Mrs. PIE

Flattening Mountains with the Power of Grace

May 16, 2024 Shelley Jeffcoat Season 3 Episode 24
Flattening Mountains with the Power of Grace
Mrs. PIE
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Mrs. PIE
Flattening Mountains with the Power of Grace
May 16, 2024 Season 3 Episode 24
Shelley Jeffcoat

Listen to our latest podcast episode, where we explore the transformative power of grace—a divine force capable of reshaping our greatest challenges. In a deep dive into the heart of Zechariah 4, we reveal that our victories stem not from mere human effort, but from God. This episode unravels how grace, more than just a blessing, acts as a powerful catalyst that, when fueled by our spoken words, transforms daunting obstacles into smooth paths.

As we navigate this theme, we examine the delicate interplay among faith, belief, and God’s ever-present grace in overcoming towering barriers like financial crises, career roadblocks, or intense personal struggles. We'll discuss how aligning our words with steadfast faith can unlock the spiritual realm’s capacity for profound change. Featuring a call for divine grace and favor, this episode shines as a guiding light, inspiring listeners to vocalize their faith and trust wholeheartedly in God’s ability to break down the obstacles ahead. Join us for a moment of shared prayer and experience the comfort of uncommon grace together. Let’s embrace this promise and journey towards transformation.

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Listen to our latest podcast episode, where we explore the transformative power of grace—a divine force capable of reshaping our greatest challenges. In a deep dive into the heart of Zechariah 4, we reveal that our victories stem not from mere human effort, but from God. This episode unravels how grace, more than just a blessing, acts as a powerful catalyst that, when fueled by our spoken words, transforms daunting obstacles into smooth paths.

As we navigate this theme, we examine the delicate interplay among faith, belief, and God’s ever-present grace in overcoming towering barriers like financial crises, career roadblocks, or intense personal struggles. We'll discuss how aligning our words with steadfast faith can unlock the spiritual realm’s capacity for profound change. Featuring a call for divine grace and favor, this episode shines as a guiding light, inspiring listeners to vocalize their faith and trust wholeheartedly in God’s ability to break down the obstacles ahead. Join us for a moment of shared prayer and experience the comfort of uncommon grace together. Let’s embrace this promise and journey towards transformation.

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Speaker 1:

no-transcript. Not only is May the month of grace, but it's also the month of allergies in Georgia, greece, but it's also the month of allergies in Georgia. So y'all bear with me. We're just going to try to bow through and get the word in this morning, and I'm just adjusting my lights for those of y'all who are watching live, or maybe you're going to be listening to us at the end of the week. I'm so grateful that we have lived to see another Thursday together. That is something to just thank God for. So thank you, god for just bringing us to another day. Good morning, tracy, faithful Tracy. Good morning Bless woman of God, right back at you, sis. God is so good. So we're going to be talking about grace that moves mountains today. And again, lord, I'm just so grateful. Thank you, lord, for allowing us again to just come to your people us, me included with the word, and I pray that this will lift someone who is facing a mountain. Lord, god, maybe it's a mountain in their health, a mountain in their finance, a mountain in their mental health. Whatever it is Mountains in our lives that this teaching will encourage them and remind them about your uncommon and amazing favor that we all have access to as your children. So, lord, as we release this word this morning and even this prayer, I pray that everyone, under the sound of my voice, whether they're watching live, whether they're watching the replay, that they will come to understand and receive your uncommon grace. Amen. Grateful for grace for real. So we're going to go this morning.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to take us into a couple of scriptures. They're pretty short, but I'm still going to share my screen really quickly, and I was thinking about the types of grace. So we've been talking about grace. Again, when we talk about grace, which is charis, we were talking about grace and favor. Grace is favor and we're talking about the level of grace that God gives us in our lives. And I was in Zechariah 4, and I wanted to pull this out and to share with you because, again, when you go back into the word, sometimes it's based on the season that you're in, you'll see something different. Okay, so, based on the season where I am, where I have several mountains that I'm crying out to God that give me grace and favor and knock over these mountains right, flatten the plane, plane, you know, not make it plain, plain, as in, you know, taking everything down Right. And so this was some of the words that he showed me. So we're in Zechariah 4, definitely in the ESV version and this is verse 6.

Speaker 1:

Now, before I pull this out, this part of the word again, I always encourage people to go back and read the whole word in context. But this is again Zechariah and it talks about the angel that talked with me Now, first of all, in verse 1, I just wanted to also remind you guys with me now, first of all, in verse one. You know, I just wanted to also remind you guys, as you are going deeper into your faith and you're worshiping more and you're you know, you're, you're connecting now back to the Holy Spirit, that he will send help. He will send those who were meant to help you. He will send the angels who are assigned for you in that, in that season and I loved how it started with and the angel who talked with me came again. So I just want to put this out again, to just be mindful that we're not praying to angels y'all the Lord will assign who needs to come to you for a specific reason or a specific season, and you'll get the message. So, even now, I'm asking God that, lord, you will give them the spirit of revelation and that those who need to hear a special word, those who need to hear something out of this message, that they will not only receive it but you'll send the ones who are assigned to them so they can complete it. Amen, all right.

Speaker 1:

So verse six it says. Then he said to me this is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel, and not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord of hosts. Who are you, o great mountain? Now again, we're talking about mountain here. We're talking about things in your lives, right, mountain, right Before Zerubbabel, you shall become a plain, you should be flattened, and he shall bring forth the top stone amid. Watch this shouts of grace, grace to it. Now, when I first read this, I kind of sped through this part, but then I came back and I was like, hold on a second. There's something that we activate to flatten the mountains in our lives. Yes, Did you see that there's something that we can activate with our word, with our mouth, that will cause the mountains in your life, the issues, the big things right To be flattened, to become a plane to be flattened in your life, and the shouts of grace, grace to it, share with you.

Speaker 1:

When you look at, when you read the Bible, y'all, a lot of people just read it like it's just you know scripture, right, they just you know. I read the Bible in one year, okay, great. What did you get from it? How has your life changed? What has you know? What is your relationship like with the Lord? Have you, you know? Do you know the Holy Spirit? Like you know? You have to be deeper into the word. The word itself is Jesus. Right, word come flesh.

Speaker 1:

But there are things in the Bible, in scripture, that the Lord has given us to activate certain things and if you don't have the spirit of revelation, you will miss it. So, in the same way that the first time I came in here and I was looking at this verse, I'm like, why are you giving me this one? It was because I'm in a season where I'm looking to flatten some mountains in my life. Maybe the mountains in your life again, it's you know, you've got health, maybe it's a coworker, maybe it's your debt, you know D-E-B-T, maybe it's health. Whatever, it is right. You're in a season where you're crying out to God and the Lord is telling you that it's by spirit, says the Lord of hosts. Right, this is the word.

Speaker 1:

And so here now is the word where it talks about bringing forward the top stone amid shouts of grace. Grace to it. So when we talk about grace, it is very powerful. It's not just saying, it's not just again, not just yelling out the word grace, it is understanding how to activate spiritual things in our lives. Did you know that grace can be a command? Did you know that and I'm just reading out what the word says Did you know that you can speak to the mountains in your life and command them, leveling the playing field through grace? And obviously we know, or you should know, that this comes from God. It's not us, you know, just throwing out some words like it's an affirmation. Right, I'm going to show you something else Again. This is why, again, lord, please give them the spirit of revelation, so they can see your words differently.

Speaker 1:

So here is Matthew 17. This is when the Lord heals a boy with a demon. It's this Matthew 17, verses 14 through 20. And it starts off with them coming. I'm going to contextualize it a little bit. Y'all go back and read the full thing for yourself.

Speaker 1:

And when they came to the crowd, a man came up and knelt before him and he asked the Lord Jesus to have mercy on his son because he's had seizures and he suffers terribly and he would even fall into fire and then even into water. And he said look, I brought him to your disciples and they couldn't heal him. And Jesus answered oh, faithless and twisted generation, how long am I to be with you, how long am I to bear with you? Bring him to me. And then verse 18 says and Jesus rebuked the demon and it came out of him and the boy was healed instantly, instantly, right.

Speaker 1:

So now the disciples, in verse 19, they come to Jesus, privately, you know, and they say why couldn't we do it? Why could we not cast it out? And this is what he said to them. He said to them because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith, like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain move from here to there, and it will move and nothing will be impossible to you. And I'm calling this back to you again because again we saw in Zechariah 4, there is something again in the kingdom of God when we're talking about moving and shifting mountains big things, big things, right and the Lord is saying that you, we, you and I, because we have, we are, we are, we have, we're believers in Christ, we received him fully, we have the Holy Spirit because of the death of Jesus on the cross, because of all of these things, that if we have faith, if we just have a little faith, belief, right, that we can say to this mountain again, I tell you, guys, go back and read what he's actually saying. You will say speak to this mountain, move from here to there. Guys, go back and read what he's actually saying. You will say speak to this mountain, move from here to there. And it will move and nothing will be impossible for you. Nothing will be impossible for you. And I know I'm going to stop sharing.

Speaker 1:

I know that's kind of hard to accept when you're in a situation and you feel like there's so many mountains. When you're in a situation, you feel like there's so many mountains, there's so many problems. I can't see my way out of paying off these bills. I can't see my way of sending my kid to college. I'm dealing with a manager I just cannot get along with. I don't have a job. My business might be failing. I want to be promoted, I don't know how, like there's so many mountains, you know there's hell. There's, you know, mountains where you're a lot of adult children now taking care of their parents. That's a mountain, trying to figure out how you're going to feed your family. That might be a mountain. There's a lot of mountains and obstacles in our lives.

Speaker 1:

But the way that you crush those mountains is through faith one, belief two and grace three, and that grace can only come from God. It is the grace that he gives us. It's through grace, grace and favor, and what I love so much about this is that it's not a mystery, it's not a secret. You have access to the same grace I have access to. It's based on my faith and my belief. So I can wake up this morning knowing that I have two mountains today, but I'm already saying and declaring Lord God, I thank you that you have already flattened these mountains through your grace, thank you for the grace that you have given me, thank you for your uncommon grace, thank you for pouring out your grace on my life, thank you for your favor, your supernatural, uncommon favor and grace, lord God, so that this mountain and then I'll name the mountain will move. That's a prayer point.

Speaker 1:

So how you're approaching your mountains matter, but you have to know how to activate things spiritually. And, to Tracy's point, there is power in our words. That's why you got to be careful what you say, because one tongue, one word can destroy. So you might say something like you know, I cast out and bind up and blah, blah, blah, and then the next breath you build them right back up. Lord, I don't think it's going to happen. You have no faith.

Speaker 1:

So, father, I thank you for your word this morning. I thank you that you're reminding us that it does start with faith and our belief in you, not in ourselves. We don't have the strength, the power or the might. What the word says about us, lord. We are standing in agreement with what heaven says about us, and your word says that we can remove, we can break down these mountains by belief, by faith, and so we believe that and we receive that.

Speaker 1:

And, father, I ask that you will pour out your supernatural grace onto every single person who's under the sound of my voice. Let this be a month of supernatural grace and favor on every person who is listening to me, whether they're here today or listening 10 days from now. Let them be blessed, lord God, and come to see the goodness of the Lord. Let them see your goodness and your strength and your might in every mountain in their lives. Let every mountain in their lives be made plain, be dismantled, that everything that was a setup, everything that was placed in their lives to destroy them, everything, every mountain that was set up to destroy your people, let it be flattened now by your grace. Grace is what we speak onto it Grace, as your word says.

Speaker 1:

And so we activate that now, lord God, for every single person who is listening, and I thank you, god. It is you that is helping us. Thank you, holy Spirit, for blessing us and watching over us and sending help. We thank you for the help that you have sent us. Those who are assigned to us, those holy ones who are assigned to us. We thank you. We thank you that you are activating them in our lives so we can live a life of grace. We don't have to be afraid of the mountains, y'all. Through your faith, you can speak to that thing. So I pray that today this is going to bless you. I pray that this is going to encourage you, regardless of what your mountain.

Speaker 1:

If you don't believe me, just try it. If you don't believe me, just try Jesus today, cause that's what I'm going to do. I've got to go into this day and, like I said, I had two mountains and I've already said no, no, my grace. The Lord says his grace is sufficient for me. That's what the word says, right, that's what Jesus says that his grace is sufficient, it's enough. So that tells you how powerful it is to have his grace, his favor. And so, father, we thank you for your grace and your favor. I want more of your grace and favor. These are the things that you're saying as you're going through today, as you're dealing with your own mountains. Lord, I thank you for your grace and your favor. And, lord, I want bless me more with your grace and favor. Bless me with your grace and favor and watch those mountains come down. Y'all, that's a word for me. I'm gonna keep that for myself. I'm gonna keep that for myself.

Speaker 1:

I hope that, blessed y'all, you know again, I'm also praying for those of y'all who are in the allergy rut, like I am. That will be healed. You, those of y'all who are in the allergy rut, like I am, that will be healed. You still have to take care of your body. So, as you're asking God to heal you, and he gives you the resources, don't just sit back. You got to actually do something. It's not just praying weight. So, as you're having allergy issues, if he's showing you how to heal yourself, you need to go to the doctor. Do the things, do the things, y'all Do the things. Amen, and I pray that you'll get better.

Speaker 1:

Don't forget today is Thursday. We have a prayer line one o'clock and seven o'clock. You can see the numbers scrolling down below. And if you need prayer, you need to show up so we can pray with you and for you. And if you have prayer requests and you want to call in, you can say you know, you can reach me, you can send it to me. I'm just about everywhere. Right, we're going to be tapping into uncommon grace this month of May and I'm telling you it's already happening. So I love y'all. Jesus loves you more. Don't forget to like this video and share it with your friends so that we can help more people. All right, thank y'all for watching. Take care.

Activating Grace to Flatten Mountains
Overcoming Mountains Through Faith and Grace
Prayer Line and Uncommon Grace