. You comfort them and you're speaking kindly about your servants. Father, I thank you for blessing these women as they are going through a season of change, that they have found favor in your eyes. Lord God, I thank you for blessing these women as they are going through a season of change, that they have found favor in your eyes. Lord God, I thank you that they have refuge under your wings. I thank you that there will be a full reward. I thank you that you repaid to them what the enemy has stolen. Lord God, I ask that you will give peace and comfort over their household. Lord God, that you bless every single woman under the sound of my voice, lord God, and any family, lord God, connected to any of us in this prayer ministry.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, that's going through a season of change. Father God, I pray that you will restore back to them what was stolen, lord God, be it financial, be it peace of mind, be it health. Lord God, whatever the enemy has stolen from them, let it be repaid. A full reward, lord God, that comes from you. O Lord, my God of Israel.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, I thank you for giving them favor in your eyes. I thank you for comforting them. I thank you for speaking kindly of your daughters, lord God. Father, I thank you that we can say we are one of your children, that we are blessed and we are favored, and I thank you for Wendy and Tracy and Sandra, that they are gonna be blessed and highly favored, that they will come to see your grace this season, lord God, and that, whatever it is they are going through, lord God, only you know, lord God. You know the prayers that's on their hearts, lord God, and so I pray, lord God, that you will bless every single woman represented. You know what they stand in need of.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, let this be a season of testimony, let there be an overflow of blessings in their lives, let everything they touch be prosperous. Lord God, father, I ask that you bring them back to you, lord God, and as you are working on these women through their circumstances, I pray, lord, that this is a season that they will relinquish their heart, lord God, to you, knowing that it is you. Lord God, our heart belongs to you. So, lord, I ask that you will pour out an overflow of love on these women, lord God, as you draw them closer to you through these circumstances, so you can demonstrate the power of your love. It is you that will restore them and bless them, lord God, and I thank you for everything that you're going to do to their families and anyone connected to them. Lord God, and I thank you for everything that you're going to do to their families and anyone connected to them, lord God, and I pray that same prayer over every single soul, lord God, who's within this prayer ministry, who's going through a season of change, who just needs to be reminded and encouraged that our God is a good God, that the reward comes from you, that everything you said about us will be accomplished, that we have found favor in your eyes that you have, comfort us, that you speak kindly about us in heaven.

Speaker 2:

Oh, father, I ask that, as we have written out their names, this was done on purpose. You see, I could have done this without just writing their names out, but the Lord needs our names written out because there's other people seeing this, not just us. So I speak to those who are watching and taking record. I speak to those, the holy ones, who are recording what is happening, that you are recording the names of Wendy, tracy and Sandra in heaven right now, that you're opening the doors of heaven for them, that they are his, they belong to him. The true God, the high priest, that you are seeing and you're recording in the great book, lord God, of these three women, lord God, every family represented generations to come, that they are blessed, and I thank you, lord, that you are writing their names, lord God, in the book of blessings, lord God, that you're blessing them right now in your holy name. Amen, amen, amen, amen. All right y'all. We go to declaration. I declare this day that no weapon formed against me can prosper, because I'm the righteousness of God.

Speaker 2:

It surrounds me as a shield. Divine protection surrounds me as a shield.

Speaker 1:

I am therefore at the right place at the right time.

Speaker 2:

I cannot be defeated or destroyed. In fact, every tongue that accuses me, every tongue that attacks me, I condemn with my word. This is my heritage, this is my right as a child of God. I'm made in his image, made with his dominion and I'm sorry, I'm living in his image. I'm coming forth out of my sin, out of my world.

Speaker 1:

I declare today that Satan has no power over my life.

Speaker 2:

That every weapon he has has been defeated.

Speaker 1:

Fear is cast out. Fear is cast out. Therefore I cannot fail.

Speaker 2:

All God's word cannot fail, and that's what I'm made of. That's what I'm made of. I'm made of his life, the power of the Holy Spirit and the glory of his word. Therefore, by the blood of Jesus, I am able to take the places of most high. I abide under the shadow of the Almighty, I say of the Lord you are my refuge.

Speaker 2:

My God, you are my refuge. Amen, Amen, amen. Lord, I thank you. I thank you, lord, for what your word said about us is true, and it doesn't matter what season we're in. It's still true. That you're faithful from everlasting to everlasting, that you have recorded our prayers, even the ones we dare not utter out of our mouths, that you have heard our cry, and thank you, lord God, for meeting us at the altar tonight. Thank you for taking our prayers, lord God, but thank you for answering, lord God. I thank you for releasing your word. I thank you, lord God, for what you have already done in this season, in this timeline, for your children. I bless your holy name, abba, I worship you. I see your presence, lord, you are amazing. Father, I ask that you will just pour out and cover this tent, lord God, and let your glory fall on us now, lord God, father, I thank you for your holy presence. I thank you, lord, for your holy presence. Lord God, I pray that you will just let your glory fall on your children now. That is what we seek, lord your covering, your protection, your presence, your holy presence. So, father, I ask that you would just let your glory cover us, lord, if we could just walk away with a sense of your love and your touch. I thank you for what you have done for us. I thank you, lord, for what you are doing for us. Thank you, lord, god, thank you, jesus, thank you, lord. Thank you, lord. We're going to declaration.

Speaker 2:

Mark 11, 24 says therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours, father. I thank you, I thank you for reminding us that what we are asking in prayer, if we believe, if we believe we received it and it is ours. So, father, every prayer that was uttered tonight, those that were said out loud and those that were uttered in our hearts, lord God, that we believe that we're receiving the answers from you, lord God, we believe it is ours. We thank you for the answers, lord God. We thank you for the doors that you have opened this hour. We thank you for the blessings to come, the blessings that are here. We thank you for opening our eyes to see opportunities. We thank you for aligning us with the right phone call, the right people, putting us in the right place at the right time. We thank you for blessing with your holy presence tonight. We thank you, lord God, for what you have done. We believe, lord God, in what you are doing for us in our lives and we thank you, lord God. We believe that it is ours. Amen, amen, amen.

Speaker 2:

All right, just one minute of praise. We're just going to praise God. So we just thank you. We praise God. So we just thank you, we praise you. I honor you, lord, I honor you, abba. I thank you for what you have done.

Speaker 2:

I praise your holy name. You are worthy to be praised. You are magnificent. Who but you, lord God? I am nothing but dust. Oh, we worship you. We praise your holy name. Your name is great, above all names. Oh, great Yahweh, I love you so much. Thank you, father, for what you have done. Thank you, lord Jesus, thank you, lord.

Speaker 2:

We can't stop singing your praises. We can't stop singing your praises of what you have done for us, things that we don't even know of. You've saved us, lord God, thank you for bringing us together. We praise you. We give all praises. Lord God, every blessing comes from you. You are a mighty Jesus. You are my friend, you are my best friend, you are my Lord and my King. I submit to you, you are everything.

Speaker 2:

We worship your holy name, we bless you and I thank you, holy Spirit, for being real for me. We praise your name and we thank you for your presence. We thank you for causing us to praise. We thank you for your presence. We thank you for causing us to praise. We thank you for causing us to praise the name of Jesus Christ. We thank you that it is his name, oh God, that does everything and activates everything. It is nothing but the name of Jesus Christ. We understand the power that brings. We understand the things that it breaks off and destroys. We understand the moves of heaven. I thank you, lord God, and I praise your holy name. Thank you, lord God, for showing up for me tonight.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, thank you for blessing us.

Speaker 2:

Lord God, we praise you for what you have done. Oh, you are worthy. Oh, you are worthy. Father, I can praise you all night. I will sing praises in the day. I will sing praises at night. I worship and honor you. You are a great shepherd. You are worthy. Let your glory fall on us. Let our lives be changed for the better.

Speaker 2:

Lord, we want to be better, lord God, at worshiping you and praising you and honoring you. We want to do better at seeking you out. We give you praise for that, because it is you drawing us onto you, not us running to you. So we even praise you for drawing us back to you, for reconciling us back to your love. We thank you for the changes that's happening in our lives and we praise you for that. We praise you because it's you conforming us. It's you, lord, it's you giving us the strength, though we have the will to choose. We choose you, lord, we choose you, jesus, with all our hearts, and we praise you for even giving us the opportunity to choose. We praise your holy name. There is nothing that will separate us from the love of Jesus Christ. We thank you for that and we praise you for that opportunity. We thank you for that, lord God, amen, amen, amen.

Speaker 2:

All right, we're going to benediction. Amen, amen, amen. All right, we're going to benediction now. To him, who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us. To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen, amen. All right, let me stop. I'm going to stop sharing. That was a bing bang, boom. All right, let me stop recording.

Trust in God
Embracing Change and Divine Refuge
Prayer Points for Season of Change
Prayer for Women Going Through Change
Praise and Worship With Gratitude
Praise and Worship Celebration